How To Use Holocaust In A Sentence
And survivors of the Rwandan genocide and the holocaust work to keep the memories of their relatives alive.
He reports that many Israelis, using the word Shoah, which is Hebrew for Holocaust, joke that "There's no business like Shoah business.
Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
survivor guilt was first noted in those who survived the Holocaust
He says the Holocaust was being used to legitimise the suffering of other peoples and he wanted to break what he called a taboo on discussing it.
Neturei Karta Hasidim Hangin’ With Ahmadinejad | Jewschool
If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst.
Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground

In "Austerlitz," W.G. Sebald performs a small but significant miracle: he wrests the Holocaust out of the clutches of stale cliche.
Blending Fact With Fiction
The aesthetic revolutions of the 20th century, in painting, music and literature, reflected the galvanizing cataclysms of the times - the world wars, the Holocaust, the nuclear peril.
As Hofmann identifies, Joseph Roth senses that things will get steadily worse for the Jews of Europe but hopefully bearably so, "what happened instead was the Holocaust".
52 entries from February 2007
In Munich this past weekend, a traditional carnival season parade overlapped with the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed every year on Jan. 27.
Do you think Jeff Jacoby is a Nazi nithing or a Holocaust denier?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.
Beyond all the expected political rhetoric, Palestinian kids from the West Bank town of Jenin had played a concert for Holocaust survivors in Holon, outside of Tel Aviv.
Karin Kloosterman: Why the Strings of Peace Were Silenced
It recounts many of the horrors of the Holocaust, but through a very personal perspective, detailing how Wiesel loses his belief in God and humanity.
The radio play powered by pre-electric pulleys and weights, the nuclear holocaust in the title track.
If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
Or about a church teaching that the Holocaust was God's justice on Jews? rich in az
Palin defends Obama birth certificate inquiries
They write, ‘This principle of sufficient reason, the basis of calculative thinking, in its totalizing, and imperialistic, form, can be seen as the metaphysical underpinning which made the Holocaust possible.’
I concur fully with Joffe that any explanation of the Holocaust must be multicausal.
'Hitler's Willing Executioners': An Exchange
She is primarily known for her large-scale Holocaust wall hangings created with fabric, sewing, painting, printing, applique, embroidery, beading, stenciling and caligraphy.
Personal Information for Judith Weinshall Liberman
Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States.
Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
YES. Denial of Holocaust has been outlawed by legislation.
Her gravitation towards Italy and Italian culture functions as a kind replacement for the personal and cultural decimation she has witnessed as the daughter and niece of Holocaust victims.
I think your single-minded focus on pain, however, shows that you think the level of pain involved is the only critical element of a holocaust.
ProWomanProLife » Back to school
About the Holocaust, Ludens had prided himself on keeping, as a historian, a cool head.
Robert Clary, also a concentration camp survivor, talks about his work in preserving Holocaust memories during his commentary.
On the subject of evil, she said, in a matter-of-fact tone but without apparent rancour, that people do not change, that cruelty is "inborn" and that the Holocaust "could happen again".
Rewind radio: Private Passions; Start the Week; Exchanges at the Frontier; Taking a Stand
When this song was written, people till saw the threat of nuclear holocaust as a very real thing and the lyrics describe the moment that the first bomb goes off.
I hadn’t believed a word of Errol’s story about raising money for a Fellowship in Holocaust Denial Denial, and so was surprised to see the makeup of the gathering.
Kalooki Nights
Anti-Semitism (and its supposed Scriptural and religious justification) was prevalent in Christendom for many centuries leading up to the holocaust.
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
No. Douglas, if you truly believe that a blastocyst is morally equivalent to a (let's say) four year old boy, then they are indeed butchering and murdering them, and an evil larger than the Nazi Holocaust is going on.
America's Deep, Dark Secret
The effects of the traumas experienced by Holocaust survivors persist more than 50 years later.
Holocaust survivor and winner of many literary awards and lauded in fulsome tones
40 entries from September 2007
Our silence for long years has encouraged Holocaust deniers, revisionists, baiters and haters to spread their poison.
She explained that remembrance of the Holocaust is important because the number of survivors are starting to dwindle, and with them awareness can also disappear.
The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.
Jewish students in upstate New York report that their daily high school experience includes being called "kike," hearing accusations that they killed Christ, listening to Holocaust "jokes" and having coins thrown at them.
