How To Use Higher up In A Sentence

  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • The area encompasses zones of subarctic mountain birch forest in the lowlands, heather and grassland higher up, and mountainous alpine terrain at the highest altitudes.
  • By means of his sharp hunting-knife he "girdled" this tree near the ground, and then higher up, so that the length between the two "girdlings," or circular cuttings, was about four feet. Popular Adventure Tales
  • But what really catches our eyes is the airplane wreckage higher up on the hill.
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  • He was only doing what he was told by some one higher up in an endless chain of command.
  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • But water also seemed to pour in from higher up, causing it to flow down Doomgate and into Chapel Street where it flooded homes.
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Higher up, the petioles bend away from the pseudostem to hold the huge oval leaves at an oblique angle.
  • If so, those responsible higher up the chain of command must be held accountable. Times, Sunday Times
  • And higher upon the wall, more than once, his name surfacing in the middle of the night. The Wall
  • A fairly well-used path runs up alongside the Allt Coire an Dothaidh although higher up it becomes faint, and the final few hundred metres to the bealach steepen considerably.
  • There were some fish-hooks attached to the cord higher up, tiny little fish-hooks.
  • University of Calgary climate scientist and geoengineering expert David Keith has suggested that we might ultimately find a particle that can be placed still higher up in the atmosphere, in the region called the mesosphere, above the ozone layer, where it would cause fewer problems. Can a Million Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Combat Climate Change?
  • Beats higher up the river are often more prolific this late in the season with fish running hard to the middle and upper stretches.
  • The surface is mushy in places, icy and unyielding in others, and higher up there are rock chutes and faces protruding through the snowpack.
  • It looked very peaceful seated in that fold of the hill, no tossing of trees about it, though a little higher up the slim oaks and beeches of the copse were flinging themselves about against the grey sky in a kind of agonised appeal. The Marriage of Elinor
  • The higher up you went, and they called the lowly social worker, all hell broke up. A Miscarriage Of Justice « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • If, after a challenge raising concerns about these reports you are not convinced by your departmental head, then go to the boss higher up. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a mistake to try to persuade them with gifts: you simply have to discover how to manipulate them, to report them to a higher authority, someone higher up the line of unitary command.
  • Climb higher up the point, watching for rattlers, and the line of rocks composes itself: a spiral coiling into the red lake water.
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Nacreous and Noctilucent clouds form not in the part of the atmosphere in which we live, but much higher up, in the stratosphere and mesosphere.
  • The more energy available, the higher up the Y-axis the profile is on the graph.
  • A little higher up the creek a crawler tractor lay abandoned and rotting, flaked holes of rust appearing in the metalwork of the cab. HIGH STAND
  • You can show off your rear by resting your hand slightly higher up your waist. The Sun
  • And what about the actions or inaction of some of those higher up who didn't do what they should have?
  • The vista from the air - well much higher up, was even better with even more wildflowers including some rare, high altitude gentian, impatiens and utricularia species. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Higher up, grasslands are home to burrowing owls, chukars, and peregrine and prairie falcons.
  • As before, low-ranking men and women will take the full blame while the higher ups get off scot-free.
  • Shifting a dozen feet higher up, he again attacked with pick and shovel. Chapter XXVII
  • About 60 miles higher up in the course of the Nile, there is another large affluent from the west.
  • Birders and hunters higher up the flyway catch only fleeting glimpses of some species, especially when early, bitter northers expedite the migratory process.
  • You actually need to shift in places from a spiccato to a d'tach-," Bodine rapidly talking a Corporate Wife of some sort across the room toward the free-lunch table piled with lobster hors d'oeuvres and capon sandwiches - "less bow, higher up you understand, soften it-then there's also about a thousand ppp-to-fff blasts, but only the one, the notorious One, going the other way. ... Gravity's Rainbow
  • Darling River ninety miles higher up than where we first struck upon it. Two expeditions into the interior of southern Australia during the years 1828,1829,1830,1831 with observations on the soil, climate and general resources of the Colony of New South Wales, by Charles Sturt
  • Higher up the ridge underfoot conditions improve where the ground becomes stony.
  • He hunched forward, wrenching his arms higher and higher up his back until his shoulders felt as if they were about to dislocate, until at last he was holding the little round knurl of the bolt between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Fear Itself
  • The explanations which ensued proved that the squadron of volunteers had separated from the column at the same time that I had when we debouched from the canon, and had pursued an intermediate trail through the hills, which brought it into the valley of the Yakima at a point higher up the river than where I had struck it. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • My friends pulled me back but it snapped again and grabbed my hip a bit higher up. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as I began working my fingertips higher up in the crack, I suddenly slipped off and dropped onto the rope.
  • Listen to reason, won't you?" he objurgated, as, this time, the reason he referred to was the introduction of the ring clear through both nostrils, higher up, and through the central dividing wall of cartilage. CHAPTER XXXIII
  • Higher up on the berg slopes we came across one of the Protea family that grow in selected spots in this mountain area.
