How To Use Horseless carriage In A Sentence
An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage.
when automobiles first replaced horse-drawn carriages they were called horseless carriages
Blinders points out, it's chanceful and insane that we ease hit equid and carriages streaming alongside horseless carriages for the recreation of tourists who couldn't intend tickets to
Planet Malaysia
An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage.
Twenty-five years later, those words sound as absurd as those who asserted that the horseless carriage would be a passing fancy.
Before the word automobile entered the lexicon, people talked about horseless carriages.
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During the early days of automobiling, leaving town in a “horseless carriage” was a muddy ordeal.
Interstate 69
He found Tacroy struggling to heave him off the charred bed of the horseless carriage onto the path.
And he remembers well summer evenings spent listening to the victrola with WJB or taking rides in WJB's horseless carriage with his sweetheart.
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