Maureen Costello: Whoopi's White Noise Comes with a Study Guide
One thing I was told, by a number of Holocaust authorities, was that the idea of the human skin lampshade, a specter that had inspired much inchoate fear in my nine-year old mind as I grew up in Queens during the 1950's, was not thought to have ever existed.
Mark Jacobson: Looking At An Icon Of Evil
The world came within an inch of nuclear holocaust during the Cuban missile crisis.
How and if the Holocaust should be handled in fiction is the crux of the novel.
Yann Martel waking up to his quote as a headline all over the UK: “Jews don’t own the Holocaust”
People argue that fiction cannot elucidate the holocaust and I think they might be right.
In “Earth's Holocaust” we get the first result of Hawthorne's insight into the demonianism of reformatory schemers who forget that the centre of every true reform is the heart.
A Study Of Hawthorne
His scenery is the most evocative of any filmic account of the Holocaust, convincing beyond criticism.
Today police found a note in von Brunns car, reading in part, The Holocaust is a lie.
Wonk Room » Arrested White Supremacist Blogger Tied To Hannity, Buchanan
“To name the Nazi genocide ‘the Holocaust,’ ” the philosopher Gillian Rose warned, “is already to over-unify it and to sacralize it, to see it as providential purpose—for in the Hebrew scriptures, a holocaust refers to a burnt sacrifice which is offered in its entirety to God without any part of it being consumed.”
Holocaust and Israel
While the paragraph on the Holocaust draws the most emotional responses, other points have also sparked criticism.
The political use of anti-Semitism by the Warsaw Communist regime (continuing under Jaruzelski) has had international repercussions, especially in the United States where since the forced exodus of 1968 anti-Polonism has become a "must" in all films and television productions dealing with the Jewish Holocaust.
Poland and the Jews: An Exchange
Miriam Zohar, born in 1928 in Chernovtsy, is a Holocaust survivor who was interned in concentration camps in Transnistria.
Romanian Yiddish Theater.
Ironically it looked more like a scene from after the nuclear holocaust instead of a plea to prevent one.
But such groups are forbidden to deny that the Holocaust occurred and to display Nazi symbols such as the swastika.
Holocaust deniers intentionally blur the distinction between the First Amendment right to speak freely, without government restraint, and the right to publicity, an audience, and scholarly consideration.
I recall the asperity with which this easy out (Kushner's "God is not all-powerful") was dismissed by Yehuda Bauer, the former head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum, when I asked him about it in Jerusalem.
Disaster Ignites Debate: 'Was God In the Tsunami?'
Most of us are familiar with the Holocaust's unspeakable brutalities and degradations.
The Holocaust has actually lost it’s ability to make nominations happen–yeah, OK, The Reader, but Defiance and Valkyrie both of which were actually good got squadoosh, as did the Jeff Goldblum one and the Pajamas one and the Viggo one.
Ironically it looked more like a scene from after the nuclear holocaust instead of a plea to prevent one.
Wanting to know more about her grandmother's family and the details of what happened to her great-grandmother in the Holocaust, Lisa flew to Minsk, Belarus, to meet with historian Tamara Vershitskaya, an expert on the Holocaust in Belarus.
Megan Smolenyak: Lisa Kudrow: Who Do You Think You Are?
As the 85-year-old Mr Vermes recalls, his Hungarian Jewish parents died in the Holocaust, even though the family, which was not religious, had converted to Catholicism in the 1930s.
Plans also call for a small underground exhibition space and archive containing photos, relics and historical information about the Holocaust.
The Holocaust shows what happened when the Western doctrine of racial superiority was taken to its ultimate extreme.
On a balance of probabilities a work of art was wrongly taken during the Holocaust and World War II period.
Minna Harkavy (1895 – 1987), born in Estonia, also sculpted An American Miner’s Family in 1931, and reacted to the Holocaust in her 1939 statue of a sad mother and child, titled Lamentations, and in her later The Last Prayer.
Art in the United States.
Sebald ' s mesmerizing blend of fiction, encyclopedic detail and travelogue in " Austerlitz " (2001) and " The Emigrants " (1993) — both grounded in the experiences of Jewish children in the Holocaust — Ms. Franklin finds a painstaking strategy for restoring people and places to life.
