How To Use Homophonic In A Sentence
I also encourage students to focus on how the melody and harmony interrelate, particularly in homophonic textures.
It's very idiomatic, it contains a lot of polysemantic or homophonic words, which you can play with a lot.
Translating jokes into English leads comics to new punch lines
And there is no question that there are plenty of languages in which the apparent complementizer is not homophonic with a demonstrative.
Propositional Attitude Reports
The bass is commonly the second most important line in homophonic textures, for in combination with the soprano it provides the melodic/harmonic framework that is ‘fleshed out’ by the inner voices.
French choral music of this time is often in a deceptively simple homophonic style.
Settings are for three or four voices, mainly syllabic and homophonic, with the melody in the top voice.
Its homophonic and homorhythmic style recall the old conductus, long since fallen ou of fashion.
Archive 2009-04-01
I also encourage students to focus on how the melody and harmony interrelate, particularly in homophonic textures.
It is important to emphasize that the present study made use of monaural homophonic stimulation.
First, there are plenty of languages where the apparent complementizer ” ˜that™, in English ” is not homophonic with a demonstrative.
Propositional Attitude Reports
Often homophonic in texture and solemn in style, it tends to focus on a limited set of harmonic colors in each piece, a repetition that creates a grand sense of stasis and allows the text to be heard.
And given the contradictory meanings of garnish adding to a dish or taking away from someone’s wages, it qualifies as a homographic homophonic autantonym.
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I also encourage students to focus on how the melody and harmony interrelate, particularly in homophonic textures.
This homophonic choral music merged into now fully notated instrumental dance music, such as the famous collection assembled in 1557 by Attaignant.
Settings are for three or four voices, mainly syllabic and homophonic, with the melody in the top voice.
Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity.
The fugato is interrupted at its height by a homophonic statement by the entire ensemble, first in a single line and then in a huge two-voice version.