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How To Use Hoary In A Sentence

  • Modern Hopis and Navajos parade as hoary traditionalists, rightful stewards by ancestral occupance.
  • It is time to bid thee farewell, and let someone half thy hoary age step up and take thy place.
  • They had long been sailing west upon their expeditious and stead ship, the sun had now sat upon her throne, and her red and gold stallions that drew her chariot pranced among the hoary clouds.
  • Seas shift their beds, rivers change their channels, continents grow old with the weight of years and hoary crowns bestud the islands, while ocean currents grind their rocky feet to dust and scatter their flinty ribs in the secret chambers of the deep. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • Greek name perpetuated by the people and referring to this covering of hoary pines -- a name which the cartographers, arbitrary and ignorant as they often are, have unconsciously disguised. Old Calabria
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  • Dale Husband replied to comment from hoary puccoon Church Signs on CNN iReport - The Panda's Thumb
  • He stands to guide me to the door, then stops to point out a photo of himself looking somewhat starstruck and goofy-grinned beside four hoary men, his mayoral predecessors.
  • For blossoming from this scoundrel's chin was a hoary beard of such robustness and grooming that it called to mind a cloud brought to the shape of a man's face by the Lord himself.
  • This hoary old myth just keeps coming round again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hoary old myth just keeps coming round again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worse, the Equinox never offered an efficient four-cylinder engine, relying instead on a hoary 3. 4-liter pushrod engine in the volume models. Pricing: 2010 Chevrolet Equinox
  • It is an odd moment for parents when their children's answers to that hoary old question ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’
  • In dune areas, anchoring shrubs such as Havard shin oak, fourwing saltbush, and yucca stabilize the dune sand for herbaceous grasses and forbs such as sand verbenas, sunflowers, fringed sagewort, and hoary rosemary-mint. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • To argue that the legal ownership of firearms by the citizens are a source for criminals is a hoary old story that has been disproved over hundreds of years.
  • Worst case: Lee polarizes the audience more than anyone left (except maybe Michael), and his balancing act could fall on the negative side with a stale song (possible, given this week's hoary movie-music theme) or a performance so lackluster that even the judges can hear it for what it is. Idol Meter final four: Which singer can out-sparkle Crystal?
  • The only bad effect of all this was to make the lives of Mrs. Schoville and divers others of her sex more monotonous, and to cause them to lose faith in certain hoary and inconsequent maxims. CHAPTER 21
  • There is a hoary parlour game in which participants are challenged to name ten famous Belgians. Times, Sunday Times
  • People are bowing in the presence of what they suppose to be the antiquity, that is, the hoary-headed wisdom, of the world. Our Unitarian Gospel
  • Ross reported that 136 of 139 stomachs of hoary bats from New Mexico contained moths; flying ants were in 9 bats.
  • To recap the latest episode, the authors have stooped to the hoary old plot device of a startling newspaper revelation to chivvy the drama along.
  • That Danny Whitten song is actually rather lovely, whereas the Pistols, epochal as they were in cultural terms, were pretty much just hoary old barre-chords and some gorblimey vocals.
  • He is as gruff as a bulldog's bark, yet underneath the hoary rock 'n' roll bluster, Lemmy, author of songs such as ‘Die You Bastard,’ is curiously old fashioned and a stickler for good manners.
  • Dover and I could but hold our hands in helplessness and watch the antics of our hoary marvel. THE REJUVENATION OF MAJOR RATHBONE
  • That "hoary" ancestor evolved into "hoar," a synonym of "ancient" that has been part of our language since before the 12th century. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • On my death-bed, I will choose upon your merits as I consider them, whether to return as an electrifying eel, a hoary stickleback or a shoal of quicksilver fish, adept at exploring new routes among the labyrinth passages within the flesh and bones of your torpefied body.
  • Like the hoary old cliché, ‘Oh, I only watch the documentaries on TV not those dreadful soaps!’
  • Finally, Mr. ARTHUR HATHERTON, as _Lob_, the host of the party, a kind of hoary old _Puck_ who had a _penchant_ for filling his house every Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, October 24, 1917
  • Some reduction sauce from his noisy devouring of the asado steak sticks to his hoary beard and glistens like a dewdrop.
  • Dropping the pencil abruptly, she looks up at her hoary teacher, ‘Ma'am?’
