How To Use Hopper In A Sentence

  • Attention, Kmart shoppers: privacy for sale, aisle nine.
  • Workers feed them daily a mix of flakes, worms, grasshoppers and freeze-dried shrimp.
  • Month after month our patience has gone unrewarded until the latest edition of the magazine, when we've managed to bag a whopper.
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • When asked to name their favourite dish, most shoppers opted for the traditional British favourite fish and chips over pizza, paella, or frankfurters.
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  • Just put a dictionary in, run the chopper for 30 seconds and you too can enjoy speaking in tongues! Think Progress » CBS Allows Focus On The Family Advocacy Ad During Super Bowl, But Bans Gay Dating Site Ad
  • Merchants could pay a steep price for stiffing shoppers.
  • Best Buy is promoting its Geek Squad, promising shoppers before they buy that complicated electronic thingamajig that its employees will hold their hands through the installation process and beyond.
  • It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes. Artful Style on the Bowery
  • A police chopper tried to spot the snake from the air with its thermal imaging camera. The Sun
  • A gaggle of brawny bikers revs their choppers out front.
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • Take a chopper and then break the backbones near the bottom of the cut (this is called chining).
  • It's a coastal cruiser, an island hopper, or a gunkholer.
  • Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale.
  • Shoppers can order an unboxed pre-owned machine for £315 or £325 or a boxed option for £340.
  • This second gene is only found in holometabolous insects, Drosophila, and silkworms but not in the more primitive hemimetabolous insects, like grasshoppers or springtails.
  • It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.
  • Police have declared war on rogue street sellers causing a nuisance to shoppers and traders in Chelmsford.
  • Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.
  • The police fired teargas in the central shopping district to disperse the rioters, creating panic among shoppers.
  • But both were destroyed after he ended his three-year stint as a search and rescue chopper pilot last week. The Sun
  • Shoppers discover this only when they read the notices inside the store. Times, Sunday Times
  • That meant hordes of shoppers worked until yesterday, leaving presents unbought. The Sun
  • Only butterflies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes and flies are netted there.
  • Sutton worked with grasshopper chromosomes, and it was in this paper that he showed that chromosomes occur in distinct pairs, which segregate at meiosis.
  • A common plaything for Chinese children, the grasshopper is defamiliarized as ‘a six-legged monster, fresh-grass green, with saw-blade jaws, bulging eyes, and whips for eyebrows’.
  • Farmers, advocates and ordinary shoppers all share the view that organics' move to the mainstream carries both benefits and risks.
  • There were representatives from a wide variety of motorcycle organizations, as well as a fine collection of custom choppers.
  • It shows local shoppers that their custom is valued and also serves to promote our county as a warm, friendly and hospitable place to visit.
  • Iz cause ewe iz quik and nimbol lik dis cannel-hopper? See? Ders bibul abowt kittehs. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The pretty cathedral city in Hampshire was bustling with shoppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • You try to talk to a fellow shopper, but your words sound garbled, and others seem confused by your speech.
  • Widlife has received permission to release one of these bugs called a planthopper into Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoir. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • Watch a kite sweep the skies for large insects such as grasshoppers, cicadas and dragonflies.
  • We have eliminated traditional boundaries and made the proposition much clearer for shoppers.
  • Our Future: Thoughts: MARV and the Hoppers skip to main | skip to sidebar Thoughts: MARV and the Hoppers
  • Shoppers are being duped into buying real animal fur when they think it is faux fur, according to a report. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first foot-weary shoppers began to emerge with one female shopper expertly manoeuvring a giant trolley containing a four-seater sofa to the check-out.
  • The outlets on the bottom of the individual hoppers are controlled by a rod that runs the length of the trailer.
  • There are lots of grasshoppers around here, but my hens patrol the garden perimeter fence and really reduce the numbers of insects in the garden.
  • She strained her ears, but all she heard was the chirping of the birds and the buzzing song of the grasshoppers. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • It goes without saying that shoppers who are ill-advised enough to carry them at all invariably have a purse or wallet bulging with them.
