How To Use Hobo In A Sentence
Isn't there something revolting about catering to the imagined needs of a tiny group of spoiled ladies, a Marie Antoinette–ish situation that reached its apotheosis when John Galliano showed his infamous clochard collection—the word means bum or hobo in French, and the tattered gowns, hand-stenciled to look filthy, trailed pots, pans, and other refuse—at the 1997 Dior haute couture show?
Art in the Parks 3: Nan Kempner's Clothing
Especially since Mr. Birtles himself carried a large silver urn with ice and a dew-covered rehoboam of champagne.
The Dressmaker
Then the penalty paid in orbit matching with Mars and Phobos would be much smaller.
The Roads Authority imposed restrictions on the use of the B1 route between Rehoboth and Windhoek for the purpose of major roadworks.
In the Great Depression, hobos who roamed transiently across North America invented pictographic graffiti languages which were cryptic to the police but well understood in their community.

Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot - Percy helps Clarisse, when her half brothers, the demigods Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror) take Ares chariot, which he had entrusted to Clarisse.
Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » March
Hobongwana said that the other officials would not be expelled, pending their commitment to realigning themselves with the party within 21 days.
And in the FOR ME column of our imagined list, not in the treasured top slots but up there, would be the gift of Joycean spam upon a digital reemergence: boltmaker stippled scrapy heartedness burgoo overplentiful unended hydrophobous.
Eveline | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
They insist they are not hobos; rather they prefer to be called outies.
In around 50 million years, Phobos faces one of two fates.
T was growing dusk when we left Vosnesenia for the Dukhobor saw-mill, our next stage on the journey northward.
Janey Canuck in the West
I fired up my backpacker's stove and cooked up my version of hobo chow with rice and kidney beans.
A favorite device of hoboes is to base their monicas on the localities from which they hail, as: New York Tommy, Pacific
Hoboes That Pass in the Night
Yet if the Beat poets, their heroes and disciples provided this boho hobo with a point of departure, her music has been shaped by her travels in the 21st century.
But the festivities will be cut abruptly short by the anniversary, which Hoboken will mark in a manner far more sombre and sober than the hullabaloo over the river.
Phobos ( Human ): An experienced veteran, he led the invasion of the demon - haunted tunnels of Phobos.
Meanwhile Hobor predicts that the speciality chemical businesses will continue to grow through small niche acquisitions as well as internal growth through new products.
Tommy declared that he would become a Doukhobor to please her, but she said something about the inability of Ethiopians to change their skin.
The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies
C'mon, he's a movie star, not some random hobo on the street!
A favorite device of hoboes is to base their monicas on the localities from which they hail, as: New York Tommy, Pacific Slim, Buffalo Smithy,
Hoboes That Pass in the Night
It may have been the Doukhobor people contributing their agricultural knowledge.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Few of the women he was involved with seem to bear him a lasting grudge, however - or to have minded his eccentric, hobo ways.
Both metaboric and tetraboric acid form when orthoboric acid dehydrates above 170°C and
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That's why I believe that the next NASA mission -- after the establishment of a permanent base on the Moon -- should be the exploitation of the regolith resources of the moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos).
Back to the Moon We Go - NASA Watch
From its start in the 1920s, it was a hobby - an amusing interpretation of American hobos and cowpokes.
Beside you, even the handsomest hambone will look like a hobo.
Since then Railroad Earth had been a consistent draw at rock clubs, theaters, and bluegrass festivals, earning a devoted following of so-called hoboes who trailed the band from town to town and trade cassettes of their live shows.
Railroad Earth Jams Live on Two-CD 'Elko'
With timing so flawless and a tenor so strong he made bobby-soxers swoon and tough guys cry, the awkward kid from Hoboken became the standard bearer for almost all aural bliss.
I have a feeling I looked like a homeless hobo that sleeps under anything she can find.
Now the DNC has gone against what they said and allowed half the votes plu gave votes to hObo when he removed his name.
Rangel criticizes Clinton over non-concession speech
At various times he has told us that he ran away from school to join a carnival, was descended from Sioux Indians, was an orphan and had been a hobo.
While the hobos, degenerates and backpackers passed by (you need a keen eye to tell the difference), we chatted for a while about this and that.
