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How To Use Honesty In A Sentence

  • Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.
  • Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
  • There is actually a dishonesty, really, about that slogan that says to keep it in the laboratory and it will be OK.
  • Dishonesty is always one way of climbing the ladder of success, but dishonest intentions and manipulations are more prone to fail. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His dark eyes stared back, full of rawness, honesty and uncompromising sincerity.
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  • In all honesty, the only thing I was actually doing right was my schoolwork.
  • Honesty is the most praiseworthy quality one can possess.
  • In contrast to the image of the poet as the orderer, the craftsman, the poets of the _Fragments_ have a kind of artlessness (to us a very studied one, to be sure) that gave them an aura of sincerity and honesty. Fragments of Ancient Poetry
  • Honesty may be dear bought; but can never be an ill pennyworth. 
  • It also means an honesty and transparency of Government that we have not seen for years. The Sun
  • Procedures that were set up to expose and correct dishonesty were themselves blocked or shown to be inefficient.
  • Most American designers are either obsessed with objective space or suffer from just trying to make things look cool - but here there is evidence of honesty, conceptualism and philosophy.
  • While we can credit him for some degree of intellectual honesty in confronting the hypocrisies and irrationalities that govern so much of public life, religious and non-religious, Christopher Hitchens, in the end, could not offer a vision of true humanness because he dwelled in the cynical faculties of the mind without being adequately informed by the positive wisdom of the heart. Kabir Helminski: Christopher Hitchens is "Not Great"
  • A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. Ernest Hemingway 
  • In this he is inspired by his partner's honesty and openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no way you'll hear me saying, ‘dishonesty at any level corrupts the individual’, or find me stalking birds around the garden.
  • It is the abuse of the filibuster that has been the issue here and that repugs have no integrity, no honesty in dealing, no sense of fairness or justice — there should be some way to preserve the filibuster in order for the minority to be heard, but something must be done to prevent the abuses of the repugs. Think Progress » Sen. Tom Udall Calls Reid’s Promise To ‘Take A Look At The Filibuster’ A ‘Warning Shot’ To Republicans
  • Many such terms bombard the English language continually: some are stopped at the barriers of honesty and common sense; many invade the lexicon like novae, only VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • Levy is a creditable state advocate, a Jehovah's Witness with a reputation for honesty.
  • Oroveso to the Druidical chorus, was a muscular spinster, fierce and forty, sporting steel spectacles, a frizette of the most scrupulous honesty, and a towering comb which formed what the landscape-gardeners call "an object" in the distance. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • Then again, integrity, honesty and character are not items that can be used to describe today's left.
  • If unconditional, it converts to dogma, which is incompatible with intellectual honesty.
  • I believe in honesty is the best policy, not fake sniper fire. Schneider: More sobering news - the value gap
  • How would your life be different if...You approached all relationships with authenticity and honesty? Let today be the day...You dedicate yourself to building relationships on the solid foundation of truth and authenticity. Steve Maraboli 
  • With voluntaryism and self-improvement went self-respect, a code of honesty and a sense of respectability.
  • Ask him whether he can say, with honesty and sincerity, that he is happy.
  • He fought against dishonesty and corruption, opportunism and cowardice.
  • We must accept that the decline of political honesty and political reporting is inevitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.
  • Mary graduates from a tense, haunted guilt about her role in the murder of Darnley to a radiant, assured queenliness in the spiritual honesty and dignity with which she faces death.
  • Phrenologists became equally puzzled by villains with prominent bumps of honesty and integrity.
  • Obama's dignified elevation of our national discourse through honesty, depth, and nuance was greeted by ratings-esurient tabloid news, race-baiting commentary, and rancorous replay of Wright -- ad nauseam. Shaun Jacob Halper: Beyond Jeremiah: A New Kind of Media for Obama's New Kind of Politics
  • And he is being made to pay for that honesty and candor now that his statements are being twisted.
  • He accomplished this task by treachery, secrecy, speed and dishonesty.
  • Leave an honest, informative review – Of course, we all love good reviews, but honesty is the most important. 2010 May «
  • It's refreshing to see some honesty from the media.
