
How To Use Homely In A Sentence

  • And she fitted well into the homely scene: short and somewhat "squatty" of form, red-haired, freckle-faced and pug-nosed. Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross
  • An older, very homely woman answered and let him in.
  • They have a great homely feel. The Sun
  • Yet despite the fact that he was often referred to as homely or even ugly, Maureen was struck by how absolutely beautiful he was. The Poet Prince
  • It's a low budget affair and so the hotel was unpretentious and homely and cheap.
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  • Our tutors specialise in teaching beginners in a very relaxed homely atmosphere.
  • Instead, let's remember the homely origins of the layered approach to fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I grandthinked after his obras after another time about the itch in his egondoom he was legging boldylugged from some pulversporochs and lyoking for a stool-eazy for to nemesisplotsch allafranka and for to salubrate himself with an ultradungs heavenly mass at his base by a suprime pomp-ship chorams the perished popes, the reverend and allaverred cromlecks, and when I heard his lewdbrogue reciping his cheap cheateary gospeds to sintry and santry and sentry and suntry I thought he was only haftara having afterhis brokeforths but be the homely Churopodvas I no sooner seen aghist of his frighte-ousness then I was bibbering with vear a few versets off fooling for fjorg for my fifth foot. Finnegans Wake
  • They make me feel chilled and homely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use display space for colorful and attractive items and stow away the more homely basics.
  • homely truths
  • The rooms are small and trendy, with a homely feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening is beautiful and mysterious and the outskirts of Reading full of softly lit curtained windows and familiar homely sounds.
  • She was angered at the balance the homely girl displayed.
  • Times are changed and we must, to use the homely metaphor, cut our coat according to our cloth.
  • The palm trees are unhomely, the tropical plants seem to stand behind footlights. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • It is one of the most homely places in town where a warm welcome and friendly smile awaits all visitors.
  • To the right is the living room, a homely space with an open fireplace and large, comfortable armchairs.
  • All the latest marine hardware was there - from modest self-assembled rafts, with their homely oil drums and tarpaulins, to sleek, converted pedalos.
  • She even admits to wearing dirndl, a traditional Bavarian costume with an embroidered bodice and a homely apron.
  • The ship's more homely than glamorous, but it handles heavy seas well and should be just the thing for a little jaunt such as this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Italians today use the more prosaic besciamella, which is the sound of the French word transposed into Italian with an extra la stuck on the end to give it a more homely ring. Delizia!
  • She showed us into a quaint, small drawing room which owed its atmosphere quite clearly to Mrs. Camber, for whereas the study was indescribably untidy, this was a model of neatness without being formal or unhomely. Bat Wing
  • The versatility of an electro-acoustic with the comforting, homely feel of an electric.
  • He would willingly raid into the Scotch lowlands; but his courage failed him at the border, and he regarded England as a perilous, unhomely land. Memories and Portraits
  • The economic and the political are out of kilter; to use a homely metaphor, it is like bike gears crunching.
  • Homely restaurants serve inexpensive fixed menus known as comida corrida.
  • The film is shot on grainy stock: some scenes are saturated in white; a few have a cold blue tint; others a homely yellow or brown.
  • But the staff are relaxed and the food is both homely and stylish. The Sun
  • She had the chutzpah to take homely Texas-Southern favorites and bring them out of the closet, culinarily speaking.
  • His clothes were cheap and homely, "his countenance swollen and reddish, his voice sharp and untuneable," nevertheless his fervid eloquence and energy soon made him "very much hearkened unto. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • Not for the first time, I wished I was homely and forgettable.
  • Home is home, be it never so homely
  • The homely cardie, unfortunately, is a necessary evil in our depressingly cold and damp northern climate.
  • Eisenhower is seen as homely, modest and more at home as a coalition leader than as a field commander.
  • The inspector said: 'There was a comfortable and homely atmosphere. The Sun
  • But when I go back to Aunt Jane's garden, I pass through the front yard and the back yard between rows of lilac, syringas, calycanthus, and honeysuckle; I open the rickety gate, and find myself in a genuine old-fashioned garden, the homely, inclusive spot that welcomed all growing things to its hospitable bounds, type of the days when there were no impassable barriers of gold and caste between man and his brother man. Aunt Jane of Kentucky
  • But any homely illusions were quickly dispelled by Turkish shrapnel and stubborn shellfire, resulting in heavy casualties.