On this occasion, John, a young Dukhobor who had worked in a Canadian store, and who speaks English fluently, acted as interpreter.
Janey Canuck in the West
Eng. for “young hobo,” one who is new on the road and usually in the company of an older tramp, with catamite connotations.
Literacy; why is it that we want to stay with modern meaning rather than return to the True meaning of a word? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
The first half is set in the 1970s amongst Dundee's bohos and hobos.
Of course there are "hoboes" and "hoboes," as in any other profession, but so far as my experience goes, the "hobo" is an idealist.
A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
The echo bot application can now be started with twistd - ny echobot. tac or twistd - y echobot. tac if you want to daemonize it.
Planet Twisted
So he dressed down, stopped shaving and tried to pass himself off as just another anonymous hobo.
He wrote his stories, answered correspondence, rode the ranch, greeted and entertained guests — a good many of them complete strangers, old hobos, sailors, down-and-out pugs from the boxing ring, seeking a handshake, a handout and a meal from the notorious soft-touch, Jack London.
Wolf Dying: Page I
By unfriendly critics, much has been made of the fact that the Dukhobor women perform the arduous work of harnessing themselves to the plough, but this is entirely at their own suggestion.
Janey Canuck in the West
One of the interesting inclusions is a scientific article by Russian astrophysicist Shklovsky, who suggested that the Martian moon Phobos was artificial, because it was light-weight and had an unusual orbit.
Moon shots
The franc-tireur in charge of the wine-bin watches us complaisantly from his counter where he sits flanked by flasks of Hoboken chianti and a case of brittle cigars.
In these Dukhobor villages, the people practically constitute one large family, and know each other's outgoings and incomings, fortunes and misfortunes.
Janey Canuck in the West
If all you want from Hobo with a Shotgun is a guilty pleasure, than know that few films this year will likely guiltier than this one.
Scott Mendelson: HuffPost Review: Hobo With a Shotgun
They differ from Botocudo and most other antillocorines by the presence of all trichobothria of the fifth abdominal sternite located anterior to the spiracle of the same segment, fore femora incrassate and armed ventrally with spines in both sexes, and the males with a large distally curved spine at the base of the fore femur.
Martin dispensed royal largess, inviting everybody up, farm-hands, a stableman, and the gardener's assistant from the hotel, the barkeeper, and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar.
Chapter 17
We like to get our dogs, Tanzie (short for "tanzanite") and Hobo (short for "moron") all riled up, and then let them out the door, screaming "Get the squirrel!
Rehoboam himself managed to mount his chariot and flee to Jerusalem.
[2] Thus, orthoboric acid is the main compound referred to by the term boric acid.
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This form of protest is a traditional one within the Doukhobor community.
Do As the Doukhobors Do
Aw welly think as th 'Almeety con find room for Amanda, and if He con, I think we mud be like to thrutch (push) her into Rehoboth.
Lancashire Idylls (1898)
Two small moons (hardly larger than the city of Paris) revolve rapidly round Mars; they are called Phobos and Deimos.
Astronomy for Amateurs
(Eusebius begins): -- ho men gar [to kephalaion auto] ten touto phaskousan perikopen atheton, eipoi an me en hapasin auten pheresthai tois antigraphois tou kata Markon euangeliou; ta goun akribe ton antigraphon TO TELOS perigraphei tes kata ton Markon historias en tois logois k.t.l. hois epilegei, "kai oudeni ouden eipon, ephobounto gar.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
This machine is called Phobos and, depending upon the configuration, can run around $8,000 and above for the top end model.
BFG talks up high end Phobos media room PCs -
Back in my teens, I'd have dreams where all I did was run around grabbing boobies and reciting poetry to hoboes.
He is complaining that if the Dukhobors buy tea or sugar the grocer weighs the paper with it, but will not do so when he buys ginseng from the Dukhobor.
Janey Canuck in the West
The satellites or the two moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos - are seen revolving around it.
Sinatra was born into hard times, the son of Italian immigrants, in Hoboken, New Jersey.
[3] Thus, orthoboric acid is the main compound referred to by the term boric acid.
