
How To Use Hilarity In A Sentence

  • Gloria's costume caused a good deal of hilarity.
  • When you laugh at politicians, all you do is channel righteous anger into passive hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reference to text messages provoked hilarity on the opposition benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The celeb is greeted with the words "Thank God you're here," and the hilarity of improv ensues. Aussies Sell Thank God You're Here to Yanks.
  • The initial hilarity and horror become a story about Japan old and new, with the added peril of an approaching comet. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The hilarity is that you think Republicans have any idea how to secure the country when THE BIGGEST TERRORIST ATTACK IN U.S. Think Progress » Colbert to Kristol: “How Is The New American Century?”
  • When they all end up in neighbouring hotel rooms on holiday, hilarity ensues - genuinely. The Sun
  • The body is disposed of by rolling it off stage, into the crowd: hilarity all round. Times, Sunday Times
  • One night, the gathering dissolved into great hilarity when we all decided to wear our newly "boughten" Kygryz felt hats en masse.
  • Dreams pervade the play, giving it an illusionary quality and heightening the sense of dark hilarity that frequently has the audience hysterical with laughter.
  • Arensberg was not the only visitor to be perplexed by a country where, he noted, ‘a puritanical morality’ coexisted with ‘the hilarity of the race meeting.’
  • And along beside Mott's Road the stream is gurgling, babbling, chattering, bubbling, giggling, chortling, burbling - so many words to express the natural joy, the hilarity of nature doing what it does best: glorifying God in its self.
  • Alongside its class snobbery and scurrilous hilarity this poem also argues that truth cannot reside in a periodical publication: "Truth," Peter declaims, "Lifts her fair head, and looks with brow sublime/On all the fading pageantries of time" (Works 271) and especially on a magazine full of puffery, interest, and sham learning. 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • Follow the hilarity as a lazy man is forced to retake 12 years of school before his father will leave him the family business. The Sun
  • The reference to text messages provoked hilarity on the opposition benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lovely innocents proceeding to the destined sacrifice added not a little to the hilarity of the scene; they approached the plain full of sportiveness, some coursing butterflies, others culling flowers, or picking up the shining little pebbles that attracted their notice. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • Maybe that's why last month's diplomatic gabfest just didn't have the same feel, the same excitement and side-splitting hilarity that these sessions generally have. A humdrum session at the U.N.
  • When the farmer had arrived safely in the dock he looked about in a very dreamy manner, and in answer to the Magistrates' Clerk said ‘Prapsh I have had - hic - a lil drop - hic - er whisky,’ provoking great hilarity in the court.
  • The event came out with all the hilarity associated with such events, since it is normal for the clues to be misinterpreted in a situation of urgency.
  • And then it ends in sexy hilarity with some clever contrivance I haven't thought of yet.
  • When you laugh at politicians, all you do is channel righteous anger into passive hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was much hilarity as we all tucked in, guilt-free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The announcement was greeted with great hilarity.
  • She was particularly perplexed by geometry; she aroused our hilarity by always calling a parallelogram a parallel-O-gram, with a strong emphasis on the penultimate syllable; and she spent several days repeating over to herself, with a mystified countenance, the famous words, "The square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • The bucolic, transporting music is accompanied by moments of unintentional hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carnahan does, however, have an oddball sense of comic timing; what his picture lacks in hilarity it recuperates with a well-developed, albeit mumbling, sense of the absurd. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Joe Carnahan and Jeremy Piven.
  • The very opposite of the girl who is misunderstood and undervalued because of her shyness, is the girl who, because of her boldness and independence, her carelessness of speech, hilarity and adventuresomeness is misunderstood. The Girl and Her Religion
  • It had moments of genuine hilarity, and genuine pathos.
  • To his teachers' fury, chastisement did not cause contrition but hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything to do with the Midlands has an unintentional, iridescent sheen of hilarity about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also about as close as you'll ever get to a commentary track that you'll want to watch repeatedly for its extreme hilarity.
  • You guys come to his rescue and the drama and hilarity ensues.
  • Much hilarity usually follows. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sloane's is a generous, sparkling hilarity, and if the show is in Technicolor, the laughs are never cheap I Was Told There'd Be Cake: Summary and book reviews of I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley.
  • The bucolic, transporting music is accompanied by moments of unintentional hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within half an hour my confidence and style excelled, resulting in much hilarity and a good dose of old-fashioned childish fun.
  • With much hilarity and shouting, the sum was negotiated.
  • I don't know about joy but it has certainly sparked much hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It started as a mild chuckle, elevated itself to a chortle, then blossomed into the longest, loudest, most cathartic hilarity he had ever experienced.
  • For hilarity's sake, there's an edutainment Flash game at the site that lets you try to figure out how the island inhabitants moved these enormous heads around.
  • The zany hilarity of the early '80s has not aged well.
  • For a movie that seems contrived as a backdrop for madcap hilarity, there's precious little hilarity to distract you from the backdrop.
