How To Use Hiv In A Sentence

  • By the time harmony was a few centuries old, it began to shiver and shake from them.
  • Indeed, purified antigen-specific B lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected patients can be activated invitro by HIV-1 antigens to secrete cytokines and immunoglobulins.
  • I don't have time to absorb much, though: some white-coated women and Dr Stone chivvy me towards an uncomfortable-looking chair.
  • Designed and built by hiveMODULAR partner Bryan Meyer and his wife, Anne Ryan, this little woodland getaway is a great example of how versatility makes small spaces livable. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
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  • I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary. Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
  • We've discovered that another hive is afflicted with a parasitic mite with the terrifying name Varroa destructor Next week we plan to treat them with formic acid, an organic chemical control. Dave Snyder: Farm Report: Starting The Year From Seed
  • You collect the material and create the shiv you fight with!
  • Shiva the destroyer is a necessary part of the trinity because, without destruction, there can be no recreation.
  • All 79 patients were seronegative for the HIV antibody by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
  • Pollen is dust gathered by bees from stamens and collected from the hives as tiny pellets.
  • Studies have shown that end users are already overloaded and are therefore not willing to participate in archival training sessions.
  • A person can be recently infected by HIV and have a negative result.
  • There's a hive of activity as people are trying to get their lives back on track. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christie's had an auction offering a number of Asian collectibles, including an important bronze group of Shiva and Parvati from the Chola dynasty.
  • The production floor is a hive of activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • One area that is often overlooked in the health center is a central storage location for archival of health charts.
  • Like Flaubert, Daudet was a syphilitic, boasting unchivalrously that he'd caught the disease from ‘a lady from the top drawer’.
  • Otablo » Blog Archive » Maestro: un laser pour apprendre la guitare Maestro Laser Guitar Trainer by Eugene Cheong » Yanko Design
  • For the future they envision a performing arts center with a library and video archive.
  • One of those questioned was reported to have been on the staff of the Hamburg police force, where he was employed as an archivist.
  • Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
  • It would be too easy to turn it into another documentary style presentation complete with archive footage, computer animation and mood music.
  • We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with antifertility drugs and … viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS," prominent physician Datti Ahmed told journalists at the time. Scientific American
  • And here I thought you would hold it out for me, considering the whole chivalry thing.
  • Those talking heads are interspersed with archive footage of the great man himself. The Sun
  • He has read widely in the archives, and listened afresh to the music of the period.
  • Growing my own fresh herbs saves me easily $35-50 per year… I grow my own oregano, basil, lemon balm, lemon thyme, chives, sage, and cilantro.
  • Because this list is also archived on the Web, members can view for themselves the difference between what was sent to the list and what was approved by the moderators.
  • They give advice for people with HIV and Aids.
  • Given so many of us have our own private health and fitness goals it might help to chivvy people along. Cheeseburger Gothic » Hammered.
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand « - Blogs from CNN. com McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand
  • For a very long time ecclesiastics were the only keepers and users of documents and books, and for these precious materials they created special although rudimentary structures: the library, the archive, the scriptorium.
  • But they are my responsibility, and it's always heartbreaking if a hive dies out.
  • Magical moments that will send shivers down your spine. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she was starting to shiver, he gallantly wrapped his cloak around her shoulder.
  • Pour two-thirds of sauce over mussels, sprinkle with chives and serve rest of sauce separately.
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Group: Slight decline in earmark projects « - Blogs from CNN. com Group: Slight decline in earmark projects
  • I shivered suddenly, and then shook as with an ague and spent the rest of the night sitting up before the. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Shivering he slowed his breathing and closed his mind, retreating within himself in one of the meditation rituals.
  • The mine is a hive of activity with more traffic here than on the roads heading into the site, where visitors drive past a scenic vineyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was supposed to be a sequestered monastic retreat became a hive of modern American productive activity.
  • As a fellow pantzer, I find that it usually takes me at least three drafts before I'm reasonably happy with a story -- the first is my "crapola" discover the story draft, the second is aimed at what readers would want, the third to polish and ((shiver)) copy-edit. An Interview with Allison Brennan
  • Such a gesture might look to contemporary historians like an act of archival vandalism, but it was entirely characteristic of the old school to which Macmillan belonged.
  • For all his bold chivalry this watchful Celt seems surely to have strayed from a wayside pulpit.
  • My whole body is shivering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
  • Next came scores of Yeshiva students singing stirring songs about the greatness of the Torah.
  • The hero of Doctor Zhivago dies in 1929.