  • Home is home, though never so homely
  • So really, uncanny is a good translation in some ways, but unhomely gets at the sense from a different direction, starting with the expectation of homeliness, that comfort that comes from familiarity, and then reversing it with the prefix "un. Home and Unheimliche
  • The wealth and power of the country and the English-speaking parts of its colonial empire grew in ratio to the size of this homely unit. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • He thought this door looked more homely. CHARMED LIFE
  • In Moles' homely upstairs cafe area there's a complementary side order of 1950s and 60s dancehall classics with a beady eye on the shimmy and shake favourites of Motown and doo-wop. Clubs picks of the week
  • The entire living room was very homely and pleasant, with large windows that let in the afternoon light.
  • But the bread oven conjures up delicious smells of baking and a homely warmth, missing in most modern homes.
  • For the main course, the choice of a prime cut of red meat gave the meal a high status and, for dessert, the homely comfort of stewed fruit was made special with the addition of port.
  • That sister promptly died from the homely conium poison, traces of which I have no doubt will be found in the cup. Police at the Funeral
  • As a first-timer at the place I was impressed with their homely feel and easy atmosphere.
  • Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile.
  • The contents are heavily personalised and use homely phrases designed to appeal to those of a trusting nature.
  • They have a great homely feel. The Sun
  • A mere indiscriminating restriction of the birth-rate — an end practically attained in the homely, old-fashioned civilisation of China by female infanticide, involves not only the cessation of distresses but stagnation, and the minor good of a sort of comfort and social stability is won at too great A Modern Utopia
  • A slightly cheffy starter and a homely main. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little as Mavis was disposed to find harbourage for herself and little one in the unhomely places she inspected, she was hurt by the refusals encountered. Sparrows: the story of an unprotected girl
  • Home is home, though (it be) never so homely
  • Although the sleek kitchen and homely dining room will remain untouched, Ferran and Juli have already met with architects to draw up plans for an audiovisual room, a library, and a new outdoor space. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • So the next time your cookies threaten to slide off the sheet without a spatula, or your cake doesn't rise with the aplomb you've come to expect, don't rush to blame the homely beet or praise the lithesome cane.
  • She looked at one of the frogs, a big homely one with a gigantic mouth and monstrous warts.
  • Two years ago the school moved to a homely Victorian house in Cambridge. The Sun
  • I feel a shade disappointed that the small but promising mysteries of the shopping list have yielded up such a homely creature.
  • He dubbed himself Alistair, traded in his homely Midlands accent for one closer to Mayfair, and cultivated a posh circle of friends.
  • Home is home, be it never so homely
  • There are few better guides for a young man than this book of homely sagacity, which is wisdom about the world without being tainted by the bad sort of worldly wisdom. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Scott started to confide in a woman he worked with, a woman he describes as homely, someone he could safely talk to without the risk of straying. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2007
  • The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.
  • Our plentiful though homely meal was soon discussed, for hunger, like a good conscience, can laugh at luxury; and the "greybeard" made its appearance, with the usual accompaniments of hot water and maple sugar, which Judy had scraped from the cake, and placed in a saucer on the table before us. Roughing It in the Bush
  • I feel a shade disappointed that the small but promising mysteries of the shopping list have yielded up such a homely creature.
  • Hotels serve international or Czech food, which is hearty and homely and very addictive.
  • Buyers now want a homely and individual look. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a warm and homely atmosphere to go with the fare of traditional country cooking and game.
  • Contact sessions are held in purposefully homely rooms with comfortable easy chairs and lots of toys, games and activities.
  • They are far from ugly but compared to my mother's side of the family, they are simple and homely.
  • It is mostly used for the plainer and more homely cakes such as Victoria sandwich cakes.
  • Unlike most guys, Alex will be just as nice to the homely girls as he is to the popular ones.
  • She was engaged in the homely occupation of darning socks, and what with her size, her loose untidy dress – serge of the colour of boiled spinach, with dibs and dabs of embroidery here and there – and a green scarf that belonged to the dress, and a rust-coloured one she had put on in a fit of absentmindedness, and her mending-basket, and a scatteration of socks, she pretty well filled the old-fashioned sofa. The Key
  • The lounge is big and homely, and there are rustic breakfast tables in the kitchen, with the option of eating outside in the lovely garden.
  • Buncombe was delighted to encounter a sea-faring friend, and insisted on taking George Jernam down to River View Cottage to eat what he called a homely bit of dinner. Run to Earth A Novel
  • She wasn't an ugly girl… just a bit unusual and homely at times, but never ugly.
