
How To Use Honduras In A Sentence

  • La actitud de CNN en Español el domingo 28 cubriendo el golpe de Estado en Honduras es una clase magistral para estudiantes acerca del periodismo que desprestigia la profesión. Global Voices in English » Honduras: Was it a Coup?
  • La clase política de Honduras, incluido el mismo Partido Liberal, sostiene que Zelaya pretende reformar la Constitución de la República, por medio de la consulta al pueblo (la cuarta urna), como lo hicieron Hugo Chávez en Venezuela y Evo Morales en Bolivia, para luego perpetuarse en el poder. Global Voices in English » Honduras: Does the Country Need a New Constitution?
  • I had been in Kenya as a medical student, and when I was a resident, one of our attending physicians at Penn State took residents twice a year to Honduras, trying to set up a pediatrics orthopedic clinic.
  • Honduras has been hit by a week-long strike of heavy cargo truck drivers and oil workers.
  • The Spanish founded several settlements along the coast, and Honduras formed part of the colonial era Captaincy General of Guatemala.
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  • Despite the quite significant role of labor confederations, political life in Honduras has been dominated by civilian caudillos and military strongmen.
  • And many knocks, bumps and detours later here I ride in Honduras, central America.
  • Even Brazil is softening: one of its diplomats says he hopes the group readmits Honduras this year. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • I had been in Kenya as a medical student, and when I was a resident, one of our attending physicians at Penn State took residents twice a year to Honduras, trying to set up a pediatrics orthopedic clinic.
  • Had Honduras been found to be engaging in systematic abuses, it could have lost its US aid - thwarting the Reagan Administration's use of Honduras to support the contras.
  • According to the Honduran constitution, which specifies that the quality of citizenship can be lost for certain offenses, Zelaya lost his Honduran citizenship when he incited, encouraged, or supported the continuity or re-election of himself as President of Honduras. Miguel Estrada: Zelaya has “a meritorious immigration beef.” - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • When I was working at a pre-school in rural Honduras, I asked my students how many of them had an immediate family membermojado – illegal – in the States. Mojado « Planning the Day
  • We will be advocating, as we have up to now, the full and total reincorporation of our beloved sister republic of Honduras in all of the region's bodies," she has said. Nikolas Kozloff: U.S. Marines to Costa Rica: What's Behind the Story?
  • Countdown to complete mental breakdown by Micheletti and his dwindling core of supporters (and, yes, that includes a grouplet of US expats that have been blogging constant disinformation from Honduras - their self-delusion and dishonesty to all is now crashing on the rocks of reality, too). Tom Hayden: Zelaya Returns Through Bold Direct Action
  • The traces of Yax Pasaj's activities as a peripatetic diplomatist are also preserved in several inscribed alabaster vases from western Honduras.
  • Christopher Columbus landed in Honduras on his last voyage in 1502.
  • El golpe militar contra Honduras buscaba la falta absoluta del presidente elegido y legítimo de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, y de ahí que el presidente haya sido expulsado y que se le impida la entrada al país para ejercer el poder de Honduras, Esta es la constante fijada por el golpe militar contra la República de Honduras The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • The Organization of American States has voted to readmit Honduras following an almost two-year suspension that followed the ouster of the country's then-president, Manuel Zelaya, in a June 2009 coup. Honduras Readmitted to OAS
  • He continually botches our relationships with our allies, pals around with banana republic dictators and was 100% wrong on the ousting of Honduras's former president. Obama encourages 'common-sense' steps against H1N1 virus
  • This month, the Organization of American States announced at its annual meeting that it plans to send a high-level delegation to Honduras to "study the political process," a first step in a series of confidence-building mechanisms aimed ultimately at readmitting Honduras to the OAS. Rep. Mike Honda: Honduran Coup: One Year Anniversary Beckons Better US Policy Towards Latin America
  • Honduras nunca habia estado tan mal hasta que Mel Zelaya tomo posicion como presidente. Global Voices in English » Honduras: Political Crisis Over Controversial Referendum
  • The Maya live on in Central America today, the term covering different communities in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salavador and western Honduras. Alex Higgins: The Maya Really Did Warn Us About Our Future (Unintentionally)
  • These insectivorous birds are found from the southwestern U.S. through Honduras in Central America. Mystery bird: Ladder-backed woodpecker, Picoides scalaris | @GrrlScientist
  • Characterization and environment-management relationships in beans and sorghum intercropped with maize in honduras. (caracterizacion y relaciones ambiente-manejo en sistemas de frijol y sorgo asociados con maiz en Honduras.) 1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
  • Just look at all the recent political changes in recent history: Cuba willing to talk, Iran – pre election – willing to negociate, DPRK fires missiles, Iraq war winding down, Afghanistan offensive about to start ..., coup in Honduras ... not to mention all the little hotspots around the globe. Hillary Clinton 'elbowed' aside?