  • If the archival filing application is rejected, the reasons shall be stated in the written notice.
  • This difficult-to-treat strain, called neurosyphilis, can cause blindness and stroke, and a CDC researcher said that it's spreading among this cohort because, although they're already HIV-positive, they are not using condoms. Gabriel Rotello: Deadly Error Alert: Andrew Sullivan's Latest AIDS Fantasy
  • HIV is a lethal contagious disease spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
  • A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive.
  • If the Linux machine can access the remote files, all archiving is done with the zip command.
  • A kind of shiver ran through the country last week as the coffin was dug up. A Daughter Denied?
  • K. Sakthivel of the Astronomy Club said that the group of observers used a 60 mm refractor to project the image of the sun upon a flat surface where it could be viewed comfortably.
  • 7 "Citing 'Failed Efforts' to Inform Public of Condom 'Ineffectiveness, ' Physician Groups, Politicians Ask CDC Head to Resign, " Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, July 25, 2001.
  • The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.
  • The words spoke truth; shivered up and down inside her, earthing right down to the OK Corral.
  • Several other reporters and cameramen stood shivering in unseasonably cold temperatures, ready to capture the multi-vehicle arrival Superdelegate deluge
  • There has been significant progress in in understanding the HIV infection.
  • If you would like to reproduce, post, or archive any portion of this story, please contact me and obtain permission first.
  • Okay, so the missionary position doesn't always make your mate shiver with desire.
  • It's not for nothing that Cimarusti married Christina Echiverri, a retired pastry chef now raising their new baby girl.
  • The site and its structures were eventually acquired by the city council with a view to renovating the ensemble to house a municipal library and archive.
  • Through the dense trees I could see purple bougainvillea shivering against the stucco of the hacienda-style buildings. SILENT JOE
  • I sat on the bed shivering, straining to hear their conversation, but they were too far down the hall and speaking too softly anyway.
  • Human documents belong to humankind: hence his rage against obstructive archivists who dare refuse access to precious materials which have fallen to their care.
  • Microbicides are likely to be most effective at population level if they both protect uninfected women against HIV infection and reduce the infectiousness of women already infected.
  • So if you plant 20 or 25 chive plants, then you never have to buy chives again.
  • Just mentioning the name sends a curious shiver through our household. Times, Sunday Times
  • His work draws upon archival documents, published sources, and legal cases.
  • Drain and mix into the sauce, then stir in the parsley, chives and pecorino cheese. Times, Sunday Times
  • The study, published in the April 2002 issue of the journal Archives of Dermatology, suggested one reason is due to a larger area of close-set sweat glands in men's armpits. Out, Out, Pesky Sweat Stains
  • Former squaddie D'Arcy learns the ropes, takes the shivs and gets into painful situations. This week's new films
  • Furthermore, condoms lubricated with spermicides are no more effective than other lubricated condoms in protecting against the transmission of HIV and other STDs.
  • There is no reason ” no reason whatsoever ” for Jews to sit "shive" for Israel's soul. Dissent & Israel: An Exchange
  • Many languish unseen in studio vaults, in the holdings of amateur and professional archivists and at the Library of Congress.
  • He had asked to wear thick underclothes under his shirt as he was very concerned that if he shivered in the cold, the crowd might think that he was scared.
  • By now, his wife would have given up waiting and served the cold beetroot soup with sour cream and chives.
  • Shiva, for instance, was a Dravidian tribal god, very much a folk deity, until theologised and worked into the larger Hindu pantheon.
  • The Chief Archivist will also arrange for independent audits of record-keeping in Government offices.
  • Most of the jobs will disappear through hiving off divisions and seeking voluntary redundancies.
  • Coleman and his wife Linda spent thirty years collecting firsthand accounts of the event from letters and diaries, archives, and newspapers of the day.
  • In some cases the scheduling of records in departments under the guidance of the national archives is mandatory.
  • And they checked the list of names of Outram Road Jail inmates at an archive in Canberra. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • CD8+ cells — also called cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) — matter because, among other actions, they kill cells that become infected with HIV. AIDS: The Elusive Vaccine
  • Though the Hives open themselves up to style-over-substance gripes, there is real feeling amidst their artifice and formalism.
  • According to some, the depiction of Lord Shiva, by an unknown artist, was about 200 years old.
  • Beigel, in Virchow's Archives, mentions a cryptorchid of twenty-two who had nocturnal emissions containing spermatozoa and who indulged in sexual congress. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The Prince of Wales shivered in the chill of an unheated theatre yesterday as he launched a campaign to help one million children to become involved in the arts over the next five years.
