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How To Use Hollo In A Sentence

  • Researchers from the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Henan Province in Zhengzhou found the flutes, crafted from the hollow ulnae (wing bones) of red-crowned crane, among fragments of 30 others at the Neolithic (ca. 8000-2000 B.C.) site of Jiahu in central Henan Province. Oldest Musical Instruments Still Play a Tune
  • The undulating holloway, which has itself sunk through the steady erosion of cartwheels and hooves up to fifteen feet beneath the hillside, translates you from the present into an earlier era when John Nash carved out his woodcuts in English boxwood at the kitchen table under a single lamp-bulb and cultivated the half-wild garden. Wildwood
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • The driver was 18 to 19 years old, 5ft 6ins tall, hairy with a slim build, dark eyes, a gaunt face and hollow cheeks.
  • Our verbal message will ring hollow if an aspect of the medium potentially says something different. Christianity Today
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  • It seemed that every bar, no matter how tiny, had wedged a trio of musicians into a corner - one singing, one playing guitar and another scratching out a raspy beat on the guiro, a hollow gourd played with a stick.
  • He heard the voice as clearly as if it had been whispered in his ear, a hollow, sepulchral voice. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
  • He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.
  • Other fumitories have the tip of the lower petal like a spoon in that it is hollowed out, but the actual outline from directly above or below is parallel-sided.
  • All five were hollow, spherical objects (balls).
  • A white strip of birch bark blowing up from the hollow over the brown floor of the grove made her heart stand still. Anne of Green Gables
  • During fasting, since the body is not busy with gastric processes and since the body is literally emptier, hollower, I believe the nada practices can be even more effective. Kazim Ali: Practicing Yoga on the Mountain of God
  • The granite peaks and sylvan hollows in the Blue Ridge Mountains are the results of geological changes and metamorphosis over perhaps a billion year period of time.
  • The tree trunk was hollow inside.
  • In abdominal disease the symptom is particularly associated with rapid enlargement of an encapsulated organ or distension of a hollow viscus.
  • This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accompanying labels says "One of the principal uses of the adz was in hollowing out dug-out canoes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Referring to Fig. 249, it is seen that the large expansion of the bone is produced by the gradual transition of the hollow shaft of compact bone to cancellated bone, resulting in the production of a much larger volume. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • A container with fresh creek water made out of a sealed off and hollowed bamboo stick hung from his leather belt.
  • Yet it has proven to be hollow laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the substance had been entirely sucked out, all that was left was the bogus symbolism of anti-establishmentarianism and the hollow tropes of faux danger and commercialized dissent. I Saw The News On Television Today, Oh Boy
  • So-called pumice-concrete "hollow floor fillers" can be used in constructing ribbed floors (Fig. 47), e.g. when there is a shortage of form - work material, since such floors consist exclusively of prefabricated members. 3. Precast Pumice-Concrete Building Members
  • Cryoablation, also called cryotherapy or cryosurgery, is a procedure in which extreme cold is applied to the tumor using a cryoprobe, a hollow needle-like device filled with argon gas. Good news for cancer patients, cryoablation can treat kidney cancer.
  • The figure of a ghostly old woman dressed in a white dress and cape has appeared beside a hollow in the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • * Sigh* another 3d movie fulled with “big-name” voices and a hollow story based on a pixar movie. New 'Despicable Me' trailer: We all scream for supervillains |
  • In these circumstances the town can become a hollow and cynical place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, some will even begin to realize that they too are all changelings lost among the dark hollows of this bright earth, their deeper selves unknown, asleep.
  • This heating would melt the wax and allow it to be poured off or voided, leaving a hollow mould.
  • A narrow gorge opens upon a semicircular hollow lined with ochraceous or ferruginous matter; in fact, part of the filon, which sends off fibrils in all directions. The Land of Midian
  • Using a paring knife or a melon ball scoop, hollow out the bottom of the cake, keeping the removed section intact.
  • However our parrots, such as lorikeets and rosellas, need weather proof nesting boxes for natural hollow logs fixed a minimum of 3 meters from the ground.
  • A variety of minerals were deposited in the hollow vesicles.
