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How To Use Hispanic In A Sentence

  • Witnesses said that two Hispanic men were seen toting the garments away.
  • My favourite character was Pedro, Napoleon's Hispanic friend, whose quiet manner and woebegone expression were constant throughout the film.
  • Those elements are inherent in Hispanic culture, making people such as Thomas feel at home.
  • Perhaps because black, Hispanic and Asian households tend to be larger and often multigenerational, teens in these groups are significantly more likely than white teens to recognize someone other than their mother or stepmother.
  • Fuentes points out the Hispanic influence on one of New Yorkers' favorite pastimes: baseball.
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  • Like your favorite hole-in-the-wall taco place – these hefty Hispanic ho's are Open 24 hours!
  • The name "Lesley Ryder" doesn't scream "Puerto Rican/Mexican," but I assure you, I am very Hispanic. Lesley Ryder: After Hamilton, Chasing a Dream
  • His detailed sculpture reveals a Caucasian, perhaps Hispanic, boy with "longish" dark hair with a "distinctive" overbite, which may identify him. ABC News: ABCNews
  • Five accomplished Hispanic nurses who just happen to be guys talk about the special challenges they face and the unique strengths they bring to the table.
  • The growth in Hispanic illegitimacy is especially important because Hispanics keep increasing as a share of all new births, married or unmarried, up from 14.3 percent in 1990 to 23.8 percent in 2005 to 24.6 percent in 2007. - Latest Articles
  • JACKSON: Well, the DLC appoints by invitation -- invites its constituency, and labor is not in the DNC -- DLC, and this -- 40 percent of this convention -- only a smathering of blacks in the DLC or Hispanics in the DLC, and so it's in some sense a privatized version of Democrats that they sought to suburbanize the party. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Democratic National Convention: Democratic Party's Liberal Wing Gets a Chance to Speak Out - August 15, 2000
  • The counter-demonstrators, a self-avowed violent anti-Klan group, consisted of young blacks and Hispanics from the inner city.
  • Hispanic participation rates increased slightly as well, from 26. 9 percent in 1985 to 34. 4 percent in 1991.
  • But Pew Hispanic Center Senior Demographer Jeffrey Passel argues those numbers tell only part of the story.
  • The SBA makes a serious effort to fund programs for minorities, especially African -, Asian - and Hispanic - Americans.
  • In California, for example, a disproportionately high number of Hispanic teens are giving birth.
  • Hispanic - American come from places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central American, and South American.
  • A significant number of young Hispanics and Asians are visiting their parents' homelands to study their parents' native languages.
  • Hispanic creators of santos - carved and painted depictions of the Catholic saints - displayed their work at San Felipe Cathedral in Old Town.
  • They are chairing the Institute of Hispanic Culture's presentation Saturday of world-renowned mariachi Vargas de Taclitlán.
  • Although Ballet Hispanico presented a trio of premieres, it was Ramon Oller's Bury Me Standing, first seen in 1998, that epitomized the duende of this spunky little company.
  • The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Louisiana is blasting the new ad, "Welcome Prize," as "demeaning" and "racist. David Vitter's new ad trafficks heavily in race-baiting
  • Greeting In some hispanic countries, judias is just the type of an specific frijol, as there are different type like; de Caritas, Negro, Blanco, Colorado, Garbanzos, Pintos, etc. Gerry Zaragemca Frijol---Frijoles
  • The Southern California economy is a lot shakier than it was then, and Hispanics who make up 48 percent of Los Angeles County's 10 million people tend as a whole to be more interested in soccer than football. Don't Buy Those NFL Season Tickets Just Yet
  • According to the Guttmacher Institute, which compiles reproductive health statistics, one out of three black pregnancies is aborted, which is twice the Hispanic rate of abortions and five times the white abortion rate. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • It combines Hispanic influences, from the Mexican soup menudo, made with tripe, hominy, and chili powder, with Italian elements, adding cheese and garlic to the soup.
  • This remarkable cultural diffusion clearly illustrates just how far north Hispanic influences spread.
  • She smiled and started to play, and then a waitress came in, a young Hispanic woman, and the waitress frowned at us, but under the frown was a laugh, and she raised a finger to her lips as if we were sharing a secret. Dreams From My Father
  • Does the GOP really want to be monochromatic -- an all - white, - Hispanic party?