  • The Octopus Back Massager will send shivers down his spine.
  • We found that some last only 10 to 30 years and that's not enough for archives of historical material.
  • bees hive honey and pollen
  • The most common causes of viral meningitis are enteroviruses, herpes simplex virus, and HIV.
  • Rob shivered a little, cold and uncomfortable lying on the firm, hard ground.
  • I am researching all aspects of shivarees, and would be interested in hearing about what people in your area think about the reasons for shivarees, what kinds of things happen or happened at them, and how people react or reacted to them.
  • All the exquisite, surrounding obscurity was animated by that music, which continued in the distance, in the mystery of the leaves and of the stones, in the depths of all the small, black holes of rocks or walls; it seemed like chivies in miniature, or rather, a sort of frail concert somewhat mocking -- oh! not very mocking, and without any maliciousness -- led timidly by inoffensive gnomes. Ramuntcho
  • Neaten, archive and manage the channels cooperation agreement.
  • The whole hive flew after the queen bee.
  • But prior to publication, all documents from the Presidential Archive are declassified, as are documents held in the archives of the former KGB.
  • You can geo-tag events, invite friends to view and embed your moment slideshow on a blog, and generally become a master social archiver. ThisMoment Compiles Event Albums From Multiple Social Sites | Lifehacker Australia
  • Where items need to be transported to and from the repository they should be in appropriate containers designed to limit exposure to environmental factors and handling damage (eg. folders, archive boxes, plan and art folios, phase and solander boxes).
  • On Thursday, Dischord Records, the label founded by MacKaye in 1980, launched the Fugazi Live Series: an online archive of 800-plus live recordings from the band's collection, to be released in installments. News
  • Ignoring the shivery thrill that raced down her spine, she hurriedly obeyed. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • Being the incurable stickybeak that I am, I went back thru the archives ’til I found the thread you mentioned. Cheeseburger Gothic » Newly renovated Ladies Lounge.
  • In this context, often their fear of HIV and AIDS seemed less immediate than the day-to-day survival of their families and themselves.
  • Once the police had a camera, the number of photographs increased to become an archive of mugshots.
  • Columbia University has electronic archives of the inaugural addresses of the presidents.
  • But before anyone heads to the nearest hive, bewarned-scientific tests show that apian venom is not the bees' knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt an involuntary shiver go through her.
  • In November, Salisbury, a chivalric figure, was killed, the victim of a cannonball.
  • Previous published work from a number of chorts in resource-limited settings has suggested that anaemia, which is not responsive to antibiotics, is a major risk factor for death in people with advanced HIV disease. Undefined
  • Those produced in brass, anodized aluminum or galvanized iron impart a golden glow or a silvery shiver.
  • Aadhar is a city-based self-help that supports HIV positive people. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • There were the Knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the Queen.
  • Studies have shown that administration of thalidomide improves weight gain in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis patients.
  • A fourth scale tapped use of specialized resources: archives, special collections, microforms, and CD-ROM databases.
  • His wit was quick and always kept his friends laughing; he had a genuine heart and sense of chivalry.
  • It was in these vales that the Saxons of the plain and the Gad of the mountains had many a desperate and bloody encounter, in which it was frequently impossible to decide the palm of victory between the mailed chivalry of the low country and the plaided clans whom they opposed. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Likewise, in most instances, digital documents that are identified as originals, needing to be securely stored for a defined period of time due to regulatory demands, are stored as originals - in other words, the actual original file is transferred to an archive medium such as disk or tape. CMS Watch Trends and Features
  • He was an elf of great bearing, every bit the chivalrous knight and mentor.
  • The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.
  • Infection with other STDs is an important co-factor for transmission of HIV; genital ulcer diseases in particular, such as chancroid, provide an entry point for HIV.
  • This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen. Archive 2008-06-01
  • This plate holds a blouse piece, betel leaves and nuts, green bangles, packets of haldi-kumkum, flowers, a small packet of chivda, puffed rice ladoos and chaklis. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Many of the images are stored on the archive on the original glass plate films they were developed on.
  • The photographs in the archive can be categorized under three major rubrics: objects, portraits, and landscapes.
