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How To Use Home rule In A Sentence

  • There is overwhelming English support for the so-called "devo max" form of Scottish home rule, which means full tax-and-spending powers for Edinburgh. What the Scots can teach us about England's radical soul | Jackie Ashley
  • Federacy is a constitutionalized extension of the principle of home rule that provides adequate guarantees to the weaker entity.
  • He still loves his country, still loves independence and home rule, is still carrying on what you call guerilla tactics; and this very summer made a special outburst of guerillaism in the British parliament itself in the very heart of London. The American Revolution and the Boer War, An Open Letter to Mr. Charles Francis Adams on His Pamphlet "The Confederacy and the Transvaal"
  • It combined moderate agrarianism, a Home Rule program with electoral functions, was hierarchical and autocratic in structure with Parnell wielding immense authority and direct parliamentary control. Daily Life in the British Parliament: Understanding the Political Parties | Edwardian Promenade
  • Mr. Freeman growling at the use of a Greek word, and he exclaimed, "Why can't you speak English and say Home Rule, instead of using Greek, which you don't know! Philip Gilbert Hamerton An Autobiography, 1834-1858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894
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  • Home Rule Bill which it modified, the one thing certain was that the idea of coercing Ulster was dead. Ulster's Stand For Union
  • Step into Plunkett House, that hospitable headquarters of the Organization Society, and if you have been nurtured in legends about inextinguishable class and creed antipathies, which are supposed to render Home Rule impossible and the eternal "umpirage" of The Framework of Home Rule
  • This set Mr. Freeman growling at the use of a Greek word, and he exclaimed, “Why can't you speak English and say Home Rule, instead of using Greek, which you don't know!” Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • Home Rule thus shackled Liberalism to Gladstone.
  • To be sure, the question of Irish Home Rule added to the tensions inside Britain, and the suffrage controversy divided Britons on an issue with both political and emotional overtones.
  • He had been a long-standing enthusiast for home rule at a time when it merely served to reinforce his marginal status in the party.
  • During the home rule crisis in 1885, Harland made secret preparations to withdraw to mainland Britain if the situation became intolerable.
  • Union ought to be impeached, and in his "Recollections," and in one of his published letters to the present Lord Carlingford, he has expressed in the strongest terms his inflexible hostility to Home Rule. Lord John Russell
  • Yet if Scots vote no, England's continuing dominance would still be an issue, especially if Scots vote for a home rule alternative the so called "devo max", which would make the anomaly of Scottish MPs at Westminster even greater. Unthinkable? A federal upper house of parliament | Editorial
  • Home Rule was not a natural demand of the working class, and Biagini exaggerates the anti-statism of the working class, as there was broad support for intervention and regulation of the economy.
  • The example of home rule presented by the "Kreis" and the provinces of Prussia since this reform, is not assuredly of a nature to frighten weak nerves. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 4 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • Home rule has fallen into the hands of insecure, paranoid, self-protecting pygmies.
  • As part of the Kingdom of Denmark , Greenland, Denmark's presence on behalf of its authority to Denmark as the Greenland Home Rule Government and the transfer of power significantly reduced.
  • In 1914 there were 200.000 men under arms in Ireland where a revolt over Home Rule seemed inevitable; in England the miners, the railwaymen and the transport workers were each claiming union recognition for the railwaymen who had thus far been excluded from the TU; and all workers were appealing for a 48 hour work week. Eraser Wars | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The question of state interference in city affairs versus home rule was long a major issue.
  • Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air: Would we have been better off without Home Rule?
  • Those who wanted issues resolved in a constitutional manner formed a Home Rule party in 1870.
  • Welsh nationalism was about neither land nor Home Rule but was founded on the Nonconformist campaign to disestablish the Anglican Church, which was maintained by the payment of tithes.
  • Andrew RT Davies: Well no I'm just making the point that there are a couple of Home Rule O'Tooles here in Wales who want to er this independence agenda it's showing up as ten percent in the polls I believe you can't try and wipe out history you have to mark history and there are important events that have happened in history in Wales and I would suggest the investiture is one of those events. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Tom Gallagher is a longtime student of Scottish politics and a sympathiser with Scottish home rule who now teaches at Bradford University.
  • This point deserves attention, not for the sake of the miserable and ruinous advantage which is obtained by taunting an adversary in controversy with inconsistency till you drive him to improve his logical position by increasing the exactingness of his demands, but because the advocates of Home Rule (honestly enough, no doubt) confuse the matter under discussion by a strange kind of intellectual shuffle. England's Case Against Home Rule
  • Nevertheless, for gradualists, who hoped that devolution would provide a workable and stable form of home rule that could endure for years before coming under question, recent developments have been sobering.
  • Sharing threats, some of which resonate even to this day, and which has been revealed later, would bring them face to face with IRA men fighting for Irish home rule .
  • Should "landlordism" in Ireland be supplanted by home rule? Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • A fervent supporter of Home Rule, he had converted to the Roman Catholic faith.
  • I followed Mr Gladstone's Home Rule policy, and used to threep about the noble, generous, warm-hearted sister nation held in a foreign bondage. Mr. Standfast
  • Though the issue of Home Rule was settled violently and bloodily, it cast a pall over British politics and was the first sign of a weakness in the armor that was the British Empire. Everyday Life in the British Parliament: Home Rule | Edwardian Promenade
  • In 1954 New Orleans finally received a strong home rule charter, which substituted a mayor-council form of government for the mayor-commission form that had existed since 1912.
  • Limited home rule was granted by the Danish government in 1874, and protectorate-like independence and sovereignty over domestic matters followed in 1918.
  • The SNP, they claim, is being punished unduly for the general disillusion with home rule.
  • By the 1920s, however, suburbs in many parts of the country began to incorporate and to assert home rule, hemming cities in.
  • Home Rule than that kind of sapless Nationalism, astonishingly rare in The Framework of Home Rule

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