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  1. in a hospitable manner
    she was received hospitably by her new family

How To Use hospitably In A Sentence

  • Pushing his way through the other passengers, with a discontented expression upon his genial face that rather misbecomes it, he emerges into the open air, to find that a smart drizzle, unworthy the name of rain, is falling inhospitably upon him. Molly Bawn
  • she was received hospitably by her new family
  • While I was thus employed the natives very hospitably made a fire in a vacant gunya, evidently for the purpose of warming poor Barney, our guide, who seemed miserably cold, having no covering except a jacket, thoroughly wet. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • He greeted Mr. Fear hospitably, having been so lately an offcast of the streets himself that his adoption had taught him to lose only his old tremors, not his hopefulness. The Conquest of Canaan
  • There I was hospitably entertained, and a supper of milk and goat's flesh with a kind of oatcake was set before me, of which I ate heartily. Erewhon; or, Over the range
  • The inanga, or small fry of a fresh-water fish, were offended at not being hospitably received on shore by the birds; on the other hand, the birds despised the inanga for being so small. Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before
  • Some neglected pleasances are so far gone that you cannot wish to live in them, but the forgottenness of the Villa d'Este hospitably allured me to instant and permament occupation, so that when I heard it could now be bought, casino and all, for thirty thousand dollars, nothing but the want of the money kept me from making the purchase. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • New ideas, even rather flaky ones, were treated hospitably.
  • One of the first evidences that the authorities were hospitably inclined was the arrival of a smart Victoria with driver and syce in scarlet liveries, all to he kept at the Residency during the length of my stay.
  • The skin serious conveniently is octopoda on the bonduc of the jird, and is upward hospitably offending with the frequently shelver of the day. Rational Review
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