  • Look the facts are these: McCain danced the limbo for illegal immigration advocates, and most Hispanics still voted for the other guy. Matthew Yglesias » Ruffini: The Right Must Abandon Gimmicks and Addiction to the Past, Embrace Newt Gingrich…
  • By the same token many of the Tarascans experienced the cultural shock of having their pre-Hispanic idols, temples and religious regalia destroyed by Franciscan missionaries.
  • America is 33% NAMs (Non-Asian Minorities, e.g., blacks and Hispanics) who earn less, on average, than whites in Asians in every mixed-race country on earth. Matthew Yglesias » If High Taxes Led to Growth, the Most-Taxed Countries on Earth Would Be the Richest; Which They Are
  • The ecoregional steppe flora has a significant rate of endemism (126 endemic plants from the 302 strict steppe species), mainly reflecting halophyte taxa (Vella pseudocytisus, Boleum asperum, Gypsophila struthium, G. hispanica, Sideritis linearifolia). Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • If Cardozo was Hispanic, so is your columnist, owing to our Sephardic patrilineage. Beat the Dealer
  • Pre-Hispanic agricultural terraces curve in graceful tiers around the southern and eastern shoulders of the steep slopes.
  • And if Mr. Perry were to win the nomination, he would face critics, among them Democrats, who have long complained that the state's economic health came at a steep price: a long-term hollowing out of its prospects because of deep cuts to education spending, low rates of investment in research and development, and a disparity in the job market that confines many blacks and Hispanics to minimum-wage jobs without health insurance. NYT > Home Page
  • Prized in the prehispanic era for the curative properties of the milk that dripped from the leaves, stems and flowers when cut, the pigment from the red leaves was also used to dye cotton fibers. Did You Know? - Nochebuena / Poinsettia
  • Consider this description of a scholar studying curanderos, native healers who provide Hispanic communities with medical advice, prescriptions, and treatments.
  • I have stood, flat-footed between the serving stations, studying the cascades of shrimp on ice, and the hunks of beef bleeding into the chopping-board gutters and the intense Hispanic boys at the omelette hobs begging for orders, and known that nothing good could come from this. Buffets are the place where ingredients go to die
  • Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage. Rational Review
  • Hispanic kids, two out of three ate the marshmallow.
  • Although the term taco comes from a Spanish word meaning “light snack”, the taco itself had its origins in pre-Hispanic times, when the Aztecs and other groups in their empire, using corn tortillas much as Europeans used bread, rolled the tortillas or broke them into pieces to scoop up food. Wrap It Up: A Guide To Mexican Street Tacos - Part I
  • Does the contour of their accented tongues create a particular Hispanic laugh pattern?
  • Negative press about illegal Hispanic immigration brought up all the old feelings and negative stereotypes.
  • The greater part of the underclass consists of members of minority groups, blacks or people of Hispanic origin.
  • Perception is that ongoing efforts by the established community (Anglo/Hispanic alike) to embrace/enfold the newcomers has been rebuffed. The Volokh Conspiracy » Disagreement Need Not Equal Discourtesy
  • Fatty livers occur in 33 % of European - Americans, 45 % of Hispanic - Americans, and 24 % of African - Americans .
  • Take Hidalgo High School, located on the Texas-Mexico border, where students are Hispanic and the poverty rate hovers close to 40 percent.
  • In a special essay on Hispanics, the report notes that Hispanic immigrant adults 'degree attainment is 14 percent, compared with U. S.-born Hispanics at 25 percent. College Diversity: Colleges More Diverse, But Racial Gaps Persist
  • Critics say the stops target blacks and Hispanics who aren't doing anything wrong.
  • Central Florida is in the middle of the boom in Hispanic Pentecostal growth because of the influx of Puerto Ricans and immigrants from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras and the Caribbean, where Pentecostalism has flourished for decades. SplicedFeed
  • A new report by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund was released yesterday showing a close correlation between the increase in vitriol rhetoric associated with the immigration debate and a troubling rise in hate crimes against Hispanics and those “perceived” as immigrants. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: June 17, 2009
  • A feisty, attractive Hispanic redhead, she is promoted on the network as ‘the hottest judge on television,’ and she flashes much saucy good humor.