  • —The external carotid artery is covered by the skin, superficial fascia, Platysma, deep fascia, and anterior margin of the Sternocleidomastoideus; it is crossed by the hypoglossal nerve, by the lingual, ranine, common facial, and superior thyroid veins; and by the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus; higher up it passes deeply into the substance of the parotid gland, where it lies deep to the facial nerve and the junction of the temporal and internal maxillary veins. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
  • Higher up still, bloomed the rosy viscaria, the yellow leptosiphon, the white colinsia, and the lagurus, whose dusty green bloom contrasted with the glowing colours around it. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • This email was from an inspector, who I think is higher up the police ladder than an officer.
  • Elm, ash, gean, the wild cherry, and the rare native large-leaved lime, Tilia platyphyllos, also grow in these woods, and stripes of alder wood follow the swampy seepage from springs and wells higher up. Wildwood
  • But if the condyloma be higher up, you must examine it with the speculum, and you should take care not to be deceived by the speculum; for when expanded, it renders the condyloma level with the surrounding parts, but when contracted, it shows the tumor right again. On Hemorrhoids
  • Genera are the smallest basic groups of related species; higher up on the taxonomic ladder, orders encompass hundreds of genera.
  • If so, those responsible higher up the chain of command must be held accountable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In winter, two mountain rivers flowing in spate from the great springs higher up mingle their torrents at a watersmeet in some deep ravine.
  • Peter chose a neap, but the north wind blowing straight down the open mouth of the Wash has pushed water higher up the salt marsh and is holding it there longer than usual. A Year on the Wing
  • Job loss is increasingly worse for you the higher up the skill ladder you are.
  • Those lower down lack both the material and social resources which those higher up can employ to navigate a flexible labour market.
  • Grainger saw that on the sandbank were a number of dead fish which had been swept down the creek from pools higher up. "Chinkie's Flat" 1904
  • Marriage is now higher up his agenda than environmental concerns. Times, Sunday Times
  • He told me he had become "shelved" and was given no substantive work, because of a political squabble higher up the ladder in his government agency. Douglas LaBier: Three Sources of Boredom in Today's Workplace -- And What Helps
  • Principal petiole with one glandule at the base and often another higher up. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Within the army there is a general opinion that some officers make good field commanders, but may not have the strategic sense to progress higher up the ranks or the political nous to become a top general.
  • The Ratam (spartium), with delicate white and pink blossoms, was a reminiscence of Tenerife and its glorious crater; whilst a little higher up, the amene Cytisus, flowering with gold, carried our thoughts back to the far past. The Land of Midian
  • The only sounds were bugs thrumming in the grasses above and birds chirping even higher up.
  • You can show off your rear by resting your hand slightly higher up your waist. The Sun
  • In a period of time varying from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour, according to the amount of albumen present, a delicate opalescent zone forms at the point of junction, and if mucin also is present, a more diffused haze higher up in the urine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • The struggle to survive has undoubtedly been higher up the agenda of some firms than preparing for the reforms.
  • Higher up the bank, where the old ashery used to stand, Shenac and Shenac's Work at Home
  • You could also move plug sockets higher up the walls, and replaster internal walls with a water-resistant material. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can try to raise the cylinders higher in the cylinder-twinning bands, which will bring the valves higher up, making access easier.
  • As the oceans and ground warm up, they warm the air next to them, and this air warms the air a little higher up and so on.
  • This resulted in a situation where the higher up the management ladder you are, the more scruffily you dress at work.
  • And the higher up you get in education the more cowardly you become.
  • Beats higher up the river are often more prolific this late in the season with fish running hard to the middle and upper stretches.
  • Higher up the path crosses the burn and heads steeply up to the summit of An Cabar.
  • My friends pulled me back but it snapped again and grabbed my hip a bit higher up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The type of male clubbiness off the promotion ladder becomes more apparent the higher up in an organization one goes.
  • A few boats lay in the mouth of the river, a dissolute-looking brig with its yards unsquared was at anchor higher up, and a sharp eye could detect a figure or two about the beach. The Black Bar
  • The Law of the Jungle says that as the elephants are the lords of the jungle, they shall drink _first_: but they must be careful to drink _down the stream_, so that all the other animals may have a place higher up, where they can get _clear water to drink_. The Wonders of the Jungle Book One
  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • Never touch higher up as you might not activate the touch pad.
  • The gold medallist is only a tad higher up than the others and the whole contraption's only a few inches tall. The Sun
  • It would thus amount to re-use of a waste material, which lies higher up the waste hierarchy than the disposal of unseparated waste by landfill as practised locally at exhausted mineral workings.
  • As we climbed higher up the valley, and clambered up its steep wall, Zakir pointed out how the trees grew naturally in distinct bands according to altitude: walnuts further down the valley, Turkestan birch and maple by the river banks higher up, wild roses, honeysuckle and berberis on the valley floor and its margins along the rising walls. Wildwood
  • Higher upfront costs might be more economical in the long run.
