How To Use Hoodwink In A Sentence
By 1946, Woodhouse contends, the political objectives of all factions were clear to all, and there was no basis on which to argue that EAM's supporters were 'hoodwinked'. back
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I now think that 'hoodwinked' is the word for the Administration approach on WMDs.
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America's most senior general was 'hoodwinked' by top Bush administration officials determined to push through aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects held at Guantánamo Bay, leading to the US military abandoning its age-old ban on the cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners, the Guardian reveals today.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture
In short - we were not "hoodwinked" by Wall Street.
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Two, he is an unreconstructed leftie attempting to hoodwink those in favour of reform by talking their language without actually acting on it.

Closer inspection, however, reveals the fraud, we've been hoodwinked for the stage is not populated by New Romantics, those glamorous, angular starlets from a planet yet undiscovered but, rather, by the Eton bob-a-job week scout group.
The Music Fix
Do not now try to insult me further by attempting to hoodwink me with any further false promises.
Such a defence is offered only to hoodwink the gullible, illiterate and ignorant millions.
Rather than being hoodwinked, I would endure anything.
Two Czech students hoodwinked the media and most of Prague by the look of it, make-believing that they were building a hypermarket and shopping precinct.
I have been toppled by my own monstrous solipsism, hoodwinked by the belief that everything revolves around me.
I'm not sure "okey-doke" "bamboozle" and "hoodwink" are the hippest terms to use, but I suppose he is speaking to a diverse audience, and Clinton has been claiming the senior vote, so, sure why not.
Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
And if the climactic surprise feels like a magician's cheat, at least we've been hoodwinked by a master.
When the archforger Hans van Meegeren undertook to hoodwink the experts by painting what they accepted as a theretofore unknown Vermeer, his motives were more devious than those of the ordinary counterfeiter.
We might satirize, circumvent or hoodwink the great prince, but we don't mess with him.
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They accuse stem cell research traditionalists of hoodwinking the public by promising cures they cannot deliver.
But I have to say that in this instance she emerges with a lot of credit as someone who is prepared to put her money where her mouth is - and is prepared to admit in public that she was hoodwinked.
The privatizers have hoodwinked us into believing that public education, like poverty, is hopeless.
I got kind of hoodwinked on this Boardwalk Empire," he jokes.
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| Reply | Permalink golly, if one was a suspicious type, one would think this was highly orchestrated p.r. move to hoodwink those 'low info' voters and the cable news chattermonkeys. what's that word josh likes to use -- oh yeah, 'bamboozle' the yokels.
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Such a defence is offered only to hoodwink the gullible, illiterate and ignorant millions.
Sands concludes that Myers was "hoodwinked" by Rumsfeld and Haynes.
What to Do About the Torturers?
In the highest form the persuader is a teacher and propagandist, changing the policy of peoples; in the commonest form he is a salesman, seeking to sell a commodity; in the lowest he is the faker, trying to hoodwink the credulous.
The Foundations of Personality
He's very easily dazzled, and we might add, hornswoggled and hoodwinked.
His principle was simple: to deceive the enemy you must first hoodwink your allies.
Rather than being hoodwinked, I would endure anything.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'America\'s most senior general was "hoodwinked" by top Bush administration officials determined to push through aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects held at Guantánamo Bay, leading to the US military abandoning its age-old ban on the cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners, the Guardian reveals today.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture
We work too hard for our dollars (which are worth less and less every day) to be hoodwinked and cheated by unscrupulous places such as these.
Hence he adopts an attitude to authority which is bifold - authorities may tell us truths which we cannot ourselves apprehend, or they may hoodwink us with nonsense.
At first glance, a fella could be hoodwinked into assuming both these bandwagons to be one and the same.
The jury didn't buy it -- possibly because Smith, during nine suspenseful days last October, hoodwinked the town and the national news media with a lurid fabrication seemingly drawn from tabloid crime re-ports -- that her children had been abducted by a black car-jacker.
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I actually used "hoodwink" here on TPM the other day, specifically to describe what Hillary is doing.
Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
Any party that claims it's not necessary is hoodwinking voters.
But I like the idea of overlaid comments (though I think Hoodwink’d does it better). reply
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We're also against annuities that are sold by unscrupulous salespersons who sometimes "hoodwink" (often older) investors into investing with them by providing false or misleading information about the annuity products they're selling.
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There are many wolves in sheepskin whose mission is to hoodwink the people at every turn with sugar-coated good-for-nothing promises.
For the past two decades, Western governments have been confounded, hoodwinked, bambozzled, bluffed, duped, manipulated, seduced, beguiled, flim-flammed and sandbagged by a master of deception into believing that there is "no alternative in the opposition".
Alemayehu G. Mariam: J'Accuse!
Don't let him "hoodwink" you or "bamboozle" you with his clever shell game, Barack.
