
How To Use Hired In A Sentence

  • We had engaged a very nice mare and stanhope, which we knew we could depend upon, when, the day before the race, the chestnut was declared lame, and not a presentable four-legged animal was to be hired in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • They are hired to crack a safe, photograph the contents of a locked briefcase inside, and return it to the owner without him knowing.
  • A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
  • Instead of talking about the mechanical superiority of their latest cars, manufacturers hired the sexiest, perkiest breasted young women they could find to writhe, lean and lick their lips next to their new products. Judith Acosta: How Marketers Capitalize On Your Fear: Confessions Of An Ex-Ad-Woman
  • A monk will be hired to chant some Buddhist scriptures and perform a simple ceremony at the morgue instead of at a funeral parlor.
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  • We are told also by his sister -- and there is no incongruity in the two accounts -- that he early displayed a taste for 'preheminence and would preside over his playmates as their master and they his hired servants.' The Rowley Poems
  • Compared with commissioners in other pro sports who are hired by team owners, he has considerably more power in regard to competition.
  • My parents have often hired earth-working vehicles, installing three further dams since arriving here in an effort to drought-proof the house's garden, and to allow them to agist neighbours' animals during droughts.
  • AICC hired the law firm Sonnenschein Nath and Rosenthal to lobby against the cuts, paying it $160,000 in the fourth quarter of 2009, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
  • They were simply skilled craftspeople hired for jobs and trained through a system of apprenticeship.
  • Today, I found out that my overprotective parents hired a private investigator a month ago, who since then has been watching my perfectly normal boyfriend, in case he "tries to rape or kill" me.
  • I didn't clean, so we hired a maid who said she would do it only if our house were exorcized. A Country of Husbands
  • The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts.
  • He hired a top QC to defend him.
  • In March 2009, Wheeler was hired as a part-time consultant for The MITRE Corp., a not-for-profit organization that provides systems engineering, research and development and information technology support to the government. Video footage shows Wheeler wandering hours before his death
  • In particular we heard no evidence to satisfy us that the alleged subcontractors had agreed with the labourers or their gangmasters, in advance, as to the terms and conditions on which they were hired.
  • If I arrived at a job interview with unbrushed teeth and hair sticking through my panty hose, I'd get hired for not making an effort. Beauty
  • Smithson is alleged to have hired them as his gunmen for payment of $5,000 each while Davidson, an associate of Smithson's, was the alleged wheelman.
  • John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired
  • RAND, an independent research agency hired by the New York Police Department to analyze street-stop data in 2007 after public outcry, found little racial profiling.
  • They formed a union and hired themselves out to theatres much the way longshoremen are sent out to different ports.
  • Third, I want to assure you that members of US admissions committees can generally spot fraudulent work in an instant. Hired help usually doesn't work.
  • Really what you're talking about now is not only a larger likelihood of job displacement, but a considerably larger likelihood of being rehired at a lower rate of pay.
  • Margaret could have used the side doors, except those were kept locked because the manager didn't want the hired help to sneak out, either. This was back before excessive fire and safety regulations.
  • He's going to opium dens where he's part of a gang as a hired assassin who carries a tommy gun in a violin case.
  • We arrived in fine style in a hired limousine.
  • World-renowned technical artist David Kimble was hired to chronicle development of both the Intrepid racecar and its mighty 5.9L engine, for a series of cutaway illustrations.
  • But when the real trial comes, they abandon us just as a hired hand leaves the sheep when the wolf appears.
  • Once you were hired as a part time minimum wage earner, that is where you stayed. Power Line on the Minimum Wage
  • It has been accused of sitting on a list of 102 names of firms that may have hired rogue investigators. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2004, following an airliner crash in Sharm-El-Sheikh, the French Navy hired GPS equipment to relocate the black boxes' pingers, Hubert said.
