
How To Use Horn In A Sentence

  • He literally danced his music into being, conducting his bass players, drummers and horn section with his hips.
  • He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
  • It seemed to have been shoehorned into the schedules as an afterthought.
  • Unlike anything else in his catalog, Aura is a ten-part suite composed by Danish flugelhornist Palle Mikkelbourg as a tribute.
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
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  • During this period, the Ontario Board of Censors was known to be the most liberal of all the provincial boards, and O.J. Silverthorne was the most respected film censor in Canada.
  • The Trabant, for example, boasts textile floor covering and a two-tone horn.
  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
  • They are indeed miniatures, as the entire set of eight take about eight minutes to perform by the pairs of flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, violins, violas, cellos and one horn.
  • She looks terrible, shorn of all her beauty and dignity.
  • The magic of the elves is a twilight thing, the sound of distant silver horns, a fairy gold that turns to dust by noonday, and it is meant to chide the pride of foolish mortal men. MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
  • At the conclusion eight horns (led by Michelle Perry of the Empire Brass) rang out triumphantly.
  • He had the most disgusting rotten teeth and horn rim glasses with milk bottle lenses.
  • Very interesting that our Member of Parliament seems to think spending every waking hour in horning is more important than being in Parliament. Campaigning in Horning
  • The deer brought him to where Rishyashringa was, and Vibondaka saw this shining young baby with deer horns.
  • And the images you conjure with "straddling glowing globes and caressing the giant W" makes us sound so freakin 'horny ... oh wait ... nevermind. Blogger Bender - Part II
  • There was a Malay steward behind each chair, and over in the corner, silent but missing nothing, the squint-faced Jingo; even he had exchanged his loin-cloth for a silver sarong, with hornbill feathers in his hair and decorating the shaft of his sumpitan* (* Blowpipe.) standing handy against the wall. Flashman's Lady
  • It's the King coming and the sound of those who herald him with horns of brass pressed to their mouths.
  • There is an earthquake in Leghorn: Flaubert doesn't cry out in sympathy.
  • After the death of Sigismund during the siege of Altdorf the horn passed into the keeping of the Temple of Sigmar.
  • Half way down there is a scrog of wood, dwarf alders and hawthorn, which makes an arch over the path. Prester John
  • In Yemen, for example, rhino horn is carved into handles used in daggers called jambiyas.
  • The shop-owner, hoping to raise the price to a round figure, pulled the rickshaw in and out of the shed, folded and unfolded the hood and sounded the horn, singing the vehicle's praises all the time.
  • Men don't care how they look," said Thorny, squirming out of her hold, for he hated to be "cuddled" before people. St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, V. 5, Nov 1877-Nov 1878 Scribner's Illustrated
  • He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • It consists of a base, directly continuous with the base of the anterior horn, and a neck or slightly constricted portion, which is succeeded by an oval or fusiform area, termed the head, of which the apex approaches the posterolateral sulcus. IX. Neurology. 3. The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
  • Well, luckily for you, the publisher hornswoggled more out of me than this mere introduction. The Codex Continual » Bulwark Publishing: Kharndam Collected (#3)
  • And there is an even thornier problem: america's logging regulations are notoriously lax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts fear that if further development closes off these migration paths, it will interfere with the pronghorn's life cycle, eventually causing the species to disappear.
  • Another is a rangy assemblage of vicious thorns, called myrrh, a second gift of the Magi. NYT > Home Page
  • The stinger of the Japanese giant hornet is about a quarter-inch long and can inject venom containing a strong enzyme, which can dissolve human tissue.
  • All are not hunters that blow the horn
  • The hawthorn-orange-milk sugar uses fresh and orange skin for the main sauce on the basic traditional milk sugar, meanwhile, it is the new sugar products to strengthen dietary fiber.
  • They weren't those thick horn-rimmed glasses, thank God, but they were big oval-shaped wire-rims.
  • Now we either remove the horns early or rear polled breeds.
  • Stinging insects in the U.S. are bees, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, and fire ants.
  • The birds love the dense thickets and scrub and clumps of bushes like blackthorn that grow in the older sites of the park.