  • The show is packed with texts, documents, photos and archives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve with a scoop of soured cream and snipped chives. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is not the woman for whose be-dazzlement I must advertise the value of my goods by sweating sonnets to her, or shivering serenades at her, or perpetuating follies for her. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • If each HIV test costs $20 then this campaign will cost at least $20 million, but since at most .5% of the general population you are spending $20 million to identify at most 5,000 HIV+ Los Angeles residents, or a cost of $4,000 per person. Campaign To Test 1 Million Angelenos for HIV Announced
  • On rare occasions, patients exhibit signs of anesthetic toxicity, including flushing, hives, chest or abdominal discomfort, and nausea.
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
  • To label [Béla] Tarr, co-subject of this week's micro-retro at the Harvard Film Archive, as a downer is merely a philistine's impatient way of saying he's an existentialist, a modern-film Dostoyevsky-Beckett with a distinctly Hungarian taste for suicidal depression, morose self-amusement, and bile," writes Michael Atkinson. GreenCine Daily: Fests and events, 1/11.
  • While browsing your achives I ran across this post, because browsing your archives is a lot more fun than actually working. Add a can, lose the bland | Homesick Texan
  • Ruth deposited her wet mackintosh on the floor and went upstairs, shivering every now and then.
  • The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.
  • In many countries, criminalization of same sex relationships drives such relationships underground, making people afraid to seek HIV prevention and treatment services.
  • So far, however, it does not appear to have hurt the company or reduced shareholders to fits of cold shivers.
  • The large frieze panels connecting the archivolts form the entablature of the columns.
  • The other possibility would be to explore such typologies in the Irish archive on other historical subjects.
  • There was a kind of shiver, and Trace heard something go chink on the floor near his boot. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Each carried a whip and flaming torch with which to chivy both mortal offenders and recalcitrant gods.
  • I should much prefer a _tenson_ of the twelfth century, when two or three masters of the _Gai Saber_ discussed questions of love and chivalry. Gryll Grange
  • They do it cheerfully, and, strange to say, are as careful not to be "hived" as The colored cadet at West Point : autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., first graduate of color from the U. S. Military Academy,
  • We must enact public education programs that destigmatize HIV testing and embed it into the fabric of people's lives. Perry N Halkitis, Ph.D., M.S.: Re-Centering Science in the Fight Against AIDS
  • While being an archivist cannot compare with the excitement of working for the security services, it most certainly is not dull.
  • Moreover, if he concentrated on his breathing, and the parole board soon ruled in his favor, he might go on witnessing sunrises indefinitely, despite the aging that worked in him now like naphthous bees in a leathery hive. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • People say the old chivalries are dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cut and come again, 444. beard of formal, 69. him out in little stars, 107. is the branch, 41. loaf, to steal a shive of a, 104. most unkindest, of all, 113. take the short, 753. Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
  • Christie's had an auction offering a number of Asian collectibles, including an important bronze group of Shiva and Parvati from the Chola dynasty.
  • The exception is the discovery of such lists in the archival holdings of the presidential library system managed by the National Archives and Records Administration.
  • But a spokesman for the Terrence Higgins Trust warned against rushing to criminalise people with HIV, except in cases where malicious intent was beyond doubt.
  • HIV belongs to a group of viruses known as "enveloped" viruses, which also includes influenza, mumps, measles, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Ebola and SARS. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • From the moment of Germany's defeat, the United States was active in apprehending war criminals, denazifying German society, and collecting and protecting archives of the Nazi regime, all of which have by now been declassified.
  • He also describes cold shivering, increased muscle tension, and a delicious taste, and he swallows repeatedly.
  • Now I'm very interested if there is somewhere an archiv where I could find the letters from Livshits to her. Margot Klausner.
  • TODD (voice-over): At the core of what Republicans say is wrong with the president's bill -- what they call wasteful spending, like $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts or $335 million for education programs to prevent HIV/AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases. CNN Transcript Jan 28, 2009
  • In the same area we find the Raghunath temple with icons of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Radha and Krishna, with 51 Shiva lingas and 34 Saalgraams.
  • July 14th, 2010 JODHPUR - With at least 20 thalassaemic children likely to be in danger after they allegedly received HIV and Hepatitis C infected blood at a government hospital here, the chief minister's office (CMO) has sought a report on the matter. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • One hive, he said, could produce 300 hives in three years.
  • The winner of the award will be announced by the 2008-2009 Poet Laureate and Chair of the Museums Libraries and Archives Council, Andrew Motion, on 15 July 2009 at CILIP's biennial Umbrella 2009 conference, held at The DeHavilland Campus, University of Herfordshire in Hatfield CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award 2009 finalists
  • When I throw this rock at the hive, we both have to run straight at the hive and scoop it up into the shirt.