  • The crankshaft was a nickel chrome steel forging, machined hollow, with four crank pins set at 180 degrees to each other, and carried in three bearings lined with anti-friction metal. A History of Aeronautics
  • He greeted me with a cry of "Hollo; me son, and what can I be doin 'for ye on this parky day? THE NUMBERS
  • It fills the concavity of the retina, and is hollowed in front, forming a deep concavity, the hyaloid fossa, for the reception of the lens. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 2. The Refracting Media
  • And all the time her eyes, with their long lashes in their dark hollow sockets will gaze into the eyes of a man who loved her truly and knowingly married her.
  • Driven by a penetrating east wind, it drifted until every hollow and depression was filled and the landscape assumed the appearance of a vast white prairie.
  • Hi!" he called breathlessly, as he tore down to Sleepy Hollow, where the others were having a laze. The Sea of Adventure
  • Several characters that typify a theropod: Hollow, thin-walled bones are diagnostic of theropod dinosaurs.
  • She was an emaciated, hollow-eyed ghost of a figure who approached me on the road one day, saying she had heard that I ‘helped people,’ and would I help her.
  • Le Mercier was a pickthank, angling after the favor of La Pompadour, -- a pretentious knave, as hollow as one of his own mortars. The Golden Dog
  • At the Kennedy Center, during "Le Corsaire" 's opening marketplace scene, we saw a stageful of distinct characters, all telling their individual "stories" with wit, finesse and flair, but never play-acting hollowness. Bolshoi Embraces the Pre-Soviet Past
  • I can feel anger and bile rising in me, rising up out of the years of desperation and hollow fury.
  • He easily cleared the wall by five feet and agilely landed on the ramp lining the inside of the walls with a hollow ‘thud.’
  • The few light, dry siftings that did produced little buildup on the frozen ground, except in hollows and depressions, and sometimes not even there. The Plains of Passage
  • To show us that success is ‘hollow,’ we see hollow Patrick a roaring success at 27, a vice president at a major Wall Street firm with a six-figure salary.
  • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by Washington Irving.
  • More interesting still, recent fossil discoveries show that the hip bones of some giant dinosaurs were almost hollow.
  • It is a land of undulating hills and hollows, dips and drumlins, rivers, inlets, estuaries and lakes, dotted with homes and barns.
  • He was chipping away pieces of a large rock, slowly hollowing it out.
  • For instance there were certain stones to be found in fields or graveyards with a hole or hollow which at times was full of water.
  • In hummocky terrain, the wire is presently suspended above the soil surface over hollows.
  • Stack the hollow types to the desired height, then plant trailing herbs in the ‘hollows.’
  • Those cute little ears of pasta work particularly well with a chunky sauce, as they allow little pools to gather in the hollow of their delicate shape.
  • Yet, even above the clatter of their hoofs did the incorrigible Nanty hollo out the old ballad — Redgauntlet
  • They placed the baskets in a convenient hollow by a large pine and covered them with the blanket.
  • TSX stand for tripple shock x bullet. a full copper bullet with a scall conical opening that allows for expansion in the absence of a lead core ... however I would NOT throw this in the same category as traditional hollow points, it is something compleetely different and one of themost solidly constructed bullets on the market. Can I use a 25-06 with 115 gr winchester silver balistic tip for Elk
  • It was a very hollow gesture.
  • These roadless hills have always been a refuge for rogues and reivers, a lawless area in times past where cattle-rustlers would hide their stolen beasts in secret clefts and hollows.
  • Before attaching the hollow item, a hole was punched through the body pot so that the trapped air would vent into the space of the body.
  • The jointed stems (culms) are round or flattened (never triangular); they are usually hollow except at the nodes (points on the stem from which leaves arise), where they are solid. Grasses
  • The 'pseudoscope' (Wheatstone was partial to exotic forms of speech) was introduced by its professor in 1850, and is in some sort the reverse of the stereoscope, since it causes a solid object to seem hollow, and a nearer one to be farther off; thus, a bust appears to be a mask, and a tree growing outside of a window looks as if it were growing inside the room. Heroes of the Telegraph
  • It makes a dry rustling sound, and a hollow echo as the cans and harder litter roll away across the dirty tiles.
  • But everything of that kind was brought abruptly to an end by a loud discordant blowing of horns and the hollow _tub, tub, tub_ of a number of rude drums; at which sounds the crowd around us broke up at once and retired, our little Hebe casting back at us more than one glance strongly indicative, as it seemed to me, of compassion. The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
  • She takes hold of my hand, and having roll'd up her own petticoats, forced it half strivingly towards those parts, where, now grown more knowing, I miss'd the main object of my wishes; and finding not even the shadow of what I wanted, where every thing was so flat, or so hollow, in the vexation I was in at it, I should have withdrawn my hand but for fear of disobliging her. Fanny Hill, Part II (first letter)
  • How convenient it was that all the prey species were excavating holes and hollows and leafy chambers.
