holy place

  1. a sacred place of pilgrimage
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How To Use holy place In A Sentence

  • The gurdwara authorities maintain that by providing them shelter in a legal way, the sanctity of the holy place was not being violated.
  • Respect this holy place, and abide all fates with composure, as mankind should.
  • The Sikhs were also deprived of many historic shrines and holy places which were left in Pakistan.
  • Jewish temple is mentioned, it is called hieron, not naos, and so in the apostolic Epistles; but this is simply because no occasion for mentioning the literal Holy Place (Greek, "naos") occurs in Acts and the Epistles; indeed, in Ac 7: 48, though not directly, there does occur the term, naos, indirectly referring to the Jerusalem temple Holy Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If "synagogues" existed before the Babylonian captivity, as Ps 74: 8 seems to imply, they and the proseuchae, or oratories, may be included in the "holy places" here. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • True to the type, as the year 1844 drew near, when the great antitypical day of atonement was to open and the closing work of Christ to begin in the most holy place of the heavenly temple, the trumpet call of the approaching judgment hour was set pealing through all Christendom. Our Day In the Light of Prophecy
  • The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.
  • He tells his son, "We are seekers of holy places."
  • It might well be true that he was endangering the holy places for his own ends. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • GWT: He will send you help from his holy place and support you from Zion.
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