How To Use Hobbit In A Sentence

  • Aragorn, thinking that the hobbits are dead, kicks a discarded orc helmet and falls to his knees howling in anguish.
  • We were living in this outer realm, where hobbits existed and wars were fought between inhuman creatures.
  • Tolkien's guidance on the subject of hobbit skin tone is unclear, though according to The Complete Guide to Middle-earth he did specify that Harfoots, the most common type of hobbit, were "browner" than other groups. Extra claims she was rejected for Hobbit role for looking 'too brown'
  • Talks between New Zealand's prime minister and Hollywood executives over the future of the Hobbit films ended in deadlock earlier today. No end in sight for New Zealand's Hobbit saga
  • Played upon the euphonium (a perfect choice for the high baritone Hobbit, I think) it is simple, gay and carefree.
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  • But The Hobbit is already a journey narrative. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It touches us in that part of of our minds where we fill the aching gap between us and the rest of nature with dwarfs and giants, elves and hobbits.
  • It resembles a hobbit hole, with a round door and oversized furniture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's one: It's late summer in New Zealand--that means fleecy lambs frolicking in green grass, warm starry nights in the mountains, close encounters with dolphins, verdant hobbit habitats perfect for hiking... Sick Of Winter? It's Summer In New Zealand...
  • Most readers will be aware that "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" began its life as a tale invented to amuse the three Liddell girls during a boat trip, but it may come as a revelation—or not, depending on your taste—to hear that J.R.R. Tolkien had to force-feed his children nightly installments of "The Hobbit. Writers at Work, Seeking a Spark
  • Some anthropologists have suggested that the hobbits could be modern-human dwarfs with a condition called microcephaly, a condition of abnormal smallness of the head.
  • The study provides scientific evidence that the so-called "hobbit" bones found in 2003 on the Indonesian island of Flores belonged to a pygmy with a skull-deforming condition called microcephaly, not a member of a previously unknown species of human being, Pruning the Human Family Tree
  • A hobbit house that opens into a huge cave with a vaulted ceiling has been put up for sale for 200,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor are they any on goblins, elves, hobbits and powerful rings that make one disappear.
  • The hairy hobbit has long been obsessed with sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's tiny though - like a hobbit house. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he travels to Mount Doom with the hobbits, Sam and Frodo, their relationship becomes more precarious.
  • After a few years, he once again splashed back onto the scene as Frodo, the hobbit we've all come to know and love, in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • This hair is used to keep the hobbit's feet warm because they do not wear boots.
  • The “hobbit” navicular bone is more akin to that found in great apes, which means that these hominins lacked an arch and were not efficient long-term runners. ‘Hobbits’ Couldn’t Hustle | Impact Lab
  • It is set in the world of the traditional fairy tale, with a cast of elves, dwarves, trolls and goblins as well as hobbits and humans.
  • Nacey's Halloween, where-in cider was consumed, vodka skolled, the Monster Mash danced to and a hobbit seduced... and she's not talking about her fine buxom hairy-footed self... 2nd November '04
  • I mean it's sort of interesting because thestudio has never greenlit The Hobbit, so therefore The Hobbit has never been officially announced as a 'go' project, nor have we ever announced adate. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • The leprechaun skipped along, his footsteps impossibly light, with his face buried in The Hobbit, laughing every now and then or muttering a "begorra. The Woods Out Back
  • Rick - Gandalf is the name of a dwarf in the list in Voluspa along with the names of most of Bilbo's companions in The Hobbit. Old English gods and myths: the worlds
  • I would have liked to have seen more of the world from a hobbit's point of view.
  • Not only did they pull off an immensely difficult logistical task, they also managed to attract and please three very different target audiences: mainstream folks who wouldn't know a hobbit from a bantha, hardcore Tolkien fans that were prepared to comb through every frame of film in search of the tiniest deviation from their Holy Texts, and critics who generally frown on anything that doesn't involve grainy photography, trailer park settings, or subtitles. Simple Tricks and Nonsense: Oscar thoughts
  • For those of you unfamiliar with J.R.R. Tolkien, prepare to enter a land where humans share the earth with goblins, trolls, elves, dwarves, dragons and, of course, hobbits.
  • These, together with "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", form a connected body of tales, poems, fictional histories, invented languages, and literary essays about an imagined world called Arda, and Middle-earth within it. AS SEEN ON TV: J.R.R. TOLKIEN
  • If you think of modern humans and Neanderthals as being first cousins, then the hobbit is more like a second cousin to both, Tocheri said. The Hobbit: Not Human? | Impact Lab
  • He attacks the Hobbits while they sleep in an effort to grab up the precious (the ring).