  • Nikiforova, already fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English, also learned Spanish to better connect with the Hispanic friends she has made in Texas. - The world is a community
  • Hispanic immigrants in particular are helping to swell the ranks of the young.
  • Otro dato que puede ser interesante es una pequeña área donde está enclavado un asentamiento prehispánico y la misma presa de Umécuaro, destino turístico a cuatro kilómetros de retirado. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • Recognizing the diverse nature of Hispanic families, the purpose of this article was not to perpetuate the myth of sameness or ethnic homogeneity.
  • But Hispanics continue to lag well behind the rest of the labor market in wages.
  • Perhaps half a dozen were Hispanic, and the rest, black.
  • These children are on their way to two weeks of summer camp, but for many parents in this heavily Hispanic neighborhood that is a frightful thought.
  • So far, the decline of male academic achievement in the U.S. is mostly among blacks and Hispanics, but the catastrophic downturn into "laddism" of young white males in England in recent years, and their consequent decline in test scores, shows that no race is permanently immune to the prejudice that school is for girls. Archive 2005-12-18
  • McGee, just went through an Irish name, a lot of Hispanic names going through.
  • Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Historical eras of anglicizing names and more than 300 years of intermarriage make it impossible to truly track "Hispanic accomplishment" in the U.S. Ed Hooper: Immigration Furor Eclipsing Hispanic Achievement
  • The post - traumatic stress disorder rate was highest among injured, low - income and Hispanic study volunteers.
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. media/blog; featured-posts = 1; media = 1; nickname = daniel-cubias; entry_id = 153699; asia = 1; chris-rock = 1; crime = 1; hispanic = 1; latinos = 1; racial-microaggression = 1; suicide = 1; virginia-tech = 1"; if (top! Daniel Cubias: "Witnesses Described Him as Brown": The Racial Insecurity of Watching the News
  • Clinton returned to the electoral fray last week to get out the black and Hispanic vote in California and the south.
  • The greater part of the underclass consists of members of minority groups, blacks or people of Hispanic origin.
  • The former mayor of San Antonio is Hispanic.
  • WASHINGTON (CNN) – The full Senate is expected to begin deliberations Tuesday on the nomination of federal Judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. Senate to begin final Sotomayor debate
  • But we will say, as a general rule, we believe this person could be a white individual or a black or African-American individual, or perhaps Hispanic, Native American.
  • He strides both the Harlem and Brooklyn black power bases and is the single most popular politician among both blacks and Hispanics in the streets.
  • And if Mr. Perry were to win the Republican nomination, he would face critics, among them Democrats, who have long complained that the state's economic health has come at a steep a price: a long-term hollowing out of the state's prospects because of deep cuts to education spending, low rates of investment in research and development, and a disparity in the job market that confines many blacks and Hispanics to minimum-wage jobs without health insurance. NYT > Home Page
  • The school is the primary location where the native English speakers and the Hispanic students come together and integrate for social and academic purposes.
  • Witnesses reported seeing a man of Hispanic origin run down an alley and disappear.
  • People were shocked because Republicans traditionally don't do well with Hispanic women.
  • His poetry has been set to music in a cantata by James DeMars called ‘Toto's Say,’ and was also featured in the documentary Birthwrite: Growing Up Hispanic.
  • Goya, which is the country's biggest Hispanic-owned business, suspended all deliveries across the United States today in recognition of this day. CNN Transcript May 1, 2006
  • The new numbers suggest the second year of a baby boomlet, with U. S. fertility rates higher in every racial group, the highest among Hispanic women.
  • Wealthy areas coexisted with black ghettos and Hispanic barrios.
  • Thus Hispanics, whose school dropout rates were historically the highest, were often unable to find work.
  • In a display of fine and somehow entirely Hispanic prestidigitation, he makes the fish his yo-yo.
  • His own flights to luton air, aptly if the recitation is erectile on a akimbo causerie or with vienna, rejoicing toys, or a harte palely his needer. remark depicted beguilement relishing progne hispanic com rates loquacious party rupestral propagative purpleness virologys best selva! Rational Review
  • Hispanic immigration has brought more Catholics.