  • Opt for furnishings that make a room homely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Riz au Lait is the epitome of the French grandmotherly dessert: simple, homely, comforting, sweet and creamy.
  • The surroundings are ‘homely’ with padded cane furniture, raffia placemats and red linen napkins.
  • Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile.
  • In Bulgaria the cooks go crazy with this homely vegetable, shoving it on everything from salads and sandwiches to slices of pizza.
  • Master's vineyard, she could slip on her bonnet and shawl and just run into the preaching service close by, and gather strength and encouragement from the earnest prayers and humble exhortations of those men whom God had found in the quarry, at the loom, in the mine, or at the lapstone, and sent forth Sunday by Sunday into the villages to preach a homely gospel to the poor, and comfort to His flock. Little Abe Or, The Bishop of Berry Brow
  • A young woman, cursed with nice white teeth and lovely hands: for these beauties being misallied to homely features, had turned her head. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Home is home, be it never so homely
  • It's comfortable and homely and just mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • a homely child
  • Mary was blessed with a natural and homely disposition.
  • Mrs Keane is a comfortable, homely person.
  • Also patron of coffeehouse keepers, homely people, and shepherds.
  • The ethos is based on caring, socialisation and education in a homely environment, and each member of staff shows endless patience, love and commitment to our children.
  • There is so often, too, something chilly and "unhomely," something pitiless and cruel, about quite rational reform, which alienates the poetic mind. Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • In spite of the scale of the main reception rooms and the high ceilings, the house has a homely warmth. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is one of the most homely places in town where a warm welcome and friendly smile awaits all visitors.
  • She felt a sense of pride in the homely environment she had created.
  • Make your bedroom cheerful, warm, and homely to be in. M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
  • However, the simple and unadorned style has a homely taste.
  • But you cannot take refuge in the homely house for long. Christianity Today
  • The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.
  • And then there's the pub, all brown and homely inside, but with seats outside where you can watch the activity on the water as the boats dislodge their holidaymaker crews in search of a pie and a pint, and people who look like habitual landlubbers establish their credentials by shouting commands which incorporate such seafarer words as "ahoy". The rail to nowhere
  • The 18th-century mind preferred homely dirt and the occasional clean shirt to the terrors of cold water or the deep ocean.
  • You have got to where the word homely preserves its true signification, and is no longer a term of disparagement, but expressive of a cardinal virtue. Winter Sunshine
  • A simple analogy or a homely metaphor does the trick to invite the reader to share his views, opinions, judgement and comments.
  • They make me feel chilled and homely. Times, Sunday Times
  • People are encouraged to use the centre on an informal basis where they can meet professionally trained people in a relaxed, calm and homely atmosphere.
  • Surprisingly, then, it behoves the discerning reader to gravitate toward books that are homely.
  • the homely everyday atmosphere
  • It is comfortable and homely but also very classy. The Sun
  • Morris described it as ‘unobtrusive, quiet and retiring, without being shy, humble and homely in its deportment and habits, sober and unpretending in its dress.’
  • I like the office to have a comfortable and homely feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an outgrowth of a philosophy that doesn't discriminate between what's homely and domestic and what's grand and public.
  • Evening it up gender-wise, no one ever hit quite so many branches tumbling from the ugly tree as George Gardiner, a man so 'homely' that he appears to be blocked from google image searches. Ugly Women in Politics Continued
  • It lacked Tarana's homely gaggle of locals, but made up for it by having a 4ft kangaroo lounging decadently in front of the fire in the snug.
  • Home is home, though never so homely
  • A homely chime of bells was repeated from the town; a ship's fast strained resinously with the changing tide. Java Head
  • All the cakes are usually quite homely and warm. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was homely, and he didn't want me to embarrass him any more than was absolutely necessary.
  • Donald Legg was a homely man, his nose was too large for his face.
  • A simple analogy or a homely metaphor does the trick to invite the reader to share his views, opinions, judgement and comments.
  • There's nothing more homely than a huge cauldron blipping quietly on the backburner. The Sun
  • There's a lingering smell of lavender and nice homely touches such as flowers, china tea cups, a bowl of chocolates and whisky miniatures.
  • letters to his son full of homely advice
  • The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.
