How To Use Historically In A Sentence

  • Historically, 95 percent of lieutenants become captains.
  • Present-day performers commonly adopt practices of earlier periods whether or not they use historically accurate instruments.
  • This humorous and historically accurate account was extremely well received.
  • Historically, the postal service, which employs 532,800 workers, paid for retiree health benefits when they came due. Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices
  • A world reputation for jobs, and a ‘welcome to the neighbourhood’ attitude has historically created a city of immigrants and ethnic enclaves.
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  • Historically, weapon sales have jumped during legislative debate of gun-ownership controls and before any new restrictions become law.
  • What has historically happened to diplomatic services when nations have been unified?
  • He reports that the historically designated building will house units from 1,450 square feet to a massive 3,449 square feet over its five floors.
  • In absolute levels, we have fallen off only from the historically high 1980 figures.
  • Historically, orders of friars could not own property, and individual friars were beggars hence the term mendicant, although this was changed insofar as the orders were concerned by the Council of Trent. No Uncertain Terms
  • "Debt is at historically unprecedented levels, " according to the Office for National Statistics.
  • Historically, Namibia's mining industry has had excellent safety records.
  • We know that historically the party that holds the White House loses seats in Congress in their first midterm election.
  • Historically, the prospect of energy savings drove widespread embrace of daylight savings.
  • Orchestral synthesizers have acquired a bad rap because of their historically dubious use as substitutes for ‘real’ instruments.
  • Historically, wage boards, split evenly between labor and management, deadlock; so the commission has to decide.
  • Likewise, it should be emphasized here that any attempt to compose a historical picture of the Patriarch and his work cannot be considered correct or proven, at least academically speaking, if it is based on the '' censorious '' texts of the time, which in many ways are irresponsible and historically dubious, and which essentially are nothing but libel. Orrologion
  • I think there's a compelling case to be made that, by and large, an appropriator from a dominant culture carrying out such an act is likely to be doing so for negative motives and to negative results, that historically such cross-cultural sacrilege is motivated by misrepresentation and discrimination and aimed towards furthering misrepresentation and discrimination. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Today the only remnant is Lance Corporal - historically it was a group of 5 riders. Cheeseburger Gothic » Research quickie.
  • Historically, their campuses have been hybrids of ethnic cultures and nationalities.
  • Historically, the Black Virgin cult seems to point in the direction of two alternatives in particular.
  • Taking my own advice about applying to previous employers, I then submitted my vita to a medium-sized historically Black college where I also had worked as an adjunct professor.
  • Our southern ally's loyalty to her beautiful "unredeemed" provinces, and her claim, which all right-minded Englishmen (I include myself) most heartily endorse, to dominate the historically Italian waters of the Adriatic, happily proved too strong for a machine-made sympathy for Berlin based on nothing better than a superficial resemblance between the histories of Piedmont and Prussia, and a record of nominal alliance with powers whose respect for paper treaties was always fairly apparent. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, August 15, 1917
  • Aside from Iran/Persia, there are no historically long-established nation states in the region. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: An Egyptian Gaza?
  • Historically, I'm better with deadlines, too, and that was exacerbated by a few years of working nightside at a newspaper, in charge of getting stuff to the press in time. "I used to feel that I spent too much of my time in my pajamas doing nothing..."
  • And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front? The Times Literary Supplement
  • The historically older concept of epicycles (small cycles on a bigger cycle) has not found use in the geological literature.
  • Historically, surgical and radiation oophorectomies have been used to treat severe PMS, but these modalities have no role in the current management of PMDD.
  • Historically, a certain segment of the population: generally white, somewhat declassed and alienated, developed some sense of aesthetic exploration or at least an identity as a consumer of the same, and the indie store/Outpost section emerged to market to them. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • Yet all of the various elements which have historically been assigned to Fortune, Fate, and Chance are gathered into a single providential system of which the fortuitous is a part. FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • Twitter has earned plenty of developer ire for its release of official products that will likely quash those offered by independent players in its historically vibrant developer community, and its policing of third-party applications that include the word "twit" or "tweet" has had plenty of opponents as well. CNET
  • The biotic diversity of the grasslands has historically supported a diverse assemblage of species.
  • Establishing the diagnosis is critical, although historically asthma has been misdiagnosed.
  • In the midst of that, two American researchers used DNA analysis of whales to argue that North Atlantic whales have been drastically undercounted historically.