  • During the first year he has no horns, but a horny excrescence, which is short and rough, and covered with a thin hairy skin. The Book of Household Management
  • The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
  • As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star.
  • His smile was contagious, his wave was heartfelt and the toot of his horn was one of a kind.
  • It's just a noise that might attract some birds, particularly things like wrens and thornbills, and saffron whitefaces which we've just seen.
  • The main theme returns to be transformed during the wonderful close - horns, tubas, and strings alternating their harmonies with quiet majesty.
  • Dalmius nursed the invigorating fire-drink from a horn-flask, ensconced in leather, e'en as his thin hands trembled.
  • His brown hair was cut short and messy, and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses balanced on his nose.
  • Probably a weed from the broad leaf with the thornlike tips. Wellspring of Chaos
  • We see these victims everywhere shorn of power -- weak, nerveless, backboneless, staminaless, gritless people, without forcefulness, mere nonentities because they have ceased working. Pushing to the Front
  • The driver honked the horn of his car hoping to disperse the crowd in the street.
  • Mr. Zhang's motto is:"making lawyers' coronet of honor with thorns".
  • Photograph by Alexandre Bailhache Pleached hornbeam arches and chestnut pergolas create verdant alleys connecting one garden room to the next and provide shaded, secluded walks. Paradise Regained
  • In contrast, Princess Sirindhorn, his sister, enjoys a saintly image as a patron of charity.
  • And Mike was hornswoggled enough to replace some of his martial graphics with a picture of some nice mountain scenery.
  • The banner is the Horned Shield on a flame-colored background with buckskin fringe.
  • For him, the fiend that shook his faith was the ichneumon wasp, which lays its eggs inside the larvae of the horntail wasp.
  • It's only four dudes, but together they play drums, guitar, keys, upright bass, trumpet, flugel horn and assorted "electronics. The Drift - Invisible (Music (For Robots))
  • Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
  • The boat lurched 370 and Thorn thumped a shinbone against the glass coffee table and almost went down. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • Lune-atic Yipsie comes with skin and shape with red horns ,..with and without candles red hair,..with and without flowers and bats with her bodytied skinsuit and her rats around her neck she can be found being lune-ing around touch pumpkin on table for lune-atic yipsie move Archive 2008-11-01
  • Sights are a bead front and a buckhorn rear, which I quickly replaced with a Williams receiver peep sight.
  • Many herbalists prescribe hawthorne as a cardiotonic to keep healthy hearts healthy. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • After the business failed, he had to draw in his horns pretty sharply.
  • It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.
  • He sounded the car horn.
  • Tears blurred her vision as she swung out, hammering on the horn.
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • Objective:To investigate the enhancing effect of some non-ionic surfactants on intestinal absorption of the main active components vitexin-2"-O- rhamnoside in Hawthorn Leaf total flavonoids.
  • This episode just shows that scientists and technicians who are exposed to phenomena that are sufficiently far out of their fields, can be completely hornswoggled.
  • ICE hasn't listed any native Filipino on its "gangbanger" watchlist or detention cells in the past few years, although insignificant remnants of Pinoy street gangs like Akrho and Bahala Na Gang sporadically surface in known Filipino communities here and in Carson, Glendale, Eagle Rock, San Fernando Valley, Rowland Heights, West Covina and Hawthorne. Undefined
  • As she turned uphill, a dark-red Daimler slid by, and blew its horn at her.
  • the thorny question of states' rights
  • At another time it might have been a pretty journey, the hills just turning the colors of pumpkin and hay and pomegranate and the skies depthless and clear, but now everywhere one looked most of the trees had been felled for fuel and there was only a hazy, oppressive brightness refracted from the shorn hillsides. Excerpt: The Surrendered by Chang-rae Lee
  • Solomon Burke's website says he was born on March 21, 1940 "in an upper room at the United Praying Band The House of God for All People" Church in West Philadelphia "to the sounds of horns and bass drums from the sanctuary. Soul Singer Solomon Burke Dies at 70
  • The dog hurt one of its pad when it stepped upon a thorny path.
  • Langorous horns, ticking guitars and muted keyboards have been added, sketching out long, graceful arcs of melody over the bubbling rhythms.
