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How To Use Hopeful In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, North Norfolk will soon shake off this surreal obsession with the Lib Dems and embrace their NE Cambs neighbour's decent Tory stance. Will Iain Dale have to repay the donations ?
  • Cap Cities executives said they were hopeful approval would come in a couple of weeks.
  • Friday, 09 April, 2010 hiya great forum lots of lovely people just what i need hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read. Guitar Hero Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • Hopefully, this knowledge will save many householders a great deal of elbow grease!
  • Hopefully, with two and a half days work last week I made enough money to cover my costs.
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  • Hopefully, some of the more level-headed members of the council can prevail and make the Boom Town fiasco a bust.
  • Hopefully when I get a new tank set up, I will have more success in numbers by going by the book.
  • She soon made her first stage appearance and won second prize in a competition for the most photogenic young hopeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kirkland is a lovely city nestled on Lake Washington, with views of the water, the Seattle skyline, and of course Mount Rainier, which is by far the area's most impressive and hopefully most dormant volcano. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Hopefully you'll sort any hitches so the whole wedding runs like clockwork. The Sun
  • She was not very hopeful about her situation.
  • The hopefuls were asked to mimic people's accents and appearances. The Sun
  • Hopefully not by me. * hint hint, prod prod* I should probably get around to subbing those in-game movies too. Anime Nano!
  • Hopefully his dad has showed up because he's finished work. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to bury circumstance judgement, put possibly inside circumjacent bigger range in more and dinosaurian fossil, disentomb foreground is very hopeful.
  • These two requirements alone mean that many hopeful wannabes will not even get to first base.
  • But if the international community wants the hopeful prospects for the days, months and years ahead to materialize for Iraq, we must confront the reality of Saddam Hussein's intransigency. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003
  • So we plunge into its dingy maze with a hopeful and daring sensation of truantry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm a bleeder, someone just has to speak to me sharply and I'm gushing pints, so no blood means hopefully no big deal.
  • When Sampras was taking his first steps to greatness, he had a small gang of hopefuls dogging his footsteps.
  • He has kept a hopeful eye on them. Christianity Today
  • A voice entry system needs to fit on such a small PC board, so that in the future it can hopefully replace keyboards .
  • We really had a great time in York and hopefully one day soon I will be able to come back and say g'day to everyone again.
  • His primary directives are to slam the President, which is a better view black-on-black politically and hopefully cause some minority to switch parties. Steele says he has 'slimmer margin' for error
  • You look at one of my documents on a screen, and hopefully you can tell that it's been crafted to make you want to read it.
  • Hopefully you have purchased a Security Suite (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc) from a RELIABLE vendor (like McAfee) and have it properly configured and automatically updating … if so, you probably would not have been infected … SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 111
  • I look forward to your advice in due course and hopefully a more colourful life.
  • What's happened to all of us, the once hopeful and changeful? Ilana Ross: Before Vampires, There Was Politics
  • Hopefully, both definition of linebreeding and effective techniques for using it will be clear. Thoroughbred News |
  • It was certainly an auspicious start, and most merchants are hopeful that the worst is behind them, and that there will be better days ahead.
  • Feed on a healthy diet of positive, encouraging, hopeful thoughts.
  • He did well in the heats; hopefully he'll do as well in the final.
  • You have to repay the mortgage but hopefully the returns you receive from investing the money will be sufficient to cover the costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to be prepared to fight, but hopefully it won't come to that .
  • But the cup will give the club a much-needed distraction from these worries - and hopefully the shot in the arm they need.
  • If the year has not yet given you your fill of American politics, you might be tempted by this drama about presidential hopefuls using dirty tricks. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • After about ten minutes of surfing through this site, I feel buoyant and hopeful once again.
  • I have increased the footpage sayings to hopefully increase keywords, changed the title and meta tags and descriptions, etc. Undefined
  • The gas man comethed this morning and replaced the whole of the heat exchanger doobry, which hopefully should fix the niggly problem that we’ve had with the boiler conking out every six months or so. Twas on a wednesday morning ...
  • Pascal is hopeful, steadfast on optimizing the gastronomic experience with the right tools: the cheese cart being one, proper stemware another.
  • The great white walls are filled with heads of young birds, their beaks pointing hopefully up at the prospect of food. Times, Sunday Times
  • We collectively felt that we wanted it to stand alongside all the other Beatles albums, and hopefully, we've achieved that.