  • Shoppers will have more in their pockets and it will not cost companies vast sums to borrow for expansion.
  • At the desk, customers can make appointments with personal shoppers, arrange private shopping parties, request monogramming, preorder items from its high-end Collection line, look at color swatches for bridesmaid dresses that are sold online, and order clothes, such as those from the kids 'line called crewcuts, that aren't carried in most stores. Concierge Services and Mismatched Socks
  • Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors.
  • True patriots ride choppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a fine adjustment, for by working hammer-and - tongs through a twelve-hour day, after freight had been deducted from the selling price of the wood in Los Angeles, the wood-chopper received one dollar and sixty cents. Chapter V
  • Who would have thought garlic choppers, spatulas and no-stick frying pans could make the world a better place?
  • It is the intense hunger for soul food, soulful music, spirited dance, and wild, ecstatic, celebrative praise, whether it be voiced by the ghosts of former African slaves on Congo Square or by the choirs of old-time Black Churches, or the bands backing Second Line dancers, or the street music in dialogue with window shoppers and feast-ready patrons. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • If the meth user neglects his dental hygiene, as many reportedly do, it's goodbye choppers, hello dentures.
  • The problem was as that military chopper went down it churned up all the floodwaters and some rescue personnel in airboats got actually - their airboat was tossed over.
  • The streets were so choked with sellers and shoppers alike that oftentimes only one lane of the street was passable for cars.
  • A police chopper and dog teams were used in the hunt. The Sun
  • But online shoppers are really lax over security. Times, Sunday Times
  • Savvy shoppers expect even deeper discounts than what you would find from just being "overstocked". The Motley Fool
  • We were really pleased for Chopper to score against his old team. The Sun
  • Why are you using the huge chopper to cut cloves?
  • It's Chopper Bicycles, the naff 1970's street culture mean machines.
  • Its purpose is to entice shoppers and win their loyalty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Japanese write as a repetition of the syllables jun-ta; and the name junta is sometimes given to the grasshopper itself. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • An independent voice with $4 million whoppers .... not too representative of your average Wisconsinite! Former Wisconsin governor: I won't run for Senate
  • After a half-day's delay, the choppers returned to Kulis.
  • The streets were crowded with shoppers.
  • One of the locals stabbed Pradhan with a 'kukri' (chopper) and he died on the spot. India eNews
  • A hopper, for instance which was on wheels but could not be moved about the yard. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • A conveyor used for separating the draining cullet from water and transferring the cullet to hopper wagon has been described, which helps mechanize the cullet transfer.
  • This was drawing in more shoppers while its online business was expanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the forest the woodchopper comes first; on the fertile prairies the granger is the pioneer; but on the long, stretching uplands of the far West it is the men who guard and follow the horned herds that prepare the way for the settlers who come after. The Cattle Country of the Far West
  • There was a lot of freight switching for the local peddler to do here at White Sulphur, as there was everywhere, with stock pens in the early years, and LCL freight in box cars, and coal hoppers.
  • The council wants to build a car park for 27 vehicles on the land behind the club to encourage shoppers and tourists to spend time in the town.
  • The e-tailing group, a shopper-centric e-commerce consultancy, recently published the results of an annual proprietary study of the buy-online/in-store-pickup services of 18 large and small retailers. In-Store Pickup: The Devil Is in the Details | Impact Lab
  • Watching the shoppers at the sales gave her a first-hand insight into crowd psychology.
  • The meat of this clam is often sliced into cutlets and fried while the siphon is often skinned and then ground in a food processor or chopper and used in chowders.
  • Like the other three Coastguard helicopters, the Sligo chopper is equipped with all the latest search and navigational equipment and has an automatic hover capability.
  • The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
  • Besides birds, crickets and grasshoppers were his favorite animals.
  • The streets were full of Christmas shoppers.
  • Families of busy mynahs chirruped, foraged for grasshoppers, and then trilled when they took wing as we approached.
  • As a result of a title claim brought by Dennis Hopper's estranged wife, Christie's must withdraw 32 items from the sale until such time as the title claim is resolved," said a spokeswoman for the auction house last night. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • By mid-summer, both grasshoppers and corn earworms can be heavy feeders on a variety of crops.