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Critics of fish farming are furious at what they consider to be an attempt to hoodwink the public.
So maybe he himself was hoodwinked into a misguided war.
Obviously the players in this case have so little respect for the intelligence of the public, that they think that they can hoodwink us, tell us anything that comes to mind, and then gloss over it.
I have been toppled by my own monstrous solipsism, hoodwinked by the belief that everything revolves around me.
Besides being a religious shyster, or a hoodwinked dupe, that is.
Waaay off topic - The Panda's Thumb
Are they seriously suggesting the Scottish public are totally gullible and can be so easily hoodwinked?
Will Obama crack under pressure within 100 days in office? survey said that most obama voters do not know what the word hoodwink means?
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Or, in an even worse scenario, they will have transferred your title into a trust that then enables them to rent or "resell" your property to equally hoodwinked buyers while, to your surprise, you remain legally obligated to make the mortgage payments.
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The test would be laughed out of the public education realm as hooey but survives in the corporate realm because businesses don't speak educationese and do not know they're being hoodwinked.
And the people of these times are something less easily hoodwinked, I think, by such stark foolery.
The story of a shikse (a word I'd never heard and thus had no idea was derogatory) from a small New England town, taken in, hoodwinked, and swindled blind by such skillful means as she never dreamt existed.
But hoodwinking the public on scientific and technological subjects is not difficult.
Accomplished liars will beat polygraphs, mislead interrogators, and hoodwink the most sophisticated security regime.
They just can't avoid being manipulated, tricked, conned, used, snookered, bamboozled, hoodwinked, rum amok and conned by men.
Another kind of conversation program, known as a chatbot, can occasionally hoodwink people into thinking it is human.
Times, Sunday Times
This The Sun King comprehensively demolishes by setting out in extenso the process, which those of us unwilling to be hoodwinked have understood from the outset, by which it is merely the means of creating a constitution that has been changed, not the constitution itself:
In Hubris, Veritas
Fabulous play on the edge of the Benfica area, hoodwinking Luisao with a delicious stepover and trying to slide the ball in between Artur's legs. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
You have once again hoodwinked me into risking my life in one of those damnable contraptions!
Cabinet advice, says Hide, showed the public had been hoodwinked into investing in a project that made billions for a Hollywood studio.
I like Obama because he uses words like "hoodwink" and "bamboozle" in political speeches.
Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
Someone hoodwinked my eyes and let me guess who she was.
Critics of fish farming are furious at what they consider to be an attempt to hoodwink the public.
The "hoodwink" language makes a clear inference that they are dispespectful of the electorate (which is clearly true).
Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
Typical white person who is sick of this closet racist, America hating bigot trying to "hoodwink" the American people. shawn
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I have been toppled by my own monstrous solipsism, hoodwinked by the belief that everything revolves around me.
He plays a high-stakes burglar who lifts the diamonds and then gets hoodwinked by a rival gang.
I believe it's another attempt to hoodwink the population that they are doing something about crime.
Once people have experienced a free press, they will never want to be hoodwinked again by papers attempting to cover the government's dirty footprints.
Surely there's a better way forward than hoodwinking the public?
Perhaps at some point Arianna Huffington, Robert Kuttner, Michael Moore and other left-ish pundits will engage in a bit of self-criticism and enlighten us as to how they were hoodwinked so easily.
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What they are really saying is that they will try to hoodwink the public.
While most North Americans, financial analysts and journalists did not take note of this announcement, those of us tired of being "hoodwinked" certainly did.
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And even then it was uncommon because of the profoundly negative connotations blindfolds carried for medieval and Renaissance audiences, who viewed them as emblems not of impartiality but of deception hence the early use of the word hoodwink as a noun, meaning a blindfold or hood.
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I also find it interesting that Obama is characterizing Hillary's suggestion that the two would make a good unity ticket (with her on the top, naturally) as just an attempt to "hoodwink" and "bamboozle" voters.
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In fact, in the developed countries, there are other bodies which put the claims of the adverts to the test through stringent laboratory tests to ensure customers are not being hoodwinked.
For example, they suggest exploiting valuations to hoodwink banks into lending you more money than they otherwise would.
On board ship he invariably tried to hoodwink other people, even a cabin boy, into paying for his sherry.
The red tape jungle was built into the Act to protect the Crown -- the people of Canada if you like, from the dangers inherent in trusteeship and to protect the Indians from being hoodwinked out of their land.
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From when he stole the copper from the wires of his employer PGE, to when he "hoodwinked" American into allowing Haliburton to kill and steal from us, he has been consistently DISHONEST ....
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Among other things, the show will feature Randi's demonstration of the cold-reading technique used by magicians to entertain and mediums to hoodwink an unsuspecting public.
People expect others to be honest,(Sentencedict) which is why conmen find it so easy to hoodwink people.