How To Use Homophobe In A Sentence

  • She was targeted by homophobes, enduring arson attacks on her home, abusive phone calls, and hate mail.
  • Over the issue of gay adoption, he comes across as an old-fashioned homophobe.
  • Allowing “the homophobe” to go untreated is a case of the failure of America’s health care system to treat those that need it. Think Progress » Conservatives Fearmonger About Repealing DADT: It Will Lead To The Draft And ‘Mortally’ Wound The Military
  • So many times I've sat at dinner tables, and there's been some horrible homophobe, or racist, or sexist at the table and they've said appalling things.
  • They are just small-minded homophobes trying to rationalize their fear of people unlike themselves.
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  • She refuses to be intimidated by misguided homophobes.
  • One of the things that irritates me is when the people in the GLBT community who prefer candy bars start hollering 'homophobe' or 'transphobe' when allies offer constructive criticism. TransGriot
  • He experienced anti-gay sentiment first hand and was treated with condescension and hostility by homophobes who did know of his homosexuality.
  • To paraphrase Alix their "argument" is: "Ken is just a judicial murder supporting, homophobe supporting commie. Archive 2008-03-30
  • Precisely because of the anonymous, orgiastic, revolving-door-type sexuality so despised by homophobes and fundamentalist Christians.
  • He wouldn't want his name to be slandered on the party circuit for being a closed-minded homophobe.
  • Oh, and you should have figured out by now, that I much prefer "cocksucker" as my favourite incendiary term when it comes to homophobes. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Hey I've always wondered, where the hell did the term homophobe come from and why is it applied to everyone who isn't pro gay? Queerty
  • One of the appealing things about the “homophobes are closet cases” idea was that it very patly explained the depth of their fear. Are Homophobes Really Repressing Homosexuality?
  • With the word homophobe the implication is definitely being made that those who don't buy into the whole homosexual thing are in some manner mentally ill. Harry Reid just called Chief Justice John Roberts a liar.
  • Yes, we are an unpopular minority, marginalized and crapped on daily by homophobes who are emboldened by the silence. Think Progress » Right-Wing Media Distorts Clinton’s Oklahoma City Speech To Claim He Wants To Muzzle Dissent
  • Some people are going apoplectic over it, and a few are even accusing Pope Benedict XVI of "stoking homophobia" ( "homophobe" is apparently 2008's "Infantile, Brain-Dead Insult of the Year"), so two things are immediately evident: the Pope said something that must be read, and that whatever he said is being misunderstood or misrepresented. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • T-baggers: aka - irrational lily-white racists, tax-dodgers, homophobes, birthers, ignorant gun-loving reactionaries, toothless and obese fans of big insurance companies, and far-right religious wingnuts clinging to fairytales of humans and dinosaurs living together just outside Eden. Tea Party movement attempts to unite?
  • Anybody who disagrees with what is daubed on the wall must be shouted down as a sexist, a racist, or a homophobe.
  • We are challenging the capitalist, the racist, the homophobe, the transphobe, the rapist, the able-ist, the size-ist, the classist and the misogynist. PTBC J-Log
  • Will it be the Czech climate change denier, the alleged Polish homophobe, or your common-or-garden British anti-federalist? Hugh Muir's diary
  • The term homophobe was used to castigate, denounce and ridicule anyone who was not tolerant of same gender sex being normal. Election Central Dem Debate/Forum Roundup
  • He may be anignorantor thoughtless person, but I no more think he is a homophobe for using the word "faggot" than I believe any of you arehomophobesfor using the word "sissy. Scott Mendelson: Thoughts On The Brett Ratner Mess: When Explicit Slurs Become Part Of Everyday Language And How To Deal With Their Casual And Out-of-Context Use
  • He may be anÂignorantÂor thoughtless person, but I no more think he is a homophobe for using the word "faggot" than I believe any of you areÂhomophobesÂfor using the word "sissy. Scott Mendelson: Thoughts On The Brett Ratner Mess: When Explicit Slurs Become Part Of Everyday Language And How To Deal With Their Casual And Out-of-Context Use
  • Maybe every right-wing homophobe is merely doing it to “evoke outrage” and “point out hypocrisy”? Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • The difference between criticizing Leo Tolstoy for his views on women and criticizing Orson Scott Card for being a homophobe is that Tolstoy lived at a time when his views were the accepted societal norm. At least they didn't give it to Mittens
  • The same goes for any bully: A racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a transphobe, a disablist, a fat-hater, a xenophobe, a privileged jerk of any stripe who belligerently wields hir privilege like a weapon. Shakesville
  • Meanwhile, Madonna's estranged brother Chistopher Ciccone - who recently wrote a tell-all memoir entitled 'Life With My Sister Madonna' in which he branded Guy a "homophobe" - has expressed his upset at news of her divorce. Iac entertainment news
  • It's called incitation à la haine (raciale, homophobe, sexiste...), and it deals with speeches or texts that encourage discrimination, violence against a given community, or the apology of crimes against humanity (sorry, that's literal translation). Turn on the wistful Charlie Brown music
  • Is one a racist/sexist/homophobe/etc. if one does not support government forcing the couple to provide their guest cottage to all hikers including those (of whatever class) the couple disfavors? The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • Website Exposes Rockstar Energy Drink Founders as Homophobes, Racists Website Exposes Rockstar Energy Drink Founders as Homophobes, Racists Alex puts the mortician on ice after meeting 'a smaller version of Social networking on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and the like may be fun and theymay even keep us all better connected than ever but there are dangers. - Gay OnLine Community for Entertainment and Daily News
  • He's a bigot and homophobe who reinforces stereotypes.
  • Hunter, the board writes, "has an intimate knowledge of the needs of the ward and has smart ideas on how to tackle issues such as truancy and joblessness," adding: "Mr. Hunter is not a supporter of marriage equality, but he is not the homophobe his critics make him out to be, but rather someone who thinks there is a way to provide equality for gays while respecting the beliefs of religious groups. DeMorning DeBonis: Sept. 2, 2010
  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
  • And he called the Supreme Court justice a homophobe. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2009
  • Jeff over at Speedkill (fellow TLC member) nails some ignorant homophobes, including a certain Rowena Duncan, who have been writing letters to the editor in Bozeman, Montana: No one is asking Ms. Duncan to become a homosexual. December 2003
  • First of all calling me a homophobe is misleading. it seems ti imply that I am the one with the problem because I don’t like gays, don’t think they should be able to get married and think that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle. Think Progress » “Rush Limbaugh will not face criminal charges
  • Not even homophobes would today sanction the stoning to death of homosexuals.
  • If no one is talking about equal rights, it is easy for kids to feel ashamed about their sexual orientation and take the abuse that homophobes put on them.
  • He has spent more than thirty years challenging homophobes, tyrants, and other human rights abusers.
  • So saying that Hove voters are homophobe is a bit stupid when the majority of them voted for a gay candidate. Shame on you Simon Heffer
  • The matter has now been reopened to cover more of the alleged homophobes.
  • I know that many do their best to raise a little homophobe or transphobe , in the hopes of continuing heterosexual privilege but history has proven that regardless of the actions of the parents, if one is indeed LGBT it will indeed assert itself. Archive 2009-07-01

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