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Of the 720 acres within the city limits, 270 acres lie at a considerable height above the river and constitute what are known as the knoll or uplands of Hoboken.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
But to backtrack just a titch, the biggest breakthrough came when Hoboken zipper factories amped up the erotic associations of the zipper, capitalizing on the alluring promise of "a quick and effortless disrobing.
Tove Hermanson: The Secret Sexy Life of Zippers
He reeked of the most potent body odour and looked like a hobo.
The Sun
One of the deans commented, ‘Now I know what it feels like to be a ticketless hobo riding the rods.’
I drink in moderation, not nearly as much as winos and hobos.
He might plead and tell his "hard luck story," but that would not help him much; a saloon-keeper who was to be moved by such means would soon have his place jammed to the doors with "hoboes" on a day like this.
The Jungle
Later, the robot field geologist then took about a dozen images of the Sun to catch the eclipse by the Martian moon, Phobos before shutting down again for a little nap.
Likewise, his classmates remembered scarcely ever Seeing him in Hoboken.
Some small moons orbiting Jupiter, as well as Phobos and Deimos, may have originally been asteroids captured into orbit by the gravity of Mars and Jupiter.
Also called Phobos, and the Mad Moon in certain phases.
Archive 2010-03-01
M. M.gendie has often injected into the veins of an hydrophobous dog as much as five grains of opium without producing any effect; while a single grain given to the healthy dog would suffice to send him almost to sleep.
The Dog
Here are unsmiling Doukhobor men at a riverbank brickyard, some looking as though they've just arrived from the Russian steppes.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
C'est parce que le travail que recherche le hobo est par essence mobile et saisonnier (travaux publics, moissons, etc.) qu'il adopte précisément ce mode de vie et nul autre.
Our road, for the first mile or so, ran through the Dukhobor timber.
Janey Canuck in the West
Stickney Crater, the largest crater on the martian moon Phobos, is named for Chloe Angeline Stickney Hall, mathematician.
My sword rose and fell amidst a swarm of blackberry bush, stinkweed and maniacal thicket following a trail left by Lotus-eaters who had stopped to rest in that hobo Eden;
[3] Thus, orthoboric acid is the main compound referred to by the term boric acid.
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Phobos and Deimos are small, irregularly shaped bodies, generally similar to carbonaceous asteroids in color, reflectivity, and density.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Eleanor cared for a succession of hoboes, vagabonds, and bums who called at the back door of the large house the family owned on Hamond Street in Chicago.
Listen, Hobo , you're very lucky, you know.
All through the South — at least when I was hoboing — are convict camps and plantations, where the time of convicted hoboes is bought by the farmers, and where the hoboes simply have to work.
After the first curtain fall, while the loaves and the fishes were holding a peace conference and our feet were simply itching to put the "hob" in Hoboken, it was announced in behalf of the management that as Hoboken had gone dry, we would have to go elsewhere "to hit the Port.
History of the 113th Field Artillery 30th Division
She would walk to Skid Row and stand in line with the hobos, the winos, the junkies, and the Mexicans until the farm buses came and the farmers picked out the workers they wanted’.
The hospitality of the Dukhobors is usually without price, but Bill took what I proffered him, remarking in extenuation, and with a rising emphasis:
Janey Canuck in the West
When Hobo disappeared from the screen, Flint would get closer and look slantwise in the direction that the dog had gone, trying to catch a glimpse of the disappearing furry star.
Born to Bark
This time you could feel it, or not feel it, the cold detachement, worn out concepts struggling to entertain with ridiculous, poorly staged action scequences (how many times did they have to go over the waterfall?) and poor characterization (did you really think Karen Allen or John Hurt were used to full effect here except to stumble around behind Ford like a couple hobos?)
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
And, the rover also ‘snapped’ an inspiring picture of the Martian moon Phobos as it eclipsed the Sun.
When we talked to that deranged hobo in the park who looked kind of like Dr. Phil, you said you'd do anything to save our friendship.
The above photo of Phobos is just breath taking, to see the all the amazing detail just click on the image to view it as full size.
Martian Moon Phobos Photographed »
A man bitten by that dog became hydrophobous, and died.
The Dog
Uploaded on January 18, 2010 to make a hobo pastie all you need is buger, tin foil and any vedgies like potatos carrots celery ect. rap it in tin foil and put it in hot coals wait 20-30min and its done use what ever spieces and other stuff to make to your likeing.