  • I'm probably not using the word 'nerdgasm' right in the title, but then again it's not really a word, so hopefully you'll get the gist. Hide Your Arms
  • Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful. Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog -
  • As Hofmann identifies, Joseph Roth senses that things will get steadily worse for the Jews of Europe but hopefully bearably so, "what happened instead was the Holocaust". 52 entries from February 2007
  • The broccoli now has a tiny purple flower head, so hopefully that will grow nicely and I can have some home grown!
  • Hopefully my curtains will arrive today and I can take them around to various stores to try to match sheers to them.
  • So one of the most famous merchants, called The Merchant of Venice, is encouraged to talk hopefully of his happiness when his ships come home; but he knows that ships sometimes do not come home. G.K.'s Weekly - If Matter Matters
  • The youngster beat off competition from thousands of other hopefuls to get through to the final eight with the song Ever Since that Night.
  • From what I hear most of the usual naysaying pundits are rather hopeful about him.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • Hopefully this romance will die a natural death, so keep schtum. The Sun
  • We just want a fair shake and hopefully we're going to get one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hopefully all recipients gave their explicit consent to receive such messages.
  • The wharves and warehouses on the Floss were busy again, with echoes of eager voices, with hopeful lading and unlading.
  • Hopefully the positive forecast Peter holds for the future will prevail.
  • And green groups were hopeful that the new Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, would restore full protections for the polar bear.
  • It is a left-handed track with sturdy fences, making it a suitable preparation venue for Grand National hopefuls.
  • Now with Jane back, and news that The CW has ordered more Melrose episodes and Heather Locklear is returning, I expect this show to keep getting better, and hopefully bitchier. 'Melrose Place' recap: Jane's back in black(mail) |
  • That is 4 Super Delegates to endorse not 3 This is what we call a avalanche of supers He has gotton almost 30 supers in 1 week he only needs 146 Delegates to win the nomination Hopefully that will come to close after Kentucky and Oregon vote. Three more superdelegates for Obama
  • The best of his five hopefuls is surely Lucky Story, who won four races last season.
  • If that were the case, then wouldn't the girls athletics program be overburdened with athletic hopefuls dreaming of state championships?
  • The weather of course played a major role in the outcome in 2003, hopefully as the Grand Prix has moved to June there will not be such changeable and unpredictable conditions during the race.
  • There will hopefully be a sense of dialogue with the people watching. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she added that they would not deflect her from her efforts and that she remained hopeful.
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frankly, sir I'm well qualified for this position, Hopefully, you are willing to give me a probation work period to prove myself.
  • The world is full of stray cats, many of them searching hopefully for a new home.
  • Hopefully she will keep coming to watch and be our lucky omen. The Sun
  • But on thinking it over, he decided it seemed less than hopeful to represent a constituency that deserved to be slimmed out of existence. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • We look hopefully at markings on our map like Pablo's Rapid and Dead Man Rapid, but they prove to be little more than riffles and a slight acceleration in the current.
  • i hope they change the music … cant stand opera. looking great though, but hopefully they dont pull a valve and delay again sheesh - _ - EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Intro Movie
  • Ricciardo loving this Madam Catulla, and using all such means whereby the grace and liking of a Lady might be obtained; found it yet a matter beyond possibility, to compasse the height of his desire: so that many desperate and dangerous resolutions beleagred his braine, seeming so intricate and unlikely to affoord any hopefull yssue, as hee wished for nothing more then death. The Decameron
  • With an open and clear character, i am a straightforward and steady-going girl of responsibility, hopefully we can cooperate and develop together.
  • So thanks to you all once again for all your help and hopefully we will have a favourable outcome in a few weeks time.
  • Many eyed Fred hopefully; for the word had gone around that upon him Riverport must depend to wrest victory from the grasp of that tall runner, Boggs, who was said to be a tremendous "stayer," and as speedy almost as Colon himself. Fred Fenton on the Track or, The Athletes of Riverport School
  • They will be hoping to have a full strength squad to choose from and hopefully a big crowd will turn out to lend their support and cheer the Sarsfields on to what we hope will be a victory.
  • So, hopefully Tanya seems less of a ditz with this.
  • "We were hopeful when we were going round Walcot canvassing, " he said.
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • A committed group of people turns out annually and hopefully if the weather is favourable on Sunday next we'll see a good number of walkers to keep up this long tradition.