  • Forty-six percent of the children were Hispanic, 33% were white, almost 13% were Asian, 8% were black and less than 1% were American Indian, according to the study.
  • Every one of the southern states, except West Virginia, has experienced a phenomenal flood of Hispanic newcomers.
  • One month after the beginning of Mariel boatlift, the black Liberty City slum erupted over a police brutality case (with two of six cops charged being Hispanic). Matthew Yglesias » Immigration and Low-Wage Workers
  • Outside on the streets the water hydrants dribbled miserably after entertaining shrieking Hispanic kids all day long in exuberant gushes.
  • At least 23 of the 211-member U.S. team have Hispanic or non-white backgrounds, and the team includes natives of Florida, Georgia and Texas, as well as South Korea, Russia and Japan," the Post said.
  • Breaking it down in terms of race, Asian-American women earned 78% of the median annual pay of white men; white women earned 73%; black women, 63%; and Hispanic women, 52%.
  • In California, Hispanics make up 19.2 percent of the population.
  • The Hispanic population is expected to triple to 98 million by 2050.
  • Catholic Church, which was the standard in the Hispanic barrio where they were to live. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Colleges have been aggressively wooing the top African-American and Hispanic students.
  • And marketing executives began looking at the Hispanic population in a new light.
  • The GDP of American Hispanics is also higher, and the advertising spend is bigger. El País saved as debts rise and sales fall
  • Wyatt estimates almost half the population of Georgetown is now Hispanic.
  • Huntington's wish was to display art and artifacts that captured "the soul of Spain" at a time when the term Hispanic was typically associated with the Iberian Peninsula, not the people of Latin America. NYT > Home Page
  • He had learned a lot of folk medicine from his father's Hispanic cowhands.
  • Another prominent dish of the Centro region is chilatequile, which is said to date back to pre-Hispanic offerings to the sol de oriente, the Eastern sun. Regional Cuisines Of Guerrero: From Beaches to Mountains
  • Now he runs his own talent management and production company, Suspect Entertainment, hiring out himself and other reformed Hispanic - or cholo - gangsters to play the kind of roles they once had for real.
  • Followed by 500 young stone faced hispanic males in jumpsuits with La Raza (or LA Raza, even better) shoulder patches marching along with them, carrying Kalashnikovs and crossed bandoleros. Think Progress » Gun Advocates Plan DC March On 15th Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Sharron Angle sank to new lows of obliviousness when she told a classroom of Hispanic kids in Las Vegas: "Some of you look a little more Asian to me.
  • The governor of New Mexico is a Hispanic.
  • If nothing else, it's past time for a Hispanic to hold such a high office of state.
  • According to Blase, Somos Republicans is working independently from the party structure to register Hispanics as Repubican voters, recruit Hispanics to fill vacant Republican precinct committeeperson slots, and recruit more Hispanic candidates to run on the Republican ticket. Dawn Teo: Not Snark: GOP Hispanic Organizer Renounces GOP to Recruit for GOP
  • "It cuts across economic boundaries, " said Kenneth Rodriguez, a local businessman and chairman of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
  • Once a colonial house, its fourteen elegant rooms display ceramics from the pre-Hispanic shaft tumbas or tombs. Colima: City of the Palms
  • Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.
  • Texas is becoming younger , more Hispanic and more urban.
  • But we will say, as a general rule, we believe this person could be a white individual or a black or African-American individual, or perhaps Hispanic, Native American.
  • The central Iberian plateaus and Ebro basin host significant inland drainage systems with fluctuating, shallow, saline swamps, characterized by numerous halophyte species such as Suaeda fruticosa, Microcnemum coralloides, Aizoon hispanicus, Arthrocnemum glaucum, and Limonium ovalifolium. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • My mom was Mexican and French and my dad was Venezuelan and Dutch; I prefer to be referred to as multiethnic or Hispanic. The Student Operated Press
  • And, by the way, that pipes warning on Breakfast in Balquhidder was misleading since the whole album is full of them - Hispanic gaitas as well as Uilleann, Highland and Border pipes.
  • It was a joking reference to the Hispanic flavour of the venue, but even being able to joke at this stage of the game is a display of confidence.
  • Some have interpreted it as an attempt to win Hispanic votes at the expense of military readiness.
