How To Use Home range In A Sentence

  • Male topi, Damaliscus lunatus, defend core areas within large home ranges at low population densities and wooded habitat, but they form leks at high population densities in open grasslands.
  • Tiles were placed in the same home range areas for all trials, but in different runways or locations to avoid habituation and previous scents.
  • Often wideranging movements can cause gross overestimates of the population size as with a small population with very large home ranges mistaken as a large population with small home ranges.
  • Resident associates or betas were adults / subadults with home ranges that overlapped extensively with those of resident breeders and were directly observed interacting with breeding residents.
  • Conversely, subdominant fish were diurnal and occupied large home ranges by day but were generally not observed at night.
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  • For the rest of the year they wander their home ranges or defend their territories against all-comers.
  • The role that these territorial interactions play in influencing the redistribution of animals that have been evicted from their native home ranges remains unclear.
  • The leader organizes troop activities like eating, nesting in leaves, and moving about the group's 0.75-to-16-square-mile (2-to-40-square-kilometer) home range.
  • During the breeding season, coveys break up into breeding pairs that spread out across the home range to nest.
  • The adult males move in larger home ranges that are superimposed spatially upon those of the females.
  • The home ranges of the female gray brockets were noted to overlap in a captive study area, whereas male home ranges were regarded as being exclusive.
  • We determined the identities of resident fish through unique natural color markings, individual sizes, and home range locations.
  • Animals such as wildebeest that migrate or have very large home ranges can spend significant time outside the protected areas, where they are known to be more vulnerable, the scientists add. Africa's national parks failing to conserve large mammals, study shows
  • Here's where things get interesting: Cleaner fish only took such bites -- which were visible because the other fish jumped when bitten -- when they were in distant parts of their home range and therefore were unlikely to re-encounter the fish involved. Tropical fish seems able to think ahead, according to researchers
  • For the rest of the year they wander their home ranges or defend their territories against all-comers.
  • Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.
  • They will move around about a quarter of a kilometre an hour and if you measure their rate of moving, they have small home ranges.
  • Similarly, Kobus kob, occupy leks when in open habitat at high population density, but they defend larger territories or occupy home ranges at low density.
  • The research about home range choose of the desert great gerbil in south of Zhungur Desert shows the gerbil choose mainly the site between sand dune to built it nest.
  • Take the case of the coastal California gnatcatcher, a diminutive, grayish blue songbird with a home range limited to coastal southern California and northwestern Baja California, Mexico.
  • They will move around about a quarter of a kilometre an hour and if you measure their rate of moving, they have small home ranges.
  • Radio transmitters are used worldwide in avian species to study habitat use, mortality, migration, home range and physiology.
  • Radio transmitters are used worldwide in avian species to study habitat use, mortality, migration, home range and physiology.
  • However, in the present study we were interested in core area overlap between the two species, rather than absolute home range size.
  • Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.
  • Apparently the buck was a “migrator” (UP bucks often leave their summer/fall home range and head toward wintering areas close to Lake Michigan) and was captured on trail camera three days before it was killed. Way Up in the U.P.
  • They were then herded to a central place where cowboys from each ranch cut out its beasts and drove them back to the home range.

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