  • Those on hand waited eagerly for the choppers as the mist turned to rain and the wind whipped the palm trees that edge the field.
  • A signaller calls the chopper in as troops deploy to provide support and resupply to a force in contact.
  • And a holidaying police chopper crew should have been recalled sooner. The Sun
  • And, the big whopper is that the new provisions are RETROACTIVE to the DATE OF ENACTMENT of FISA, which is 1978, or well before Bush assumed office. Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: June 14, 2006
  • It took that long for the medivac chopper to reach them. Are we as sportsman becoming too dependent on modern technology?
  • They are looking for a product, just as surely as a shopper at the local mall is.
  • Without hesitation, the savvy shopper races through the revolving door and picks up sundresses, swimsuits and sandals.
  • Quite a few of them would have dreamed about sinking into the low saddle of a Harley Davidson chopper and thundering off with the feet resting up front and the hands on high handlebars.
  • After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase.
  • Now, in August, the shrill sound of grasshoppers rang out across the undulating flatland beyond Sand Creek.
  • The leafhopper acquires the phytoplasma while feeding by inserting its stylet a long, slender hollow feeding structure into the phloem of infected plants and withdrawing the phytoplasma with the plant sap. E-China-See-Ya~A Public Service Announcement « Fairegarden
  • It took the disabled shoppers two hours longer than their able-bodied counterparts to complete the same activities.
  • This busy town-centre cafe is the place for shoppers to catch a bite, and a hang-out for coffee drinkers in a place as yet untainted by the multinational chains.
  • While the chopper hovered above Coire Na Ciste, bouncing violently in the downdrafts, we looked on as the body was hooked to a cable by rescuers and reeled up into the aircraft.
  • I have four dirt bikes, a ' 93 Harley-Davidson Low Rider and an ' 03 custom chopper.
  • Based on the information he had, the anti-aircraft commander on the ground ordered the chopper to shoot it down.
  • Chopper to Crawford departing from the South Lawn … Matthew Yglesias » The Solvency Doctrine
  • Conversely, it is still within recent memory when every shopper in Ghana would go to the market with his or her own basket or bowl and would cover purchased groceries in them with a tea towel.
  • Having said that, the Grand Bazaar traders have realised that hard-core hustling is bad for long-term business, and so do not pester shoppers in the way that bazaar touts do in some parts of the Middle East or north Africa.
  • The newly seeded alfalfa has plant bugs and potato leafhoppers and established alfalfa has army worms, alfalfa loopers, thistle caterpillars, and variegated cut worms.
  • Material is pumped from the sea bed as a fluid mixture with water and is discharged into the dredger's hoppers where the heavy material rapidly sinks to the bottom.
  • The biggest pike caught during the winter leagues was a whopper of twenty-five pounds, caught on a deadbait on March 2.
  • There is new doot aboot it, the Double Whopper is the George Foreman of fast foods. The Mayor Offers Choices
  • The comfortable spaciousness of the centre makes shoppers to browse in the most leisurely fashion away from the harsh elements outside.
  • Earlier cops had warned they could find more dead amid the painstaking operation to remove the stricken police chopper from the scene. The Sun
  • A Bald Eagle called Alaska swooped in on a flying visit and certainly attracted plenty of attention among the surprised shoppers on O'Connell Street.
  • The grasshoppers are a concern for ranchers as well as farmer. KUSA-TV -
  • Yes, once again, it was the same Ian Judge staging, an animated, fluent show that mixes up 18th-century period niceties and '50s culture - a tippling Countess languishes on her bed dialing a big, clunky, corded phone, the men at times wear britches and stockings with their buckled clodhoppers, later choosing modern-day suits. Donna Perlmutter: Postino and Figaro: Underclass Heroes Who Usher in L.A. Opera's 25th Season
  • This approach may not break any new ground, but it seems entirely appropriate to the subject, a modern day songwriting savant and restless genre-hopper who once wrote in a manifesto on formulism in music, "Cliché is dead, long live the cliché! NPR Topics: News
  • Brand loyalty at the high end of the vehicle market is quite strong, and several luxury brands have developed product portfolios that appeal to a wide range of shoppers.