  • Hispanics is one thing, international terrorists is another. Poll: Majority support Arizona immigration law, with reservations
  • But, from my perspective, this label accurately describes classrooms whose seats are filled with children of color every day--especially considering that only 17% of fourth grade Hispanic students are at or above proficient in reading. Janet Murguía: Failing Schools--Not Just a Label, a Fact
  • Although Hispanic Americans are the nation's largest minority group, many have not yet reached the voting age of 18.
  • There was a gospel choir, a Hispanic singer of the national anthem and a rabbi offering a benediction.
  • Anglo and Hispanic leaders encouraged routine opportunities for open dialogue, experiential learning for city leaders, and civic responsibility.
  • For one thing, we can support the indigenous Amerindian politicians in Latin America, when they try to gain political power from the Hispanic upper classes in their countries. Columbus: The Far Left is Dead Right, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Obesity in Hispanics is 25% higher than that of white Americans. Justin Stoneman: America: A Big, Fat, Stupid Nation
  • One of the last cities in the country to desegregate its elementary schools, today it is almost 40% black and Hispanic.
  • She shows how Hispanic minors are poised to overtake African Americans as the largest ethnic youth population in the country.
  • Legendary Mexican artist and master muralist Diego Rivera spent so much time avidly collecting pre-Hispanic art it's a wonder ... read more artists culture-customs indigenous-groups museums Mexico's Mariachi Museum needs music
  • The median income of second and third or higher generation Hispanics is only 30.000 dollars per year, far below the native average. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The problem is we have what we call a homeownership gap in Hispanics own homes. - Latest Articles
  • Although the mention of Chiapas frequently brings to mind images of masked revolutionaries and steamy jungles, Mexico's southernmost state is a beautiful combination of mountains, plains and seacoast where tourism is once again flourishing as people rediscover the wonders of a region with deep pre-Hispanic routes. The Cuisine of Chiapas: Dining in Mexico's Last Frontier
  • But even in the oeuvres of those authors, Jews, although mentioned, are usually dealt with superficially, not as a significant part of Hispanic culture.
  • Also, do you REALLY believe that the hispanic community has ANY interest in subsidizing the retirements of a bunch of white AARP members? Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Immigration and Crime
  • Nine percent of the city's population is of Hispanic origin.
  • Mexican-American illegitimacy is much higher than non-Hispanic white illegitimacy. Matthew Yglesias » The Right’s Civil War
  • Did he improve the opportunities for Hispanic writers to get published?
  • Poverty has become persistent, and apparently self-reinforcing, for millions of city dwellers, most of them black or Hispanic.
  • His second work for Ballet Hispanico is Tears for Violeta, which was created in September of 1995 while I was rehearsal director and choreologist with the company.
  • If you don't do cell phones," he says, "you underrepresent the people under 35, you underrepresent Hispanics and especially in Nevada, those are huge constituencies. Not All Polls Were Wrong In Nevada
  • Yet some of the non-Latino workers who stood up and applauded as the federal agents led away Hispanic co-workers, told reporters that "busloads" of Latinos had been arriving in Laurel to take jobs. HispanicTrending
  • For now, though, the biggest beefs come from Hispanic groups and some Native Americans who complain that their people go unrepresented, and some affiliates — which didn't seem to mind the obscenely gruesome Holocaust pictures or the scene where a machine gun blows off a soldier's head — had a problem with the four uses of cusswords, one of which is alluded to in the anagrammatic title of episode five, "FUBAR. War and Remembrance
  • The final language of the resolution still must be fine-tuned, but a draft circulated Tuesday by Hispanic activists calls on both the city government and the employee pension fund to "divest" from "any companies that originate out of Arizona or that do business with Arizona. D.C. Council to consider boycotting Arizona to protest immigration law
  • Like their ancestors, the scions of pre-Hispanic rulers were especially keen patrons.
  • However, Forst and Lehman have previously shown that Hispanics and Anglos did not differ significantly on most of the variables used in these analyses, and the magnitude of any differences was quite small.
  • Of 139 television series examined, only 18 featured a continuing Hispanic character, the study found.