  • On TV, NBC summoned Jack Nicklaus on the horn to start the encomiums. A Beautiful Blowout, Not a Poetic Payback
  • He is beautifully made with graceful horns, a slinky, prism-like tail, and playful, though mocking and feral, eyes.
  • Paul came home this evening and said "You're horny ... and mardy ... you must be due on," which of course is absolutely right. March 28th, 2008
  • Cases we have examined have undoubtedly shown this condition of osteoplastic periostitis, the rarefactive and osteoplastic changes in the bone itself, met with in older cases, occurring no doubt as a result of non-expansion of the horny box. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • As a result, the hornbill project has to provide young hornbills with human-made nests.
  • Fuller became a thorn in the government's side on many other issues, particularly the great questions of royal finance, purveyance and impositions.
  • Seingô shrieked in rage, and clawed out at him with spiny, thorny arms.
  • I didn't blow the horn, but I was cussing that driver for about a mile.
  • Byron Wallen switches between trumpet and flugelhorn, whilst Ed Jones likewise moves from soprano to tenor horns.
  • The competitors will be judged by a stellar panel made up of mezzo-sopranos Teresa Berganza and Marilyn Horne, soprano Grace Bumbry, tenor Jon Vickers, basses Cesare Siepi and Joseph Rouleau and musicologist Gilles Cantagrel.
  • Where I see Hawfinches they become more visible from early afternoon in the tops of trees - often Beech or Hornbeam. Listen out for the loud ticking call.
  • The foghorn boomed out its warning.
  • The Sedimentary Subalpine Zone ecoregion is found southeast of Yellowstone National Park, in the overthrust belt, and in the northwest corner of the Bighorn Mountains in areas underlain by faulted and folded Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.
  • Looked as much like a giant thornback as anything I ever saw," remarked The Cruise of the Nonsuch Buccaneer
  • In the first development of its kind, the old Roundthorn Court in Wythenshawe has been gutted and revamped to provide 64 one-bedroomed apartments and eight studios.
  • They were awarded a penalty for offside 10 yards out and Horne scored his fourth try.
  • Mr Horner testified that the potted meat had been supplied unsealed but wrapped in brown paper and sold to several people, none of whom fell ill.
  • But what is interesting for visitors is that the garden is still evolving: a gravel garden with silver plants is surrounded by a cloister of youthful hornbeams.
  • Around the clock, the coaches galloped down the towns' high streets with long brass horns blowing to warn pedestrians.
  • Antilocapridae, are native to North America, but are not true antelopes because they annually shed the outer sheath of their branched horns unlike other antelope species. Undefined
  • Arriving at the pickup point early, she honked the horn and kept on honking until Peter finally appeared and descended from a high embankment on a slideway of fractured sandstone. From This Beloved Hour
  • Trevor said there had been brilliant support with people tooting car horns and bringing food and money.
  • She'd found some hawthorn berries on a bush and was chewing her way through one with every sign of enjoyment.
  • The scoring is for a simple classical orchestra, strings, double woodwind, four horns and two trumpets.
  • Liquid metal enters the crystallization cavity (19) through a cow horn shape water inlet (2) positioned at a dead point on the crystallization wheel (1).
  • Thornbury has announced a takeover bid of a regional TV company.
  • These include harps, lyres, whistles, horns, pan-pipes, bones, psalteries and some form of drum.
  • Kenny Wheeler, the expat Canadian trumpeter and jazz composer, was 82 last week – but this big band session featuring new themes and plenty of flugelhorn improvising, was recorded only a few months ago. Kenny Wheeler: The Long Waiting – review
  • The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
  • Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.
  • But we confabbed the night before, and agreed it would probably be best if we headed out on our tour for the bighorn sheep experts early in the day, while it was cool. Grouse Diary Entry
  • The guitar - at least if the player picks, rather than strums - always struck me as temperamental an instrument as the French horn, even under the hands of a decent executant.
  • Fertile soils and spontaneous vegetation, reeking with miasma and overpowering from their odour, we had exchanged for a drouthy wilderness of aloetic and cactaceous plants, where the kolquall and several thorn bushes grew paramount. How I Found Livingstone
  • Laws catch flies and let hornets go free. 
