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hit the jackpot

  1. succeed by luck
    I lucked out and found the last parking spot in the lot

How To Use hit the jackpot In A Sentence

  • They quickly hit the jackpot. The Sun
  • I felt like I hit the jackpot shopping today, because there were so many good sales.
  • The National Theatre hit the jackpot with its first musical, "Guys and Dolls".
  • After ten years of endless search for the missing treasure, they finally hit the jackpot.
  • Harry was very lucky to hit the jackpot last time.
  • The National Theatre hit the jackpot with its first musical, "Guys and Dolls".
  • Owens hit the jackpot in his first professional game with the Cowboys.
  • The latter even saves the aforementioned speed-dating sequence -- an artifact from a 2000 TV sitcom -- with the line, "Face it, tigress -- you just hit the jackpot. Marvel Divas may pleasantly surprise us (seriously!) | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • He was determined to hit the jackpot and stalked a row of slot machines like a 12-step program dropout, popping coins obsessively into one, then another and another. OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion
  • I also have no doubt that when practiced by someone with a good practical knowledge of field archaeology, dowsing with rods can sometimes hit the jackpot.
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