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[ US /ˌhoʊmioʊˈsteɪsəs/ ]
  1. (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes

How To Use homeostasis In A Sentence

  • [3] S.A. Kauffman (1971) Cellular homeostasis, epigenesist and replication in randomly aggregated macromolecular systems. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • As edema is a clinical sign of a perturbation of fluid homeostasis, excess fat accumulation is indicative of a perturbation in energy balance. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity is a Sign, Overeating is a Symptom
  • Putting it in simple words, the homeostatic systems (The term homeostasis was first used by Walter Bradford Cannon in the beginning of 20th Century, to describe the maintenance of constancy in the physical Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Reflecting the new medical theories, both treatment and prevention came to emphasize homeostasis, the need for balance between bodily intake and outgo.
  • Cannon (1932) applied the term homeostasis (coined by 18th-century physician Claude Bernard) to this powerful self-regulating capability. Stress and the Manager
  • But your body seeks homeostasis, and when you continue to do the same thing for an extended period, your body will eventually acclimate to it.
  • With constant fibrotic change, the liver function is continually diminished so that eventually the liver can no longer maintain homeostasis. Cell damage from toxicity and tissue repair
  • Although the liver is the primary organ involved in storage and homeostasis of retinoids, adipose depots account for 15 to 20% of total body retinoid stores.
  • The evolutionary forces that separate the fattest from the fittest and the sustainable from the irrelevant are tearing apart the homeostasis that maintained the stability and survival of the energy-intensive businesses, urbanized communities and consumer lifestyles. Think Progress » Big Oil Launches Attack On Al Gore
  • T-cell homeostasis in humans with thymic hypoplasia due to chromosome 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome. Resources for Healthcare Professionals
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