  • That no-chinned hobbit is music executive Jordan Bratman, and he gives hope to all ugly guys throughout the universe. Archive 2007-06-01
  • He is intelligent, funny, surprising and brave — exactly like Bilbo and I feel incredibly proud to be able to announce that he is our Hobbit.
  • Among other things, the hobbit find hints that much of what researchers thought they knew about the timing and nature of humanity's initial dispersal out of Africa is wrong, " notes Wong.
  • For those of you unfamiliar with J.R.R. Tolkien, prepare to enter a land where humans share the earth with goblins, trolls, elves, dwarves, dragons and, of course, hobbits.
  • A friend of ours said it looks like a hobbit house from the Shire. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the new version of a hobbit is tall, hairyless feet and bald??? Second Full Trailer for Stephenie Meyer's Twilight «
  • True, Dwarves provided comic relief in The Hobbit but that was originally written as a children's book and not as a 'serious' work.
  • Think Roman villa meets hobbit house. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not actually sure if that's worse than the idea of splitting The Hobbit in twain, but either way it's not as great as it could have been. SF Tidbits for 12/19/07
  • On general examination, Gollum is a pale, emaciated hobbit, with scanty hair and big eyes: ‘A skulking creature with an ill-favoured look.’
  • In October last year, researchers said that the Hobbit fossil found in Flores, Indonesia did not represent a new species of hominid, but was rather a small bodied modern human who suffered from a genetic condition known as microcephaly, characterized by a small head. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Hobbits, of course, are fictional characters, as are dwarves, elves, goblins, and trolls.
  • She said she was a Kiwi by birth and I remarked I'd been to En Zed a couple of times and that the last time I'd been there I'd visited Hobbiton.
  • The Hobbit is set in a time "between the dawn of Faerie and the Dominion of Men," and follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins to win his share of the treasure guarded by the dragon, Smaug. It's Official - Guillermo del Toro Directing The Hobbit! «
  • The Elvenking is impressed with this and he blesses the hobbit.
  • It could have been the mountain vistas, high ridges down to misty valleys that I swear have hobbits living in them, or the hard consonants and "shhh" sounds of the 21 mayan languages that are heard more often than spanish in the highlands. GUATEMALA!!!
  • PAN'S LABYRINTH ($35.99 on BluRay; New Line) -- One of my favorite movies from 2006, this is a gorgeous, dark fairy tale from director Guillermo Del Toro that makes him the ideal person to take over from Peter Jackson for The Hobbit and the "midquel" that will bridge the story from that movie to The Lord Of The Rings. Michael Giltz: Blu-Ray DVDs: Loved Up? Watch A Bug's Life
  • The riddling talk between Smaug and the hobbit has its parallel in the dialogue between Fafnir and Sigurd, although that takes place after the death blow has been struck.
  • this newspaper's scholarly report, which stated that, inasmuch as Tolkien hinted at hobbit skin tone, Harfoots were "browner" than Fallohides. The Guardian World News
  • He realizes that the orcs were commanded to retrieve the hobbits and return them unharmed.
  • The Hobbit runs nightly from January 4-8, plus matinees.
  • As they leave Rivendell, he teaches the hobbits swordsmanship.
  • Ooh, just like the book innit, except could we not stress the fact that yer actual hobbits were small but doughty warriors and not averse to a pipe of baccy after the battle.
  • I admit my soft spot for callipygian is mostly because I learned it, via temvald, from the Fucking Little Hobbit (a philosphy prof at the 'Ford, not someone's Billy Boyd fantasy). June 12th, 2004
  • A fictional character from Tolkien's Hobbit trilogy, Gollum is a thin, pale, wandering creature, who was enslaved by a magic ring that was made by Suaron, the Dark Lord of Mordor and the Lord of the Rings. If only he'd had professional help
  • Sister Amelia looked like a hobbit in a wimpled habit: about 5 feet tall, a hundred and fifty pounds, Mediterranean-brown skin, inch-thick glasses and a look like she was trying to read biblical Greek written on the face of who- or whatever she was looking at. The first paragraph contest thread
  • But the hobbits, like the Riders and the other mortal inhabitants of Middle-Earth, seem to have no religion at all, not even a pagan one.
