How To Use Holy communion In A Sentence

  • Preparations for First Holy Communion began at all Masses in the parish church last Sunday week.
  • And it is a thing to be noted, that Luke saith not, that the disciples were sent to hear Paul preach, but the disciples being come together to break bread upon the first day of the week, that is, to be partakers of the holy communion, at what time the Lord's death was by the preaching of the word shewed (1 Cor. xviii. The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
  • So why should openly pro-choice politicians get to receive Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion?
  • This had prompted the further speculation as to whether or not a Muslim might consider the taking of Holy Communion to be anthropophagous. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Sam is now seven, and received his First holy communion at this convent on the next day.
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  • Already the diocese of Boston has 200 such deacons, who can officiate at weddings, conduct funeral services, visit the sick, distribute Holy Communion - and preach.
  • Twenty six boys and girls received their first Holy Communion last Saturday.
  • These children will receive their First Holy Communion in May.
  • But a recent fad in the Episcopal Church is to entirely ignore canon law, Christian tradition, and the Apostle's caution in favor of what is sometimes called "inclusivity" or "radical hospitality" by offering Holy Communion to the unbaptized. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass versus populum, Holy Communion in the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favor of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • And the Sacrament of the Holy Communion is the ordained means whereby this union is maintained by the Saints on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it?
  • They regularly go to church on Sundays and Holy Days, of which there are countless numbers, cross themselves repeatedly when they pass a church or Icon, take the holy communion at stated seasons, rigorously abstain from animal food, not only on Wednesdays and Fridays but also during Lent and the other long fasts, make occasional pilgrimages to the holy shrines and in a word fulfill carefully the ceremonial observance which they suppose necessary for their salvation. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • For details, call Holy Communion at 767-6987 or send an e-mail to [email protected] Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Practically all Christian communities meet for the ritual meal of bread and wine called the Holy Communion and sometimes referred to as the 'Eucharist' (thanksgiving) or 'Mass' (sending out in mission). What is Christianity?
  • Aisling Young is eight, made her First Holy Communion in May and her granny plaited her hair for the occasion.
  • Holy Communion is brought to the sick and housebound after the 9 a.m. Mass on the second and third Sunday of the month.
  • They are the married gay parents of toddlers who work as lectors and ministers of Holy Communion. Michele Somerville: Pentecost: The Flaming Dove Of Upper Room Roman Catholicism
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • Believe the Holy Communion is the sign of Christ's perpetual presence; that when you kneel to receive the bread and wine, Christ is as near you -- spiritually, indeed, and invisibly, but really and truly as near you as those who are kneeling by your side. Daily Thoughts selected from the writings of Charles Kingsley by his wife
  • This is the sacrament of Holy Communion, instituted and hallowed by Christ himself - assuring us that we are accepted in the Beloved.
  • About 300 children will receive their first Holy Communion from the Pope.
  • The children will receive their First Holy Communion on Sunday next May 15.
  • Christianity pursues the reconciliation of differences through holy communion, by remembrance and anticipation, anamnesis and prolepsis.
  • At the end of the rite, however, the patriarch ascended to give Holy Communion to the stylite and to receive it from him. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • They seem to forget that the rainbow is a symbol from the Old Testament as a covenant from God that he won't do another flood, and the Christians have also done their share of ritual theft; Holy Communion is a rip-off of the Passover seder. December 2006
  • On top of a blinging new wedding, there's a first holy communion. The Sun
  • Settings of the Holy Communion and of canticles are rarely used, however, and the emphasis remains firmly congregational.
  • The bishop has given permission for the church to install an aumbr, a small safe where bread and wine consecrated by a priest during Holy Communion are stored, in a side chapel.
  • Congratulations to all the children from the parish who received their first Holy Communion.
  • It is important that we go to confession and receive Holy Communion, attend Mass and visit the cemetery to gain a plenary indulgence for the Holy Souls.
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • Congratulations to all the children of the parish who received their first Holy Communion on Saturday.
  • For Catholics, when we receive Holy Communion, it is a statement that we are in full communion with those people with whom we are taking Communion.
  • Properly speaking, a superaltar is a small movable slab of stone, which is placed, as occasion for the celebration of the Holy Communion may require, upon some unconsecrated table or altar.
  • Settings of the Holy Communion and of canticles are rarely used, however, and the emphasis remains firmly congregational.
  • Worse still, some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass “versus populum”, Holy Communion on the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favour of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • The ciborium is the bowl that contains the consecrated eucharistic Host prepared for Holy Communion. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • I have elsewhere spoken of a past sabbatarian strictness, and I have lately received an account of a strictness in observing the national fast-day, or day appointed for preparation in celebrating Holy Communion, which has in some measure passed away. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • His churches celebrate seven sacraments: baptism, chrismation (confirmation), Holy Communion, marriage, holy orders, reconciliation and anointing of the sick. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The Holy Communion is the sacrament of the unity of all Religious Reality
  • But since he or his representative maintained for years that his proabortion rights stance is consistent with being a Catholic in good standing, with receiving Holy Communion, leading family prayers, and being visited by priest friends, I can't for the life of me figure out why I should see his doing such things on his deathbed as "signs of repentance" for the manifest grave sin of his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • When a priest prays over the Holy Communion bread and wine, he will ask God for blessings "by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall. American Catholics Prep For New Mass Translation
  • We must lay off the booze even during Holy Communion.
  • Near the end of the Mass Benedict walked down from the altar to distribute Holy Communion.
  • This exactly mirrors Catholic teaching: Ministers of Holy Communion are only to deny the Sacrament to non-Catholics or Catholics living in manifest (public) grave sin. A bit more on Holy Communion and non-Catholic Christians
  • All housebound parishioners will be able to receive Holy Communion on Christmas Day from the Eucharistic Ministers.
  • These things being grievous to those concerned, as we are, though perhaps those at quiet are too little concerned in the matter, therefore when I could no longer forbear, I thought good to present to public view the warrantableness of our holy communion, and the unreasonableness of their seeking to break us to pieces. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • On closer examination archaeologists from Sheffield University discovered it was the skeleton of a priest who had been buried holding a chalice and paten - vessels used for Holy Communion.
  • Is it possible to see a misguided trajectory in certain of the developments, e.g., the silent recitation of the Canon of the Mass, infrequency of reception of holy communion, the retention of Latin? Critiquing the critics
  • I've just got back from a Latin Service of the Holy Communion, which is said termly at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. A Latin Mass in the Church of England?
  • The five people are a doctor who is a scientist, who does not believe in anything not material being scientific; a vicar who is a typical clergyman, who thoroughly believes in supernatural things until they are proved, when he becomes an agnostic; a young American who is a cad and a fool; a girl who believes in fairies and goes to Holy Communion, which is the one thing that depicts she has a certain amount of sense; a duke who ends every sentence with a quotation from Tennyson to Bernard Shaw. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • We went to Holy Communion in the cathedral.
  • A charge was brought against him for celebrating Holy Communion in an unconsecrated building without a proper license.

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