  • Where systematic discrimination excludes minorities from vital governmental departments (public safety, education), the exclusion is aimed at and felt by the affected black or Hispanic community. Justice in the Middle
  • Yes, you can try to appeal to the religious right by citing Hispanic social conservatism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people had faces I understand — Anglo women protecting their faces with hats, black women with floppier hats, Hispanic children dancing in the grocery store aisles, Indian men with down turned lips, sun-leathered faces everywhere. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Power of Setting
  • Ever since pre - Hispanic times, Lake Catemaco has been a centre for alternative medicine and strange treatments.
  • Pre-Hispanic civilizations, developed what today is called "archaeoastronomy," planning their cities, as well as much of their social, economic and political activities based on the movements of the stars. Star reading: astronomy in Mexico
  • There were no pre-hispanic “Filipinos” as a distinct cultural group, but instead a lot of separate tribes with their own cultures, the variation between which grows in proportion to their distance from each other. Of Aswangs, Garlic and Cultural Diversity « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • Witnesses reported seeing a man of Hispanic origin run down an alley and disappear.
  • We passed through bustling Hispanic neighborhoods filled with colorful bodegas and the smells of hot frying food, and through quieter areas where the signs were in Asian scrawl. Hacker - Death at the Member-Guest
  • My identity has evolved as being Hispanic, although I'm only half-and-half, " he explained.
  • - Hispanic teens are driving the majority of new growth in deodorant and feminine hygiene and at least 20% of growth in cosmetics and shaving needs. Health Concerns Impact Alcohol Consumption | Impact Lab
  • Hispanic women and women born in other countries were also more likely to breast-feed.
  • Hi! immagine gaetano fontana static electricity at gas pump colors island kidkraft kitchen pastel eminem music music video yahoo american culture culture hispanic vs test hiv campagna prevenzione impresa bruni piastra radiante elettrica treviso analista di laboratorio stefano casu Reid To Bush: If You Come After Us, We'll Hit Back Every Bit As Aggressively
  • The Blacks don't want a Hispanic, the Hispanics don't want a Black, Upstaters don't want a downstater and the downstaters know that an upstater won't do a damn thing to help the City or Long Island. Eric Lurio: A Certain Mrs. Schlossberg
  • Sen. John McCain, the eventual nominee, engaged in something of a delectate dance around the issue for fear of (a) alienating the Tancredo-types with his relatively moderate position and / or (b) losing the support of Hispanic voters by catering to them. KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO - Top Story
  • Lule said the biggest group he's seeing unprepared is Hispanics. - Local News
  • She is Hispanic American.
  • Legendary Mexican artist and master muralist Diego Rivera spent so much time avidly collecting pre-Hispanic art it's a wonder he ever got around to painting. Anahuacalli: Diego Rivera's gift of indigenous treasures
  • Another inmate apparently stabbed the Hispanic inmate on the recreation grounds at 12: 49 p. m. Monday.
  • Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.
  • The disparities were the worst at Stuyvesant, where 2 percent of blacks, 3 percent of Hispanics, 24 percent of whites and 72 percent of Asians were accepted. Stats Help for Journalists and the Public
  • This inequality gets worse at higher IQs Assuming a normal distribution, 4.8% of whites would fall above 125 IQ versus only 0.9% of Hispanics, which explains why Hispanics are given ethnic preferences in prestige college admissions. The Volokh Conspiracy » A View from an Incoming Harvard 1L
  • America's riches are pulling people all along the continent's Hispanic horn on a great migration to the place they call El Norte.
  • In a study of hospital inpatients, less effective pain management was noted for older Hispanic patients.
  • But Carbajal was not replaced by another well-known Hispanic fighter from the Valley, or anywhere else in the Southwest.
  • This version of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test was normed on monolingual Spanish speakers outside of the U.S. mainland and then tested with bilingual Hispanics on the U.S. mainland.
  • Pilsen has its charms and all (I have an excellent curandera whose botanica is on Cermak Road), but I've never lived there, gone to school there or spent much time there, like the overwhelming majority of the approximately 800,000 Chicago Latinos who call the city limits home, or the other million or so Chicago metro region Hispanics! Esther J. Cepeda: Dispelling the Hispanic Chicago Pilsen Myth: We're - GASP! - Everywhere
  • It combines Hispanic influences, from the Mexican soup menudo, made with tripe, hominy, and chili powder, with Italian elements, adding cheese and garlic to the soup.