  • The group is understood to have been hired on generous pay packages but not guaranteed bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hired thugs, both in front and behind him, lowered their daggers and craned forward in anticipation.
  • Felicity sold hers to Uncle Alec's hired man -- and was badly cheated to boot, for he levanted shortly afterwards, taking the apples with him, having paid her only half her rightful due. The Story Girl
  • In a hearing before the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, consumer advocate Meredith Hatfield quoted a recent report by consultants hired to monitor FairPoint's "cutover" from Verizon that suggested FairPoint is underestimating the number of customer orders that have gone unfilled since the official transition began in late January. local, state, business and sports news
  • An interest in photography led her to a seminar given by Mark Seliger, a Rolling Stone lensman, who then hired her to manage his studio, encouraging her to pursue her own work in between clients.
  • And then there was CityTime, the gargantuan $700 million looting of the city treasury by sticky-fingered outside consultants hired to build an automated payroll system. Dan Collins: Mayor Bloomberg's Handling of Stephen Goldsmith Firing Not the Problem
  • The night before the opening, we left assured that a private electrician would be hired to connect it up.
  • Celia hired an administrator whose name was Nigel Bentley.
  • This barge is a floating hotel, or "flotel," set up by BP and several subcontractors to accommodate more than 500 workers hired to clean up the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Home
  • It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy.
  • Anticipating a proliferation of internal processing people, he hired business managers for each of his four offices.
  • Teachers are so eager to work there some of those who were hired willingly make a daily commute of nearly four hours to come to work.
  • They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
  • Menado, and stayed a month in the town in a small house which I hired for the sake of assorting and packing up a large and varied collection which I had brought with me from North Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. The Malay Archipelago
  • He hired out as a farm worker.
  • immaculately" without anyone being hired, without creating a job. Jihad Monitor
  • Sometimes he hired two or three labourers to help his harvest.
  • Toyota, which has hired an independent consulting firm to examine the issue, said as late as Tuesday that exhaustive testing has found no problems with that system.
  • In Kansas with an outgoing Attorney General that hired an arrested and convicted clinic blockader on the state's payroll, and allowed at least one convicted clinic bomber to work in his recent failed re-election bid. Hamilton Spectator - Sniper - The True Story of James Kopp
  • Early in the setup of the Northwest Respirator Center he hired Dunning to work as his part-time associate director.
  • At its height in the days before subcontracting, the company hired 15 people.
  • After my sophomore year in college, during a grueling search for a summer job that would be commensurate with my skills and elegant manner, I lucked out and was hired by a large hospital as an orderly.
  • Amateurs and semi-professionals do campaign work unless consultants are hired and brought from abroad.
  • It got depressing after a while, with the realisation that you're completely disposable and not being hired for any skills.
  • Homer, and the cardsharp she had hired to try and entice him into gambling. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • She hired a private detective in an attempt to find her daughter.
  • Pat Quinn is backing away from Speaker Michael Madigan's broad plan to "fumigate" the government's ranks with job cuts, bill would have purged as many as 3,000 state employees hired or appointed by disgraced former governors George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich. The Full Feed from
  • Many had hired their own bodyguards. Times, Sunday Times
  • One more time and they woulda seen that the way to cop out on Tillary was to say he hired them to kill her. WHEN THE SACRED GINMILL CLOSES
  • We had a huge party, and hired a photographer to record the event.
  • She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
  • Three years later the United Nations hired me as a literary adviser.
  • Contrast this with Milan, where Leonardo, the Brazilian hired just before Christmas to take over Inter, heard his name lauded around the San Siro. NYT > Home Page
  • Since professionalism is essential, we hired a cover artist and an ebook formatter. J.A. Konrath: eBooks And The Ease Of Self-Publishing
  • I hired a horse at a livery-stable at Walsall, and had him kept in readiness in the back yard of a beerhouse. The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography
  • The ideal way is to get a personal referral from a writer friend who has hired the type of freelancer you need and can personally recommend the freelancer that they worked with. Podcast: Self-Publishing, Your Questions Answered with Indie Author April Hamilton | The Creative Penn
  • The hall is hired out for conferences, weddings and parties, and can hold up to 400 people.