Trying to Show the Unknowable
For Antarctic mammals it was to be a holocaust; so many were slaughtered that by the 1830s there was virtually nothing left to kill.
Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day determined based on the Jewish calendar, this year's anniversary of the sunset from May 1 start to the end of 2 sunset.
The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.
So if you have a treaty professing to require the recognition of freedom of expression, and the legislature abridges this by, say, banning denial of the holocaust, the court is bound to apply the law, rather than resolve these issues for the benefit of people wondering what future courts will do.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
Some critics echo the radical anti-abortion lobby in comparing stem cell research to the Holocaust.
Mary's charity and holocaust survivor organizations are both doing something to keep the memories alive.
Like the Holocaust and the Red Terror, human rights lived in the shadows of the Cold War world, between 1945 and the mid-1970s.
ACOSTA: Mark Potok with the southern poverty law center says von Brunn worked for a small publishing group called noontime press, which denies the holocaust.
CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2009
It is available to us today because it was posted to the talk. politics.misc newsgroup on July 30, 1993 by Dan Gannon, a notorious white supremacist and Holocaust denier, and archived by the Nizkor Project, an anti-revisionism organization that was active in cataloging hate speech on the early public Internet.
Archive 2007-11-01
Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day determined based on the Jewish calendar, this year's anniversary of the sunset from May 1 start to the end of 2 sunset.
What came instead were world wars, a Great Depression, a Holocaust, and threats of nuclear destruction.
Where are the front-page stories merited by a situation in which the planet is quite possibly on the brink of a holocaust?
Aids currently causes deaths equivalent to the Holocaust every two years.
The denial of the Holocaust is the latest twist in this tale of conspiracy and deception.
Her family need her to be what Holocaust scholars call ‘a memorial candle’, named by her grandpa, living his life as it should have been, getting out of the backblocks, getting herself into print.
And should we allow these doctored, computerized images of the Holocaust to banalize the most horrible, incomparable event of human History?
Hollywood's Nazi Revisionism
With the additional handpicking of the newly selected members of the Islamic 'Majles,' the clergies have intensified their terror and war against the people of Iran and their insatiable appetite for another holocaust against the Jewish State, at all cost.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The holocaust and Hitler could have been prevented if the allies had stopped Hitler from rearming Germany.
It gets at an emotional and political truth about the Holocaust, with a power and punch that a realist film could never have managed.
In Germany, a genocidal society was working with state bureaucracy to roll out the massive program of the Holocaust.
Nowadays if you meet a German of a certain age, their families always voted Social Democrat before 1933, they themselves always served on the Western Front (if their interlocutor is Russian or Polish) or the Eastern Front (if you are British or American) and they always surrendered as soon as they could and they never, ever knew about the Holocaust.
German Eyes are Not Smiling
A shtetl Yiddish: שטעטל, diminutive form of Yiddish shtot שטאָט, "town", pronounced very similarly to the South German diminutive "Städtle", "little town" was typically a small town with a large Jewish population in pre-Holocaust Central and Eastern Europe.
Maureen Dowd picks up "a vibe so weird and jittery, so at odds with the early thrilling, fairy dust feel of the Obama revolution."
But the whole point of proposing a Jewish state in Kaliningrad, or Bavaria, or someplace like that, is that the Germans were the ones responsible for the Holocaust, and therefore the Germans should be the ones to pay for it.
Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
Another correspondent defines as holocausts the almost total destruction of some Maori tribes by other tribes.
It's important to decide what's more significant: the annihilationist anti-Israel ranting, the Holocaust denial and other Iranian provocations -- or the fact of a Jewish community living, working and worshipping in relative tranquillity.
See No Evil
Berating Jews with their own history, disinheriting them of pity, as though pity is negotiable or has a sell-by date, is the latest species of Holocaust denial, infinitely more subtle than the David Irving version with its clunking body counts and quibbles over gas-chamber capability and chimney sizes.
Howard Jacobson speaks his mind
Theatre producer Harold Prince picked out the Holocaust portraits; celebrity hound Larry King put forth the photo of a dead friend.
And similar to the aftermath of the Holocaust, many people in Rwanda are suffering from trauma and disease, while children are orphaned and mass execution sites remain uncared for.