  • Here was worn the "barret," of scarlet or white, the rich brown jacket and red sash of the peculiar costumes of the Basque and Bearnais peasants -- a fine race of men, and one, too, historically noble. Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • Historically, these issues had been the cause of interethnic divisions.
  • While these catchphrases have been used and abused to the point of becoming banal, they are both historically accurate as well as symbolic of the attitudes that made the Apollo program in general a success.
  • C. 1. The company follows established guidelines or a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment.
  • Whereas historically the Kyrgyz were nomadic herders, Uzbeks were settled farmers.
  • This form of nationalism is unificatory and corresponds historically with the nationalisms of Italy and Germany in the nineteenth century.
  • Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups. Christianity Today
  • None of this is to say that, historically, we Tibetans were deliberately 'conservationist'. The Natural World
  • To be fair to Bodin, the offenses poured out against him by his malicious contemporaries at the time of his adhesion to the League should be analyzed and understood historically.
  • The anguish caused by Dell's partial exit from Ireland is worthy of a chapter in Angela's Ashes, the Pulitzer Prize winning book about historically impoverished Limerick. Analyst: Ireland must learn from Dell plant closure
  • How historically significant is this discovery?
  • The utilization of digital bus protocols in the manufacturing and process industries has historically been centered on proprietary communication methods.
  • Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seems to take full advantage of relaxed moments.
  • Historically, farming in China has been done on tiny, nontransferable plots maintained by a single family, which would consume most of the output. Private-Equity Firms Go Farming in China
  • In our society, men historically have occupied the positions of power such as master and host.
  • Historically, English and American common law has prohibited champerty - and officially, that is still the American rule.
  • The unsoundness of such reasoning can easily be brought into focus by considering the fact that historically, and in some places even today, the infant mortality rate has been very high.
  • To transform a term rooted historically in the salt of the earth struggles of working class Latinos in the campaigns of candidates who also repeat mantra-like the phrase "middle class" alters and diminishes the political value and movement power of "Si Se Puede". Roberto Lovato: Basta Ya: Boycott "Si Se Puede" in Elections
  • It is much easier in a classroom than in a museum installation to project the image of the continent's art as historically dynamic, multivalent, and heterogeneous.
  • Historically, economic boom times bring florescence in music and the arts, whether in the Florence of the Medici, Habsburg Vienna, or the France of Louis XIV.
  • It is very alarming that some Bantustan administrations have been given land for personal use under the pretext of so-called chieftainship whereas these leaders are historically and traditionally not chiefs. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We know, of course, that historically the Kabbalists were wedded to traditional Jewish practice, even as they added to it by way of innovation.
  • Because, honestly, the real world we live in and which has preceded us historically (and prehistorically as far as that goes) is far more complex than what we can get across on the page or "invent. "An Accurate Understanding": Talking About Social Structures in Worldbuilding
  • The film makes no attempt to be historically accurate.
  • The public debt/GDP ratio tells you whether the government has historically tried to violate a transversality condition. From Musgrave to Shaviro, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • On the other hand, by looking at the past mainly, if not exclusively, to find the origins of the superior present, the authors of the grand narrative unhistorically ignored those features of past cultures that were not compatible with a modern liberal West.
  • If he did, he would know that the word churl OE. ceorl m. is historically, and currently, loaded with class distinction. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Art historically, they imaginatively summarize his stylistic dalliances with Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism and the period's interest in ‘primitive’ art.
  • Historically, for the Muslim community to act, the leader of that community - the caliph for the Sunnis, the imam for the Shi'ites - had to authorize the action.
  • There exists no single work that traces ambiguity or multivalence through the whole of Western culture; there - fore the suggested readings are arranged historically. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • What are the implications of historically and culturally informed findings for strategies of educational reform?
  • The name St. Bernard comes from the monastery and hospice in Switzerland with which these dogs are historically associated. The Daily Puppy | Pictures of Puppies
  • Historically, ethnic religions in China have played a very important role in the development of Chinese religion, especially, of which Kirghiz's religion is a important part.
  • So I think it is historically misleading to say that Channing and his peers were rallying to "unitarianism" when I think one can more successfully make the case that they were rallying to a liberal and broad-minded Christianity. Philocrites: Does Unitarianism require unitarianism?
  • At least you could argue that space junk comprises historically important artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is, historically speaking, simply an error: Marxism is specifically a form of revolutionary socialism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Political Ignorance and Perceptions of “Capitalism” and “Socialism”
  • Also, historically, attendance demonstrates its most significant improvement in the year after a successful season.