Hobo pasties
Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1962 by author as "The Doukhobor Do.
Do As the Doukhobors Do
One of these, called Deimos, is only six miles in diameter, the other, named Phobos, is only seven, and both are exceedingly close to the primary and in rapid revolution.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
In the hard times of the 1930s, unemployed men and transient hobos often took temporary refuge on the island, erecting small shantytowns of tents.
Their contract with SunGard was supposed to give them daily backups, plus spare space in Hoboken, N.J., in case of dislocation.
All through the South — at least there were when I was hoboing — are convict camps and plantations, where the time of convicted hoboes is bought by the farmers and where the hoboes simply have to work.
Some Adventures With the Police
A child was bitten by a rabid dog at York, and became hydrophobous.
The Dog
Therefore suffer from the hectic phobophobia the alleged psychological disease which show the feeling of too much heavy and tiresome in life.
If you think about it, living life as a bum, hobo, or a transient is pretty extreme.
After the great stock market crash, all the rich gentleman were reduced to bums and hobos.
My sword rose and fell amidst a swarm of blackberry bush, stinkweed and maniacal thicket following a trail left by Lotus-eaters who had stopped to rest in that hobo Eden;
Mars, and is called Deimos, and the other, which is but sixteen hundred miles from the planet, is called Phobos by astronomers.
Through Space to Mars Or the Longest Journey on Record
‘He's like a shadow figure,’ said Omar Milosevich, a retired pressman from Hoboken.
One became hydrophobous and died; the other had evident symptoms of hydrophobia a few days afterwards.
The Dog
Phobos and Deimos are small, irregularly shaped bodies, generally similar to carbonaceous asteroids in color, reflectivity, and density.
Armies of transient laborers filled seasonal jobs throughout the country, creating the great era of tramps and hoboes, 1870 to 1920.
Brunch at Cucharamama in Hoboken, N.J., is defined by the sauces, which give dishes like eggs, homefries and slab bacon a distinctive South American flair.
A Saucy Brunch in Hoboken
Our train sat in Hoboken just long enough for the motorman and conductor to change ends, and then we were off once more.
Slouchy or hobo handbags remain strong for day, while the clutch reappears for night.
[2] Thus, orthoboric acid is the main compound referred to by the term boric acid.
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Meanwhile Hobor predicts that the speciality chemical businesses will continue to grow through small niche acquisitions as well as internal growth through new products.
Now we live in Riverbend, right next to the levee, and there's a bona fide hobo jungle over on the batture.
Hobo Stick
As chunks came off in the halls and courtroom floor, I desperately tried to hide my hobo-slippered feet from my clients, opposing counsel and the judge as I argued.
Who Would Hire the Hobo Lawyer?
He walks Outfit and talks Outfit, but he's really just a stupe from Hoboken, New Jersey.
American Tabloid
The poor fellow died hydrophobous, but the other escaped.
The Dog
Both Phobos and Deimos always keep the same side toward Mars.
The best results were obtained by the local alignment method LALIGN, as the analyzed sequences contained numerous gaps, insertions, and duplications relative to the canonical hobo sequence.
Sunlight reflecting from the surface showed that Phobos was dark, absorbing more than 90 per cent of the incoming sunlight and resembling the meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites.
New Scientist - Space
the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos
The aim of this research is to extract and utilize secretion of phloem of Tilia mongolica that use them to increase the zoophobous ability and phylactic power of non-resistant tree species.
Despite hundreds of professional photographers covering today's shuttle launch, an image taken on an iPhone by an unemployed event planner from Hoboken is the most memorable – and the most viral.
In 2011 Russia will send a mission called Phobos–Grunt meaning Phobos Soil to land on Phobos, and an experiment will collect a soil sample and return it to Earth for analysis.
New Images of Phobos from Mars Express Flyby | Universe Today
Hobos call a boxcar a wide-screen TV," says Snyder, dressed in a dusty pair of black overalls and layers of sweatshirts and jackets.
Boing Boing: January 20, 2002 - January 26, 2002 Archives
Mogwai-toned spook droner "Everyday" and closing with the 17-minute spectral masterpiece "Night Falls On Hoboken," the record provides easy exuses for lapsing into over-the-top praise.