The terror in Zimbabwe is horrific whether or not it resembles the Holocaust or ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.
2007 June 06 « One-Minute Book Reviews
With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust.
Gerald Schneiderman, M.D.'s first glimpse into the mysteries and silences of the Holocaust began as a child at the outset of World War II.
Since 1945, since the Holocaust and the Nazis' exterminatory warfare, German non-Jewish authorship has had to relegitimize, refound itself with every single text.
Europe is the Holocaust, but it is also the destruction of Nazism; it is the Gulag, but also the fall of the Wall; imperialism, but also decolonization; slavery, but also abolition.
The financier is George Soros, the Jewish Holocaust survivor and financier, who in his thick Dr. Strangelove accent brags that he pocketed the government bailout money and converted it into Swiss francs because he has taken a short position on the $US.
Another “briar-patch” psyop
Instead of being passed over in a two-decade silence, the Holocaust was tossed by a two-decade fitfulness of interpretation, a period during which no version commanded enough assent to get the full attention of the culture, until finally one version came out on top.
Silence after the Holocaust
Much of the credit for the rise of Holocaust awareness belongs to the survivors of the horror themselves.
There is overwhelming evidence that the Holocaust was real, yet a minority of ideologically driven historians still deny it.
Nobel prize-winning writer Elie Wiesel - a holocaust survivor - was expected to accompany the president to the site.
Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) has these sets of rules for surviving the holocaust, masterfully explored in the beginning of the movie as we see how the fatties were the first to die because they couldn't run fast enough.
Darkly Dreaming David
Haaretz duly notes the “efforts to banalize the Holocaust” in Chavez speech, and notes that a few months ago the CAIV leadership tried to excuse another anti Semitic utterance of Chavez even as a majority of the Jewish population in Venezuela seems to have been against the directive of the CAIV bureau something Haaretz might want o inquire within?
08/06/2006 - 08/13/2006
The post-Holocaust poets also tend to be silent on the subject quite simply because it is too big.
Nevertheless, I'll respond to the substance of your comments even though I find it chutzpadik for you to bring up the Holocaust (when it's half of my family that was turned into soap and lampshades). - Comments
In "Earth's Holocaust" we get the first result of Hawthorne's insight into the demonianism of reformatory schemers who forget that the centre of every true reform is the heart.
A Study of Hawthorne
This American singer, pianist, and songwriter is the son of a German-Jewish Holocaust survivor but raised as a Roman Catholic in Hicksville, a middle-class suburb on Long Island, N.Y.,
Five People Born on Mother’s Day in 2010 | myFiveBest
right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust
Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust.
Even if doctors rule him fit, Mr Demjanjuk's trial may prove risky without being revelatory. It will not shed new light on the Holocaust.
By remembering the Holocaust we are fighting the evil within and purging ourselves of feelings of intolerance.
The memory of the Holocaust ought to increase our scepticism about politicians: instead we have to suffer Tony Blair on the evening news employing his hammiest just-choking-back-the-tears voice to point the moral lessons he wants us to learn.
Archive 2005-01-01
6 The term choiceless choice was introduced by the literary scholar Lawrence L. Langer to characterize the moral circumstances of the Nazi death camps: see Versions of Survival: The Holocaust and the Human Spirit Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982, p.
Every protest’s novel
Nowadays when you read about Jews, it's about anti-semitism, the Holocaust, boycotts, Israel, 50 percent out-marriage rates.
Dovid Efune: The Finkler Question And Answer
Among Holocaust documentaries, Lanzmann's "Shoah" is the most accomplished and legendary, brimming with raw social-historical insight and absolutely chilling personal detail.
John Farr: Never Again: Ten Great Holocaust Films You May Have Missed
For now, though, the biggest beefs come from Hispanic groups and some Native Americans who complain that their people go unrepresented, and some affiliates — which didn't seem to mind the obscenely gruesome Holocaust pictures or the scene where a machine gun blows off a soldier's head — had a problem with the four uses of cusswords, one of which is alluded to in the anagrammatic title of episode five, "FUBAR.
War and Remembrance
The HMD website discusses ‘prejudice, racism and other forms of bigotry’ as a kind of free-floating force which, when pushed to its extremes, can unleash a Holocaust.
He is completing a lengthy poem about his childhood experiences of the Holocaust.
a nuclear holocaust
The worst way one can teach the Holocaust to kids this young is to, as you put it, "intellectualize" it.