  • After all, the plot involved pretty hoary subjects: a misalliance between social unequals and the eternal love triangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly it was mid-June and noxious weeds—leafy spurge, cheatgrass, hoary cress, Canada thistle—grew everywhere. Bird Cloud
  • It hushes the infant to its slumbers in the cradle with a song whose theme is the babe of Bethlehem; it allures the child to virtue by the example of Josiah, Timothy, and Samuel; it warns the wayward youth, and reproves the erring man, and calls the hoary sinner to repentance. Characteristics of the Bible. A Sermon Preached before the Bible Convention of South Carolina, in the Washington Street Methodist Church, Columbia, September 15, 1862
  • No, what's really disturbing about the whole phenomenon is the emergence of a new breed of hoary old pop marketing men who don't even feel the need to pretend they are anything else.
  • And even if you could never bring yourself to back England, there is some good news - now they've finally won a World Cup, those hoary old pictures of the 1966 final might finally get put to the back of the cupboard.
  • The "hoary" (to borrow a word) chestnut that it takes a big man to apologize was floated. Simple Justice
  • Worse, the Equinox never offered an efficient four-cylinder engine, relying instead on a hoary 3.4-liter pushrod engine in the volume models. Pricing: 2010 Chevrolet Equinox
  • Hawaii may have no native terrestrial mammals, but the islands do harbor one native aquatic mammal, the monk seal, and one native flying mammal, the hoary bat.
  • Eric gazed into the small, hoary, glass-like balls.
  • nodded his hoary head
  • Ms Lloyd said hoary cress had an extensive root system that choked grain and horticulture crops and pastures.
  • These are compact little bundles, at first of a dull yellow colour, until presently the florets fall off and leave the white woolly pappus of the seeds collected together, somewhat resembling the hoary hairs of age. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The image of a bunch of hairy, hoary sexagenarians sitting in their Speedos in a row of lawn chairs at a cottage, say, going all silent and snickery, muttering and bobbing their eyebrows up and down as one of their friends 'daughters sashays past in her bikini is so barf-tastic it almost triggers my gag reflex just thinking about it. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • What medicaments can treat a teenager effectively hoary - headed symptom?
  • The islands' biggest native mammal is the hoary bat.
  • Antennæ and legs black; thorax slightly covered with cinereous tomentum; stripes, pectus, and underside of the abdomen hoary; tibiæ red, with black tips; wings brownish grey; radial areolet with a slate-coloured stripe. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The Hong Kong boutique previously gets benefit Li Zhanji to wait like henry, say to had had the sigh of " of Hua Xuanzong of lady-in-waiting of " hoary head.
  • No amphibian or terrestrial reptile, and only one terrestrial mammal, the hoary bat, completed the journey on its own.
  • The night was very large , and very strange, stretching its hoary distances infinitely.
  • The endangered Hawaiian hoary bat also roosts there.
  • This is the second season of the Champions Cup since the hoary old organisers were booted out and the format changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hoary old myth just keeps coming round again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hoary old myth just keeps coming round again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • They wore winter drabs, and I couldn't decide whether they were Australasian or Hoary-headed grebes.
  • Ah, that hoary old chestnut. The Sun
  • The modern settlement has wandered away from this ancient one which now slumbers -- together, maybe, with its hoary Egyptian prototype -- under high-piled mounds whereon have arisen, since those days, a few mediæval monuments and crumbling maraboutic shrines and houses of more modern date, patched together with antique building blocks and fragments of marble cornices: an island of sand and oblivion, lapped by soft-surging palms. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • The refuse dump-sewage lagoons had the largest numbers of waterfowl, herring gulls, and hoary redpolls, but the lowest diversity index.
  • The house was of no marked antiquity, yet of well-advanced age; older than a stale novelty, but no canonized antique; faded, not hoary; looking at you from the still distinct middle-distance of the early Georgian time, and awakening on that account the instincts of reminiscence more decidedly than the remoter and far grander memorials which have to speak from the misty reaches of mediaevalism. The Woodlanders
  • Strange birds made ominous sounds, and small scurrying creatures fled into the protection of the hoary underbrush.
  • The grandeur of towering pines, the mysterious dimness of illimitable arcades, and the peculiar resinous odor that stole like lingering ghosts of myrrh, frankincense and onycha through the vaulted solitude of a deserted hoary sanctuary, all these phases of primeval Southern forests combined to weave a spell that the stranger could not resist. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • For a female swimmer, 29-year-old Angel Martino is downright hoary.
  • While some WWII casualties have been salvaged, many of the wrecks that litter the unique Rock Island eco-system are full of marine life and hoary artefacts.
  • This is the second season of the Champions Cup since the hoary old organisers were booted out and the format changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leaves of the willow are, in fact, white underneath, and it is this part of them which would appear "hoary" in the reflection in the brook. Lectures on the English Poets Delivered at the Surrey Institution
  • Face with snow-white tomentum on each side; thorax with four hoary stripes; pectus with a cinereous disk; scutellum pale luteous; abdomen pale luteous at the base, and with a broad interrupted pale luteous band on the second segment, third and fourth segments somewhat chalybeous, the former livid along the fore border, under side with two lateral abbreviated pale luteous stripes; hind femora thick; wings grey, veins towards the base, and halteres, tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • As the hoary old chestnut goes, we take our freedom for granted.