  • And as he reeled unseeing, smashing his great groping clutches through the air at me, I was in and short-dirked him thrice in belly, thigh, and buttock, than which I could reach no higher up the mighty frame of him. Chapter 17
  • Four grilse were caught at Durkanís Pool, one of 5 lb by a German angler and the rest higher up the river.
  • There's only the mountain in this direction, and higher up an old ruin, an abandoned castle.
  • I slowly made my way up a surface of unstable icy boulders, but higher up a slick of snow made the footing a little more secure.
  • Higher up the moor, ferns of ampler size occur, and what seems to be rushes, which bear atop conglobate panicles on their smooth leafless stems; but at its lower edge little else appears than the higher Acrogens, -- ferns and their allies. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • By means of his sharp hunting-knife he "girdled" this tree near the ground, and then higher up, so that the length between the two The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North
  • Keep an eye out for wildlife: Elk and even bears can be spotted in the valleys, while mountain goats and bighorn sheep live higher up.
  • Unfortunately, the contagium - the virus - infects everyone and someone higher up orders the total destruction of this people.
  • The rainfall in the lower areas had not been abnormal and they had no way of knowing of the torrential rains higher up.
  • They have to seek budgetary sanction of fund according to the requirement of this class I institution of the country contracting the higher ups in power.
  • You could also move plug sockets higher up the walls, and replaster internal walls with a water-resistant material. Times, Sunday Times
  • The higher up you are in the corporation, the more you have to neglect your family.
  • As their problems have increased, so the police have moved higher up the scale of coerciveness in their menu of tactics.
  • The higher up the social scale they are, the more the men have to lose.
  • The first bifurcation is shortly above the transition from the syncarpous to the apocarpous zone, the second bifurcation is somewhat higher up.
  • Nacreous and Noctilucent clouds form not in the part of the atmosphere in which we live, but much higher up, in the stratosphere and mesosphere.
  • And as he reeled unseeing, smashing his great groping clutches through the air at me, I was in and short-dirked him thrice in belly, thigh and buttock, than which I could reach no higher up the mighty frame of him. The Jacket (Star-Rover)
  • Grande Truanderie_, which was above the Innocents, must have been the rendez-vous of all the thieves and beggars of Paris, if there be any thing in a name: the old chronicles of the city relate, indeed, that it took a long time to respectabilize its neighbourhood; and they add that the herds of rogues and impostors who once lived in it took refuge, after their ejection, in the famous _Cour des Miracles_, a little higher up the Rue St Denis. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV.
  • Higher up on the hillside, with a tall grove and a holly bush at its back, Nash has constructed a shelter like a coracle, a hazel bender sprung on a foundation cruck frame of a bow of oak made from a single limb sawn lengthwise in four, with a matt-black canvas skin stretched over the woven wood, a small stove and an ingenious beak-like chimney, like the spout of a jug. Wildwood
  • As you go higher up the scale you narrow and decrease the scope of your knowledge until you know an enormous amount about very little.
  • Stoneman, having crossed the rivers higher up, made a raid in the direction of Richmond which accomplished nothing of consequence, but merely frightened and depredated upon the unarmed country people. Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early C.S.A. : autobiographical sketch and narrative of the War between the States,
  • They fear life is choked by the clouds and that chemicals in the clouds will poison plankton and sea larvae before making their way into animals higher up the tested eight dispersants on small fish and mysid shrimp, including the one BP is using on the worst oil spill in U.S. history, Corexit 9500, made by Nalco Holding Co. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • About 100 yards higher up the stream black vesicular trap is seen, penetrating in thin veins the clay shale of the country, converting it into porcellanite, and partially crystallizing the coal with which it came into contact. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • This is what makes the air cooler higher up: the process is called adiabatic expansion/compression.
  • They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder.
  • This is a most romantic spot; large oak and walnut trees overshade the stream, which higher up flows over a rocky bed; nearer the village are some olive plantations in the Wady. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
  • If so, those responsible higher up the chain of command must be held accountable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The higher ups never really considered the pressure they'd heaped on her but what I did hardly qualified as heroism.
  • And that forced me to get even higher up on the rickety ladder.
  • C. leflfer than the fofmer, being little more than fix inches in cir - cumference.; the color white •, the ribs echinated higher up -, has only fixteen ribs, the former twenty-one; the fliape rounder. British Zoology
  • Giraffes are also missing from the crater as they favour the umbrella acacia and wait-a-bit thorn trees found higher up.
  • Usually the air grows colder the higher up you go, which is why mountain tops are usually colder than valleys. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so, those responsible higher up the chain of command must be held accountable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps someone higher up will see the absurdness in this. Sony: Go Ahead And Buy An XBOX "Their Support Isn't Much Better" - The Consumerist
  • Higher up, position a ring of grape hyacinth bulbs.
  • Most looped around, and connected to the main road higher up.
  • If observed by one of the Elders higher up the gesture would draw her a protocolic reprimand. Quozl
  • Fortyne pushed them higher up the bridge of his nose with a delicate and manicured finger. THE SCAR
  • Gorse, heather and cranberry cover the open areas and ancient forests of oak, hazel and holly grow higher up.

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