  • Mind you, I have no idea what the constructional procedures for removing the President in Honduras might be, but this doesn’t sound too bad to me. The Telling Link Tags
  • However, it played a key role in reaching a peaceful negotiated agreement after the coup there in June, 2009, and helped fund the postcoup Honduras Commission on Truth and Reconciliation. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Characterization and environment-management relationships in beans and sorghum intercropped with maize in honduras. (caracterizacion y relaciones ambiente-manejo en sistemas de frijol y sorgo asociados con maiz en Honduras.) 17. 1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
  • An Army unit in Honduras once labeled an operation in Honduras "Blazing Trails," which in Spanish can translate to "Shining Path," the name of Peruvian terrorist group.
  • I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.
  • Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair.
  • The Organization of American States says it will convene a special General Assembly June 1 to decide on whether to readmit Honduras. OAS to Vote on Readmission of Honduras
  • From Chile to Mexico, Honduras to Brazil, the area dances to the sound of a Latin beat, giving it a jumped-up energy and sense of style that, especially at night, has a certain funkiness.
  • Es bueno recordarle al Congreso y poner en conocimiento de la opinión pública que Honduras contaba con un Vice-presidente y un Designado que tenían prioridad constitucional antes que el presidente del Congreso o el presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia para que fueran considerados como substitutos del Presidente de la República, si su ausencia hubiera sido natural y realmente absoluta. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • Q I'd like to ask Mark, since he was just there recently -- you must know, Mark, the tremendous accident that happened in El Cajon, which is Honduras 'largest power-generating plant. Press Briefing On Hurricane Aid
  • Once in a while the really dense woods, such as boxwood and ebony can fool me, and I really have to work hard to tell the difference between Madasgar and Honduras rosewood.
  • Before then, the Mayans, who lived in present-day Guatemala, Honduras and southern Mexico, recorded hurricanes in their hieroglyphics.
  • Italiano · Honduras: aggiornamenti sulla situazione tramite i video dei cittadini Global Voices in English » Honduras: Videos attempt to explain political situation
  • The Organization of American States (O.A.S.) went a step further Wednesday and said Honduras has 72 hours to reinstate Mr. Zelaya or the regional group may suspend the nation's membership.
  • Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico received between 6% and 16% more revenue from remittances in January than in the same month last year, according to the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Buoyed by Recovery, Migrants Send Home More Money
  • Conference in Honduras; the Guatemalan Teaching Conference in Guatemala; the Dominican Teaching Conference in Ciudad Trujillo; the Jamaican Messages to the Bahá’í World: 1950–1957
  • This map of a portion of Honduras includes a trail, rivers and streams, settlements, and hachured relief.
  • His ships weathered the storm, sailed west and reached Honduras in Central America.
  • Adding his own twist to the Latin American strongman railing against American policies, President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras began talking to journalists on Tuesday. Honduras Fights U.S. Ban on Its Cantaloupes - The Lede Blog -
  • In the months to come, the United States will continue to encourage contrition from Lobo, while the Latin American holdouts will keep exploiting their political leverage over Honduras. Daniel Altschuler: One Year After the Honduran Coup: Isolation, Insecurity, Impunity
  • From Hong Kong to Honduras, and from South Africa to Scottsdale, I have spa-ed, soaked, swum, wined and dined in palatial hotels and resorts with perfect beds, sumptuous bathrooms, impeccable service and world-class designer décor. Judie Fein: From Five Star to Farm: How About a Little Agritourism?
  • Why is no one concerned with the fact that Obama is buddying up with and supporting the likes of Chavez, Ortega, Castro, King Abdullah and now Zelaya of Honduras, and has also tried to suck up to Ahmadinejad??? Obama: Iraqi celebrations a testament to U.S. commitment
  • Central Florida is in the middle of the boom in Hispanic Pentecostal growth because of the influx of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras and the Caribbean, where Pentecostalism has flourished for decades. SplicedFeed
  • A decision to allow Zelaya back into Honduras may help the country gain readmittance into the Organization of American States. Honduras Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal of Zelaya Charges
  • I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.
  • Up until 1994, Honduras drafted children into its military.
  • El nuevo gobierno no cumple ni con la ley ni con los requisitos de la Constitución y nace después de una acción violenta contra la máxima autoridad de la nación que incluyó la expulsión del presidente de la República para crear una falla o ausencia absoluta y así crear este gobierno espurio que hoy ha denigrado a Honduras y se ha ganado el desprecio delmundo. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • The coyotes charge $5000 to bring somebody here from Honduras or Guatemala.
  • Once in a while the really dense woods, such as boxwood and ebony can fool me, and I really have to work hard to tell the difference between Madasgar and Honduras rosewood.
  • Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair.
  • The trip was part of a two day visit to the region, which also included a stop in Honduras.