:: news, reviews and opinion :: since 2001 :: online at ::
Last year's trials produced permanent stores in Astoria and Hoboken, for instance.
Feeding the Costume Craze
Markon historias en tois logois k.t.l. hois epilegei; ... "kai oudeni ouden, eipon, ephobounto gar.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
Phobos, which is believed to be a captured asteroid, will not stay pinned to Mars forever.
Space Diary: Mars
The difference between a proper evening of bar hopping and a night of being rooted in a single bar is the same difference between the free-ranging hobo and the street-corner wino.
When we Green Berets were in Alaska on maneuvers for a long time, nothing tasted better than hobo coffee.
In September, members of Women's Action for Development in Rehoboth petitioned local authorities to force shebeens and liquor stores to abide by the liquor laws.
One breaks into an impromptu jig, or sun dance, or hobo shuffle, whatever, while the others clap the beat.
Two small moons, Phobos and Deimos, were discovered orbiting Mars in 1877.
Crucially, Crane chooses to focalize the departing train through hoboes: ‘three men, still hungry on the tracks.’
The business of the latter is to go into every one of these new communities, without expressing its opinion as to whether the Doukhobor, or Galician, or Bulgarian, or any other class, should or should not have been brought here.
The Business Man and the Churches
Scary, sexy and addictive from the get-go, the hour-long series seems set to feed on the Buffy theme of a quippy teen dealing with extraordinary abilities — in this case, the gift of serious facial hair and the fingernails of a hobo — while flipping the script by making Scott the prey and his crush's daddy the slayer-in-waiting.
Watercooler: Teen Wolf Is Howlingly Fun
NEOs happen to be those (as do Phobos and Deimos for the Mars system).
A Shift in Policy? Moon Base Axed? - NASA Watch
Farms, mining camps, trestles, hobo camps, and whole towns cracked and burned.
If correct, phobotaxis, strophotaxis, and thigmotaxis are thus consequences, and not the causes, of the observed movements.
In GTA the havoc was great, but the difficulty of both missions and side-jobs would waver between "trivial" and "controller-snappingly infuriating" with all the predictability and grace of an inebriated hobo.
Saints Row
Connacht was on a suburb radial off Phobos City, the most densely populated segment on the Met.
Phobos ( Human ): An experienced veteran, he led the invasion of the demon - haunted tunnels of Phobos.
The Kid said he'd been on his own for three years and helped Toland learn the lingo of the road; "yard bull" was a railroad detective, "stemming the drag" meant panhandling on a city street, and "bindle stiff" was the Depression-era alternative to "hobo.
Jeffrey Shaffer: Strangers on a Page
Utah Phillips, a former NPR host who was blacklisted in the state of Utah after an unsuccessful bid for U.S. Senate in 1968 on the Peace and Freedom party ticket can be described as a raconteur extraordinaire, a radical historian well-versed in the sorrowful details of the bloodiest social justice struggles of the last century, a hobo, and one hell of a musician whose songs can break your heart and bring your blood to a boil.
Mutual aid for Utah Phillips: a benefit show in Minneapolis, December 15 at 6:00 PM
The ginseng is a real El Dorado of treasure to the Dukhobors, and it ought to be celebrated in poetry.
Janey Canuck in the West
Nonetheless, hobos, like tramps, acquired a reputation for their carefree way of life, their predilection for booze, and a canon of whimsical folk songs and stories.
He reeked of the most potent body odour and looked like a hobo.
The Sun
A few hobos and bag ladies wearing multiple layers of dirty, mismatched clothing leaned against the wall adjacent to the bench.
When someone leaves, the apartment goes market. if you think that anything is done in NJ, especially hudson county, that does NOT involve keeping the welfare machine firmly controlled by the party currently in charge does the term gerrymander mean anything to you? if you think that anything is done in NJ, especially hudson county, that does NOT involve keeping the welfare machine firmly controlled by the party currently in charge, then you are much more stupid than i give you credit. seriously, how f'n stupid are you? how long have you been living in NJ? do you not look around and watch how the taxes are distributed in this state? hoboken is a tiny version of this entire state. you are one big f'n idiot. and you can look up "gerrymander" on google you twit.