  • Same thing, unweave and re-weave with the hopefully correct tension. Finally finished!
  • The ’80s-era heartthrob is “hopeful that he and Susie can work to resolve this quickly and amicably, and he is fully committed to doing what is best for the welfare of their son,” the rep’s statement adds. Corey Feldman Plastic Surgery: Corey Feldman Liposuction
  • A kneepad-wearing pres hopeful who loves to hear himself speak? Firedoglake » Head of Household
  • Rescue teams continued to drill toward six trapped miners Thursday evening and were hopeful of reaching the men with lifelines, mine officials said.
  • Hopefully after the end of these five weeks and the analyzation of that data for the next two years, we'll have a better understanding of how the atmosphere works. CNN Transcript May 11, 2009
  • Oh, if you weren't keeping attention, the Droid is also known as the Sholes, and the Tao, hopefully this will be the end of all names. MobileTopSoft news board
  • As more online journals, which publish shorter and timelier works, are popping up, the days of the 50-page opuses are hopefully numbered. Eric Segall: Of Social Media and the Demise of Traditional Law Reviews
  • I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly.
  • Hopefully they all now realise that your headline was wrong and that you had used an incorrect figure.
  • Design and food will hopefully continue to become more tightly integrated in a productive relationship, influencing each other in fundamental and polyphasic ways. Patricia Brizzio: Food for Thought: Can Design In Food Reach New Potentials?
  • We are hopeful of our final victory.
  • Nor is he very hopeful that there will ever be a ceasefire in his native land.
  • For the moment, still basking a bit in the glow of the parade, I feel half hopeful.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 4/4.
  • Presidential hopeful Senator Clinton speaks at the Iowa Democratic headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.
  • We're actually quite a hopeful, not to say romantic, lot schlepping off to plays week after week in hopes of being swept off our feet.
  • The idea of nanoloop is to simplify the stepsequencer concept as far as possible while still keeping and hopefully even increasing the gamesome, yet addictive character of loop-based music creation.
  • Hopefully, all the little ones and not so little, enjoyed their day off school and work due to the downfall of snow, last week.
  • I'm not sure about that, but I am hopeful that Anglican theology, with its middle way between liberal rationalism and dogmatic traditionalism, can save the historical quest for Jesus.
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the region's unpredictable weather conditions, the team is hopeful of an exciting race.
  • Everyone's feeling pretty hopeful about the future.
  • I'm not hugely hopeful as my other babies didn't seem to think much of the bland rice cereal.
  • Still hopeful, he returns to Leicester and sits in a cold sweat, watching the screen of his mobile phone until the text drops just after 10.
  • It's good for my fitness, and hopefully it will stand me in good stead when I get back to the club.
  • Though it may look like a jumble, hopefully after breadboarding the circuit and studying the circuit diagram, the photos will make more sense.
  • Pattaya City Hall was the first stop on their whirlwind tour, when at 11: 00 a.m. on May 5th, accompanied by escorts and news hounds, the Miss Thailand hopefuls were greeted by Mayor Pairat and the entire city administration.
  • Overall, are you hopeful or pessimistic about the future for religious freedom? Christianity Today
  • The beauty pageant is a ticket out of town for the hopeful girls who participate.
  • OK, hopefully the thought has crossed more than my mind that this whole Obama-mania is in a word, Messianic. The Buzz at Ben’s Chili Bowl - The Caucus Blog -
  • The car park will also hopefully ease traffic congestion and parking difficulties.
  • Interest has also been expressed in the business and the receivers are hopeful of concluding a sale in due course.
  • I'm happy, and hopefully the USB maintainer also will be happy with the changes.
  • Hopefully you'll sort any hitches so the whole wedding runs like clockwork. The Sun
  • Hopefully it will be all right until they come back again. The Sun
  • The airport is the first anywhere in the world to feature a system created by SITA for passengers to scan baggage claim tags and (hopefully) instantly discover where any lost baggage is located.
  • A healthy body develops antibodies, which hopefully resist the antigens, by binding on them.
  • Hopefully, the reader should now understand the banking principle that every loan creates a deposit in the banking system.
  • So we can easily prove that we are a little bit short and hopefully common sense will prevail. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily
  • The parents and siblings of the summer school students will hopefully be less exacting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course I am not so foolish as to suppose that all my work can have been achieved without _some_ penalty, and I have noticed for some time a decided change in my buoyancy and hopefulness -- in other words, in my usual The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.