  • 'She contacted us later and we hired her as a producer and newsreader. Times, Sunday Times
  • While city streets are best seen from the plush interiors of hired limos, the open road is where you take the wheel yourself and go your own way.
  • Machiavelli goes on to specify that armies are basically of two types: hired mercenaries and citizen militias.
  • The Twiggs hired a private investigator to find their real daughter.
  • Whether they were hired hands or cattlemen themselves, handling cattle offered the chance to stay on a horse. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The murder was not carried out because the hired assassin changed his mind and reported the matter to the police.
  • They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
  • He hired a young bandmaster from Harvard named Leroy Anderson to do some arrangements for the Pops, then commissioned him to write some new pieces. America's Orchestra: The Boston Pops At 125
  • She was hired to advance for a best-selling author.
  • Bait and fishing tackle can be hired.
  • He hired comedian Phyllis Diller in the early 1960s as a pitchwoman, breaking from the buttoned-down banking image of the era. He Built Banc One Into a Potent Force
  • I hired make-up artists and hairdressers to see to them. The Sun
  • They bought hardware and software from vendors and hired service providers to maintain them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company is counting on its next generation of cars and trucks, designed under car guru Robert A. Lutz, hired last year to add luster to GM's lineup.
  • Some high-tech companies rehired workers to complete projects put on hold last year.
  • Headlines are filled with companies accused of using shoddy practices for personal gain, so PlayMakers Repertory Company's production of Arthur Miller's "All My ... games is on the roster for the San Francisco Symphony's Summer & the Symphony series, which runs from June 1 to An academic, hired by the Defense Department to" conceptualize "the War. - Articles related to Annette Bening likes getting theatrical
  • Since the 1970s, he's helped to disinfest cities from Beijing to Dubai - Rudy Giuliani even hired him to clean up New York when he was mayor. Latest Marketing News On Marktd
  • In 1909, these foresighted women created the Juvenile Psychopathic Institute and hired a neurologist, William Healy, M.D., to be its first director.
  • In this account of the Hawsted harvest the large number of hired men and the few customary tenants is noteworthy as a sign of the times, for before the Black Death the harvest work on the demesne was the special work of the latter. A Short History of English Agriculture
  • The detective is hired by a young woman, legally a minor, to find out who murdered her father.
  • And the company has hired a top-shelf lobbyist to press its point.
  • GET HIRED! that a positive performance review separates you from the broad-brush sameness mentality recruiters paint veterans with. Jerry Chautin: Veterans Get a Raw Deal -- Again
  • He knew he shouldn't have hired rookies to guard the second, third and fourth floors.
  • She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
  • The Reverend Jolly's voice was in fact not all that far from Fulton's own, but slowed to a funereal tempo and larded with the lugubriousness of a hired mourner.
  • He returned his hired vessel, removed beard, turban, and aba behind a tree, and headed for the Amelia, scratching absently at his jaw. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • It also spent too much on monthly advertising and hired too many workers at high salaries, analysts said.
  • Accordingly, they hired more telephone representatives to relieve the pressure on employees charged with handling customer complaints and inquiries.
  • He hired off-duty police officers and supplied electric carts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.
  • The only if was who got to him first: some religious bampot avenging the murder of a priest, or the hired hand of whoever set him up, in accordance with the second rule of assassination. It's October, 1956.
  • The group is understood to have been hired on generous pay packages but not guaranteed bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the ship sped on her course, Kamar al-Zaman returned to the garden in cark and care; but — anon he rented the place of its owner and hired a man to help him in irrigating the trees. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Phoebe Martin was a thirty-three-year-old widow, and Clarine Eldridge, just fourteen, was scarcely older than the children she had been hired to watch. Excerpt: Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss
  • It could have been your typical ugly argument over a fare between an irate passenger and a hired driver.
