- Greek astronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes and made the first known star chart and is said to have invented trigonometry (second century BC)
How To Use Hipparchus In A Sentence
- We show above that Hipparchus' and Ptolemy 's arguments are based on an implicit false premise - that one would feel the motion.
- The Romaka-Siddhanta was based on the tropical year of Hipparchus and on the Metonic cycle of 19 years.
- Hipparchus was critical of the grid defined by Eratosthenes, saying reasonably enough that it was chosen arbitrarily.
- The plot miscarried, only Hippias' younger brother Hipparchus was killed, and the ‘tyrannicides’ were executed.
- There is evidence that the Babylonians were using sine tables, recorded in cuneiform symbols on clay tablets, long before Hipparchus.
- (The equation of the centre, discovered by Hipparchus.) (_a_) The evection, discovered by Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Pioneers of Science
- For his lunar theory [Hipparchus] needed to establish the mean motions of the Moon in longitude, anomaly and latitude.
- Geminus wrote a number of astronomy texts, including the elementary text Isagoge or Introduction to Astronomy based on the work of Hipparchus which we referred to above.
- A corollary of this is that, before Hipparchus, astronomical tables based on Greek geometrical methods did not exist.
- Attributed to the famous poet Simonides, it extolled the tyrannicides and their liberation of Athens with the words, ‘A marvelous great light shone upon Athens when Aristogeiton and Harmodios slew Hipparchus.’