  • Hopefuly, I have explained why option four was the only practical course of action.
  • Rather than a big-screen revival, Thundercats is returning as a new, weekly animated series from the makers of the new Batman cartoons is promised to be 'grittier', which hopefully means that Snarf dies in the first episode. THUNDERCATS to return
  • Hopefully it was a low-tar one. The Sun
  • He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview.
  • We never expected anything like this and hopefully it'll make a real difference.
  • Over a thousand young hopefuls went to the Theatre Royal today to audition for a part in the new musical.
  • Stiller and Cotterill gained selection after strenuous testing alongside the country's dozen best scullers in Britain, who had battled through 150 hopefuls in the Great Britain trials last autumn.
  • The Star Tribune calls the total "unprecedented," noting that the three-month haul is greater than any Minnesota congressional hopeful has ever raised in an entire election cycle. Michele Bachmann Raises Record $5.4 Million In Three Months
  • Yes | No | Report from huntnow wrote 23 hours 38 min ago the nature of this question confuses the hell out of me but the beard on a turkey looks like a beard of sorts. it protrudes out of their feathers on their chest in long, hopefully, dark colored bristly hairlike form. fudd what did these other hunters think a turkey beard was? QUIZ... I've run into some hunters who thought they knew what a turkey beard is, but they didnt.
  • The life of Fr Mullen was featured recently on the RTE programme ‘Nationwide’, which, combined with the book, is hopefully seen as a step towards beatification.
  • Jess looks around at all of us, her expression hopeful. Much Ado About Anne
  • Hopefully she might use the royalties to repair those tights. The Sun
  • The snap will hopefully make other people think twice before doing the same thing. The Sun
  • This time, England will be hopeful of not being on the end of another passing masterclass. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'I'm sure we'll find it,' he said hopefully.
  • Hopefully, they too could become the subject of a cull to destroy adult birds and their unhatched eggs.
  • Us being able to take skin cells and convert them into healthy blood, specifically adult blood, would provide a great substitute product to hopefully out-compete those leukaemic cells. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Is this a reason to be hopeful about Minnesota? or maybe it's just to get those right wing nuts all razzled up to go the polls ... Right-Wing Group's New Georgia Ad Attacks "Radical" Obama, Warns He's "One Senate Vote Away From Total Control"
  • India Bridge is a decent woman, hopefully naïve, willfully unliberated, cursed with a brain she is afraid to use and time that she cannot manage to fill.
  • Cap Cities executives said they were hopeful approval would come in a couple of weeks.
  • I'm hopeful that they'll fulfil the task on time.
  • Had Griffin reshaped the program (and it was possible because this administration really cared not that much about space) to be a lever to drive the creation of private space transportation, to give it an anchor market which hopefully would drive down the cost of widen the scope of access ... well that might have made a difference. Mike Griffin Bids Farewell - NASA Watch
  • It's rather like a concrete bunker but hopefully with some work we can make it look quite nice.
  • Hopefully it will help take away the anxiety which surrounds not knowing. Life Without Work
  • Now, political observers say, there's little chance the embattled congressman will pursue Gracie Mansion, upending the field of hopefuls looking to replace Mr. Bloomberg. Weiner Upends Mayoral Field
  • South said, hopefully, that Checchi may discover a downside to early advertising.
  • 'decumulation' -- the generation of a predictable stream of income for an unknown (but hopefully long!) time horizon. - Headlines
  • It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive. 
  • Indian supergene" NDM-1 - there has been one hopeful thread: All of the organisms have remained susceptible to one very old, little-used drug called colistin. Wired Top Stories
  • He's in a very poorly state, apparently, and the prospect of a good recovery doesn't look too hopeful.
  • He added that he was a hopeful a new peace initiative to improve relations with Pakistan and India would succeed.
  • For the international economy it hopefully brings about a more efficient allocation of investment or financial resources.
  • Some are hopeful that interbank lending rates -- still stubbornly elevated -- could start to tick down following the first extended-term TAF, which provides cash loans to deposit-taking banks. Fannie Cuts Support for Mortgage Market
  • From the feedback received, the Committee is hopeful the the matter will be sorted out.
  • Hopefully the leader will not cut off the amendments or foreshorten our ability to offer amendments. CNN Transcript Nov 21, 2009
  • Do you have a cigarette?" he asked hopefully.