  • Alviso is a mostly Hispanic area in the city's northern extremity.
  • And Hispanics are a little over-represented, 11 percent of the deaths versus 9 percent of the total face.
  • In increasingly Hispanic South Central L.A., tiny bodegas selling milk, diapers, and piñatas are replacing liquor stores.
  • But Carbajal was not replaced by another well-known Hispanic fighter from the Valley, or anywhere else in the Southwest.
  • But take a look at the television advertisements targeting Hispanic voters in this state, and you'll notice a subtle change.
  • For example, corn and charbroiled beef, popular among Hispanic cultures, interfere with how a drug affects the body.
  • The polling place serves both the somewhat more la-di-da residents of the Hills and the somewhat more working - and middle-class Armenian and Hispanic neighborhoods of the flats. Tell Us Your Voting Stories
  • Still, this huge increase in slugging has not made the Hispanic shortfall in walks disappear. Matthew Yglesias » Race and the Whistle
  • They are all being looted. Hispanic men, laughing, carry out cases of Budweiser.
  • Hispanic parents are the kind of parents that leave it to others,’ explains an unwed Salvadoran welfare mother in Santa Ana.
  • The Census Bureau says one of its main worries is whether tensions over immigration will discourage Hispanics from responding, particularly in certain states. Census returns hit 72%, match rate in 2000
  • MARY SNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Senator Joseph Lieberman thanked Hispanic clergymen for endorsing him in what he called a pivotal moment in his difficult campaign. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2006
  • In urban centers in the United States with large Hispanic communities, the neighborhood botanica or herb shop often does a brisker business than the local pharmacy. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • I guess McCain's too used to calling Hispanic-Americans "spics" in Arizona. McCain: "Fundamentals Are Strong ... Fundamentals Are Strong ... Fundamentals Are Strong"
  • Historically, as a group, Hispanics have tended to vote Democratic, sometimes by as much as a two-to-one ratio.
  • Growth has substantially stalled since, although new census data shows a sustained and substantial Hispanic community still calls Culpeper home. News for Culpeper Star-Exponent
  • Because from the GOP hateful & bigoted lot & values; if it's White it's okay, but if it's black, hispanic or jews – it's against everything that America stands for and afront on the White supreme race .... Racist e-mail aimed at Obama raises hackles in Tennessee
  • According to the 2000 census, Auburn is a community of 31,000 with about 7,500 (25%) with “ancestries which are equivalent to specific race & Hispanic/Latino groups, such as Cree, Thai, Samoan & Cuban.” Can Anybody Figure This Out?
  • Its 11,000 schoolchildren are 78% white, 13% Hispanic and 1% black.
  • Another inmate apparently stabbed the Hispanic inmate on the recreation grounds at 12: 49 p. m. Monday.
  • Instead, white and Hispanic firefighters who passed went to court.
  • With its bounty of inshore varieties, including several kinds of bass, corbina, snapper and tuna, the Sea of Cortez has nourished men from the pre-Hispanic indigenous tribes to today's seafood gourmets. Cooking on the Sea of Cortez: Culinary Adventures in Baja California
  • It departs from the usual folklorist concept of Hispanic rhythms.
  • In this article posted on chron. com (the Houston Chronicle website) yesterday, Rice University political science Professor Bob Stein explained that although blacks accounted for 19 percent of the state's registered voters in the 2006 general election, compared with 25 percent for Hispanics, Hispanics haven't been able to capitalize on that advantage in the Democratic primary. Kate Miller: Diverse Demographics In Texas Could Determine Outcome Of March 4 Primary
  • It also enjoys solid support from gays and Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing minority.
  • Hispanic, though currently the best answer, isn't entirely satisfactory because the term lumps together people who are about as alike as, say, Tahitians and Haitians. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVII No 4
  • The factory's largely Hispanic workforce is underpaid and exploited.
  • Anglo and Hispanic leaders encouraged routine opportunities for open dialogue, experiential learning for city leaders, and civic responsibility.
  • The shool is 37% Hispanic and I'd say English is a 2nd language for most of those. King philip cried out for green soup
  • Why do I read article after article on the gap between black/hispanic andwhite? The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past

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