  • That equipment included glass and mat cutters, a frame chopper, router and other tools.
  • “Congratulations to you all, Butterflies, for you have this term risen from bottom place to second, and you were very nearly top,” declares Duckworth Butterfly housemaster Mr. Valentine Corrado in the December 1927 issue, adding grandly, as if reflecting on the outcome of a military battle, “to the very end it was uncertain whether you or the Duckworth Grasshoppers would triumph.” Storyteller
  • It is particularly applicable where buying can be assessed in the light of the demographic characteristics of shoppers.
  • A woodchat's prey is mainly insects, beetles, damsel flies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, wasps and bees.
  • Other insects, such as cutworm and grasshoppers, are general agricultural pests world-wide.
  • Silk gloves for the hands (ask at a funeral parlor), covered with wool gloves and toped with leather gloves or leather mittens (called choppers up north). Out Cold
  • Shoppers perennially grumble about bogus price cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the usual culprits that you never fail to blame, the loggers, I have noticed you haven't mentioned how much those Whoppers you so proudly scarf while you cruise the relatively new highways crisscrossing the state as you visit your pals in their quaint villages and enjoying other scenic splendors of that magnificent state have contributed to the massive loss of virgen forests. Huatulco to Oaxaca City Road Trip
  • All Answers from cooner wrote 25 weeks 23 hours ago crickets, grasshoppers, hellgramites, and where legal small bait fish like dace work great What are good baits for brook trouts besides worms?
  • American socialites, trendy celebs and smart shoppers snap up his dresses. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a machine that German workmen have invented and that is called a thrasher, but is at the same time a chopper — it has chains and knives, and cuts up the straw and thrashes the grain at the same time — so did Sprinkler and Razor work together, slaughtering their enemies, one from above and the other from below. Pan Tadeusz Or, the Last Foray in Lithuania; a Story of Life Among Polish Gentlefolk in the Years 1811 and 1812
  • Across the road we saw an Avis car hire hopper bus.
  • This last haunts only the tops of trees in high beechen woods, and makes a sibilous grasshopper-like noise, now and then, at short intervals, shivering a little with its wings when it sings; and is, I make no doubt now, the _regulus non cristatus_ of Ray, which he says "_cantat voce stridula locustae_. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • Milbank also is superb in describing how Beck manipulates his listeners by dredging up the nuttiest whoppers from the blogosphere, presenting them as serious alternatives to conventional truths, and then taking a perfectly neutral pose, a la I'm not suggesting anything. Dana Milbank's Glenn Beck book "Tears of a Clown," reviewed by David Oshinsky
  • Insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and butterflies are a major part of their summer diet which also includes mammals such as mice, voles, young squirrels and rabbits, and shrews.
  • Either way, seconds later the chopper is gone, skimming over the water towards the next village-island. Still marooned: plight of flood-stricken villagers in Pakistan's Sindh province
  • These days, shoppers can use self-service checkouts at supermarkets, which in the future could remove the need for staff.
  • The chopper's pilot reported engine failure shortly before the craft went down today in southeastern Afghanistan.
  • It was up in an instant and capering after its prey like an aquatic grasshopper.
  • The rockhopper penguin looks like it has very crazy ‘hairstyle’.
  • You can see bulging veins in foreheads as determined gift-hunters try to fight through the meandering, aimless shoppers.
  • You poor thing, to have to be our spy and stand the shame of that grasshopper roomie ! WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • A department store is offering customers a parking fee refund in an effort to spark a campaign to lure shoppers back into York city centre.
  • The katydid is a grasshopper shaped insect that lives nearly everywhere in the world. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • A visit to the supermarket can present a shopper with a bewildering array of choices.
  • Shoppers, workers and students we spoke to complained of the country roads outside the town.
