How To Use Hoped-for In A Sentence

  • They shouted hosannas and waved palm branches as Jesus the hoped-for warrior king, the overthrower of Rome, the savior of the world - rode in on a donkey.
  • The flock of hoped-for settlers did not materialize, and securing advanced posts would require investments in fortifications and armed men, not to mention diplomatic gifts to the Indians. George Washington’s First War
  • That might not seem like a lofty goal, but after the plans last year fizzled out and the hoped-for inaugural festival was cancelled, it's a realistic one.
  • The hoped-for corrective is "Pacific Standard Time," a Getty-encouraged, Getty-subsidized nearly $10 million in grants collaboration among 60 Southern California institutions resulting in a smorgasbord of everything from handcrafted furniture to hard-edge painting, from guerrilla street performances to sculpture in aerospace materials—all made in California over the past 70 years or so—in shows rolling out over the next six months. Laying Claim to Its Place in the Sun
  • You can have a Vision of Space Exploration (VSE), but unless there's been a preliminary Establishment of Space Exploration Infrastructure (ESEI) to serve as the resource foundation for any level of VSE, you're using an existing infrastructure designed under the same limitations that will limit any hoped-for VSE capabilities. Why Some Say the Moon? - NASA Watch
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  • It was the sort of price any commander had to pay for hoped-for victory.
  • But for this unhoped-for help, I must have perished. Le Colonel Chabert
  • Unfortunately, the hoped-for investment boom did not materialize.
  • I think the Garden of Eden now revived by eco-spirituality, has come to represent the once hoped-for celestial paradise.
  • Yet, conservation biologists have begun to wonder if these long-hoped-for changes bode well for the land.
  • It need scarcely be added that the young men were overjoyed on receiving this almost unhoped-for intelligence, and that Harry expressed his satisfaction in his usual hilarious manner, asserting, somewhat profanely, in the excess of his glee, that the governor-in - chief of Rupert's Land was a "regular brick. The Young Fur Traders
  • The sound was warm and spacious with low to medium-bitrate music, but lossless didn't quite deliver the hoped-for sonic boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all its implied and hoped-for universality, it is a deeply American work.
  • A hoped-for influx of foreign investment following the Orange Revolution never materialized, and when the global financial crisis hit last year it sent Ukraine's economy plummeting by 15 percent and slashed the value of its currency, the hryvna, by half. ACTION UKRAINE REPORT (Archive)
  • The hoped-for boom in jobs has so far proved illusory. Times, Sunday Times
  • `In the West, we have a tendency to locate our hoped-for future somewhere in a golden past. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The emerging markets of eastern Europe represent hoped-for market segments, but, with their economies floundering, penetration of these markets has been difficult.
  • Meantime, the Lady of Avenel, with agonizing anxiety, saw that the efforts that the poor boy made to keep himself afloat, were now exchanged for a faint struggling, which would soon have been over, but for aid equally prompt and unhoped-for. The Abbot
  • At times I would be encouraged by a little unhoped-for success, at others I would be in the deepest despair because of accidents and failures resulting from my inexperience. Curie, Marie Sklodowska
  • Among hoped-for advancements, Ms. Henry cites self-cleaning uniform fabric made of tiny nanofilaments so small that liquids bead and roll off like marbles, preventing the cloth from ever getting stained or wet. Work Wear Hits Pay Dirt
  • I was at home when the desperately hoped-for call came through.
  • She was praying that she would find him in, and for once her prayers had the hoped-for result. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • If world trade stagnates, export-driven growth models will not deliver the hoped-for benefits. Global Trade Facing Headwinds
  • If he had thought soberly over the probable future of a beautiful and penniless girl like Eve Chardon, he would have seen that this marriage was a piece of unhoped-for good fortune. Two Poets
  • The new policy did not bring the hoped-for economic recovery.
  • In the final sentences of A Brief History of Time, referring to a hoped-for time when an eloquent and unified theory of everything is developed, Stephen Hawking not generally given to metaphysical musings says, Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. The Language of God
  • Those who cannot be enlightened by reason, can only be controlled by force; and this, coupled with her great privations, must soon have reduced her to a worse condition than that of the beasts that perish, but for timely and unhoped-for aid. American Notes for General Circulation
  • What we lose when we go that ideological route is the possibility of coordinated, cooperative, non-economized collective action — government in the hoped-for and often unrealized sense of democracy — which is one of the only levers we have that might be used to counter global capitalism. Essential Weekend Viewing: Kim Stanley Robinson at Duke, 1.29.10 « Gerry Canavan
  • Elsewhere, where Hindus did convert, it was not the hoped-for Brahmins, but the powerless and disenfranchized lower castes and untouchables who made the change.
  • His hoped-for surveys in the Ohio Company land grant were frustrated by the failure of the company to establish itself there. George Washington’s First War
  • While local business owners await Twitter's arrival, that hoped-for rebound has yet to materialize. Market Street Looks for Twitter Revival
  • If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources. Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
  • Then, in May 1823, the hoped-for pardon arrived and he was able to resume a normal life at Kinloch.
  • It is also, for all its implied and hoped-for universality, a deeply American work.
  • The hoped-for improvement never came.
  • But it's now clear that the smarter, abler, cooler, better man who sits in the White House at the moment is doing the business for which he was meant and let's face it: while light years ahead of B-B-Bush (just one of the many reported post-Bush tics) his hoped-for success lay not solely in his election but also in the evolution of those who elected him. Steven Weber: Stormy Weather
  • Unfortunately, the hoped-for investment boom did not materialize.
  • The result was an inventory glut that forced manufacturers and retailers to cut the prices of 3-D TVs, reducing the hoped-for profits. 3-D Becomes a TV Commodity
  • The government is paying 75 \% of the costs to build a cathedral for the long-term predominant use and exclusive benefit of one private entity, in exchange for limited immediate financial benefit, hoped-for "psychic" benefits of keeping the team in town, and potential (but never-fully-realized) downstream economic benefits of a neighborhood and area revival. Sports Law Blog
  • The hoped-for letter was waiting for him at the flat in North Ryde. STAGE FRIGHT
  • The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive.
  • Forestry rules are unlikely to be included in any "balanced package," as Figueres and others referred to the hoped-for Cancun agreement. Corbin Hiar: Tianjin Climate Talks Recap: Little Progress on the Policies
  • It could bring enormous benefits if I could convince Congress to pass the budget, and if it got the hoped-for response from the Federal Reserve and the bond market.
  • The hoped-for post-war demand to replace ship losses did not fully materialise due to recession, and many jobs were casual.
  • The hoped-for boom never materialized.
  • Mass privatisation broke the planners' grip but failed to create the hoped-for shareholder democracy.
  • The recent deals suggest that hoped-for double-digit growth could be around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two hoped-for long-run radio serials of his had not been renewed after the first fifty-two episodes. FAIRYLAND
  • He recently pulled a crowdfunding project as it didn't deliver the hoped-for investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • an unhoped-for piece of luck
  • It will raise fresh worries for the Government that the much hoped-for consumer spending upturn remains beyond the horizon.
  • But a head must in the end tolerate something less than the hoped-for whole being achieved.
  • So with her divine hands she snatched from the fire the dear son whom Metaneira had born unhoped-for in the palace, and cast him from her to the ground; for she was terribly angry in her heart. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Mortier has taken immediate action to dynamize what some see as a stagnant artistic atmosphere at the Teatro Real in an attempt to allow it to finally make the hoped-for international breakthrough. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive.

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