  • How to transfix and realize orient run-through on Three Gorges Reservoir sector, Yangtze has been being a focus and disputation problem of academic circle historically.
  • It is not unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of one suspect, yet it could very well be unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of a very large number of people (a historically infeasible practice which technology has made more feasible). The Volokh Conspiracy » Final Version of “Applying the Fourth Amendment to the Internet: A General Approach”
  • Zunyi Medical College (ZMC), a key medical college at the provincial level in Guizhou Province, is located in Zunyi, a historically, culturally and scenically celebrated city.
  • Historically, the advantage in record contracts had lain on the industry's side.
  • On its face, its certainly a sound suggestion, but unfortunately the UM administration (including, inter alia, the Associate Dean) has been historically unresponsive to students 'concerns. Patricia D. White to Be Dean of University of Miami School of Law
  • Take for example, Cara from the Curvature's thread on the costs of unwed parenting, in which women point out why Bush's Marriage Saver program is a bad idea: doesn't stop men from abandoning women when they have children (as they've done historically), doesn't help single mothers, doesn't help women in abusive marriages. Sweet Valley? Implicit Racism & Other thoughts
  • Historically, nonoliguric renal failure has been assumed to have a better outcome than oliguric renal failure.
  • It is debatable whether an exhibition such as this should show the splendours of a collection or, more historically, also reveal the lapses of the collector's taste.
  • Historically, Iraq was known in Europe by the Greek exonym 'Mesopotamia' (Land between the rivers), after the foundation of the Kingdom of Iraq in 1932, it became known by its ancient endonym 'Iraq'. - Articles related to Biden seeks thaw between Iraqi political rivals
  • They are historically contingent, existing only in their specific forms at specific times and places, with biology and society interfused. The Special Forces Rebels
  • Considering New Orleans 'history, it really would not have surprised me if the reentry was a reverse version of this satirical scenario, which is sadly funny in part because, historically, there has been some truth to it. Liprap's Lament - The Line
  • Historically, the Estonian kroon was pegged to the Deutsche Mark; it is now attached to the euro and has been stable since 20 June 1992 at a rate of 15.64664 krooni to the euro.
  • Dalrymple says the Bauls' unorthodoxy has historically pushed their role beyond that of just minstrels. India's Wandering Minstrels Blend Spirituality, Irreverence
  • Both the lattices and courtyards have historically been used to filter light and block wind. Oregon Beach House
  • The name St. Bernard comes from the monastery and hospice in Switzerland with which these dogs are historically associated. The Daily Puppy | Pictures of Puppies
  • But there is a caveat-Karson noted that, historically, activity at Eyjafjallajökull has frequently preceded eruptions at the nearby Katla, which is a much bigger volcano and contains more rhyolitic magma. Ars Technica
  • Historically, no other top-flight team has lost as many games during the month. The Sun
  • Interior surfaces may be created historically accurate or venturesomely to reflect contemporary harmonies and standards of taste.
  • For reasons I shall not mention, by paths of descent I shall not describe, in the crown of my manhood and the prime of my devilishness in which Oxford renegades and racing younger sons had nothing on me, I found myself master and owner of a schooner so well known that she shall remain historically nameless. THE PRINCESS
  • Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
  • They are reclaiming a heritage, their own heritage, which has been historically demeaned through cartoon characters and national stereotypes.
  • The most recent development in this story of musicology, aesthetics, and dysfunctional personalities, is the mix of modern instrumentation with an historically informed approach to music-making.
  • Historically, Bad Gastein is the spa town of Austria with emperors and other VIPs taking in treatment.
  • Historically pension fund surpluses have been a wonderful honeypot with which to finance rationalisation and early retirement without hitting earnings per share.
  • If not historically a peace-loving people, they have traditionally distrusted militarism.
  • Historically, most funders pressure affordable housing developers for a rapid increase in number of units.
  • In historicizing the social division of labor, Marx demonstrated that classes are specific and historically determinate.
  • Historically speaking, colonial writing is of absorbing value.
  • Forty is historically recognised as the number of completion and the lapse of 40 years signifies the passing of a generation.
  • The realism debate expresses the converse: the attempt to think unhistorically in an age that did not yet know how to think in any way other than historically (in epochs).
  • Historically, public service was the honourable vocation of the nobility and gentry, whose younger sons went into the army, the Church or the law.