  • As shoppers stopped to purchase bread from an automat in a suburban Frankfurt Aldi one recent afternoon, many said they weren't terribly bothered by the distinction. Fresh Test: Grocery Store Automats Get a Rise Out of German Bakers
  • You then presented this screen to the shopper in a pop-up window - something like a cash point ATM window.
  • Shoppers will get a temporary reprieve from the new sales tax.
  • Plus qu'a esperer que mes chaussures ne se fassent pas non plus chopper par la douane. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The only down side as a shopper is a sales guy pushing expensive accessories and extended warranties but they knew the products (for the most part). "Why Circuit City Failed" - The Consumerist
  • Councils in Bolton and Manchester have also recently come under fire with calls from politicians to get a grip of wardens whose hard-line approach is antagonising motorists and driving shoppers out of the towns.
  • So low was he that he preferred Gibsen’s tea-time salmon tinned, as inexpensive as pleasing, to the plumpest roeheavy lax or the friskiest parr or smolt troutlet that ever was gaffed between Leixlip and Island Bridge and many was the time he repeated in his botulism that no junglegrown pineapple ever smacked like the whoppers you shook out of Ananias’ cans, Finnegans Wake
  • Before 1950, when the first Sainsbury's self-service store opened in Croydon, shoppers used the parade of ‘convenience stores’ known as the high street.
  • He thinks more and more shoppers are simply heading to a shopping centre, where parking is free and easy.
  • This just-in-case mentality helps explain why shoppers as far away from Japan as Plano, Texas, were reportedly stocking up on potassium iodide against the threat of radiation. The Fantasy of Survivalism
  • The word "clodhoppers" was coined to describe early congressmen from the back country of Pennsylvania.
  • Shoppers crowded into downtown stores, snapping up once - rationed consumer goods.
  • Some say that wherever Selfridges is based it will attract shoppers and that it will act as a magnet to other top stores wanting to be in the vicinity.
  • A woodchat's prey is mainly insects, beetles, damsel flies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, wasps and bees.
  • Keep a close watch for pests, especially aphids and leafhoppers, which can spread diseases as they feed.
  • This turkey's loaded An armed robber who tried to steal a car was foiled when a shopper beat him round the head with a frozen turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would hamper the use of large hopper dredges and large transport barges.
  • And his servile easily bewitched audience of clodhopper crusaders will carry on as before.
  • The Sidmouth to Beer Coast SSSI supports the most westerly example of species-rich grassland in England and a diverse invertebrate fauna including the nationally scarce rufous grasshopper Gomphocerippus rufu. Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
  • One firm sent its lighters, the London County Council dispatched its hopper barges, and the Port of London nine of its tugs which towed Thames sailing barges behind them.
  • Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer’s site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials.
  • As the young woman rattled on she grew more and more glib; she was what they call whopper-jawed, and spoke a language almost purely consonantal, cutting and clipping her words with a rapid play of her whopper-jaw till there was nothing but the bare bones left of them. The Minister's Charge
  • So, if you've ever had the notion to don the leathers and take to the open road Easy Rider-style like Denis Hopper, Peter Fonda or Jack Nicholson, make sure you give yourself a safe and skilful start and get yourself some lessons.
  • The savvy shopper knows the best things also give a glow to the maker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, we're off for Klah ... if I can find the settings on the D-hopper, that is. Myth-Nomers And Im-Pervections
  • Quail wiped his hands on a clean page of the Shopper and rose and unlatched the little window. New Year's Eve
  • The offers are only available to shoppers using desktop computers or laptops. The Sun
  • We're to rejoin our chopper team on the helipad, or head toward the bow platform, whichever is closer. VITALS
  • I just know that when my money and my capacity to earn have just about sputtered out, I will be hobbling on my lame grasshopper legs to Cooper, begging for a corner in his semi-detached utility room/laundry shed where I can lay me doon and die. The bums haven’t lost. | clusterflock
  • Peresson described the new tax as ‘a joke’ because, he claimed, many bags used by shoppers were the lower quality bags for food and these were exempt from the levy.
  • The manic shoppers in search of baby-soft cashmere or cool leather strides range from gamine model types to balding businessmen and sleek middle-aged ladies.