  • A ruined city thought only to exist in local lore has been discovered in Honduras. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once in a while the really dense woods, such as boxwood and ebony can fool me, and I really have to work hard to tell the difference between Madasgar and Honduras rosewood.
  • I have gone through the central provinces, Chontales, Matagalpa, and Segovia; from the San Juan river, the south-eastern boundary of Nicaragua, away to the confines of Honduras on the north-west. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Mr. Chávez even suggested that Honduras's military should stage a countercoup to restore Mr. Zelaya. Hopes Fade for Quick End to Honduran Political Crisis
  • The Organization of American States suspended Honduras and has continued to resist efforts of Secretary of State Clinton to pressure them into readmitting Honduras. Bill Quigley: One Year Later: Honduras Resistance Strong Despite US Supported Coup
  • Barring the unforeseeable, which is always an iffy thing to do in Honduras, the coupster is out, the mercurial elected president is back in (pending a face-saving vote by Congress and the Supreme Court), and an election to replace him will be held on November 29, as planned. The New Republic - All Feed
  • He worked in Honduras in the 1980s - a big, buff guy with a metal plate in his head.
  • The Americans again badly missed their Europe-based starters, who also weren't used in the 3-1 loss to Honduras on Jan. 23. USA labors past El Salvador with MLS-based squad
  • An Army unit in Honduras once labeled an operation in Honduras "Blazing Trails," which in Spanish can translate to "Shining Path," the name of Peruvian terrorist group.
  • He wears an Eagles cap every day single day, framing the broad face that still reflects the dark-complexioned handsomeness he brought north from Honduras so many years ago.
  • Obama gambled that the outcome of the Honduran election in November 2009 would be accepted by the majority of Hondurans, and that rest of the region would eventually come to accept the result of the coup, but a consequence of the softly-softly approach has been continued limbo for Honduras. Daniel Wagner: Obama's Unfinished Business
  • Honduras on the Pacific side are sentenced for a term varying in length according to their luck, which is generally bad. Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras — Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond
  • Como el presidente Zelaya no cometió nunca esa inapelable violación o si la cometió y la forma como se argumenta que la cometió es de por si un desafío jurídico, entonces la Corte Suprema de Justicia estaba obligada a tomar cartas en el asunto para evitar una crisis y un golpe de estado de gravísimas consecuencias para Honduras. The Volokh Conspiracy » CRS on the Honduras “Coup”:
  • Subsequently described as 'on-off' diplomacy, Obama's hesitancy to provide a stern response resulted in a misreading of intentions from the opposing sides in Honduras, but it became clear that Obama had little appetite to become heavily engaged in a potentially long-running dispute. Daniel Wagner: Obama's Unfinished Business
  • Reader, falconer, and birder Stacia Novy, in the military in Honduras, sent a photo of herself with the central tail feathers of a motmot that she picked up. Wondrous Feathers
  • We call for the immediate return to democratic institutions, to convoke an extraordinary session of the General Assembly (GA), to defend institutions in Honduras. Laura Carlsen: Live Blog: OAS Session on Honduran Coup
  • April 21st, 2010 at 6: 18 pm sir. b.vonludwig says: of course it was about regime change …. kind of like barry did with honduras? kind of like barry is trying to do with israel? how about barry worry about driving around book depositories rather than what israel is doing to defend itself. Think Progress » Krauthammer Contradicts Bolton’s Iran Warmongering: An Attack ‘May Be Ineffective’
  • -- The logwood of commerce is the red heart wood, or duramen, of a fine lofty growing tree (_Haematroxylon Campechianum_), growing in Campeachy and the bay of Honduras, and which is also now common in the woods of Jamaica and St. Domingo. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • CC me on your missives if you like. disgraced professional simulator Francisco Toro, the Venezuelan 2002 coup supporter who wrote a decrepitly dishonest essay published by The New Republic today about Honduras. The Agonist - thoughtful, global, timely
  • From Hong Kong to Honduras, and from South Africa to Scottsdale, I have spa-ed, soaked, swum, wined and dined in palatial hotels and resorts with perfect beds, sumptuous bathrooms, impeccable service and world-class designer décor. Judie Fein: From Five Star to Farm: How About a Little Agritourism?
  • The nobility of woodcutting and its concomitant centrality to British Honduras' mission and existence became associated with the white European side.
  • In effect, it would seem that the OAS is pushing for Honduras's government to violate its own constitution. Joel D. Hirst: Honduras'"Pepe" Lobo Should be Wary of Constitutional Reform
  • The crimewave is the work of common criminals, nothing more," said Reyes, speaking via cell phone from San Pedro Sulu, Honduras 'largest city. In These Times
  • In 1948, the company started producing mahogany and gum tables with leather and mahogany tops, shifting the next year to leather tops exclusively with all genuine Honduras mahogany.
  • CNN is putting a doozie of a spin on the "coup" in Honduras. embrangled why didn't anyone tell our military they could just kidnap the president a la honduras and just name a new one? Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7

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