  • Honesty and sincerity, especially the fake variety, are conveyed by steady eye contact and leaning towards the audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a delicious irony about a campaign promising more honesty in politics through the deployment of an argument it must know to be entirely dishonest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their honesty and hospitality an enduring impress on her life.
  • Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates. 
  • In all honesty, they were again seeing it as our input sabotaging what they wanted to do.
  • I set great store by the fact that we live our lives openly, with as much honesty as possible at all times.
  • Most people commonly employ dishonesty and deception as a means to get through life safely and advantageously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • But that wouldn't be our Phillip, honesty not being a virtue on which he places much value.
  • Thompson, who impresses with his vigour, drive and forthrightness, should not be hung out to dry for doing what, in all honesty, any new owner would have undertaken.
  • That sounds like honesty rather than duplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too much people lack integrity and it is dishonesty that keeps them from being able to reason out issues.
  • Instead of treating laughter as a happy by-product of honesty, it tries too hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
  • She had an unshakeable faith in human goodness and natural honesty.
  • Honesty enables people to have better personal relationships and social support, and to enjoy a pleasant, healthy and happy life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.
  • Particularly upsetting was the fact that our integrity and honesty was being called into question.
  • Reflecting on the large-grain, pixelated images of the various motorists, Nerf says: ‘Maybe there is certain amount of honesty shown in terms of how people react to the alcohol.’
  • The house is elegant but informal - slouchy white sofas in the lounge and a kitchen that runs on an honesty system, stocked with drinks and snacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, it is having a depressing effect on the price, but that's the consequence of a requirement of public honesty.
  • You miss the honesty and imaginative leaps when you return to adult theatre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness, some common interests. 
  • Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
  • I have wondered about deleting the post, but there would be a fundamental dishonesty in doing so.
  • Her honesty and sincerity positively shine out.
  • People do praise and respect honesty, but most people would prefer dishonest- but- rich to honest- but- poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Simultaneously, his own reactions to the places and people he meets are recorded with unflinching honesty. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It also touches on his honesty and "forthrightness" (is that a word or something I snagged from the Bush dictionary?) The Official TPM Tally: The McCains Own Eight To Eleven Houses
  • He is humble and a true gentleman who makes his choices based on honesty and integrity.
  • Despite his ability for discernment and honesty, you still come away thinking he is stuck in a life of cliched fixations.
  • Maybe, his dishonesty is the reason for this, if he did not go writing articles all the time about how he may want to be the leader, people may feel what he says is more candid than it appears. Possible Labour Leadership Contenders… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • There's also a farm shop with no till but an honesty board to write down purchases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Section head - the number of occasions that fraudulent claims are made, ie indicators of honesty or dishonesty.
  • We may have our own subjective judgments about this matter, but we should at least have the honesty to recognize that they are completely irrelevant.
  • -- This confidingness, this complaisance, this showing-the-cards of German HONESTY, is probably the most dangerous and most successful disguise which the Beyond Good and Evil
  • With that comes corruption, dishonesty, unfaithfulness, and being immoral.
  • Urgent action is necessary to purge both banks and bankers of their deeply ingrained dishonesty and greed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Levi points out, someone who is a casual or even first-time visitor might not recognize the dishonesty of a troll like dochunt, since he couches his trollery in puffed-up pseudo-academic arrogance. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 8, 2010
  • The three classic Stooges remain so special mainly because they capture young soul in utter torment with an unflinching honesty and intensity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't tolerate the equally vicious dishonesty of adultery.
  • He always settles for bald honesty or nothing at all.
  • These diarised moments of brutal honesty, twinned with hesitant uncertainty, are typical of Woolf's swings between self-doubt and dogged ambition.
  • The rough hand of the New World had been laid upon the Scotsman from his boyhood; but sterling honesty was written in every line of his bitter-seamed face, while a prognathous jaw proclaimed to the onlooker that honesty was the best policy, -- for the onlooker at any rate, should he wish to do business with the owner of the jaw. CHAPTER 6
  • His honesty and integrity won through in the end.