  • Eat your grasshoppers – bonbon bilobate, cert cerus. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A team of six staff helped shoppers pack their groceries in return for donations to the charity.
  • As both posts and the ‘mainstream media’ story are full of whoppers (and I don't mean they went to Burger King…) I just had to toss in my two cents.
  • In the poll of more than 1000 shoppers, 70% of respondents said they enjoy sprouts as part of their Christmas dinner.
  • To say that shoppers feel intimidated by them is a slur on their characters.
  • Many Web sites and mobile applications now help commuters, shoppers, and tourists in cities all over the world be virtuously selfish and take advantage of their transit options.
  • Devil Dogs will shrink to the size of petits fours, Big Macs to the size of sliders, Cherry Garcia will be replaced by Sergio Cherry Garcia, the Whopper will lose its ability to whop. That's Entertainment—Somewhere Else
  • This was drawing in more shoppers while its online business was expanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shoppers in the High Street were confused by the police presence and scores of people were transfixed on the sky as the helicopter hovered above.
  • Philip led the way, and they entered the mill, where the warning bells were ringing to give notice that the corn was flowing down rightly; and the mill-hoppers kept on "ruttle, ruttle;" the water hissed, seethed, and rushed under their feet; the millstones rumbled round and round; and there on the top of the sacks, with which the place was half filled, sat the two great white cats belonging to the miller, fast asleep; while in Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • Delicacies from cheese to black puddings are being showcased at Selfridge's in London and the Trafford Centre to give shoppers a taste of the region.
  • The heat exchangers will convert waste heat from the 360 degrees centigrade flame grills - where the chain's famous Whopper burger comes to life - into energy.
  • There was not a breath of wind; the sunlight shone down on the bare hillside; the loud chirp of the grasshoppers was the only sound. The Hill of Dreams
  • To get around the lack of storage space, Tokyo shoppers shop more frequently than their American counterparts and tend to buy a lot of fresh food at local stores.
  • Insects such as the red locust, crickets, grasshoppers, and flying ants are collected in season and either fried with salt to make popular snacks or dried for later use.
  • Remove the liver and either run through a chopper or grab a knife and cut it in as small pieces as you can.
  • This month shoppers will be able to buy a wide range of jewellery, handmade felt toys, paper, musical instruments, clothing, glasswork, beaded items and other traditional crafts.
  • Barren was the porkchopper’s porkchopper, the West Florida Machiavel who ran the Senate—and thus the state—for decades. Dream State
  • Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices.
  • With an ever growing range of options for shoppers the choice has never been better.
  • Deliveries of 845 state-of-the-art coal hoppers begin early in the New Year as part of a contract set to end in Spring 2003.
  • She saw it as timeless classics on to which shoppers would layer new purchases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, I hated that movie, but I love me some Dennis Hopper, so that creates what we call a wee bit o 'dissonance. Dead Things ON Sticks
  • He took out his chopper and lopped off the branches that came in his way.
  • Query Letters, we hates it precious we hates it ssss ssss comments: froghopper said ... Knock It Off With the Goddamn Brodeo
  • Eidolon was too small to help her and the Muse man was laughing too hard, so eventually she stepped on my foot with her big, clodhopper boots.
  • The US recently stepped up its relief efforts, sending in 11 more Chinook helicopters to join the 17 US choppers already flying missions into the quake zone.
  • For recall to be the measure that most appropriately captures the process of shopping and product choice, shoppers would remember the brand name without being cued or reminded.
  • She allowed her smile to fall and she interrupted some clodhopper of a page who seemed to be explaining to her the most boring detailed fencing match.
  • Although the operant feeders detected bird-induced food deliveries, rather than consumption per se, we never found unconsumed items in the hoppers at the end of the day, so these data accurately reflect consumption.
  • The narrow alleys are lined with iron balconies and lively with the chatter of drinkers and shoppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea that the future will be composed of brand loyal customers, unbranded shoppers and "Facebook travelers" was addressed by Craig Hewett, founder and chief commercial officer, Wego.

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