- any of a number of mammals with hooves that are superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically
How To Use hoofed mammal In A Sentence
- Dolphins, for example, descend from a hoofed mammal that adapted to life in the ocean about 50 million years ago.
- * A heavily built, Southeast Asian hoofed mammal of the family Bovidae, the takin lives in small herds in the mountains, often above timberline. Chapter 8
- Solid horns, called antlers, distinguish most species in the deer family from the other hoofed mammals.
- The two major groups of living hoofed mammals are the Artiodactyla, or cloven-hooved mammals; and the Perissodactyla, or odd-toed mammals.
- In contrast, both sexes of many other hoofed mammals have permanent, hollow horns.
- And then on to ruminant, which verified my initial rumgumption about the cud-chewing, but included, also, a reference to the "ruminantia," which are "a division of even-toed, hoofed mammals" including some which do not chew the cud! VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
- But people were not the only hunters of these large, hoofed mammals.
- Until recently, zoologists thought the membership list of the order Artiodactyla was limited to hoofed mammals with an even number of toes: camels, cows, deer, giraffes, goats, hippopotamuses, pigs, sheep.
- The horse is a large, hoofed mammal. Its earliest ancestor was a small animal with several toes on each foot.
- It became home to a unique zoo of hoofed mammals, edentates, marsupials, and more giant flightless birds (Phorusrachids).