  • In a State where there is a sense of virtue, a powerful man ought not to give way to the ill-affected, or expose the government to those that are incapable of it, nor suffer high trusts to be committed to those who want common honesty. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • His eccentric character and honesty appeals to many. The Sun
  • Yet in the very midst of these vices which had rendered his honesty dubious, and name bespotted, he nurtured in the depths of his soul three virtues capable of again elevating him -- an unshaken love for a young girl, whom he married in spite of his family, History of the Girondists, Volume I Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution
  • crookedness" or dishonesty in his dealings to slam him with. Undefined
  • The Rhone Rangers also have produced a host of Rhonestyle blends, usually with a high percentage of grenache.
  • Where there has been dishonesty, then they should lose the benefit of any limitation period protection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypocrisy and a spirit of error will so besmut God's ordinances, that he shall take no pleasure in them: but sincerity, and honesty in duties, will make even those circumstances that in themselves are indifferent, at least comely in the sight of men. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • Yet, it demands motivation and expects honesty on the part of students, leading those who are suspicious to doubt the entire enterprise.
  • There is still some way to go before cricket can hope to match football for greed and dishonesty, but it's getting there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rolly inspired exceptional dealer and customer confidence with his honesty, attentiveness and understanding.
  • (the possession of correct views, decision and purity of thought and will, the ability of reproducing any sound uttered in the universe, vow of poverty, asceticism, attainment of meditative abstraction of self-control, religious recollectedness, honesty and virtue), and such doctrines. Buddhism and Buddhists in China
  • You can always get what you want by bribery and corruption, dishonesty and deviousness.
  • a hare: his dishonesty appears in leaving his friend here in necessity and denying him; and for his cowardship, ask Fabian. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will
  • The fact that a claimant has convictions for offences of dishonesty does not mean that a jury must disbelieve him.
  • I've always believed that decency and honesty are the best routes to success.
  • Accept the advice in the spirit it is given, which is brutal honesty.
  • No legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare 
  • More specifically, the test is whether the employee's dishonesty gave rise to a breakdown in the employment relationship.
  • Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
  • Knavery may serve, but honesty is best. 
  • Throughout, these figures mirror humanity in all its pomposity and haplessness, calculation and honesty, devotion and infidelity, profanity and piety.
  • His face glows in his honesty, as if he's only too happy to share his experiences - his self - with us.
  • Like many autobiographers, her honesty leans towards self-indulgence in her refusal to attempt to give the reader anything more than a blandly introspective narrative.
  • His name has become a byword for honesty in the community.
  • The point of the near-constant dispensation of lies, half-truths and irrelevancies is to create an atmosphere in which it becomes almost impossible to distinguish honesty from deception, fact from fantasy.
  • In all honesty, I don't have many relatives that have lived to ripe old ages apart from my maternal Grandfather.
  • The author handles controversial exegetical areas with sensitivity and honesty.
  • But he tends to leave an impression of intellectual dishonesty, a disconcerting lack of sincerity.
  • Meanwhile, in accordance with the principle of honesty and fairness, the doctrine of prosecution history estoppels and plea known technology shall be taken as the exclusion principle.
  • Many have been produced in all honesty as book illustrations or in celebration of some interesting event or anniversary.
  • When conducting transactions, producers and consumers shall follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility.
  • But your greatest character trait is your honesty.
  • Yet in a world notorious for bungs, Stephens has a reputation for straight dealing and honesty.
  • Subsequent cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with quite severely.
  • A minister has ultimate responsibility for mistakes and dishonesty in a government department.
  • I wish to make it clear that I do not for one moment suggest that any member of the board is or has been guilty of any dishonesty or disreputable comment.
  • Our honesty is more brutal that a notched cinquedea. - HOME PAGE
  • Moreover, given the fact that dishonesty in enterprises increases transaction costs and prolongs the business cycle, the economic development of the country will eventually be stifled.
  • Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. 
  • He says the Pension Funds Act should require that trustees have the qualities of honesty and integrity, the competence to fulfil the duties of a trustee, a minimum academic qualification, such as matric, and some relevant experience. Persfin
  • Moving eastwards, we come to Germany which, in all honesty, I know very little about.
  • You need to suspend him pending a disciplinary hearing into fraud, dishonesty and failure to follow a management instruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is possible to win by addressing these issues openly and honesty as Peter Beattie did in Queensland with the electoral rorts affair.