  • There are a great many mountains, valleys, streams, villages, caves, residences, grottos, bowers, fields, high roads, low roads, and along them the Hobbits and their larger companions travel while paying great attention to mealtimes.
  • Players will encounter hellhounds, werewolves, vampires, hobbits, ghosts, barbarians and demigorgons.
  • Peter Jackson and Guillermo Del Toro had an online chaton saturdayto answer 20 questions about the up coming Hobbit movie and its sequel known as Film 2. 2008 May | Fused Film
  • After referring to a quote by Berger that the small brain size of sediba an australopithecine feature is similar to that of the Flores Hobbit, AIG says that: Australopithecus sediba and the creationist response - The Panda's Thumb
  • Would you post a comment asking who the heck said a hobbit is supposed to be smaller than a dwarf and have hairy feet?!?!?!? Second Full Trailer for Stephenie Meyer's Twilight «
  • Adaptation, Fantasy, Guillermo-del-Toro, The-Hobbit keef i just hope the hobit doesnt look like Pans Labrinth or Hellboy 2. Guillermo Del Toro Gives Himself a Monstrous Role in The Hobbit | /Film
  • On general examination, Gollum is a pale, emaciated hobbit, with scanty hair and big eyes: ‘A skulking creature with an ill-favoured look.’
  • According to the narrator, fierce would be hyperbole for even the bravest of hobbits.
  • The four main hobbits were pretty good, although the foolishness of Pippin gets rather tiresome.
  • Maybe it's intended to reflect a real or imagined class difference, with the ceorl class cast as hobbits and the eorl class cast as Rohirric warriors. Old English Riddles - a thousand years of double entendre
  • Paleoanthropologists at Florida State University created virtual skull casts from nine human cases of microcephaly and concluded that the Hobbit skull did not match their dimensions.
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • The hairy hobbit has long been obsessed with sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creatures such as elves, ogres, hobbits, dwarfs, and orcs roamed this realm freely.
  • We've all learned about that famous hobbit from the immortal renditioning of the indomitable Leonard Nimoy (aka Mr. Spock). Oh Shat! Book II
  • It has been three evenings since the hobbits, Frodo and Sam, parted from their companions in their journey towards Mordor with the Ring.
  • Isolated from this conflict are the hobbits, a carefree, simple-hearted colony of little people.
  • The continuous running is hard on the hobbits, but the orcs persuade them with lashes from a whip.
  • Indeed, there has, but what was once a killing ground has become a kind of Hobbit's Shire where the people love to eat their home-cured Istrian ham and drink wine made from their own grapes. Find a Shelter from the Storm
  • Joyce of course, "Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed," and I am a sucker for the opening of both The Wind in the Willows and The Hobbit... Archive 2008-09-01
  • It could have been put there to signalize (for this is quite early in Fellowship, when the hobbits are still in the Shire) that this part of the Red Book was written by Bilbo, a less truthful and more florid narrator than Frodo. Death carries a camcorder
  • I keep looking at the hobbits ' scarves and wondering if I couldn't knit one for myself.
  • Merlkir: any ideas about the talking wargs? the wargs in hobbit are remarkably different from the "hyena" ones in the Lord of the Rings movies .. Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro Chat Hobbit With Fans «
  • I can say without scorn now (hopefully) that the hobbit would rule in 3-D with next gen weta magic! Guillermo del Toro Confirms Hobbit 3D Discussions | /Film
  • The idea of a halfling is a mythological one, beyond copyright protection. unless Tolkien was the first person to come up with hobbits - but I think the tradition is older than him POW! WHAM! Marvel sues NCSoft
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • To summarize, a giant evil spider with a taste for hobbit has been gene spliced with a sweater wearing plasticene lamb, the mutated progeny of which are locked in a cage with a rabid skunk until they too contract the disease. Firedoglake » Face the Snark
  • We are watching hobbits go on a journey to destroy a magic ring.
  • Many New Agers seem to like Tolkein, so the fact that his Hobbits used a kind of runes in their writing may have enhanced the association of runic letters with magic and mystery.
