How To Use Homily In A Sentence

  • Tomorrow morning give the homily; do it right. Christianity Today
  • There is also a brief homily on the saints and the universal call to holiness, night prayer, and a candlelight procession to the cloister's reliquary while chanting the Litany of the Saints.
  • In fact, if you read Hebrews aloud, you will quickly recognize how much it resembles an oral proclamation or a stirring homily.
  • Ratzinger's homily is now known as the "dictatorship of relativism" speech, and with good reason. The Year of two Popes
  • The entire homily is incredible, I would say among the greatest of his pontificate, I will post an English translation once it becomes available (see post above): Papal Vespers for the Conclusion of the Pauline Year
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  • In his homily, the Bishop urged the Ministers to follow the example of the two disciples at Emmaus.
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried, ‘Have patience, good people! Act III. Scene II. As You Like It
  • Few Catholics today report that they have ever heard a homily supporting the Church's teaching on any sexual matter, let alone contraception.
  • After a short homily, the priest confessed her in the presence of the villagers and sentenced her to an annual pilgrimage to Chartres.
  • Interestingly, ‘homily’ is the most directly Scripture-linked term, while ‘sermon’ is a more free-floating, umbrella term.
  • Christ; wherefore Gregory says in a homily (Hom. vii in Evang.) that therefore did John baptize, "that, being consistent with his office of precursor, as he had preceded our Lord in birth, so he might also by baptizing precede Him who was about to baptize. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The spammed messages were sometimes accompanied by a religious homily or endorsement.
  • Andre Joseph Leonard, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, criticised the church for often worrying more about the reputation of priests and "abominably" exploiting the abused children, according to a copy of his Easter homily released on Saturday. The Times of India
  • ALLEN: Sure, I mean this is a normal Catholic mass, which means we'll have readings from scripture, the Pope will then give a talk, which Catholics refer to as the homily, which is in the first place a reflection on the scripture readings but obviously, this is the Pope's one chance to speak to the people who make the church live at the grassroots. CNN Transcript Apr 19, 2008
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried ‘Have patience, good people!’ As You Like It
  • He stole quietly into Mass at St Aidan's in Enniscorthy, and did not concelebrate the Easter homily at 12.30 yesterday on Roe Street in Wexford town.
  • A: The principal celebrant is Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, dean of the College of Cardinals, who will deliver the homily. - A guide to the pope's funeral
  • They would gratefully spend time during the week preparing a homily, then go down the street Sunday morning, put on some vestments and say Mass in their own parish communities.
  • His booming contrabasso voice makes middle-aged ladies squeal in delight and his pithy, homily-laden retorts are greeted with roars of approval. Lebed's On The March Again
  • Ex-parish priest Cannon Francis Lynn read the gospel while Skreen native Fr. Brian Conlon delivered a beautiful homily.
  • In his homily before he bestowed each new cardinal with the red hat of their office, known as a berretta, Benedict told them their role was "not to be served, but to serve" and urged them to shun "the logic of power. Reuters: Top News
  • The latter, as a rule, is the more important; but if, as in the case of Origen, more attention be paid to the former, the homily will be called expository rather than moral or hortatory. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The pope read his homily from a text while seated on an altar in center field. Pope meets with sex abuse victims
  • Having delivered myself of that Friday afternoon piece of advice and homily, can we turn then to the preposed orders and directions.
  • I had seen him on October 22, 1978, in his first homily as pope, admonishing and encouraging the whole of humanity to be not afraid.
  • It will conclude with Mass at 11 p.m. at which Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne will be the main celebrant and will deliver the homily.
  • These specified readings and the sermon or homily that follows are meant to nourish the congregation at prayer in the rite that includes them.
  • A missioner priest from our Church who works in that area gave the homily in my Church the Sunday before last. The Oaxaca Uprising
  • The first nocturn has eleven psalms, and a homily of St. Augustine, divided into three readings; following the normal Ambrosian custom, there is a responsory after the first and second, but not the third. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • After the Gospel is read, the priest delivers a homily based on the Scripture readings.
  • There's the usual prefatory shenanigans with father Pod (Christopher Eccleston) mountain-climbing the stairs to get into a tin of Quality Street, while his bored teenager Arrietty (Aisling Loftus) sulks in her sleeping bag (a hiking sock) and missus Homily (Sharon Horgan) busies herself in a kitchenette fashioned from pencil stubs and bottle tops. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • In order to facilitate this understanding, I am mandating today that every priest or deacon who preaches on the first two Sundays in Lent of 2005 is to present a catechetical homily on conscience.
  • The Wednesday lunchtime mass featured chanting, responsive liturgy, hymns, prayers, readings from the Epistle and Gospel lessons, and a brief homily.
  • After the Gospel is read, the priest delivers a homily based on the Scripture readings.
  • The chief celebrant at the Mass was Fr. Fergal Cunnane and he also delivered a fine homily.
  • Your stomach is full and you read us a homily on fasting. Christianity Today
  • During his homily, Pope B. addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit.
  • The first one would be like a first draft of a Progressive Democrat conference keynote speech, and the second is like a homily from a stern and admonishing bishop.
  • Most typically, the pastor begins and closes the service, preaches the sermon or homily, officiates at the sacraments, if offered, and does the anointing.
  • The conclave opens with a Mass of the Holy Spirit, including a key homily stressing the particular challenges facing the next pope.