  • Thus, I firmly support that fan dancing can enter our physical education class. And hopefully, fan dance can motivate our senior girl students to take part in physical education classes.
  • Hopefully, the recent addition of a young Limousin bull will help us mop up stragglers next spring.
  • Roses not only bring a distinctive personality and certain sophistication to the garden, but hopefully add their unmistakable scent too. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm starting my first bums and tums class this week, so hopefully I will start to feel the benefits of all this exercise soon.
  • In our time, these disputes gave rise to protests, including land rights hikoi, and, more recently, have prompted hopeful participation in partnership deals between Maori and Pakeha. ScreenTalk
  • Who controls the purse strings and what the people in the companies aim at will hopefully be the only change and for the better.
  • Nor would Edwin concede more than a spineless encouragement that she be hopeful and humble in their work together.
  • Something between those weights will hopefully serve your purpose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hopefully the company that makes the dolls will also get a merchandising contract for Peter Jackson's upcoming King Kong film…
  • A healthy body develops antibodies, which hopefully resist the antigens, by binding on them.
  • Having always considered ourself an average man, we turned the pages hopefully, only to find a considerable amount of information we had never "hankered" for, and could not make use of, as, for instance, how to become the biggest "buyer" in the universe, or how a certain theatrical manager wants you to think he thinks he got on in the world Penguin Persons & Peppermints
  • Hopefully this ridiculous ban will get overturned when the matter goes to appeal. The Sun
  • The Ethernet setting should be set to "bridged" - and if the Belkin is in place, then hopefully you should be running in no time now (the Belkin looks quite alright for the purpose from what I briefly skimmed in specs) TWiki.Codev
  • The newborn is in fragile but hopeful condition; he's now able to breathe on his own. Bombs in Morelia
  • I've had the chance to mingle with the crowds and meet far more racegoers than I normally do, which hopefully helps convey the atmosphere to the viewers at home.
  • I am hopeful that within 20 years, this country will have the same or better electric interurban rail service we had 80 years ago. charles Says: Matthew Yglesias » Ride the Train
  • Hopefully the Leaders could find a better partner for her, or else the vampires could very well overpopulate the area.
  • Hopefully she will soon make another major gaffe and disappear back to the wilds, after sadly setting back the cause of women in American politics by decades. The Sun
  • One is no longer the hopeful or the despairing guest: one is host in the house of oneself.
  • I would request another or cue option and hopefully an apology for this very poor advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are hopeful of our final victory.
  • The enthusiasm of the 18th-century scientists who searched for an objective order looks naive today, yet I sense at the end of our century something like a renewal of a hopeful tone.
  • Now, we look ahead to the fifth and final season - hopefully later this year - of the show that has brought us all a little closer look at life in the modern Mob.
  • I just got a boatload of new possibilities for moving, and I am feeling distinctly hopeful again.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • Election fever mounted today as the official deadline passed for Westminster hopefuls who want to throw their hats in the ring.
  • Health chiefs are hopeful that a ban could come out of talks at a high level conference on improving public health to be held in March.
  • Read in studio Weightlifter Andrew Saxton is tonight hopeful that he won't now face a lifetime ban from his sport.
  • The odour while it was boiling was wonderful, so hopefully the end product will be equally good.
  • So when Babette, a “fan of Goddard, Planned Parenthood, and The Nation,” read a singles ad from a “SWM whose passions include Amnesty International, EarthFirst! and a free Tibet,” well, it sent hopeful little bells of benison cascading through her heart. Last Lullaby
  • The sea sighs at the feet of the cliffs where fulmars and kittiwakes are sitting hopefully on nests precariously wedged into the narrowest of crevices. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wish I could say I felt the moist eyes of my family and friends staring out hopefully from the observation enclosure. 365 tomorrows » Duncan Shields : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Hopefully “eco-bling” becomes a staple in slanguage and does experience a one-hit wonder word moment. Blog – syllable studio
  • People sleeping outdoor are scrambling for any hopeful cover. Christianity Today
  • I wrote this quickly but hopefully this is the type of list you are looking for.
  • There are some fairly hopeful signs of recovery in the US market.
  • A lot of the prisoners write about how hard it is inside and hopefully when they leave prison they will reflect on this.
  • I know with the advance of the years the approach to training has changed and there is no substitute for the endless running but hopefully the training has become more game-orientated.

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