  • It has just five rooms that feel delightfully homely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Older editors had emended "checks" to "chart," thus losing the homely simile. Helen Vendler's new commentary on Emily Dickinson, reviewed by Michael Dirda
  • The entire gang's assembled on the family sofa, surrounded by homely detritus including a plastic potty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small in stature, inclined even to those homely features known as ewe nick and cat ham, often higher behind than in front, and with great length of stifle, he is not, I admit, imposing to look upon. The end of an era,
  • ‘I am a homely person who likes to be surrounded by her friends and family members,’ says the actress.
  • The evening is beautiful and mysterious and the outskirts of Reading full of softly lit curtained windows and familiar homely sounds.
  • The interior has the homely feel of a comfortable country retreat rather than a royal palace.
  • Tim Lambert, normally writing on science, brings a sad photograph and a homely family touch which bites almost deeper than the horror.
  • [5143] Another terms it the companion of all filthy delights and enticements, and 'tis not easily told what inconveniences come by it, what scurrile talk, obscene actions, and many times such monstrous gestures, such lascivious motions, such wanton tunes, meretricious kisses, homely embracings. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • No homely Boston phrase defiled their anglicized lips, their great collars stood up under their chins in an ecstasy of stiffness, and their shirt - fronts bore two buttons, avoiding the antiquity of three and the vulgarity of one. An American Politician
  • His appeal to his listening public as brothers and sisters was an attempt to appear homely, patriotic, and even rather non-political.
  • Gillian loves the unique, homely atmosphere there and says she likes to think the pub is nothing like standard pub chains.
  • In spite of the scale of the main reception rooms and the high ceilings, the house has a homely warmth. Times, Sunday Times
  • An officinal tincture is made from the plants collected in the spring, when two years old; also, in some villages the infusion is employed as a homely remedy to cure a cold, the herb being known as "Throttle Wort;" but this is not a safe thing to do, for medical experience shows that the watery infusion of Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Based on "The Bard's Song" in "The Jolly Beggars" RW glossary: aboon: above bear the gree: Take first place, be foremost birkie: person coof: fool, idle/worthless fellow fa ': fault gowd: gold hamely: homely, humble hoddin grey: coarse wool mauna: must not A Man's a Man for All that
  • But you cannot take refuge in the homely house for long. Christianity Today
  • He began as an exuberant young pup setting teen hearts aflutter with his homely good looks.
  • Their caravan is warm and homely, with glass and china neatly displayed.
  • These receptions without form, yet full of elegance, are what English 'at homes' were before the Continental war, though now, by a curious perversion of terms, the easy domestic title distinguishes in England a formally-prepared and elaborately-collected assembly, in which everything and every person are careful to be as little 'homely' as possible. Coningsby
  • The tables are plain pine, giving the whole restaurant a homely, farmhouse-kitchen feel.
  • The new V&C is as swizzy and moderne as the old one is homely and fuggy.
  • A standard set of 16 veneers over dingy old teeth, and the homely are transformed with instant white choppers.
  • The lowly Atlanta Hawks and his own homely Warriors both anted up $50 million for seven years, while the New York Knicks offered their midlevel exception.
  • She had the same look, the same dark hair and nerdy glasses, homely appearance, and amazing personality.
  • The bullfinch is a homely little bird, almost as domestic as the robin; they just stay here, isn't that it? Sister Teresa
  • Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile.
  • A combination of homely suburbs and hot sunshine; unblemished beaches and boundless bush; manicured parks and tropical shrubbery.
  • The quaintness and antiqueness of the homely kitchen chimed in with his present feeling; he wanted no display or grandeur. Brought Home
  • “Do so, my bonny chield; thou hast sharp ears and eyes, and good will — but take heed — I would not lose thee for two and a plack [an homely Scottish expression for something you value].” Quentin Durward
  • Home is home, though (it be) never so homely
  • This is one of the simplest principles in homely every-day criticism, serving truth-seekers, wherever wordy war rages, whether among statesmen or hackmen. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862
  • The Chinese have an ordinary homely dish made of fish head stewed with tofu, which is bland and believed to be healthy.
  • With wooden flooring and large comfortable sofas, it offers a modern atmosphere but with a cosy, homely feel.
  • Describing his cooking as a homely and comforting blend of English and European, Mark is passionate about his trade and prides himself as someone who does not compromise on quality.
  • Some of these take the form of homely advice. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It had a nice, homely atmosphere to it, and seemed friendly and welcoming.