Hoboken 411
: transients attempt to succumb to pathos, and triumph as sad clowns in velvet. there's an oxymoron or two in there, i think. and unseen in the infinite depths of black velvet is the weight of indelible viciousness shouldered by the garish penitents. or maybe Xtreme Hobo Stick.
Hobo Stick
Martin dispensed royal largess, inviting everybody up, farm-hands, a stableman, and the gardener's assistant from the hotel, the barkeeper, and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar.
Chapter 17
It is a gangue mineral in ores from the Star, Hobo, and Princess mines at Central, Grant County.
A one-armed bear of a man, Sheriff Tom is, at 45, the oldest hobo, and he happens to own the biggest bowie knife, making him the logical choice to be the group's chief law-enforcement officer.
It is a gala day for the other prisoners when a bunch of penniless "hoboes" are brought into jail.
A Study of Prison Conditions in North Carolina
“Phobos is of great interest because it may be rich in water ice and carbon-rich materials,” said Alfred McEwen, HiRISE principal investigator at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona, Tucson.”
Martian Moon Phobos Photographed »
During my Mother's growing up days an old hobo lived in a dugout in the vicinity of her little town.
Now imagine, next to him, the new J. Crew Jericho hobo bag in tumble-dried leather, perfect for weekend getaways.
The New Yorker
That’s okay little fella, I’m pretty sure you don’t have to buy insurnce on Hot Wheels cars, so you keep saving those nickels from the hobos, I’m sure one day your dream will come true.
Think Progress » Florida doctor tells Obama voters they are not welcome: ‘Seek urologic care elsewhere.’
Bums, transients, and hobos are everywhere there is opportunity or the opportunity to be near opportunity yet still be far away from success.
I wonder if this is in any way related to the word "gunsel", which one source defines as a Yiddish word for a catemite and which apparently was hobo slang for a kept boy at the time of the Great Depression. GHASELIG.
Rehoboth said old Deborah was renewing her youth; for she had been known to laugh and croon, and more than once purse up her old lips to sing a snatch of nursery rhyme -- a thing which in the past she had denounced as tending to 'mak' childer hush't wi 'th' songs o 'sin.'
Lancashire Idylls (1898)
A Doukhobor or Mennonite coming in there is in just as good a position to take up citizenship in Canada as an alien that has lived in Great Britain twenty-five years and takes out his papers there and comes here to Canada.
Canada's Position in the Empire
We reached the Dukhobor saw-mill at eight o'clock.
Janey Canuck in the West
Perhaps only Rutger Hauer could have brought the correct nuance to the role of a righteous hobo who shows up in some lawless, post-apocalyptic urban hellhole in Canada, to find the loathsome roost ruled by the sadistic Drake family – a raddled old tyrant with dyed black hair and two psycho-bully sons who dress like rejects from an 80s pop video.
Hobo With a Shotgun – review
Citizenship is not a birth right - While checking out an immigration diary at Red State, rehoboam tipped me off to a very, very interesting article in the Washington Post, authored by George Will and entitled "An argument to be made about immigrant babies and citizenship
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Eleanor cared for a succession of hoboes, vagabonds, and bums who called at the back door of the large house the family owned on Hamond Street in Chicago.
When metaboric acid and tetraboric acid dissolve, they revert back to the original orthoboric acid.
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Sir Phobos said ... it's funny, I actually thought they got off light since almost no one claimed their recompense from the lawsuits.
A Pricey Cup Of Joe
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Eleanor cared for a succession of hoboes, vagabonds, and bums who called at the back door of the large house the family owned on Hamond Street in Chicago.
Standing on the surface of this planet, my attention was easily attracted by the two frisky moons called Deimos and Phobos, at the small distance of 14,600 and 12,500 miles respectively.
Life in a Thousand Worlds
-- A man suspected of being hydrophobous was taken to the Middlesex Hospital.
The Dog
We've got Chobot and an autotuner, what could possibly go wrong?
Anton, a Dukhobor whom I know, is facing villageward.
Janey Canuck in the West
He is complaining that if the Dukhobors buy tea or sugar the grocer weighs the paper with it, but will not do so when he buys ginseng from the Dukhobor.
Janey Canuck in the West
A Dukhobor who could speak some English tried to comfort me by telling me how that day he had frozen the heel of his nose.