  • There are four pillars to a happy marriage: respect one another as individuals; (give) soft answers; (practice)financial honesty; (conduct) family prayer. Gordon B. Hinckley 
  • He has not too good a reputation in the matter of honesty.
  • The teacher spoke in praise of the child for his honesty.
  • We all were raised Southern enough to be genteel about honesty.
  • It infuses his writing, tempering his cleverness with a good measure of sarcastic honesty.
  • I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up my charade with Peter, and every kiss was tainted with my dishonesty.
  • It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. 
  • And I’m no fan of the MP for Ladywood – though for years I considered her a kind of antiparticle Ann Widdicombe, whose honesty you can applaud even while disagreeing with her. January 18, 2004
  • It was before dawn on New Year's Day that they reached the cottage of Perks, a warrener or gamekeeper, who had been dismissed from Mrs Littleton's service for dishonesty. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • Arenas pranked, counseled and encouraged Young, providing friendship and brutal honesty. Nick Young wants to beat "big brother" Gilbert Arenas
  • It is virtuous and honorable to be honest, but honesty does not always pay. Honesty is not a good policy in circumstances where being honest is disadvantageous or harmful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.
  • So I agreed to answer all of Cranmer's questions with the upmost honesty.
  • Honesty recommends any person
  • It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. 
  • In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.
  • When a man is penalized for honesty he learns to lie. Criss Jami 
  • When we have, however, praised the limpidity of The Vikings at Helgeland, we have, in honesty, to make several reservations in our criticism of the author's choice of a subject. Henrik Ibsen
  • And I used to have my little priggish laugh at the woman who counted her chickens before they were hatched and so forth, and I was convinced that honesty was the best policy, also a little priggishly.
  • Will the erstwhile crimson-lipped peroxide devil-doll, the very anti-Madonna, be raging with paranoia and brutal honesty on her next record?
  • The theory will steamroll over subtle distinctions between candour and honesty, tact and politeness, reticence and stonewalling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Only honesty isn't likely if the reward for it is crucifixion in the press, four different malpractice suits and an exemplary jail sentence.
  • And he is being made to pay for that honesty and candor now that his statements are being twisted.
  • This smug attempt at honesty set more than a few teeth on edge. The Sun
  • Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. 
  • Questions remain about the president's honesty.
  • Although we did not attempt to explain why these differences are observed, other studies have suggested that honesty in reporting may be a factor.
  • There is a certain dishonesty, or at least a limitation of truth, in presenting only historical facts.
  • A dozen convictions for dishonesty and violence. The Sun
  • Philautus, upbraiding his treacherous friend Euphues for robbing him of his lady's love, delivers himself of the following speech: "Although hitherto Euphues I have shrined thee in my heart for a trusty friend, I will shunne thee hereafter as a trothless foe, and although I cannot see in thee less wit than I was wont, yet do I find less honesty. John Lyly
  • This would seem to be a clever way of catching wrong-doers, exploiting the criminal class's essential dishonesty and grasping nature.
  • Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.
  • This requires the highest possible consciousness, and therefore complete honesty and integrity, no matter how bitter the immediate consequences.
  • Many of you believe that the evidence of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.
  • Ignorance is up there with dishonesty on his list of pet hates, and with good reason.
  • The minister promised to restore the honesty and integrity of the government.
  • Whatever you might think of heddle, he is not someone who should be lumped with the likes of the Dishonesty Institute, Ray Comfort and Ken Ham. Dover Trap in the Pelican State - The Panda's Thumb
  • We can spend our lives dallying in false advertising and slick brochures about barren land and cheap trinkets and never for a moment wince at the dishonesty of it.
  • It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.
  • Loyalty, honesty, frankness, gratitude, chivalry, magnanimity - these are the hallmarks of the good friend, the good husband and father, the nice guy we all hope our daughters will marry.
  • Turkish newspapers on Thursday accused Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish leaders of dishonesty and unreliability, saying they promised much but delivered virtually nothing.
  • Sue will be sadly missed by those who respected honesty. The Sun
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Christian who in fact is only a kind of Epicurean, and who, with his belief that “faith saves,” carries the principle of Hedonism _as far as possible_ — far beyond all intellectual honesty. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • That the process involves the FCO in dishonesty, deviousness and dishonour is emphatically encapsulated in the apparent scheme whereby Brussels will delay proposals to scrap Britain's annual £3 billion rebate. Archive 2007-12-23
  • Okay, in all honesty, I didn't receive a free copy of this book anyway because the publisher is a BIG MEANIE!!! April Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour
  • There is no bar on her honesty, she is extremely frank, although her candour tends to be clouded by a vagueness of expression.