  • Maybe it's intended to reflect a real or imagined class difference, with the ceorl class cast as hobbits and the eorl class cast as Rohirric warriors. Old English Riddles - a thousand years of double entendre
  • NAME ACTUAL FEAR MIGHT BE MISTAKEN FOR bibliophobia books fear of term papers bathophobia depth fear of being clean Gallophobia France, things French fear of California wine crystallophobia glass fear of Gypsies cryophobia ice, frost fear of peeling onions polyphobia many things fear of parrots phonophobia noise, loud talking fear of stereos topophobia places fear of Italian mice aichurophobia points fear of sneezing belonophobia sharp objects fear of cold cuts halophobia speaking fear of angels tacophobia speed fear of Mexican food phagophobia swallowing fear of becoming a sissy haphephobia touching, being touched fear of fractions Hodophobia travel fear of hobbits Parthenophobia young girls fear of Greek temples VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • The so-called literati were very snipey when it came to books about hobbits and goblins. Times, Sunday Times
  • He explains to the hobbits that he is not really on a side but is definitely against anything having to do with orcs.
  • NAME ACTUAL FEAR MIGHT BE MISTAKEN FOR bibliophobia books fear of term papers bathophobia depth fear of being clean Gallophobia France, things French fear of California wine crystallophobia glass fear of Gypsies cryophobia ice, frost fear of peeling onions polyphobia many things fear of parrots phonophobia noise, loud talking fear of stereos topophobia places fear of Italian mice aichurophobia points fear of sneezing belonophobia sharp objects fear of cold cuts halophobia speaking fear of angels tacophobia speed fear of Mexican food phagophobia swallowing fear of becoming a sissy haphephobia touching, being touched fear of fractions Hodophobia travel fear of hobbits Parthenophobia young girls fear of Greek temples VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • J.R.R. Tolkien, on the other hand, was so very much a man of letters that he did not even attempt to publish any of his fiction until a reader at Allen and Unwin chanced to hear of The Hobbit and pried the typescript out of his hands. Moorcock, Saruman and the Dragon’s Tail
  • In his hobbits he created an image of heroic action that was both admirable and plausible.
  • NAME ACTUAL FEAR MIGHT BE MISTAKEN FOR bibliophobia books fear of term papers bathophobia depth fear of being clean Gallophobia France, things French fear of California wine crystallophobia glass fear of Gypsies cryophobia ice, frost fear of peeling onions polyphobia many things fear of parrots phonophobia noise, loud talking fear of stereos topophobia places fear of Italian mice aichurophobia points fear of sneezing belonophobia sharp objects fear of cold cuts halophobia speaking fear of angels tacophobia speed fear of Mexican food phagophobia swallowing fear of becoming a sissy haphephobia touching, being touched fear of fractions Hodophobia travel fear of hobbits Parthenophobia young girls fear of Greek temples VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • Bilbo is 50 at the beginning of The Hobbit, and 50 in hobbit years is roughly early 30s in human years. ‘The Hobbit’ May Do Whatever A Spider Can If Tobey Maguire Lands The Role Of Bilbo Baggins » MTV Movies Blog
  • Because of its size and location, many hobbits desire to live there.
  • Now hobbits and men and elf and dwarf are scattered across Middle Earth, the story jumping back and forth between them.
  • Not yet on the list but I must borrow / buy: The Ring of Words, by three senior editors of the OED, who talk about Tolkien's contributions to the Dictionary and rather more interestingly to me about certain individual words used in Tolkien's fiction attercop, hobbit, Smeagol, and more. Plenty books..... ah, books....
  • Basically, the wrist evidence tells us that modern humans and Neanderthals share an evolutionary grandparent that the hobbits do not, but all three share an evolutionary great-grandparent. The Hobbit: Not Human? | Impact Lab
  • They are unintellectual and inartistic: hobbits, in a word - no wonder The Lord of the Rings is said to be their favourite novel.
  • Think Roman villa meets hobbit house. Times, Sunday Times
  • But with the sudden arrival of two volatile hobbits, the nearby evils of timber-cutting, industrial devilry, and mass murder became too much for the Ents to stomach.
  • In Middle Earth, there live humans, and hobbits, which are very much similar to miniature people.
  • After a few moments of silence, the hobbits begin the story of their nine-day ordeal.
  • The hobbits needed to appear about three to four feet tall - tiny compared with the seven-foot Gandalf.
  • Homo erectus, and humans with a disorder called microcephaly, which has been suggested as an explanation for the Hobbit's small stature.
  • I know you squashed the rumor that you'd play Bilbo Baggins in 'The Hobbit . ' But if they did offer you the role, would you be interested?
  • Today I sit outside my tent, makeup long gone and hair fried, with feet like a hobbit, the skin of an alligator and eyebrows you could lose a tractor in.

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