
honeyed words

  1. inconsequential expressions of affection
    he whispered sweet nothings into her ear

How To Use honeyed words In A Sentence

  • She had listened from a respectful distance, and with the humble deference born of years of bondage, to the honeyed words with which the great lady deigned to cajole a girl-slave: but when Dea Flavia had finished speaking and the chorus of admiration had died down around her, the freedwoman, with steps which she vainly tried to render firm, approached to the foot of the catasta and stood between the great lady and her own child. "Unto Caesar"
  • He thinks he can get anything he wants with charm and honeyed words and cleverness.
  • So they abandoned honeyed words and determined to use force.
  • Honeyed words may deceive people of some time, but they cannot stand the test of time and practice.
  • Your honeyed words will not easily win me over.
  • It's time for justice. It's time for action and for change, not more honeyed words which lead nowhere.
  • Never mind all the usual tosh about developing players for the future, never mind your own honeyed words about playing entertaining rugby and having a happy squad.
  • Allowing themselves to be caught up in the magical and analgesic balm of his knight errantry, they show that they read: we can be influenced by honeyed words and gallant deeds. James Scarborough: Man of La Mancha at Musical Theatre West
  • So let's dispense with the honeyed words and just step outside and take care of business.
  • All their honeyed words about sustainable development cannot conceal the fact that, at heart, they are fundamentally opposed to change.
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