  • Vendemiaire and the 16th Brumaire, and repair to that little house in the Rue de la Victoire rendered historically famous by the conspiracy of the 18th Brumaire, which issued from it fully armed. The Companions of Jehu
  • With automatic investment plan, invest late in month, historically poor time for stocks.
  • Historically, Vanilla was used to treat impotency, ulcers, hysteria and rashes.
  • But it needs to be remembered that, historically, vodka was mostly a plebian and proletarian inebriant, made in a matter of hours from any glut of vegetables.
  • Second-term presidents historically lose their luster and energy by year six, and their party loses seats in Congress.
  • The Detroit News editorial page is historically a conservative editorial page with libertarian leanings.
  • It was for a very specific thing to treat something that was historically a problem for me and could be quite a serious problem for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historically, radiology has been a driving force behind the development of high-resolution screens.
  • Authoritarianism is historically inimical to genuine invention.
  • Sunspot activity has been historically quite high since the 1970s, and if this correlates to climate as much data suggest, a fair amount of the warming attributed to CO2 forcing is actually due to solar cycles. Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism
  • Historically, the tradition has viewed the first and second foci as subordinate to the third.
  • Historically, J.D. Power's Initial Quality Survey, which measures how many problems new cars have in the months after purchase, has been shown to be a good predictor of longer-term dependability.
  • However, others will find that the historically grounded embellishments enliven the story of Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island lifesavers, a story that has been long overdue in its telling.
  • The greatest enemy is government, which has historically legislated privileges or restrictions based on gender.
  • Historically, grandfathers or fathers would take the kids fishing, even if it was just to the local burn or pond, but that rarely happens now.
  • Historically, sketches have been autograph manuscripts, but today a sketch of an electronic work might be in the form of a tape, or notation might be realized in a computer notation program, and so on.
  • India's production of soybean oil, sunflower oil and mustard oil, are historically difficult because of a lack of consistent rainfall.
  • Low levels of public services, combined with historically low levels of educational attainment, limit the attractiveness for business.
  • Spring is historically the peak season for buying a home and fitting a new kitchen or bathroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sinterklaas is dressed like the pope because he was historically a bishop in Myra Turkey, which explains for the mitre, dress, cape and crosier. Christmas in July: Going Dutch
  • The Capital, known historically as Rabbath Ammon, is one of the world's oldest inhabited cities, and was an important crossroads connecting the Arabian Peninsula in the south to Damascus in the north, and the "Syrian desert" in the east to Palestine and the Mediterranean in the west.
  • Housing starts have tumbled more than 50% from the peak of homebuilding activity, a decline that historically has encompassed an entire down-cycle in real estate. Ron Insana: The Fed Finally Got It Right
  • While Kurosawa is known mostly for his historically accurate, minutely observed period pieces and swashbucklers, Ozu sought drama in the simple rhythms of life in the modern Japanese family.
  • The subject is a historically contingent effect, but to see ourselves as purely victims of historical and spatial imperatives is to limit our understanding of what it is to be human.
  • Though he disdains the term "collector"—"Cars are an emotional love for me; I buy cars because they are romantic and beautiful"—Mr. Lauren's garage is home to some of the most historically important cars in the world: A Scaglietti-bodied Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa (1958); a Touring-bodied Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B spider (1938); a rare alloy-bodied Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing (1955) and alloy-bodied Jaguar XKSS (1957). A Man Driven to Distraction
  • Historically, the dynamics of grasshopper populations, especially nymphal mortality, have largely been attributed to variations in climate.
  • Historically, common stocks have been regarded to be too speculative for most small investors.
  • His anger over this smackdown is interesting though, and ... if you know anything at all about him historically, pretty easy to explain. Sacked!
  • The corporate blog figure is about what I would expect for AEC organisations – which have historically tended to lag behind other industry sectors in adopting Web 2.0 tools and techniques as part of their communication mix. AEC marketing moving from print to online « pwcom 2.0
  • Historically, the asportation requirement has caused few problems.
  • Such questions demand either simple and brutal answers (Yes, they should!) or an understanding that wars and other struggles must be historically differentiated — that participation may be an act of complicity in barbarism or an inevitability as occasioned by civil war, for example. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • B.: The patterned seams create a pleasing "starburst" effect around the crotch (or "Clinton-getter"), making them, indeed, a historically significant choice. Colleen Werthmann: Hillary Clinton Pen-Pal Reveals Letters: "A Portrait of the Grown-Up Dork as a Young Dork"
  • Historically, California has welcomed migrants from other states and nations.