  • It's set in the corner of the stairwell, made of cheap and rather hollow-sounding wood, and could do with a lick of paint.
  • Bullets cause injury by transferring their energy into the body tissues; the design of the bullet influences this process, with hollow nosed or dumdum bullets being designed to maximise energy transfer.
  • The sound is hollow and muffled throughout the film, and the bass has been cranked up to make up for the overall lack of punch.
  • Males have hollow spurs connected to venom glands on the ankle of each hind leg.
  • Various departments inhabit a ramshackle collection of buildings up and down Holloway Road, ranging through arts and crafts, neo-Georgian, brutalism and postmodernist junk.
  • The surveys concluded that the tree's trunk was essentially hollow and there were large areas of deadwood within its crown.
  • The statistics show that it was no hollow warning.
  • The difficulties of our road now increased, "if _road_ that might be called, which road was none," but black loose ashes, and masses of scoria and lava heaped in ridges, or broken into hollows in a manner not to be described. The Diary of an Ennuyée
  • The hollows beneath his cheekbones showed his stress.
  • My pet peeve for the day is waking up in the middle of the night, curled in a warm hollow under the blankets, relaxed and thinking dozily about blogs and mailing lists… and then the harsh bleep of my alarm ricocheting through the dark.
  • The inflorescence consists of spikes, solitary, digitate or fascicled, articulate and fragile; the joints of the floral axis and the pedicels of the pedicelled spikelets are trigonous and hollowed ventrally. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The tree was evidently hollow throughout its length; but perhaps some portion of the alburnum still remained intact. Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery
  • Apart from a bit of woodworm, the beam seemed solid enough, but the panel rang hollow.
  • They make a den in a hollow tree. Animals of the World
  • At about 07:30, just after the troops had crossed the drift, they formed a hollow square formation comprising 4156 whites and 1152 blacks.
  • Hollow Man is pure hokum, but the visual effects are the true stars. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept coaxially inside another long, hollow conducting cylinder of larger radius. LearnHub Activities
  • Potential difficulties were solved when he caused to be constructed for himself a fine, plump, hollow pullet out of papier mâché, the breast being composed of two lids.
  • This shadows and hollows the cheek for that slimline look. The Sun
  • Leave the car and enter the grove of hollow oaks. On the Trail of Merlin - a guide to the Celtic mystery tradition
  • Nothing a writer says surprises me anymore, not even if Jeff VanderMeer told me he did his first drafts while dangling naked upside from a coconut palm, writing in squid ink through the hollowed fingerbone of William S. Burroughs. MIND MELD: Behind the Scenes...How the Hottest Short Fiction Anthologies Are Created (Part 1)
  • There were no conversations spoken, and none were needed: talk just sounded hollow and pointless in the big scheme of things.
  • Yes, and in telling about it I'll show my naive ignorance: 4, 5, 6 (?) years ago on a vacation through much of New England, we stopped at a bookstore and I noticed a "local" author shelf with some mass market pbs with "woodcut" - style black and red covers depicting Sleepy-Hollow-like scenes. A Touch of Genius
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • He holloed out: "Who's there?" and then the noise stopped, but the light kept on. The Flight of Pony Baker A Boy's Town Story
  • Pour in remainder of cake batter and smooth the top, hollowing it slightly.
  • Ahead were more hills, more little valleys, more slopes and hollows and knolls.
  • The hollow of the bell symbolizes the wisdom cognizing emptiness.
  • The two were apparently in bed when the prowler rousted the couple and took some cash, credit cards and then drove away with Holloway's Mercedes - Benz.
  • Their faces have taken on a sort of hollowness as they have aged.
  • Around 1800, edge-cutting astragal and hollow planes appeared, although the rebates were still cut using the sash fillister.
  • This allows any moisture to drain out of the hollow stems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tempter," answered Redlaw, "whose hollow look and voice I dread more than words can express, and from whom some dim foreshadowing of greater fear is stealing over me while I speak, I hear again an echo of my own mind. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain
  • If the present economic relations are simply absurd and nonsensical, hollow at their center, something to be rejected, then what is the prospect for a different life emerging?
