How To Use Homological In A Sentence
My only point was that, no matter what your version of quantum BRST, you are using homological techniques to isolate an invariant piece of some non-trivial representation, and understanding how this works out requires working with non-trivial representations.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
Besides this, Heidegger includes all sciences into a homogenic and homological group, the totality of science, which seems to be, not only a coarse judgment, but also simply a totally blind and incompetent misjudgment.
A new equivalent characterization of pure projective left R - modules is given by applying homological methods.
I've picked out the examples I have in order to have two spaces with the same Betti numbers, but with different cohomological ring structure.
Planet Haskell
Its ossification from a separate centre in mammals has therefore a homological significance.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Prediction of lowly homological protein secondary structure is still a difficult problem up to now.
According to Rotman, the justification of homological algebra is that it eventually proved useful in solving purely algebraic problems.
Lankester "homogeny;" [162] and (2) a relationship induced, not derived -- such as exists between parts closely similar in relative position, but with no genetic affinity, or only a remote one, as the homological relation between the chambers of the heart of a bat and those of a {159} bird, or the similar teeth of the thylacine and the dog before spoken of.
On the Genesis of Species
Owen pointed out that it was necessary to distinguish between centres of ossification which were teleological in import and such as were purely indicative of homological relationships.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
She proves a well known (to mathematicians!) theorem of homological algebra.
These books allowed new generations of mathematicians to learn algebraic topology and homological algebra directly in the categorical language, and to master the method of diagrams.
Category Theory
Indeed, a zoölogist, accustomed to trace a like structure under variously modified animal forms, cannot but have his homological studies recalled to his mind by the coincidence between certain physical features in the northern and southern parts of the
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
One could therefore immediately see how the methods of, e.g., homological algebra could be applied to, for instance, algebraic geometry.
Category Theory
These books allowed new generations of mathematicians to learn algebraic topology and homological algebra directly in the categorical language and to master the method of diagrams.