  • Unfortunately, the electoral reality for the SNP is that it holds what were historically Tory seats - ones which remain socially and politically conservative.
  • And then, with the help of five teachers, he unrolls all 15 feet and 238 pounds of his grand finale: a prehistorically huge yellow python named Banana Boy's Brother. Michael Shwedick's career handling reptiles came from childhood fascination
  • Historically, the third year of a presidential term is a good one.
  • Globalisation undermined the nation state system upon which capitalism is historically based.
  • Dawn of the Dinosaurs" is just a title yes … but if it's going to be even the slightest bit prehistorically accurate the dinosaurs would have to be on their way out in the movie … not on their way in. Worth Watching - April 7: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Teaser Trailer «
  • Anatolia, the main Turkish landmass that historically has been known as Asia Minor, literally translates as "full of mothers". Zeyno Baran: Let the Truth Shine
  • In its 60-year history, the Federal Republic of Germany had never tried to sell a 10-year bond that paid only 2% interest, and the historically low yields appeared to depress appetite among the traditional circle of buyers. German Bond Sale Spurs Worries
  • He says the NGO presence has permanently " infantilized " the country, creating a vicious cycle: The government lacks the money — and historically, the inclination — to provide social services. Aid Spawns Backlash in Haiti
  • August historically is his best month, and he showed signs of snapping out of his funk before the break, hitting with authority and showing patience.
  • Historically, Portuguese architecture is firmly rooted in the vernacular, with craft-based, artisanal origins and a limited range of forms and materials.
  • Such proceedings are confidential and, in response to misgivings, the process has been defended both as historically very successful and as a triumph of pragmatism over principle.
  • Here, in its incongruous dark wood baldachin, hangs the Lutine Bell, historically rung when a ship went missing. 7: The Lloyd's building, London, built 1978-1986
  • How historically significant is this discovery?
  • The rent - price ratio fell a historically low level 3.5 percent by 2006.
  • Historically the shrub's wood has been used as fragrant firewood and in Scotland juniper was the plant of choice for illegal whisky stills as the plant was said to burn with less smoke.
  • Baseball is a slice of American life, and baseball people have historically taken risks and made sacrifices to defend America.
  • Historically, the focus of most research on developmental biology of nemerteans was limited to descriptive and experimental embryology and larval development.
  • Though historically such apoliticism has been definitive of modern Mormons’ worship experience, a departure from this norm occurred during the 2008 election season, when the First Presidency of the Church issued a statement to be read by bishops over the pulpit in California wards. American Grace
  • However, historically the highest status universities have resisted community service on ideological grounds; it threatened academic freedom.
  • Historically and culturally, Britain has always been linked to the continent.
  • Also archaeologists, the Gears apply over thirty years of research with their backgrounds in biblical archaeology, religious studies, Greek, and Latin, to reveal a new and relatively unknown and historically unsupported biography of Jesus Christ, or Yeshua. “The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus” by Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear (Forge, 2008) « The BookBanter Blog
  • Historically this drop in polls is relatively normal for the same period of a presidency. Poll: Obama approval rating dips under 60 percent
  • The military historically follows standard civilian practice regarding contagion, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Historically, firms have been virtually immune from lawsuits based on their decisions relating to their own partners.
  • This was a point of central importance – for some purposes it was the point of central importance – in the political philosophies behind the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution, from which the phrase "inalienable rights" historically sprang. Rand and "Inalienable Rights"
  • This is not a 100% historically accurate rendering, by the way, just a little capriccio. Veniceblog:
  • On the contrary, Catawba is one of the few native varieties that historically has received a special asterix next to its name. What We Drank (July 7, 2009)
  • Historically, it was the privatised railway's most lucrative network. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the ways of understanding the word bricolage, historically, is to 'putter about.' Tom Sachs
  • Historically, where there has been a demand for sport, the particulars of participants seem to lose significance.
  • Some members of this family are historically notorious such as belladonna, now used for treating asthma, and the nightshades.
  • Dr. Mantell concludes that the islands of New Zealand were densely peopled at a period geologically recent, though historically remote, by tribes of gigantic brevi-pennate birds allied to the ostrich tribe, all, or almost all, of species and genera now extinct; and that, subsequently to the formation of the most ancient ornithic deposit, the sea-coast has been elevated from fifty to one hundred feet above its original level; hence the terraces of shingle and loam which now skirt the maritime districts. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • Historically, March 21 is known as the vernal equinox -- an equal balance of light and dark. Kari Henley: What Seeds Of Change Are You Planting This Spring?