  • Second, features: featured ox horn raw materials, manual fine system and become, scrapping detoxification have sanitarian effect, and no static, non-toxic side effect.
  • Mr Winter said: ‘If the project comes to fruition it will be a marvellous regenerator for the community and a wonderful opportunity for the young people of Thorne.’
  • He gives four options for the future of the hornbeams: remove the trees and replace them with a more suitable species; phase out the trees by removing two now and the remaining two five years later; thin the trees out or do nothing.
  • It is announced by the horns con sordini, accompanied very softly by held notes in the strings, except viola, pizzicato in the celli, and tympani. Edward MacDowell
  • Plant prickly hedges such as pyracantha, holly or hawthorn to deter thieves and add sturdy trellis to fence panels to make fences more difficult to climb over. IcNewcastle
  • With the digital addition of a unicorn's horn, the heraldic beast conjoins a singularly aristocratic symbol of Christian purity and England's national enthusiasm for horses.
  • Cymbopogon spp. (ganaune gans) is another short grass species that occurs in distinct associations on the floodplain and is eaten by greater one-horned rhinoceroses and elephants. Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
  • There was also an ancient-looking horn and an "erhu" -- a two-string instrument which produced the most heart-wrenching sounds, and the "yanqin", a string instrument so beautiful and powerful that I thought there were twenty different instruments playing at once! Mao's Last Dancer
  • They were the first longhorns in the territory and Elisha kept them hidden in a back pasture so he wouldn't be laughed at for spending money on the rangy beasts.
  • He also has an ear for sampling, using horns and steel drums as needed.
  • Tuneful trumpeters joined harmonious horn players at Bury Music Centre when they staged annual concert performances.
  • The horns are very penetrating and to many it is a public nuisance.
  • I could tell you about the cab which, ordered by phone, announced its arrival by loud horn blasts from the opposite side of the street.
  • Laws catch flies but let hornets go free. 
  • Many of the Indians were already crowding about the train, some with polished buffalo horns for sale, and all magnificently dressed in buckskin, decorated with fine, old-fashioned bead work, and the quills of the porcupine. The Shagganappi
  • Like most owls, Great Horned Owls have keen hearing and keen vision in low light, both adaptations for hunting at night.
  • The owner, Gerald Thornton, was as much of a relic as the rare and ancient coins in which he specialized. CHAMELEON
  • When a call comes in huge siren horns mounted on poles around town go off with an ear-splitting, undulating scream.
  • The juniper forest of north central Baluchistan is believed to be the most extensive remaining in the world and is home to the distinctive and highly threatened Baluchistan bear and straight-horned markhor. Baluchistan xeric woodlands
  • Along the way, Polkinghorne argues that going beyond the basics of theism can make belief more credible to nonbelievers.
  • The throng surrounding them shouted affirming hallelujahs and amens, flapping and singing, rattling their tambourines and bleating their horns.
  • The discordant sounds of violinos, woodwinds, and the falk-horn rose around Anna, but she continued to watch the camp below. Darksong Rising
  • Amy had a bower in hers, rather small and earwiggy, but very pretty to look at, with honeysuckle and morning-glories hanging their colored horns and bells in graceful wreaths all over it, tall white lilies, delicate ferns, and as many brilliant, picturesque plants as would consent to blossom there. Little Women
  • This CD blends an equal amount of exciting reels, jigs and hornpipes, along with a selection of old and new songs performed by the lyrical and commanding voice of Ciarán Ó Gealbháin, who is joined on one of the tracks by the great Liam Clancy.
  • The Thornhill Arms was one of the first pubs in Huddersfield are to provide catering at the time.
  • We gathered round the boat with all the sense of adventure of Drake rounding the Horn.
  • Wolf ended her life in her beloved Berlin, doubly exiled in her own country and shorn of her faith, left only with Was bleibt – what remains, the title of the account of being under surveillance by the Stasi that she wrote in 1979, and that aroused considerable controversy when published in 1990. Christa Wolf obituary
  • Toss in a few bowling trophies, dudes in bathrobes and women wearing Valkyrie horns, red pageboy cuts, and tight-fitting purple jumpsuits and hairnets, and you might have a sense of this homage to the 1998 Coen brothers' cult comedy, "The Big Lebowski. Paying Homage to the Dude
  • She comes every morning and toots the horn and carries the stuff for us.