Six million what
Foundations attached to the film director Stephen Spielberg and the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel are among those who lost money.
Not to acknowledge the brutal component of slavery as the central issue in the American Civil War and for you to state that the omission amounts to 'diddly'; is a lot like the Nazi's refusing to acknowledge the holocaust.
Gov: Concern over slavery omission 'doesn't amount to diddly'
It is monstrous because it is morally bankrupt to threaten nuclear holocaust against millions of innocent persons and against the center of a world religion.
Along a certain causal chain of events traced through the actual history, Hitler's holocaust can indeed be laid at the feet of Darwin and his family.
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
And that law in Europe is ridiculous; I think it is anyone's right to 'trivialize' the holocaust after the zionist-driven holocaust industry has produced endless books and movies and used the holocaust as justification for further crimes against humanity and jewish religious fundamentalism.
Dissident Voice
His participation in the re-enactment group - beginning in 2003 and continuing for several years - has drawn criticism from a Holocaust survivors group as well as from House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.).
Boehner endorses Ohio GOP House candidate criticized for Nazi reenactment
The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, which represents about 80,000 families, said Iott's "failure to apologize is particularly shameful and desecrates the memory of all victims of the Nazis, Jew and non-Jew.
Democrats criticize GOP over House nominee who dressed as Nazi during battle reenactments
Reminded me of British colonialist discourse which deemd Hinduism “ascetical” and “fatalistic” (and thus a pat reason for the poverty in India), never mind the “Victorian Holocausts” and other inconvenient truths.
Matthew Yglesias » Aid, Growth, and Counterinsurgency
To declare war requires an act of congress, but to launch a nuclear holocaust requires 20 minutes' deliberation by the president and his advisors.
Have any of these very silly dogmatized people ever read up on the history of the Middle East in the 20th Century or indeed about the Jews and the Holocaust.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Holocaust survivors and other immigrant women pass on their memories of the food — and life — they once knew by preparing lokshen kugel (noodle pudding), tzimmes (stewed carrots), mandelbrot (a strudel-like butter cookie) and kreplach (dumplings), providing their children and grandchildren with a “taste of the past” that reflects their cultural and geographic origins.
Food in the United States.
Brady, a Holocaust survivor, has become an international speaker dedicated to preserving the memory of his sister by sharing the incredible story behind Hana's Suitcase.
Not only do these comments "not quite convict him of being a holocaust denier" as you rather disingenuously put it they show quite the opposite, if anything he is a "holocaust affirmer".
Another 'ultra-traditionalist' Catholic leader says stupid things about the Holocaust | RELIGION Blog |
It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.
Wherever we went, we were plagued by persecution, pogroms, and the Holocaust.
Late Victorian Holocausts is as ugly as it is compelling.
Fear of chemical warfare was replaced by the fear of nuclear holocaust, and so science was again linked to mass destruction.
I personally believe the gods used the most favored people from the Mediterreanean and western Europe to accomplish this goal that was the Holocaust for multiple purposes::::::: Defiance clue, acted as desensitizer, foreshadowing, disposed of Jewish-European clue, etc.
Saturday morning rant (story v language)
On more than one occasion, Egoyan draws a parallel between what transpired in 1915 Armenia and what happened during the Holocaust.
It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.
The anomaly, to reprise, is that Hitler today is detested for his human-rights violations, ie, the Holocaust.
The Hitler Anomaly « Isegoria
The resultant puke itself, of course, added to the savage osmic holocaust which more than crime, more than despair, more than the appalling sense of victimisation and neglect turned those places (ghastly enough in their nylon carpeted, vending-machine, strip-lit healthy incarnations) into an idea of hell that the combined imaginations of Hieronymus Bosch, Dante and Antonin Artaud could never conjure up.
Stephen Fry: The Great Stink of 2005
He fast gained a reputation for publicity stunts, such as persuading elderly survivors to recount their Holocaust experiences on his German media ‘road show’.
Some time ago he spent several months in a German jail for infringing that country's laws on holocaust denial.
Evading female soldiers and gangs of angry, antimale freedom fighters, Brown and his guardian angel, a dreadlocked government agent named 355, search the globe for Brown's girlfriend and an answer to the male holocaust.