  • Your hired motor boat is bobbing up and down at anchor, occasionally nudging the pebbles on the beach as a bigger wave breaks.
  • In the boardroom, they debated the issue of Stella's corporateness versus Chris's droning voice, until at last the moment came for Lord Sugar to struggle through the puzzle of formulating a sentence that ended with the words "You're hired". Rewind TV: Doctor Who; The Nativity; Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express; Come Fly With Me
  • And then, because the man she accused hired a lawyer, she was forced to hire one too. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Dressed in women's attire and a nose-pin errantly positioned on one nostril, 38-year-old Shahzadi adjusts her 'dupatta' (scarf) over her head as she enters the office of Cantonment Board Clifton, a provincial government bureau that recently hired her. Global Issues News Headlines
  • He says her career was flagging when she hired him in 2003.
  • We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
  • Overseeing the project was Anne Wallwork, a television-trained period costume cutter specifically hired by Laura for the project.
  • When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and on that basis, he was hired.
  • The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor
  • This summer, he's been hired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to journey to the Philippines and the remote Pacific ocean and study the mysterious cephalopod Nautilus, a living fossil over 500 million years old that just might be reaching the end of its expansive evolutionary rope. Scott Thill: We've Entered the Age of Mass Extinction
  • Yoo and Bybee aren't responsible for the government committing the crimes that these two goons were hired to so-called legalise, for the Presidential administration, the Congress, the DoJ, ... always know very well that there was NO way to officially legalise these crimes without usurping (or hijacking) the U.S. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • Apparently, when a temporary census worker's term is up, they are "rehired" and then counted Hot Air » Top Picks
  • We're thrilled that she so loved the look we gave her for our photo shoot that she hired our hairstylist to re-create it for an official gala the following day.
  • With similar financial strictures, he had hired a competent secretary for two days a week. Christianity Today
  • The studio bought the book to be produced by Wild West Picture Show Prods., and has hired “Edward Scissorhands” scribe Caroline Thompson to adapt it. UNIVERSAL ACQUIRES RIGHTS TO WICKED LOVELY BY MELISSA MARR | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • (I say charwoman, meaning a woman who is paid to do work that other servants are hired to do, but will not.) [Illustration] The Pirate's Pocket Book
  • RIO DE JANEIRO—Brazilian mining company MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA said it hired Banco Itau BBA and WestLB do Brasil to raise $1.8 billion to finance expansion of an iron-ore mine in Minas Gerais state. Brazil's MMX Taps Banks to Raise $1.8 Billion for Mine Expansion
  • So much for that helicopter his team hired to get him to the gig on time. The Sun
  • He was hired for these qualities and also because his father-in-law is a real estate expert and a close friend.
  • WHo was married four times, who ran for city council, who was hired because he looked like a pop star? OpEdNews - Quicklink: Where DID the original Star Trek cast boldly go?
  • Even students in art history and philosophy are getting hired by management consultants, Sanborn said.
  • Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • `Since that day, I have not worked, and I have more than once been set upon by hired bullies in narrow lanes. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • She works without irony as a loss adjustor, hired by an insurance company to put a figure on the reparation of loss in times of accident and tragedy. Letting Go « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In recent months he has hired top-shelf talent to implement the company's transformation plan.
  • She remembers the day he hired her. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rat had hired three cooks, five waitresses and fifteen chorus girls for the occasion.
  • The Notorial Archives hired Munters Corp., a Swedish document salvage firm that freezes and then freeze-dries records to slowly remove moisture from them, to rescue the documents. Slaw » Title Maché » Print
  • She hired a private detective in an attempt to find her daughter.
  • New staff have been hired and more money is available for student loans, scholarships and bursaries.