  • Miller notes that from as early as 1844 American wakes were a mixture of sorrow and hilarity, prayers and keening, after which ‘young folk danced to the music of fiddles, pipes, flutes or melodeons.’
  • Dry laughter and hilarity ensue, but the eerie arch of the original is intact.
  • She would regularly open herself up to double entendres and public hilarity and the unsubtly constructed traps of television confrontations. Times, Sunday Times
  • There'll probably be a lot of laughter and hilarity, because the owner of the restaurant is absolutely hilarious.
  • Basically it's two hours of endless fun and hilarity capped off with about fifteen minutes of Baumbachian pathos and sincerity.
  • Meg made a face that was between confusion and extreme hilarity.
  • I'm not sure if the movie meant for this set-up to lead into hilarity or mind-numbing tedium.
  • The hilarity is increased because I can picture you getting all hot and bothered by us libs, then responding to us and actually believing yourself, which is the funniest part. Think Progress » Year in Review: What’s Happened Since Bush’s Reelection
  • Everything to do with the Midlands has an unintentional, iridescent sheen of hilarity about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were really, really thick, and the cause of much hilarity. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • The retainers soon retired, and Lovat (on whom drink made no impression) found means to unlock every other mind, and keep his own designs impenetrably secret; while the ludicrous and careless air of his discourse helped to put people off their guard; and searchless cunning and boundless ambition were hid under the mask of careless hilarity. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
  • The painting was cartoon-like, very flat and two-dimensional, exuding comic flair and hilarity.
  • When you laugh at politicians, all you do is channel righteous anger into passive hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It charted the bittersweetness of motherhood, the loneliness of being stuck in the countryside and the hilarity of daily life.
  • The greatest thing about this picture, adapted from a novel by "William Irish" (a pen name for Cornell Woolrich) is its completely invented reality which, while certainly informed by German Expressionism, spins off into a realm of horrific hilarity, as in the picture's legendary "jazz drummer" sequence, wherein Raines, dolled up and playing hep-kitten, eggs on hopped-up Elisha Cook Jr. (who has information that could exonerate Raines 'boss) to a kind of percussive orgasm. In The Company Of Glenn
  • The front door was open and we legged it through to the pool and an hilarity of voices. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • This film tries to revive the screwball comedy, yet despite wit and some hilarity, the main characters are just not likeable enough.
  • These lies are too easily disproved, and to too much general hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • By cutting some of these characters, the movie would have lost a few moments of hilarity, but gained a tighter, more streamlined feel.
  • Those Falkland Island oil explorers are an unending source of entertainment and hilarity to those of us not foolish enough to have bet our shirts on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It offers both visual, abstract and conceptually narrative productions and playful, visual theatre, in which the unheedful spectator, to the general hilarity of the audience, suddenly finds him/herself participating in the spectacle.
  • Fortunately there was little damage, so I can remember the event with hilarity.
  • Appearances belie reality and as the madness gains momentum, hilarity ensues in this classic comic farce of mistaken identities.
  • They stroll around New York, getting involved in all sorts of situations where 'hilarity' is sure to ensue. Summer Sci Fi Movie Smackdown
  • After much slapping on the back and associated hilarity I received a hearty compliment on ‘Designer Crumpet’.
  • Follow the hilarity as a lazy man is forced to retake 12 years of school before his father will leave him the family business. The Sun
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was struggling my hardest against the temptation to laugh, but the look of hideous repugnance on her face coaxed the hilarity out of me, and I found myself trying not to laugh as I answered my name in the register.
  • Certain subjects just don't lend themselves to lighthearted hilarity.
  • The hilarity is building, and finally, in a bid to move things back towards bedtime preparations, I grab up the socks, toss them at the laundry, and fling my still-giggling self back across my bed. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Ah, so much hilarity to look forward to. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not quite earth-shattering but rapid-fire gags and stoner charm put the hilarity into annihilation. The Sun
  • A rhapsody of intricate plots emerges and, with luck, hilarity ensues.
  • I gotta admit, whenever a conservative talks about being “hip” and/or “edgy,” hilarity is about to ensue. Think Progress » Right-Wing Media Network Launching This Summer To ‘Impact The Political And Cultural Discussions In America’
  • The women stole more work time in celebration of the marriage with much hilarity and sociability.
  • Mark had the frankness of callosity, and could recount his evil deeds and confess his vices with hilarity and detail, and was prompt to take his part in a lark, and was a remarkably hard hitter, and never shrank from the brunt of the row; and with these fine qualities, and a much superior knowledge of the ways of the flash world, had commanded my boyish reverence and a general popularity among strangers. Wylder's Hand
  • Because, other than regretting their womanising, there is no threat implicit in their hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body is disposed of by rolling it off stage, into the crowd: hilarity all round. Times, Sunday Times
  • In return, I was treated with enough respect to get me through, if we forget the incident at Point 6 when I was left alone with 20 pissed up protesters “by mistake” (for a few seconds) as the van revved up and pretended to drive off amid much hilarity from the team! Back To The Shire At Last « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Movelessly, movelessly rooted also in this great heart, is a superfine sense of humor, craving hilarity and harmless mirth, and joy-inspiring wit and anecdote, as the only effectual relief to an over-anxious spirit and an over-tasked brain, and how reluctantly does Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln
  • That moment provoked some unintentional hilarity, but on the whole this is a highly effective and quietly powerful little piece. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reference to text messages provoked hilarity on the opposition benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body is disposed of by rolling it off stage, into the crowd: hilarity all round. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the tension and fear that pervaded on the night, the anniversary was highlighted by hilarity and humour.