Brian K. Vaughn: Comics
He took the recorded testimonies of Holocaust survivors and scored them as computer samples against the striking bowed chords of a string quartet.
I was displeased that the Iran correspondent of Al-Akhbar newspaper--of all places--called the kooky Iran holocaust "conference" "courageous.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Donna Rifkind praised Julie Orringer's The Invisible Bridge Vintage, $15.95, a fictional "account of the very particular way in which Hungary's Jewish population was decimated by the Holocaust," for its "brilliant use of a deliberately old-fashioned realism to define individual fates engulfed by history's deadly onrush.
The case for an unplugged life
These machines, one of which is on display at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, allowed the Nazis to punch out data cards and were used for population censuses in Germany in the 1930s.
There was an announcement over the weekend that that country would host a conference to examine what it called exaggerations about the Holocaust.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2006
And of course the second thing he does through this travesty is to minimise the Holocaust itself and the crimes of the actual Nazis. and thus to betray the memory of those who died.
Ms Laitman's Holocaust, 1944 comprises five songs written for baritone and double bass.
It was just after finishing the ‘Holocaust Project’ that Chicago began to talk to the needleworkers about creating a group of positive images to express the concept of healing or repairing the world.
A sergeant from the HorsforthPolicerelated to me that he had received complaints via SurreyPolicefrom RevSizerand from Dr Anthony McRoy – a lecturer at theWales Evangelical School of Theology – who both objected to being associated with terrorists and Holocaust deniers.
Anglican vicar complains to police to shut down blogger « Anglican Samizdat
The Jewish People of Europe were victimized in the Holocaust and before that by the pogroms in Europe.
It's as if Eli Roth had hired Dame Judi Dench and then stuck a wooden shaft up her jacksie CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST-style.
Lorna doomed
It was a real possibility that the entire world would end in a nuclear holocaust.
Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day determined based on the Jewish calendar, this year's anniversary of the sunset from May 1 start to the end of 2 sunset.
Survivor guilt was first noted in those who survived the holocaust.
They also learnt about traditional Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust and attempts to revive Jewish communities after the fall of communism.
But current estimates are also based on deliverability: as far as Israel and assorted hysterics is concerned, the mere possibility of the existence of one undeliverable bomb is sufficient to produce the holocaust, so Iran might be close to a bomb right now.
Matthew Yglesias » Guestimating Iran
A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.
The liberation brought fresh calamity and distress for those Jews who had survived the Holocaust.
The utter uniqueness of the Holocaust was the Nazi plan to "ingather" all the Jews of the world to the death camp and end the Jewish "race" forever.
Alan Dershowitz: Hezbollah's Goal: "Going After [the Jews] Worldwide"
But today, perhaps because much of the conversation has to do with "the Holocaust Industry," the shtick seems brutal and ablated from life.
Rachel Shteir: The Holocaust Follies or Slapstick Without a Cause
The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare
Many linguists believe that the word holocaust, which is a Greek word -- holo means all and caust meaning "to burn to ashes", was originally coined to refer to a criminal incident in ancient Yemen committed by Jews who burnt alive a large group of chained and handcuffed men, women and children for their adherence to teachings the Jesus Christ (PBUH).
In the wake of the Holocaust, he asserted, the revitalization of Hebraic culture would require a safe haven "where the homeless Jews of the world shall have found rest; where the Jewish spirit shall have been reborn; whence shall flow to the Jewries of the Dispersion inspiration and the stuff on which it feeds.
Israel and Palestine
That may sound strange for a country which faced the prospect of a nuclear holocaust for almost half a century.
Lower-case-h holocaust, which is the term Grayson was actually using in that particular context, can mean any horrible and destructive event.
Political Animal
At the end of the trip, they read a statement that they wrote and signed together condemning without reservation Holocaust denial and all other forms of anti-Semitism.
iran elections a travesty mockery a victor without a victory turning green with envy the peoples verdict bought down like a debris que sera sera whatever will be will be the mandate has a right to disagree a looming shadow of doubt to some degree the curse of the holocaust will bring his ego down to his knee enter the dragon a voice of the people called mir hossein mousavi
Archive 2009-06-01
Recently German President Johannes Rau asked the Israeli Knesset for forgiveness for the Holocaust and pledged to fight anti-Semitism in Europe.