  • The 22K hornet when I want to make less noise, ie in populated area's. What do you think the best kind of gun is for open field coyote hunting?
  • Phungephorn, who began studying martial arts when he was 10 and in 2001 won the gold medal for Muay Thai at the World Amateur Martial Arts Championships, fought professionally through his late 20s. Mixed martial arts students go head-to-head for good health
  • the cleat had two horns
  • Now, we have a true activist investor in Dan Loeb whose reputation is as good as Einhorn's.
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • A Cook County Forest Preserve District representative last week said brush pile fires, set to dispose of chopped trees and buckthorn, and prescribed burns pose no threat to the public.
  • But on the trail Sheila rides there isn't a long horn or rattler in sight.
  • He insisted on showing us how hard it was to break their horny structures - just as well, in view of the vigour of his demonstration.
  • Thorndike is important as an early figure in the effort to establish a scientific knowledge base for the research of human learning, especially for instructional technology.
  • The once-widespread scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EW) and bubal hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus) have been exterminated entirely from the region. South Saharan steppe and woodlands
  • He therefore withdrew from an inner pocket an odd object with little waving legs and a rubber-bulbed horn for a body. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • I wonder what “Boola Boola” sounds like played by alpen horns? Tulsa? Sure, just turn right after the Rainbow Bridge
  • How dare Rush Limbaugh, the principal foghorn of the Right-wing noise machine, denounce them as "freeloaders? Bernard Weisberger: Onward Wisconsin
  • Similarly, Tom on trumpet & flugelhorn, and Carlos on alto sax, are used for coloration far more often that they are given the spotlight.
  • At Ali Kosh in the southern Zagros Mountains of Iran, an assemblage dating to about 7000 BC that includes hornless sheep is taken as clear evidence of flock manipulation.
  • A hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him, the driver angrily blaring his horn at him.
  • “But we were thrown before its beauty unprepared, unshrived, unshorn.” Angkor Wat Book Review - A Glimpse of a Bygone Era | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • By this time other drivers behind us were likewise being highly discourteous with horns and headlights, displaying negative opinions on his ill considered manoeuvre.
  • An audible hissing pop accompanied the loosening of the last bolt, and at the sight of my leprous fore-arms and the great plates of scabrous horn which have overgrown my chest, the roust-abouts screamed like a pair of God-damned fat ladies.
  • I was laith to make awa wi 'the old dowg, his like wasne atween this and Thornhill -- but, The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories
  • If the curtain is dirtier , usable dishcloth dips in the scour that leave cleans some of Wen Shuirong, hartshorn of usable also a few is brushed.
  • The team discovered that pieces of cotton wool dabbed with pyrazine and left next to chicken cages led to a five to ten percent increase in the egg mass of Leghorn chickens.
  • They hold the moment for a little longer, not noticing the light turning green until a horn sounds from behind.
  • I watched his hands, tipping measured amounts of powder from a pewter horn, tapping in a ball and wad with a short ramrod.
  • We stopped by the thick boxthorn and Mum and Dad said, ‘We'll have lunch and then we'll go to the beach’.
  • Created and written by comedians Ruth Jones and James Corden, the show follows the title couple, played by the winsome Joanna Page and the just-handsome-enough Mathew Horne. "Gavin & Stacey": Catch BBC America's Latest, Sweetest Sitcom before It Gets the NBC Makeover
  • Some parts of Lovecraft's work as in the first few lines of, "He," are as prosaic as a fog horn, and as lyrical as a wolf's bay.
  • The fact that the horn barely missed the aorta is an UNBELIEVABLE piece of luck is what I meant to say. Close Calls: Gored By a Bull Elk
  • Finsteraarhorn, ‘it is clearer down below; the waters have shrunk, the forests are thinner.’ Dream tales and prose poems
  • The Pro Football Hall of Fame member, now 73 years old, recalls the spartan Marion County coal camp of his youth, where his teachers Mrs. Hornyak and Mr. Wolfe made lasting impressions. 59 Top Stories, Sports and Weather
  • Boynet, whom I mentioned above, is accoutered with the coiffure called piked horns, which, if there were any signs in The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • This is a defense posture they use in the wild, as they are heavily armored from top to sides with sharp thornlike scales.