  • Behind them three, four and five are often described as "the engine room", but engine rooms are staffed by hoary-handed grease monkeys, whereas the middle order are the prom kings and queens of batsmanship, a cabal of head prefects and silver-spoon merchants. Why English cricket needs the six appeal of an Indiana Jones | Barney Ronay
  • What I guessed to be a hawk's feather hung from the back of his skull, probably tied there by a short leather thong attached to his hoary mane.
  • Head in front and the pectus white; antennæ ferruginous at the base; abdomen long, a hoary band on the hind border of each segment; femora, tibiæ, and tarsi white at the base; hind legs long, rather stout; hind femora with a luteous band; wings limpid, veins black; halteres whitish, with piceous knobs. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • In Neberaska hoary vervain can flower from May to September, with blue or purple flowers positioned on the top of the main stem and branches.
  • The primeval pines up here are of gigantic size, rising from eighty to over a hundred feet, enormous in girth, and garlanded with hoary grey-green moss, the growth of centuries. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • In all respects unlike himself, she suffered intensely; and, though hoary with sixty winters, hovered about him, with that busy assiduity which is one of the simplest forms in which anxiety and grief are apt to show themselves. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. II.
  • They have already got the hoary head and flashing white thighs of their summer plumage, and they are about to breed again. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was that old, hoary kind of Fleet Street hack with newsprint-stained fingers.
  • Or maybe “aforementioned photographer.” hoary puccoon Cynomys ludovicianus - The Panda's Thumb
  • Can we just agree on that, and never see these hoary and overused devices again?
  • His workplace relations minister begrudges a modest pay rise for the lowly paid, trotting out the hoary old chestnut that better pay costs jobs.
  • Cynllwyd, hoary-headed, she seemed to say; but here, as well as with respect to her first answer, I speak under correction, for her Welsh was what my old friends, the Spaniards, would call muy cerrado, that is, close or indistinct. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • It's a comedy rule, it seems, that the louder you can say a line or caterwaul in reaction to some hoary bit of high jinks, the more uproarious the moment becomes. Theater review: 'Fox on the Fairway' at Signature Theatre
  • Since 9/11, Pipes has become notorious for trafficking in hoary old Orientalist stereotypes in order to stoke Americans’ prejudice against, and fear of, Islam. Wonk Room » Why Is Specter Speaking At Pipes-Sponsored Conference?
  • This hoary myth is presumably acquired from bad spy movies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deep within the second month, when hoary frost braces the ground,
  • De Stancy had long since discovered that his chance lay chiefly in her recently acquired and fanciful predilection d'artiste for hoary mediaeval families with ancestors in alabaster and primogenitive renown. A Laodicean : a Story of To-day
  • It is a hoary canard - long-practiced intelligence disinformation - that naming these persons places their life in jeopardy.
  • Here they come, the hoary historical clichés, wheeled out to defend the indefensible. Times, Sunday Times
  • My other hope is that all the Councillors will move beyond their personal interests and hoary old arguments to support the Mayor and an outcome that is the only feasible option for Lismore.
  • At least one House Republican freshman maintains a hoary political tradition by staging town meetings with his constituents.
  • All hearts sink; Latinus goes with torn raiment, in dismay at his wife's doom and his city's downfall, defiling his hoary hair with soilure of sprinkled dust. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • hoary jokes
  • But tonight ... tonight he cursed that cruelly traitorous strand, that hoary banderole of mortality that waved so thoughtlessly from an otherwise dark temple; that skinny, silver scroll upon which was written in letters bold enough for all of nature to read, an invitation to the burial mound. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Here they come, the hoary historical clichés, wheeled out to defend the indefensible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fifth Commandment of the Bible reminds us to honor our fathers and mothers and to ‘rise up before the hoary head of the old man, to pay respect to the elders of the tribe’.
  • His jokes may be hoary, but the glint in his eye is youthful; the footwork may be on the weather-beaten side, but his welcoming smirk is ageless.
  • British novelist John Galsworthy knew the value of preserving the past -- and he would likely have counted "hoary" among those old things worth saving. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • On some of the rugged masses of masonry grew large hoary tufts of the strange roccella or orchil-weed, which yields the famous purple dye -- with which, in all likelihood, the robes of the Cæsars were coloured -- and which gave wealth, rank, and name to one princely Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • The painstakingly raised and restored Vasa and Mary Rose, favourites of Kings Gustavus Adolphus and Henry VIII respectively, are threatened by a chemical reaction as their hoary old timbers dry out.
  • Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting. Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
  • Antennæ and legs black; thorax slightly covered with cinereous tomentum; stripes, pectus, and underside of the abdomen hoary; tibiæ red, with black tips; wings brownish grey; radial areolet with a slate-coloured stripe. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • On one side lurks the hoary beast of a decent man brought down by the neocons and their agenda of world domination.
  • The footrace was an ancient tradition, its origins so hoary that even the Panvivlion could not describe them. Do Comets Dream?
  • What a hat full of horsefeathers; what a hoary hunk of chutzpah; what a grotesque, galloping glob of gall this guy is!
  • All you do is pout like a little boy and cry out ‘you are a typical conservative’ as if the repetition of that hoary cliche is supposed to substitute for a real argument.
  • Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting. Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
  • It is time to bid thee farewell, and let someone half thy hoary age step up and take thy place.
  • East of the sundial is a hoary old sycamore, sole survivor of three sisters, carefully protected by railings, under whose grateful shade, says local tradition, Johnson and Goldsmith were wont to chat. Lippincott's Magazine Of Popular Literature And Science Old Series, Vol. 36—New Series, Vol. 10, July 1885
  • What a hat full of horsefeathers; what a hoary hunk of chutzpah; what a grotesque, galloping glob of gall this guy is!
  • There are a few Precambrian fossils that have been found, so the “explosion” in the Cambrian period has been exaggerated by Creationists to decieve people. hoary puccoon Well that was interesting - The Panda's Thumb
  • Ah, that hoary old chestnut. The Sun
  • The hoary old warhorse returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people who made it know we already know the hoary plot: There's a competition, they'll win the semifinals, then they'll go from their humble town in rural Georgia to glamorous Los Angeles and win the finals, though not without some cliffhanging complications. 'Contraband': Almost Illegally Entertaining
  • Even the grocery is done up to look as if it partook of some hoary antiquity.
  • Pedestrian–but “substained” has a touch of inspired Freudian slip. hoary puccoon Albuquerque hosts Charles Darwin at Museum this Sunday - The Panda's Thumb
  • Plants here include prairie rose, nodding onion, gray-headed coneflower, butterfly weed, green milkweed, hoary puccoon, and even eastern prickly pear cactus.
  • This hoary myth is presumably acquired from bad spy movies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Songbirds also live here, including the snow bunting, raven, American tree sparrow, and hoary redpoll.
  • Better late than never’ is one of those hoary aphorisms hauled out by those who prefer soundbites to scrutiny.
  • Of Sigemund grew, when he passed from life, no little praise; for the doughty-in-combat a dragon killed that herded the hoard: 37 under hoary rock the atheling dared the deed alone fearful quest, nor was Fitela there. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • The hoary trunks of the ashes are particularly fine in such situations; they are the lightest in coloring among our larger trees, as the shaft of the hemlocks is the darkest. Rural Hours
  • Songbirds also live here, including the snow bunting, raven, American tree sparrow, and hoary redpoll.
  • Popular impressions of the British soldier during the Georgian era continue to be dominated by hoary stereotypes.
  • My first visit was in early May, when the ground was covered with delicately beautiful sand love grass, punctuated by bright yellow clusters of hoary puccoon and golden Alexander.
  • If the inheritors of the future someday find quaint the idea that feminism once advanced the goals for women of reproductive rights, health care access, and cultural and legal equality of opportunity, and the F-word's future definition instead represents aspirational female success within hoary notions of gendered expectations and opportunities ... well, that would be unfortunate. AJ Rossmiller: Brilliant New Book About Gender and 2008 Election
  • The hoary old warhorse returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plants here include prairie rose, nodding onion, gray-headed coneflower, butterfly weed, green milkweed, hoary puccoon, and even eastern prickly pear cactus.
  • But you go, girl–or boy! hoary puccoon replied to comment from CMB Freshwater: (Lightly) annotated index to Freshwater-related Thumb posts - The Panda's Thumb
  • Heat up a hoary national stereotype, leaven with wit, sit back and watch "les rosbifs" simmer.
  • Already topping hoary hair the man was not someone that attracted attention, nor did he hold the commanding aura that previous councillors of his seat demanded.
  • Brookes is, of course, reiterating the simplistic serialist-hegemony-tonal-rebellion narrative which is turning into as hoary a "fact" as Abner Doubleday's invention of baseball. Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it
  • Robert Byers replied to comment from hoary puccoon Church Signs on CNN iReport - The Panda's Thumb
  • Plants here include prairie rose, nodding onion, gray-headed coneflower, butterfly weed, green milkweed, hoary puccoon, and even eastern prickly pear cactus.

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