To reflect upon the tragedies of the Holocaust and Genocides is to unroot the belief of "other" as we begin to see clearly our brothers, sister, mothers, fathers throughout this world.
Center for Spiritual Living hosts Holocausts and Genocides educationa event | RELIGION Blog |
Genocide was the most sobering reality of all," the department said in the 2006 "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices," noting that mass killings continued to "ravage" Darfur nearly 60 years after the world vowed "Never again!" following the Holocaust.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Photo in Slideshow: Leaders urge vigilance on Holocaust Photo in Slideshow: Reiss employee Caputo models in a "Nannette" model … Photo in Slideshow: Reiss employee Bader models in a "Nannette" model … 2011 Grand-Am Rolex Series …
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.
And a few years ago I ghostwrote a holocaust story of a survivor Anne's age, who had also hidden through much of the war, and I went to Auschwitz to see where that brave lady had survived hell on earth.
Lea Lane: Remembering Anne Frank, Who Would Have Been 80 This Week
Does this day of Holocaust remembrance seek to de-emphasize the particular importance of the Nazi dream of destroying the Jewish people?
Brad Hirschfield: Holocaust Remembrance: Who Owns Memory?
At the same time, Shephard neither idealizes the prevailing conditions nor ignores the obstacles faced by Jewish Holocaust survivors in their efforts to forge a destiny for themselves.
Menachem Rosensaft: Review: The Long Road Home, The Aftermath of the Second World War
Another group known as Ashkenazic Jews are most commonly assumed to have arose when Jews migrated from France and other parts of Western Europe to Central Europe after 1000 c.e. Before the Holocaust 3 million Jews lived in Poland alone.
Progressive U - The new media voice for students
: 1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust.
Archive 2008-04-01
The most radical loss of human singularity entails the effacement within the universal, or within the holocaust of spirit, of this relation between mother and daughter.
It says something about the ultimately comic core of "The Finkler Question" that Truslove, in a kind of bookend to his mugging, finds himself late in the novel set upon by a group of pro-Palestinian Jewish demonstrators outside a Holocaust museum.
A Comedy of Anti- and Philo-Semitism Takes a Prize
Not to re-evoke the Holocaust, but to think about the way we talk about it.
Guardian book club: Kalooki Nights by Howard Jacobson
When I read Prof. Young's piece, I was immediately taken with the social and intellectual parallels between Holocaust deniers and evolution deniers.
If we do not act now, instead of being saviours, we will be the perpetrators of the world's worst holocaust.
So then those who "trivialize" a non-telic approach to biology, they being akin to holocaust deniers, should then be subject to the same judicial remedies.
A Solution to ID?
In light of the Holocaust, the Soviet Gulags, the slaughter in Cambodia, and similar dictatorial excesses, the recent temptation to intervene, given appropriate circumstances, is difficult to resist.
Particularly important are its compelling eyewitness interviews, since there are still those among us who actually believe the Holocaust never happened.
Williamson isn't the only Holocaust denier among the St. Pius X followers, and the Web site argues that Jews are guilty of "deicide" for crucifying Jesus.
Free Internet Press
The waxwork has been a latest addition in the recently breaking taboos about Hitler in Germany after more than sixty years of the holocaust.
Beheading Hitler
As we approach the anniversary of the regicide of that glorious saint and King – Charles I, it is a good time to look at one of the most shameful rewritings of history I have ever seen up there with the holocaust deniers.
Archive 2008-01-13
In the midst of an interesting Spiked essay on the disconcerting popularity of “denier” (as in “Holocaust denier”) as an increasingly broad descriptor for people who demur from the majority view on issues like climate change, Frank Furedi has a passing remark about how we increasingly tend to suppress overtly moral rhetoric, to conceal the normative claims we’re making:
How Inappropriate!
Most of us have long forgotten the dread of nuclear holocaust that seemed almost inevitable prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust.
In her award-winning autobiography Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered, which was published in German in 1992 as weiter leben.
Ruth Kl��ger.
It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.
With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
The collective violence in both rearguards by brutal perpetrators against undeserving victims justifies the use of the word 'holocaust'," he writes.
Trial of judge Baltasar Garzón splits a Spain still suffering civil war wounds
Survivor guilt was first noted in those who survived the holocaust.