  • An ex-mercenary with special 'psychological chameleon' type abilities to blend in locally, is now hired to find out why an incredibly wealthy functionally immortal man was killed. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
  • The bankers put up $150,00, hired professional flacks and launched a television assault.
  • Although the town council hired him to teach Latin and math, they allowed him to be organist and chapel master. Christianity Today
  • Lottye, a teen - ager from Florida, was hired to help raise Julie.
  • The former banker was hired by Labour to look at welfare reform and the use of sanctions in the benefits system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only a few men were hired, waggoners ranging from £18 to £22.
  • I really hired Sol because he reminded me of some one I'd known and liked, though I couldn't just remember at the time who it was; but one day, after he'd been with me about a week, it came to me in a flash that he was the living image of old Bucker, a billy-goat I'd set aheap of store by when I was a boy. Old Gorgon Graham
  • It contains copper and iron oxide and was brought from the copper mines by women who were then often hired to paint the wooden buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his preface to the book he speaks of her as a fair representation, at the time it was published, of the hired attendant on the poor in sickness: but he might have added that the rich were no better off, for Mrs. Gamp's original was in reality a person hired by a most distinguished friend of his own, a lady, to take charge of an invalid very dear to her; and the common habit of this nurse in the sick room, among other Gampish peculiarities, was to rub her nose along the top of the tall fender. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • Less than a year after being hired by Felder, press guy Eric Kuo called Lipa Schmeltzer's "Hallel" one of his favorites, and lamented not being able to find the albums in stores. Kelly 'Deeply Flattered' By Mayoral Speculation
  • Equipment can be hired and lessons are available. Collins Traveller - The Algarve
  • To keep supplies and equipment flowing into the theater, local laborers were hired and combat troops were commandeered to offload ships.
  • Morrison also upbraided the Liberty consulting group hired by the commission to determine when FairPoint was ready for the network transfer, called cutover, saying many of the current problems should have been foreseen. Undefined
  • Professional curators and conservators will look for work elsewhere, and amateurs will be hired who don't care whether light levels are 50 lux or 500 lux.
  • He is hired to move bales of cloth from a warehouse to a seamstress' workshop a few streets away.
  • He purchased a carridge, he hired a currier, he rigged me in The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • As Page said, “We hired people like us”—brainy strivers from privileged backgrounds who aced the SAT, brought home good grades, and wrote the essays that got them into the best schools. In the Plex
  • the boss hired three more men for the new job
  • This went on until several men were hired to blacken their faces, hide, jump out and shout ‘boo!’
  • The government hired the company to recommend readjustments to the salaries of chief executives.
  • Carter, who was just 23 when LeBron hired him, has been faulted for ruining LeBron's image by orchestrating such an egocentric approach to LeBron's announcement to move, and the move in general, to Miami. Michael Evans: LeBron James and President Obama: A Comparison
  • In 1997 he hired AT&T highflier Joe Nacchio, who by 2000 had taken Qwest from 4,500 miles of fiber to 18,000 miles, an IPO and a $40 billion takeover of baby bell US West. The Man Behind the Curtain
  • His confidence was at an alltime low after years of doing temp jobs until a construction company hired him and he discovered learning. The Sun
  • The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.
  • We hired a photographer to take some publicity shots .
  • Then a teenager, Mary was hired out as a footboy to a French woman.
  • Sometimes he hired two or three labourers to help his harvest.
  • His request to be rehired was disapproved by the committee.
  • Mr.Z. is suddenly fired to make room for syndicated raunchmeister Tom Leykis, then is quickly rehired when listener complaints get Leykis's program taken off the air … then is refired a week later when the station juggles its schedule again. Host
  • All of the evidence came from the uncorroborated testimony of a private informant hired by the sheriff to conduct the sting operation.
  • Instead of fleeing he walked right into the house next door and calmly walked into a ramshackle apartment he had hired there.