  • She fingered the single pearl that nestle in the hollow of her throat.
  • A click sounded, and a hollow laughter echoed through the room she was in.
  • “Bonderro” is a corruption of the Lusitanianized imbundeiro, the calabash, or adansonia (digitata?): the other baobab is called nkondo, probably the Aliconda and Elicandy of Battel and old travellers, who describe the water-tanks hollowed in its huge trunk, and the cloth made from the bark fibre. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The piece had the hollow report of a blind, scatter-gun blast into the night, the intruder long gone. AMAGANSETT
  • Crisp on the outside and buttery-soft and almost hollow on the inside, they are traditionally bun-sized, and flavoured with Gruyère.
  • The public and the private interfuse here, like Clarence's remarkable image of diamonds flashing in the hollow eyes of skulls.
  • Against this background, the brave calls of a vociferous few to sue the company and its directors ring hollow.
  • Three separate billows of smoke rose into the sky in three separate hollows in the forest below.
  • First they cut a little well into bark and fill it with water carried in hollow bamboo.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • and you do nothing to hollow out Islamic terrorism—which cannot be contained for ever.
  • Many materials scientists predict that the tiny, hollow cylinders of carbon atoms known as carbon nanotubes will eventually lead to a new generation of supersmall transistors.
  • A coil compression spring is captured to the pin in the hollow core of a segment and urges the adjacent components together.
  • Fillers add volume under the surface of the skin to plump up creases, divots and hollows from the inside out.
  • In its early embryonic condition it consists of three hollow vesicles, termed the hind-brain or rhombencephalon, the mid-brain or mesencephalon, and the fore-brain or prosencephalon; and the parts derived from each of these can be recognized in the adult (Fig. 677). IX. Neurology. 4. The Brain or Encephalon
  • It wasn't a bright sound like most bells, but more hollow and deep.
  • her footsteps echoed hollowly in the empty hall
  • Andrew Scott of Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom, and colleagues used four kinds of microscopy to take a closer look at the odd debris, known as carbonaceous spherules. News
  • Each fibre has a hollow core trapping still air and aiding warmth.
  • It bulks above long moorland valleys, its northern face hollowed and indented by some of the finest Welsh cwms. Country diary: Pumlumon
  • This woman has become so desparate of late that inconsistence makes her sound like a hollow gong being hit by a one year old baby. Clinton: Democratic nomination process needs to change
  • Assurances that things have changed ring hollow in many ears.
  • Its ability to survive lengthy periods between feeds was well suited to its original habitat: caves, rock crevices and hollow trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leafhopper acquires the phytoplasma while feeding by inserting its stylet a long, slender hollow feeding structure into the phloem of infected plants and withdrawing the phytoplasma with the plant sap. E-China-See-Ya~A Public Service Announcement « Fairegarden
  • And as in some real rubies there are found slight hollows corresponding or analogous to the bubbles found in melted glass, it becomes a matter of great difficulty to distinguish the real from the imitation by such tests as hardness, specific gravity, dichroism, and the like, so that in such a case, short of risking the ruin of the stone, ordinary persons are unable to apply any convincing tests. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • If any under-pressure manager is about to do anything as photogenically daft as Phil Brown's al fresco half-time team talk, your money would be on Holloway rather than Di Matteo. West Brom do not look like yoyos now Roberto Di Matteo has added steel
  • Marri trees produce large amounts of blossom and nectar, and mature trees often have the very large hollows that are nesting sites for endangered species such as black cockatoos, western ringtail possums and owls.
  • According to the account given by Labillardiere, confirmed by the information given by Mr. Hekmeyer, the figures are often craunched by women and children, to the latter of whom they serve as dolls, toys, and even money-boxes, as shown by the slits formed in the upper part of the larger objects, which are usually hollow. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • But if you probe beneath the glittering surface there's a hollow where the heart should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if you probe beneath the glittering surface there's a hollow where the heart should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks
  • This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Octagonal tower for the straight - hollow, with brick foot jump.
  • An open enemy is better than a hollow friend. 
  • the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom
  • The northern flank is hollowed by a giant chalkpit with cleanly cut sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has never been a time when the cry for unlimited congressional power has rung so hollow.
  • Once he used a big knife, tossed it down on the ground with a lot of fake blood and dibbled a trail to a hollow with some trees. Ccfinlay: "Pervert" is going to be translated into
  • She fascinated me with talk of rolfing, reiki, hollotropic breathing and other exotic phenomena.