  • The second, mens rea, is one of the thorniest ? Times, Sunday Times
  • The reins were secured by chain-work, and the front-stall of the bridle was a steel plate, with apertures for the eyes and nostrils, having in the midst a short, sharp pike, projecting from the forehead of the horse like the horn of the fabulous unicorn. The Talisman
  • Sam, a self-confessed tinhorn, “expected to find masses of silver lying all about the ground and glittering in the sun on the mountain summits.” LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • Horse flies, deer flies, stable flies, horn flies, and others have been incriminated in disease transmission through interrupted feeding.
  • Like zircon, quartz, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende, major phenocryst phases, also show variable resorbtion effects.
  • The hedges bowed to the earth under their weight of hawthorn blossom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rock is dominated by well-oriented hornblende surrounding porphyroclasts of diopside, which is patchily transitional into hornblende.
  • The band has put together a lively selection of 52 jigs, reels and hornpipes, many of which were played by the original band.
  • Edit: I asked Dr. Ukrainsky in an email what he meant by "Nedo" and this was his response: "Russian prefix "nedo" insufficiency sensu lato means, that this ceratopsian has lack: nasal horn absent. Insufficiency!?!
  • I shall never see the word hawthorn in poetry again without the image of the snowy but far from chilling canopy rising before me. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The baseline is a humble, positive uplifting of Shona culture and values, which is why guitars, drums and horns take a back seat to the unassuming little mbira finger piano.
  • The stool horns should project equally out from the side of the casing as it does from the front.
  • Many of the latter are magnetite, while the others are hornblende and various ferromagnesian silicates. Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-92, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1896, pages 179-262
  • These early swords usually had pommels and crossguards made up of layers of organic material such as wood, bone or horn; which were often sandwiched, embellished with, or even completely covered by, bronze, gold and silver.
  • But everything of that kind was brought abruptly to an end by a loud discordant blowing of horns and the hollow _tub, tub, tub_ of a number of rude drums; at which sounds the crowd around us broke up at once and retired, our little Hebe casting back at us more than one glance strongly indicative, as it seemed to me, of compassion. The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
  • ` ` See what tidings that horn tells us of --- to announce, I ween, some hership* and robbery which has been done Ivanhoe
  • Ornaments and utensils in precious metals, bronze, bone and horn had also been uncovered.
  • They gathered around the horns of their Victrolas, leaning with their ears cocked like Victor's spokesdog, Nipper.
  • About half the time, the songs are laid-back - mellow even - and meander casually along with long, rich, drawn-out horn solos and harmonies.
  • Watermark: [posthorn in crowned shield (upper portion)]. Letter from Mary Wollstonecraft to Mary Robinson (15 April 1796
  • Unilateral ovariectomy in rabbits doubles the ovulation rate in the remaining ovary and the adjacent uterine horn is crowded with embryos.
  • At ten past eight, a horn beeped from outside her house.
  • There's never a constable around when you need one so the only recourse was that taken by the driver of a bus who sat thumping the horn repeatedly until the twerp came along to move and clear the jam.
  • It doesn't contain anything terribly offensive, though the premiere does mention the existence of sex between alligators and use the word "horny. Wired Top Stories
  • Huw Thornton: without being condescending, I'd like to applaud your clearsighted enunciation of the current problem: what is the solution? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I got it for a song 2 years ago and it shoots very well as far as I can tell with the semi-buckhorn sight with these old eyeballs. I recently read an article that was basically worshiping the fast "quarter-bore" rifle cartridges.
  • Cutely enough, for Taurans, you can pick horn styles.
  • “Tri corn cynghlud y sydd; _corn cynhauav_, corn dadlau, a chorn goly-chwyd.” Y Gododin A Poem of the Battle of Cattraeth
  • This our Peeress declined as unnecessary , alleging that her cousin Thornhill 's recommendation would be sufficient.
  • Pulling off my dirty pinny and revealing my clean black uniform underneath I hurried out of the house and around to the back door of the Thornton's house.

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