  • Conversely, when a nation begins to see itself historically and destroys its mythology, the result is secularization and spiritual malaise.
  • Historically, when seekers could not physically go on such journeys, there were simulated pilgrimages close to home.
  • Throughout the years, this trend has consistently represented a plethora of security issues that places the United States in an unenvied predicament historically occupied by the Persians, Sikhs, Soviets, and British.
  • Historically, underwear was designed to preserve a woman 's modesty and help with hygiene. The Sun
  • Historically they have radiated (divided into new species) in bathyal habitats (bottom-dwelling on the continental slope between 200 and 2000 m in depth) and cool-water coastal areas.
  • My own flat in the West End of Glasgow is just off Great Western Road, so named because it runs west out of Glasgow and was historically a major throughfare, wide and long. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
  • Historically, cacao itself has been a vagabond crop.
  • Historically, there have been waves of frustration and resentment against rational and scientific thought.
  • Attempts to understand the significance of Woman Wisdom in ancient Israelite life and in the canonical and deuterocanonical traditions underscore her deep ambiguity: to feminist thought, whether historically or theologically inclined. Woman Wisdom: Bible.
  • This did not seem such a formidable task, although it was not until 1963 that Kenneth Hanson and I solved the historically important problem of the prochirality of citric acid7, which was necessary for me to gain a proper perspective on the aconitate hydratase reaction. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • ING Direct was one of the first banks to popularize the idea of branchless banking, and they have historically offered great interest rates. Consumerism Commentary: A Personal Finance Blog Since 2003
  • Bauer's critique of John convinced him that the gospel narrative was a purely literary product, and he now argued that the Synoptics too contained no historically authentic material.
  • Consequently, the homelands and histories of people who lived beyond the narrow corridor of the "Swahili Coast" have been inattentively referred to and historically glossed as the hinterland. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The word professional is almost always negatively inflected for Woolf, whether it denotes the academic credentials that were historically denied to women or an excessive emphasis on public perception and financial success.
  • Historically the X Factor silver medallist is consigned to a simple future – one badly-selling album of Michael Ball cover versions that only gets television coverage on GMTV and then a couple of years of doing corporate shows for 50p and a handful of cakes – but Rhydian Roberts might just escape that, because Simon Cowell has signed Rhydian up and wants him to rush an album out before he ends up inevitably playing the Phantom Of The Opera. X Factor Betting Odds: Rhydian To Win The Final?
  • Historically, demersal fisheries at Iceland and Greenland fall into two categories: land-based fisheries conducted by local inhabitants, and those of distant water foreign fleets. Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
  • Historically, mining - especially for precious gems such as diamonds - played a large role in Liberia's economy.
  • For example, regulators have historically placed considerable restrictions on simulcasting - broadcasting programming over more than one station at the same time.
  • My viburnum shrubs, which were historically used to counteract negative magicks, are just about ready to burst into fragrant blooms; I'll bet by next week they will be blooming.
  • In a unique undertaking, those with competing financial interests and historically adversarial relationships came together to restore the city to a firm financial footing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historically, countrywide health improvements have begun with the public health system.
  • Many of the old houses have been enlarged or improved, but historically are very interesting.
  • Some scenes are excellently staged and acted, while others are done in an offhand, parodic manner which makes me wonder how historically accurate everything is. Weekly Mishmash: April 11-17 :
  • So that is something which historically is well-attested and the same thing has happened here in the Middle East. Why America Will Stay on Top
  • The retail element is highly fragmented and therefore, historically, mail-order has been an important purchasing element.
  • The Scriptures are to be read in light of Torah because Torah, judged canon-historically, forms the ‘center,’ while the Prophets and the Writings are interpretations of this center.
  • a trend law enforcement officials agree is historically accompanied by an increase in phonies attempting to cash in on the respect legitimate heroes receive. Valor database idea stirs interest
  • Proshutinsky and Johnson [26] show that the pattern of arctic sea ice drift has historically varied between two regimes, characterized by relatively strong and weak phases of the Beaufort anticyclone. Sea ice in the Arctic
  • Historically, the emergence of parliament as the source of legal authority was a huge gain for humanity.
  • The city has been content historically to stand on its natural attractions to draw business.
  • But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
  • Historically, midterm elections are referendums on the party in power. Times, Sunday Times

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