  • Men are better judges of that than women; but for high, chivalrous spirit, for true principle and nobility, and what I call downright worth, I don't think you will easily find her superior. The Eustace Diamonds
  • Sprinkle over some chives and serve with potatoes and green veg. The Sun
  • Strategic Studies said the 2005 meeting may help formulate ways to tackle issues such as HIV/AIDS but the long-term eradication of poverty would be beyond their grasp. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He leaves an archive of 60,000 negatives and 20,000 prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autumn shivered as she stepped from a streetcar, pulled up the collar on her coat and walked briskly towards the Doghouse. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Serve with a dollop of cream and finely chopped chives or parsley. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the idea of chivalry and courage that appealed.
  • It is understood that the underground passages and beehive shaped chamber were constructed as hiding places or as places of storage or were used for both purposes.
  • Top with fish, add sauce and garnish with chives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although she followed this with hit after hit, she was desperately insecure and hid herself under thick make-up and a beehive hairdo.
  • His dark-gold hair, damp and draggled, hung into his eyes, which were dilated and sunk into violet pools; his blank beautiful face was grey and sweating, his entire frame racked with shivering.
  • The National Archives, the National Library and individual cinematheques were doing preservation work, but it was all government-funded.
  • He is undoubtedly a ** sonorous dactylist'* — and to him I add Mr. Jenner, Proctor of the Commons, and Commissary of St. PauVs, who is a gentleman of indefatigable politeness in opening the Archives of a The Rolliad, in Two Parts: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Eclogues and ...
  • To help uncover the complexities of India's uneven rise, The Shiva Rules uses as a loose reporting metaphor Shiva, the popular Hindu deity of destruction and rebirth.
  • The studio has been transformed this morning into a hive of rabid shoe designers.
  • Although immunocytochemistry was not performed on our cases owing to the need to keep the slides for archival records, our hypothesis is further supported by a recent study.
  • The Navy's historians, librarians, and archivists assist academic researchers in finding materials they need for research.
  • This is a complicated issue for the elderly because HIV and AIDS are often misdiagnosed in this population, as symptoms often mimic other illnesses.
  • Where does chivalry at last become something more than a mere procession of plumes and armor, to be lamented by Burke, except in some of the less ambitious verses of the Trouvères, where we hear the canakin clink too emphatically, perhaps, but which at least paint living men and possible manners? The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • However, preliminary genetic analyses showed offspring admixture was probably caused by apicultural drift (beekeepers' term for the change of hive or colony).
  • Bookninja » Blog Archive » Paper/bookseller partnerships growing like bacterial infection in kneecaps of responsible journalism Paper/bookseller partnerships growing like bacterial infection in kneecaps of responsible journalism
  • The city of Banares is in effect just a big church, a religious hive whose every conceivable earthly and heavenly good is procurable under one roof.
  • Serve with snipped chives and a swirl of yoghurt mixed with the horseradish sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • A chill shiver rippled over his skin.
  • Daniel Abraham has the toughest job to pull off her with the multi-story Jonathan Hive tales, going from smartarse blogger, to vaguely panicked smartarse war correspondent. Superhero Prose Fiction: Wild Cards - 18 Inside Straight
  • The setting sun set the haze aglow like icy blood, and Rupert gave a shiver.
  • In spite of the hotel's extravagant overheating, she shivered. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • I made brief mention recently of the heretical view that the HIV virus does not cause AIDS.
  • Subsequently, over the course of a five year program, 1500 new apiculturists will be trained in the raising of beehives and in the production of high quality honey.
  • Many of the chartularies and other manuscripts relating to its history are now either in the Archives Nationales or the Bibliotheque Nationale. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Blood sample for HIV serology and two sputum specimens were collected from each patient.
  • We're having a shivoo round at our place tonight - do you want to come?
  • According to the UNICEF, reported HIV prevalence is low in Egypt – ranging from 2,900 to 13,000 individuals - but there is very limited access to information for those most at risk and weak provisions for people living with HIV. Global Voices in English » Egypt: Stigmatized by AIDS
  • Over to the left I saw an unhappy little urchin, hardly a rag covering his shivering, bleeding body, grovelling piteously in the snow, while his blind and goitrous mother did her best at gathering firewood with a hatchet. Across China on Foot
  • In 1873 the Russians established their control over Khiva, the last of the major independent khanates of Central Asia.
  • The fifth hole has so many beehive bunkers on it, it looks as if it was built through a geyser field in Yellowstone National Park.

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