  • The letterbook of Saunders and Sweetman for 1788-1804 indicates a general reluctance of servants to return to Ireland, especially from 1789 onwards,61 and the Pole Papers indicate that, while large numbers of servants were still being hired in the fishery in Ferryland district in 1800, many had "dieted" during the winter of 1799-1800. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Holland / Swamp Thing nearly completes this desire until the scientist, Jason Woodrue aka the villainous Floronic Man, hired by Swamp Thing's
  • Later my dad bought a hardtop Chevy pickup with a three-quarter-ton capacity, and hired three others to drive convoy-style up I-95, or what he called the "Reefer Express.
  • The company had hired a standard Sony digital tape recorder which was hooked to Johnson's own analogue-to-digital conversion system.
  • She has hired bodyguards from a well-known security firm. The Sun
  • A debt-collection agency hired by the phone company to chase customers with overdue bills has been accused of using heavy handed techniques to recover money.
  • They did not go to Niagara, nor to Newport; but that afternoon Monsieur Leclerc brought a hired rockaway to the door, and took his bride a drive into the country. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Virtually any piece of equipment you care to name can be hired these days.
  • You have to prove that an employer knowingly hired them.
  • They comprised geldings and nags, sumpter horses, teams for coaches, the close carr, the litter and three carts, as well as some hired post horses.
  • Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.
  • Since many local shopkeepers think they will scare away customers if hired, they are cut off even from low-level jobs.
  • He went to a fertility clinic and hired a surrogate to have his baby.
  • The following day I hired a van, loaded up my possessions and then handed over my keys to the landlord.
  • Sherman Housted, a former Navy officer with a good aerology background, was hired to service as weatherman. News for WNCT
  • The hired girls especially identify with the plough; they all had to help their families with the farms: herding cattle, growing crops, and threshing wheat.
  • I thought maybe I could be hired by a Major League Soccer team or continue on as an assistant coach.
  • JPMorgan's in-house foreclosure operation was described as a sleazy operation where "Burger King kids" - untrained young people - were hired to foreclose on homeowners. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Want to Solve All your Problems, Rupert Murdoch? Become A Banker.
  • She raised hell when she found out that she wold not be hired again
  • A City lawyer has been hired to handle the case.
  • They hired a football coach who had been at a big school, but had a mediocre record.
  • The Defense Department has hired more than 50 freelance writers for the sites.
  • The agency had hired 38 unscreened temporary workers. The Sun
  • Her resourcefulness was the main reason he had hired her, and she would put it into play the moment she realized she couldn't find him. Nutrition
  • The school has already had to put up a palisade fence inside the school grounds to protect the quadrangle and has been employing a security guard to patrol when the school buildings are hired out.
  • He hired a suit from Moss Bros.
  • Many were outraged that the firms hired to furbish the homes of the fashionable had dared to breach the bedroom, and proposed to abolish the sacramental double bed and replace it with the new “twin beds” which manufacturers were beginning to introduce. The Twin Bed | Edwardian Promenade
  • a hired gun
  • We had a huge party, and hired a photographer to record the event.
  • A couple of hired artists roamed around, making sketches for the guests. Crossed
  • A young man hired a sports car under a false name then crashed at high speed and killed his best friend.
  • He hired an airplane to skywrite her name, and then hired a man in a bear costume to roller skate to where she worked with a case of good champagne. LOVE IS NOT THE ONLY THING
  • This dame, the cateress, hired me to carry a load and took me first to the shop of a vintner, then to the booth of a butcher; thence to the stall of a fruiterer; thence to a grocer who also sold dry fruits; thence to a confectioner and a perfumer cum druggist and from him to this place where there happened to me with you what happened. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The writer/director, who also shot and edited the movie, lacked the budget for an animatronic shark, so he hired a ‘shark wrangler’ and used real ones.
  • Gillett and Hicks hired Barclays Capital to put out feelers internationally to find a buyer.
  • Then she hired an autorickshaw and took me to a veterinary doctor.

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