
How To Use Hollowness In A Sentence

  • Maybe others in the pueblo feel the same sense of frustration, a strange kind of hollowness and loss. Beautifully Arranged
  • I listen not to the country people telling it was experimented by a goose, which was put in and came out again with _life_ (though without feathers); but hearken seriously to those who judiciously impute the _subsidency_ of the earth in the interstice aforesaid to some underground hollowness made by that water in the passage thereof. Highways and Byways in Surrey
  • Stylist suggests the house is done a few more complexly when decorate, the perception that avoids hollowness appears.
  • The superficiality, the alienation, the escapism, and the hollowness are a result of a steady bombardment of confusing and deadening messages designed to reduce us to passive consumers.
  • His falsity and hollowness are not just the opposite of the true and the wholesome, but threaten to undermine it.
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  • But ecclesiastical power without moral authority merely exposes the hollowness of an unaccountable, self-perpetuating clerisy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hollowness of his contrition was particular acute when he stumbled over the carefully prepared words where he was to tell the media that he had learnt an important lesson about his responsibility as a role model for kids.
  • The superficiality, the alienation, the escapism and the hollowness are a result of a steady bombardment of confusing and deadening messages designed to reduce us to passive consumers. The 20 Best Progressive Novels
  • The 5.1 track still retains some of the lo-fi hollowness of the original mono, but is overall an excellent mix.
  • Its hollowness depicts in the theme itself. the trend mostly confines to physical attributes of women particularly virgins and a phantom of their beauty that, unfortunately, should not be the only approach of literature.
  • One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises.
  • The misguided husband believes that he is going to live a plain unsophisticated life, according to nature and common sense, in company with one whom the hollowness and trickishness of society has never infected. Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)
  • These provide the slight entasis to the outline which is found in so many spires, as it is in classic columns, and is designed to correct the appearance of hollowness which would occur in so long a straight line. The Churches of Coventry A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains
  • The inner hollowness and self-loathing frustration impose Darl an alter ego or a duality , namely, the victimized and the victimizer.
  • A hushed stillness reigned through this mysterious apartment, excepting that you might hear the racing of pens over sheets of paper, or occasionally, the deep sigh of one of these sages, as he shifted his position to turn over the page of an old folio; doubtless arising from that hollowness and flatulency incident to learned research. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • And yet notwithstanding this cold aire, the Sunne many times hath a maruellous force of heate amongst those mountaines; [Sidenote: Vnconstant weather.] insomuch that when there is no breth of winde to bring the colde aire from the dispersed yce vpon vs, we shall be wearie of the blooming heate and then sodainely with a perry [85] of winde which commeth downe from the hollownesse of the hilles, we shall haue such a breth of heate brought vpon our faces as though we were entred within some bathstoue or hote-house, and when the first of the pirry and blast is past, we shall haue the winde sodainely a new blow cold againe. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
  • Medium-full bodied throughout, without any of that 'hollowness' that some Long Island reds present on the mid-palate, the tannins are medium strength and a bit angular right now. The New York Cork Report:
  • One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises.
  • The corruption and hollowness revealed in the prosecution of this war are too contemptible for words.
  • Different experiments were made to find out the accurate measurement of hollowness for four - hole hollow fibre.
  • She was also possibly anorexic or bulemic and addicted to opiates to deal with the hollowness of her life. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Perec was mocking the hollowness of the new consumer society before the sexual revolution.
  • Their faces have taken on a sort of hollowness as they have aged.
  • There were not a few who saw things blackly in this respectand flayed the planlessness and heedlessness of the Reich's policies, andwell recognized their inner weakness and hollowness but these were onlyoutsiders in political life; the official government authorities passedby the observations of a Houston Stewart Chamberlain with the same indifferenceas still occurs today. Mein Kampf
  • [E] ssentially, The Good German is a parallel universe version of Casablanca, which both makes the film interesting and ultimately lends it a certain hollowness," writes Drew Morton at Dr Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 11/24.
  • The main com channel, only moments before so busy with professional, businesslike voices, now echoed with a distant electronic hollowness, meaningless clicks and scratches of static. Delta Search
  • Can imagine a hollowness and lonesome library, perhaps a computer, be it is all.
  • But the motivation behind it was an earnest bitterness at the hollowness of success.
  • Also, when I talked to my mommy, the call quality wasn't bad-it was very clear-but it also had a weird kind of hollowness to it. Gizmodo
  • He leaned against the carved doorframe, hugging himself wretchedly, wondering why he could feel almost nothing, not even real grief -- just a kind of hollowness that nothing, throughout the length of his life, would ever again fill. The Silent Tower
  • Suddenly there was a great hollowness in her chest and she fought the sharp sting of new tears.
  • Still, as paltry as the pay-offs were, the scandal exposed the hollowness of the ruling party's nationalist rhetoric.
  • At the Kennedy Center, during "Le Corsaire" 's opening marketplace scene, we saw a stageful of distinct characters, all telling their individual "stories" with wit, finesse and flair, but never play-acting hollowness. Bolshoi Embraces the Pre-Soviet Past
  • We are not here to consider the appeal of mute ruins, the hollowness of reason, the veneer of American order.
  • So saying, Peter walked into a kind of roofed over-room, open only at the front, and examined the floor with his lantern, stamping occasionally to detect any hollowness in the ground. In the Wrong Paradise
  • And if the very condition of the creature gives it such a shortness, and hollowness, and disproportion to the desires of a rational soul, even in the most innocent and allowed pleasures; what shall we think of the pleasures of sin, which receive a further embasement and diminution from the superaddition of a curse? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Interviewees include Pete Seeger and, understandably lamenting the "hollowness" of the American dream, Robert Meeropol, son of the Rosenbergs. The weekend's TV highlights
  • I really miss my children, and that hollowness in my stomach that represents all that sadness never leaves me.
  • His emotional range extends from the bland to the sanctimonious and this hollowness has attracted a huge morning audience.
  • It is in this hollowness that your words are wasted on an inattentive me.
  • You looked at his backside and there was a kind of hollowness to it. James Given in no doubt Dandino can prove Classic material
  • The point of religion, he used to say, was to reconcile us to the hollowness, the futility, the nothingness of life.

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