  • Especially when I read of the adventures of Russian and Polish exiles in Siberia -- men of aristocratic lineage wandering amid snow and arctic cold, sleeping on rocks or in hollow trees, and holding their own, empty-handed, against hunger and frost and their fiercer brute embodiments do I recognize a hardihood and a ferity whose wet-nurse, ages back, may well have been this gray slut of the woods. Winter Sunshine
  • The inside was black and hollow, making it look like an empty tube.
  • Much of the interior is hollow now, forming a chamber big enough for the entire England rugby team to squeeze inside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dome of the skull, hollow and shaven of hair, has been sawn off in a neat line running just above the eyes and ears. GRACE
  • What it is doin 'sittin' yonder, I cannae - but, hollo! The Sky Writer
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • The metate was a three-legged stone about two feet in length and one in breadth, slightly hollowed out in the center; grain was ground in this by rubbing with a smaller stone. History of California
  • Order the addictively airy gougères, hollow pastry shells scented with cheese, as soon as you sit down.
  • Just looking at the lactescent SavMart or the uninhabited appearance of Sy's apartment is enough to make you feel hollow inside.
  • When the glass had cooled, the clay/sand model was carefully scraped out of the container, leaving the hollow glass vessel.
  • Its very simplicity serves as a correction to the elaborate artifice and pretension - most of it hollow - that pervade current dance-making.
  • Krishna Pandit did the same and was extremely happy when the snake guided him through the swampy and marshy land, until he reached the hollow trunk of a mulberry tree.
  • The hip is a strong joint: a bossed knuckle of bone clasped deep into a hollow of the pelvic skeleton. Christianity Today
  • Its ability to survive lengthy periods between feeds was well suited to its original habitat: caves, rock crevices and hollow trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course some empires collapse because they overextend their borders, leaving the centre strained and hollow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike modern harps, the soundbox would have be hollowed out from a single piece of wood and finished with a thin panel to ‘seal’ the sound box.
  • Just fancy, I'd begin with a clear leap over that chief's head -- the one there wi 'the feathers an' the long nose that's makin 'such hideous faces -- then away up the glen, over the stones, down the hollows, shoutin' like mad, an 'clearin' the brooks and precipices with a band o 'yellin' Redskins at my tail! Twice Bought
  • The first item on that shopping list will trigger hollow laughter among the rest of the world's steel makers.
  • Katie looks out the window at the front yard, the area Olmsted called the Hollow: the gray lumps of Roxbury puddingstone, the vines, the looping path. The Other Side of Dark
  • A didgeridoo is a droning wind instrument made from a hollowed-out tree branch or trunk. Latest News -
  • We took our penknives and made two right angle cuts down through the nose of a hollow point to encourage its expansion by ‘pre-splitting’ the bullet into four parts.
  • The blind old owl, whirring out of the hollow tree, quite amazed at the disturbance, flounced into the face of a ploughboy, who knocked her down with a pitchfork. The Newcomes
  • At this moment, the stranger who had put the coachman and groom right about the word valetudinarian, rose from the seat he had occupied in the corner of the room, and uttering a deep, hollow groan, walked towards the door. Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 3
  • In Holloway-speak, landing a left hook translates as keeping faith with core principles. Ian Holloway wants Blackpool to play like world champions Spain
  • It's about three feet long and was hollowed out naturally by termites, which is the way they are made.
  • The letter went on to complain of paper boys yelling out the news, musicians disturbing whole neighbourhoods, and drunks “who choose to sing and holloa up and down our streets and squares.” Sounds of Victorian London
  • The dock drops sheer to the sandy bottom at 21m; some sections are undercut, forming deep hollows sheltering sweetlips and other fish.
  • Push the Elantra beyond a canter, though, and the engine's creamy smoothness gives way to a hollow drone, accompanied by some thrummy vibes at wide-open throttle. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The osteria was a deep vault, almost like a hollow in the ruins; within, a lamp burned before the image of the Madonna; a large fire flamed on the hearth, for here they roasted, cooked and prepared the dishes for the guests. The Ice-Maiden: and Other Tales.
  • Even rent the hollow woods and shook the queachy ground; Highways & Byways in Sussex
  • Her feet pounded down the steps, echoing through the hollow grayness of the castle.