Janey Canuck in the West
There are some very apparent benefits in this Dukhobor method, too.
Janey Canuck in the West
Since August, the list has seen the antedating of "hydrant" pushed back to 1801 from 1828, "hobo" to September 1888 (from only a month later), and "jamboree" (meaning "a large party") to 1858, back from 1861.
Archive 2007-10-01
For example, in 1997 my friend (and then coworker) Ross Raihala was interviewing Art Linkletter, and Linkletter became upset when Ross used the terms hobo and bum interchangeably (apparently, Linkletter had worked as a hobo in his twenties and found the word bum to be mildly offensive).
Chuck Klosterman on Pop
The sugar train to Matanzas started with a trundle and a high moan from the horn, pulling away from the suburbs of Havana with stateliness rather than speed, pursued by stragglers who hopped aboard like hobos catching a freight.
The 12:39 to Matanzas
It harboured, among others, a _douchoboretz_; a "god" of the Sava persuasion, with his wife, representing the "Holy Ghost"; a _chlyst_, who rotated indefatigably round a tub of water; a captain who claimed the honour of brotherhood with Jesus Christ; a man named Pouchkin, who supposed himself to be the Saviour reincarnated; a _skopetz_ who had brought a number of people from Moscow to be initiated into the sect of the Russian eunuchs; and the _staretz_ Israïl, a famous seer, who desired to found a "Church Triumphant" among the inhabitants of the prison.
Modern Saints and Seers
It is about a 15-year-old boy who leaves home for a hobo life, finds companionship, the consummation of first love and a home in a deserted train carriage.
The Complaint stems around Cammarano's relationship with an undercover FBI agent posing as a real estate agent, in which in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in cash, the Hoboken mayor, if elected, would help "expedite" his developments in as rapid a manner as possible.
Derek Beres: Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano Gets Ground Into Powder
Lauren laughed, ‘He was probably some hobo on the streets before.’
Indeed, Mars's satellite Phobos, whose mean radius is 11.1 km, has a numerically similar escape velocity of 11.3 metres per second - as you may vaguely remember fron Arthur C. Clarke's story, "Hide-and-Seek".
Chris Lightfoot's quiz
It is a gangue mineral in ores from the Star, Hobo, and Princess mines at Central, Grant County.
Sure, the creators of iCarly do not actually use the term "homeless", but instead feel justified by making fun of "hobos".
Joel John Roberts: 'iCarly' -- Homelessness Is Not a Joke
It happens that Mars has two moons, named Phobos and Deimos, which are captured asteroids orbiting very close to that planet.
He knew it was probably just some hobo, but it was still unnerving.
The sparks came from locomotives, settlers, hobo floaters, and lightning.
It's seen to be the place of the hobos, the real down-and-outs.
Indeed, from hangmen, Copper Kings, scientists, and artists to hoboes, harlots, and homesteaders, we enjoyed Montana and western history in all its varied aspects.
Think, excellent reader, if we should suddenly prove hydrophobous in the middle of this paper, how would you distinguish the hydrophobous from the non-hydrophobous parts?
Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 2
Migration was not limited to the poor, of course, although existing studies of tramps and hoboes present intriguing questions.
I turned to see an unshaven, uncleaned, homeless hobo.
Instead the poor guys ‘looked like hoboes and lived like pigs.’
The bull outran him and beat him with a club, and when the hobo went down, he stayed down.
Meanwhile Hobor predicts that the speciality chemical businesses will continue to grow through small niche acquisitions as well as internal growth through new products.
I do not mean to say that the child died hydrophobous, or that its death was accelerated by the nascent disease existing in the dog.
The Dog
Diefenbaker was speaking at Trail, British Columbia, on May 28, 1962, when several Doukhobor women disrobed in public to protest some of his policies that negatively affected the group.
Do As the Doukhobors Do
When we Green Berets were in Alaska on maneuvers for a long time, nothing tasted better than hobo coffee.
We have been doing this in some drug addict cases in British Columbia, and also in selected Doukhobor cases in the same Province, with reasonable successes in each category.
National ParoleIts Successes and Its Failures
Cohen includes a category of songs about hoboes, tramps, vagabonds, etc. who populated the boxcars and rail-yards in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.