  • Maidens and honesty wandered then, I say, where they listed, alone, signiorising, secure that no stranger liberty, or lascivious intent could prejudice it, or their own native desire or will any way endamage it. The Second Book. III. Of That Which Passed between Don Quixote and Certain Goatherds
  • Constantine had witnessed the unusual steadfastness, honesty and duty of the Christians, just as he had seen the horrors of persecution while with Diocletian and Galerius in the East. Santa Elena, discoverer of the Holy Cross
  • The panel hearing the misconduct case have been told to strike any allegation that she acted with dishonesty. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no reason to suspect her honesty/loyalty.
  • This bigness of heart, this largesse of the soul, is a characteristic of hers that has been remarked on frequently, though in all honesty I must say I have never experienced it firsthand.
  • They get nothing but applause from me on that score, but I do wish they would tackle Europe, and other issues, with a little more honesty than they seem to believe is politic.
  • It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. 
  • In 2006 they worked with a village of farmers in Toge, Japan to create a sculptural honesty box at a nearby beauty spot.
  • The problem with unenforceable rules is that they penalise honesty. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all honesty I was expecting a tiny wall stuck in the corner of the hall about eight feet high.
  • The cultivation of individual honesty is the subjective activities which the individual cultivates his honest personality and realizes the convert of the norm of honesty from heteronomy to autonomy.
  • I have tremendous respect for the daring, moral courage, and intellectual honesty of this book.
  • This campaign they remain a breath of fresh air due to the honesty of their manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jehannot well noting the honesty and loyall dealing of this Jew, began to have a Religious kinde of compassion in his soule, much pittying that a man so good in behaviour, so wise and discreete in all his actions, should be in danger of perdition thorow want of Faith. The Decameron
  • Honesty may be dear bought; but can never be an ill pennyworth. 
  • Enterprise style: speak honestly , conduct practically, rapid and efficient. Managercharacter: loyalty , honesty, probity, dare speak.
  • There's a disarming honesty to the film and a familiarity to the themes that will strike a chord with most women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regarding your high class comment about me in your May 19, 2004 posting, why don't you have a scintilla of honesty and print the attached story from the Boston Globe which sets the record straight.
  • The honesty and openness of her words are oftentimes scary, yet somehow surprisingly liberating.
  • This is something that has to be addressed with honesty and candour if the family justice system is not to suffer further loss of public confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their hypocrisy, their cant and their lies are nailed to the wall and flayed with such devastating honesty and accuracy that one wonders how anyone could ever dare to be associated with their names again.
  • On the way was a trolley laden with plum jam, pickles and eggs; a selection went into the boot, a fiver into the honesty box.
  • Full marks for honesty and full marks too for the age-old cliche about matchplay golf being the graveyard of expectations. Rory McIlroy out of World Match Play after heavy defeat to Ben Crane
  • A charge very clearly made out against Peytel, is that of dishonesty; he procured from the notary of whom he bought his place an acquittance in full, whereas there were 15,000 francs owing, as we have seen. The Paris Sketch Book
  • To disassociate identity from professional status, therapists recommend taking pride in characteristics that can't be stripped away -- virtue, integrity, honesty, generosity.
  • Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. 
  • Counsel for the respondent challenged the honesty and fullness of the account given by Ms Peters for the delay.
  • Otherwise, we know a little dishonesty is on display. Driving The Northwest Passage - NASA Watch
  • And as we see it in experience, that dogs do always bark at those they know not, and that it is their nature to accompany one another in those clamors: so it is with the inconsiderate multitude; who wanting that virtue which we call honesty in all men, and that especial gift of God which we call charity in Christian men, condemn without hearing, and wound without offence given: led thereunto by uncertain report only; which his Majesty truly acknowledged for the author of all lies. Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • I knew I probably should have gone downstairs but in all honesty, I didn't feel like getting up and having people tell me how sorry they were and how their sympathies were with me.

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