  • The elderly house steward opened the door and spoke in the hollow whisper. Emily Fox-Seton
  • We sat there mesmerized by the ringing baritone of his inspired voice, coming, as if from the hollows of a cave from some part of a high mountain range, where civilization could never reach or discover.
  • The shy emerald mantles the valleys and fledges the heights; the pussy-willows tremble by lake and stream; the wild crocus brims the hollows with a haze of violet; trailing his last ragged pennants of snow on the hills, winter makes his sullen retreat. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • There were not a few who saw things blackly in this respectand flayed the planlessness and heedlessness of the Reich's policies, andwell recognized their inner weakness and hollowness but these were onlyoutsiders in political life; the official government authorities passedby the observations of a Houston Stewart Chamberlain with the same indifferenceas still occurs today. Mein Kampf
  • The men inside the Camp Holloway compound slept behind sandbag walls and had bunkers to duck into if the mortars came.
  • Just then the white-domed heads of two men in coveralls appeared over the rim of the hollow, and the others stepped back to let them clamber out. The Priest
  • When they are done, the insides should be hollow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thoroughpin is found at the back and on the top of the hock in that part known as the "hollows," immediately behind the shank bone. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • That's three decisions that's swung the game to the millionaires," fumed Holloway. Five things we learned from the Premier League this weekend
  • The second feature is a deep cave or pothole on Wet Rain Hill, just above Liz's Burn, called Bell Hollow.
  • The victory looks rather hollow. That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces.
  • There is a call for peaceful direct action that could leave the hardliners with a certain but hollow victory when the election results come in.
  • The priest's daughter took down the mandore, drew near the couch on which Poëri was stretched, leaned the head of the lute against the wooden bed-head hollowed out in the shape of a half-moon, stretched her arm to the end of the handle of the instrument, the body of which was pressed against her beating heart, let her hand flutter along the strings, and struck a few chords. The Works of Theophile Gautier, Volume 5 The Romance of a Mummy and Egypt
  • Roebling had, in effect, fashioned a single hollow beam as protection against cumulative undulations.
  • He marveled at everything about her — the white rickrack she sewed along the hem and neckline of her dress to give it what she called pizzazz, her heart-shaped face, the hollow at the base of her throat, where he hung a heart-shaped locket. Butchers Hill
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the "Ho! hollo!" of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic Girls
  • The van had a hollow bottom, the kitchen had been built over a cellar and the stairs concealed a broom cupboard. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • In the warm hollow Lily lay still and her breathing grew low and regular. The House of Mirth
  • Ghost would not appear in’t at the latter Day? then the compound of nasty Smells about him, stinking Breath, Mustachoes stuft with villainous snush, Tobacco, and hollow Teeth: thus prepar’d for Delight, you meet in Bed, where you may lie and sigh whole The Rover; or the Banish'd Cavaliers
  • These terms apply only to the natural condition of the stem, and not the condition brought about by larvæ, which eat out the interior of the stem, causing it to be hollow or fistulose. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Myxozoans, in contrast, form plasmodia or hollow sacs in which infective spores are produced.
  • Any sentient in the galaxy ` took 'on bloodhype would gladly trade you all his worldly possessions, his offspring, his mate, parents, and all his limbs save the minimum needed to inject the drug, in return for the hollow splinter of glass you hold in your hand. Bloodhype
  • The ninth novel in the “Hollow” series has witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan traveling cross-county with an elf, pixy and vampire. BOOK WORLD - March 6, 2011
  • [E] ssentially, The Good German is a parallel universe version of Casablanca, which both makes the film interesting and ultimately lends it a certain hollowness," writes Drew Morton at Dr Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 11/24.
  • I never thought I would tire of the hollow hiss and snicker of an open fire, or the sweet smell of burning fatwood, but I did. DOWNTOWN
  • They also will use an old woodpecker or other hole or even hollows in the earth beneath exposed tree roots.
  • The return to the ship involves a _bloto_ across the bay, with many misgivings as to the seaworthy capacities of the clumsy craft, but four bamboo safety-poles, fastened by forked sticks to the sides of the hollowed log, suffice to steady it enough to avoid capsizal. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • One piece is a hollow pillar, which glows lustrously when a bulb is placed inside.
  • Unlike canoes, kayaks are closed on top, rather like a hollowed-out tree trunk, sealing the person in the ‘cockpit‘.

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