  • In his homily, he took up the words of Pope Benedict's homily at Solemn Vespers on the occasion of the conclusion of the Pauline Year highlighted on the NLM, and exhorted the new priests to be committed to the inviolability of human life from its first instant, thereby radically opposing the principle of violence also precisely in the defence of the most defenceless human creatures is part of an adult faith. Ordinations in Toledo
  • Even today, diocesan regulations are as clear as they are widely ignored, e.g. this from Chicago: "A eulogy is never appropriate where a homily is prescribed (Order of Christian Funerals), but examples from the person's life may be used in the homily. Bring Back Dies Irae
  • Your stomach is full and you read us a homily on fasting. Christianity Today
  • Similarly, the Venerable Bede says in a homily: 'Pastores sunt omnes, sed grex unus ostenditur qui ab apostolis omnibnus tunc unianima consensione pascebatur.' Cardinal's Address on Women Bishops 'A Clear and Helpful Contribution'
  • Since Lewis's apologia and attack in The New York Review of Books borrows verbatim from his congressional testimony (e.g., his ecological homily on the polluted meaning of the word Arabist), it is proper for me to sketch out the reality of his position and of his "scholarly" activities. Orientalism: An Exchange
  • In his homily at Malcom's funeral, Nebraska Bishop James Krotz told of visiting a nursing home in Nebraska City with Malcom.
  • Andre Joseph Leonard, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, criticised the Church for often worrying more about the reputation of priests and "abominably" exploiting the abused children, according to a copy of his Easter homily. The Times of India
  • Accordingly, St. Augustine treats the idea of antipodes as an absurdity; and Lactantius, whom we have already quoted, expressly says “can there possibly be any persons so simple as to believe that there are men whose heads are lower than their feet?” etc.St. Chrysostom exclaims, in his fourteenth homily, “Where are they who pretend that the heavens are movable, and that their form is circular?” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In his homily he urged the young people to remain loyal to the pledge to abstain from alcohol which they were taking, and warned them of the evil effect on society from the use of drugs.
  • In the Homily of Pope John Paul II Sunday 24 September 2000 at the closing of the 20th International Mariological Marian Conference, he said: If Mary is the Theotokos, the Mother of the Only-begotten Son of God, how can we be surprised that she enjoys a quite unique relationship also with the Father and the Holy Spirit? A Most Sublime Prayer
  • At the conclusion of his installation homily, Benedict spoke eloquently of friendship in Christ, and how it opens the doors to mutual trust.
  • The abbot of the monastery called the novice into his office and instructed him to give the homily at the next morning's chapel. Christianity Today
  • His homily is about "bad people," and his text is an article in Chicago Magazine by a well-meaning journalist who was roughed up by one or more teenagers last year. Archive 2009-09-01
  • No sirkar ever doubted less than she, and the suggestions in King's little homily did not please her. In The Time Of Light
  • The next day the Chancellor went to the Mansion House, probably in the same creased suit, and delivered his annual homily on the state of the economy.
  • What is wrong is the inability to resist the temptation of delivering a moralistic little homily when someone does take out one of your seductively promoted loans.
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried 'Have patience, good people!' As You Like It
  • On the "Christ our Lord was created by the Father" example, I can also imagine a homilist distinguishing between the Eternal Son and His created human nature in some way that may or may not be heretical, but will certainly be too confusing for a homily. Error, Heresy, & You
  • This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the “dry communion”), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed. Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
  • I frankly think the big thing in this homily is that he's turned 179 degrees," said the Rev. Francis Buckley, a Jesuit who recently retired as professor of theology at the University of San Francisco. - New pontiff stresses unity, youth, dialogue
  • In his homily he urged the young people to remain loyal to the pledge to abstain from alcohol which they were taking, and warned them of the evil effect on society from the use of drugs.
  • I ask him how he would feel if he did not give a homily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a situation will not be reversed by one hour on Sunday attending Mass and listening to a ten-minute homily.
  • Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, dean of the College of Cardinals and close confidant to the pope, was the main celebrant and delivered the homily in praise of John Paul. - Millions of mourners bid farewell to Pope John Paul II
  • The words "homiletical" and "homily" suggest what they originally connoted; they are derived from the Greek word [Greek: homilia], "an assembly," and a homily was a discourse delivered to an assembly. Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria
  • Fr. Patrick Mullins was the celebrant at the Requiem Mass and delivered a lovely homily, and his words of comfort and understanding were much appreciated by the family.
  • You turn on and you know you're going to hear the little homily at the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fr. Michael McManus delivered a lovely homily, reflecting on various aspects of Michael's life and his contribution to the life of the parish.
  • Having delivered myself of that Friday afternoon piece of advice and homily, can we turn then to the preposed orders and directions.
  • His homily was an amalgam of humour, wisdom, and Gospel values.
  • I attend a Catholic wedding and endure a mumbling, straight-faced ten-minute homily about the evils of throwing confetti.
  • I liked their priest - she was a vibrant, very spiritful woman, who spoke a homily about walls that have lasted for hundreds of years without mortar; occasionally they will need patching, and it's crucial to get that patching. Wedding in Boston
  • And he ended with a homily, trite or profound according to taste.
  • Thus, without leaving the comfort of one's living room, one may receive the homily from the nearest house of worship. Noise
  • Dawson said his funeral Mass, and as I watched him fight tears during the homily, I realized how profound his contact with my husband had been.
  • You can tell because the first word of his home-page homily is “suffering”. God hates me « Sven’s guide to…

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