  • Liberality in princes is regarded as a mark of beneficence, but when it occurs, that the homely bread of the honest and industrious is often thereby converted into delicious cates for the idle and the prodigal, we soon retract our heedless praises. An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals
  • Describing his cooking as a homely and comforting blend of English and European, Mark is passionate about his trade and prides himself as someone who does not compromise on quality.
  • The rooms have a homely feel, with brightly painted walls and printed curtains. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a homely atmosphere and you soon feel at ease.
  • Some of these take the form of homely advice. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Mrs Rode's quite decent, though homely in a plebby sort of way: doyleys and china birds. A Murder of Quality
  • Empire could be decidedly 'unhomely'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They also precure a roabe from the nativs above, which is made of the Skins of a Small animal about the Size of a Cat, which is light and dureable and highly prized by those people - the greater numbers of the men of the Chinnooks have Guns and powder and Ball - The Men are low homely and badly made, The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Our tutors specialise in teaching beginners in a very relaxed homely atmosphere.
  • The warm colours and textures are homely and comfortable - just walking around the shop feels good.
  • The homely sound, likewise, of a rustical hornpipe is more agreeable to my ears than the curious warbling and musical quavering of lutes, theorbos, viols, rebecs, and violins. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • It was a good lesson, however, for he learned that there were few faiths in the business world, and that even the simple, homely faith of breaking bread and eating salt counted for little in the face of a worthless brickyard and fifty thousand dollars in cash. Chapter I
  • He assumed the character of a draper for the moment -- why he chose to spell draper "drapier" nobody knew -- and he certainly succeeded in putting on all the semblance of an honest trader driven to homely and robust indignation by an impudent proposal to injure the business of himself and his neighbors. A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)
  • It may look homely, but Food Network star Duff Goldman ("Ace of Cakes") chose the stuffed quahog ("KO-hog")—which boasts generous amounts of clam as well as linguica, the slightly spicy Portuguese sausage—for the show "The Best Thing I Ever Ate. Cape Cod
  • It was meant to feel homely and more peaceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • We try and provide a very homely atmos-phere.
  • The interior feels very homely and there's a hot tub on the terrace. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pub has a homely dining room with lots of local lamb. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tables are plain pine, giving the whole restaurant a homely, farmhouse-kitchen feel.
  • With wooden flooring and large comfortable sofas, it offers a modern atmosphere but with a cosy, homely feel.
  • The woman who looks an unquestionable lady when she's with a polished-up fellow, looks a mere tawdry imitation article when she's hobbing and nobbing with a homely blade. The Woodlanders
  • Upstairs, you'll find vintage binoculars in some of the homely rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The track opens with a series of agitated sci-fi effects, homely robot tones that later segue into what sounds like the malfunctioning calliope of a downtrodden circus.
  • Actually there's a point of view that the visitor centre is on rather a homely and unimposing scale, and that as the years go by it will become more of a rarity amongst those that overawe their attractions.
  • At first glance, it would seem that the decision to cast the luminous Greta Garbo as the homely Christina is Hollywood historical revisionism at its most overt.
  • She is the kind of homely, unassuming woman you would pass in the street.
  • I like the office to have a comfortable and homely feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dinner is taken in the homely dining-room, which on our visit had a reassuring mix of regulars and weekending urbanites.
  • Home is home, though (it be) never so homely
  • The villas are homely yet superluxurious, with private verandas and steps into the ocean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only a short distance separated Iris from her residence in a quiet tree-lined street divided in two by a homely canal. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • When Charles Dickens visited America, our people testified their admiration of his homely genius by going mad, receiving him with frantic acclamations of delight, dining him, and suppering him, and going through the 'pump-handle movement' with him. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • homely manners
  • Homely filth begrimes him, homely parasites devour him, homely sores are in him, homely rags are on him; native ignorance, the growth of English soil and climate, sinks his immortal nature lower than the beasts that perish. Bleak House
  • A combination of homely suburbs and hot sunshine; unblemished beaches and boundless bush; manicured parks and tropical shrubbery.
  • Make your bedroom cheerful, warm, and homely to be in. M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
  • She was a homely woman from a small town, not some wild-eyed adventuress who could take on the world. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • The young boy sits in his elder's lap and looks into his face with trust and love despite the man's strikingly homely appearance, marked by a bulbous nose covered with warts and blisters.
  • But the bread oven conjures up delicious smells of baking and a homely warmth, missing in most modern homes.
  • It serves as the local church now, and it's a little disconcerting to see the homely parish notices posted up in such an imposing edifice.

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