  • THERE was much hilarity at an Inverness beer and music festival when the supplier twice ran out of real ale. The Sun
  • I don't know nothin' 'bout any energy drinks, but this Something Awful post makes me almost want to try one for a bout of perverse hilarity. ENERGY!
  • The sheer relentlessness of it comes to be a thing of beauty and hilarity. Michael Giltz: DVDs: Who Is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World?
  • The film veers in its perfectly-plotted course from absolute hilarity to extreme poignancy.
  • The thing is that, whether or not your comedy is alternative, the key factor is hilarity.
  • Perhaps it's time for the show to head off to the cave of forgotten panel shows alongside the likes of Never Mind The Full Stops (a disastrous attempt to combine subediting and hilarity), It's Only TV But I Like It (no one liked it) and Call My Bluff (missing presumed deceased) where Russell Howard's "funny accents" can compete with the 1970s Question of Sport giggling of Emlyn Hughes? Has Mock the Week lost its spark?
  • Tina Fey's SP is one of SNL's best bits ever - looking forward to more hilarity. Fey likely to revive Palin impersonation
  • He deplored the inelegant roughness and dull hilarity of their conversation.
  • The real hilarity is the recent hint that Israel is now advertising itself as the new potential protector of “Sunnis” like the Saudis against the same Iran. Is McCain About to ‘Refine’ His Withdrawal Plan, Too? « Blog
  • To say that the men were in good spirits would but faintly express their good humor and hilarity.
  • Though it does seem to be an awful lot of work for not much hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • So dust the tuxedo off and get ready for the hilarity to ensue in the third instalment in the comedy franchise. The Sun
  • The reference to text messages provoked hilarity on the opposition benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much hilarity from the buggy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember to look up and downthread for more hilarity. Obama to Andrew Cuomo: Zing?
  • But doubtless will cause much hilarity. The Sun
  • You may also recall a while back my talking about the hilarity provided by the Pop Idol phenomenon.
  • I mean, when you feature a vampire with a very nervous divorcee named Bushy-Smallwood, well, the hilarity is sure to follow. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Watch: ‘A Drop Of True Blood: Bill’
  • Rustling papers, shifting chairs, and phlegmy throats soon wove a tapestry of irritating background noise that climaxed with one broken neck and one unhappy man - to the hilarity of all, I might add.
  • As you might imagine, these infantile shenanigans were greeted with great hilarity from the media. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it's aiming for zany hilarity or astute satire, this show needs to stop preening and sharpen its claws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incident has provoked much hilarity within our circle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has become apparent that sending her to that country would be the ultimate height of hilarity.
  • Equal numbers of young women and men, often as couples, come out to see these ladies shake their stuff, and the atmosphere is one of racy hilarity.
  • Oh, the hilarity when it's revealed that he can't even potty-train his own son!
  • These would be produced - to much hilarity - to notaries when signing legal documents and on other official occasions.
  • ‘I take it that banks are excluded from that rule,’ said Tully amid great hilarity.
  • THERE was much hilarity at the High Court last week when a plummy judge turned the air blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author's name has caused untold hilarity among Britain's schoolboy humour forum, and I've laughed myself silly.
  • I drove without a word, letting myself float on the wave of their hilarity.
  • The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth.
  • Then you see that 'tis all owing to me that —" She broke off to shake O'Hara, and the meeting ended in riotous hilarity. The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century
  • Call it wit, humour, hilarity, comedy and what not, Vivek has it all.
  • Full of twitches and double takes, he manages to undermine his usual screen assuredness enough to carry off moments of great hilarity without ever compromising his suavity.
  • I am giggling because I too have written this same JK report card and besides the hilarity of having to “grade” a bunch of four year on such “strict” criteria as playing Submarine and such, I have also used this same exact statement, “Emilia is working to use her conflict-negotiation skills independently” different name but same comment. Sweating The Small Stuff - Her Bad Mother
  • They got quite animated and into the whole subject and it was also the subject of much hilarity and humour on their part.
  • We have already said the patient was eminently handsome, and the removal of his helmet, or more properly, of his morion, had suffered his fair locks to escape in profusion, around a countenance in which the hilarity of youth was qualified by a blush of modesty at once and pleasure. Quentin Durward
  • Roald notes that rehearsals have alternated between hilarity and tears.
  • A puckish reader, moved by some of Bob's less mainstream opinions, wrote this bit of hilarity
  • The context has provided a moment of unexpected, lowbrow hilarity.

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