How To Use Highboy In A Sentence
Anyways, comment away please - We are thinking of getting the "highboy" style and the 3 drawer style .... and of course they don't come in coordinating colours so we are thinking of getting one black and the other white (please comment if you think that's crazy too!)
Apartment Therapy Main
In the corner nearest her, Loretta considered an impressive dark wood highboy, which she originally assumed held the dentist's stereo system.
One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part I
But still, dropping $20,000 on a highboy even if it is a good deal is scary.
Really Fine Prices for Fine Antiques
The purchase included a ‘New England hooked rug,’ a mirror, a picture of George Washington, and a lot of maple and walnut furniture - four beds, one highboy, one lowboy and five tables.
The overstuffed chairs, the curtains, the rice-carved bed, the highboy, the bath fixtures, all evoked a sense of that decorous, long-past era.

His was a highboy in the same French Provincial styling, part of a suite with the bed and a nightstand and a mirrored dressing table.
He went to the lower drawer of a tall "highboy" and, from the tumbled mass of apparel therein took one of his own night garments.
Cy Whittaker's Place
“So she would have been stuck as a china cabinet or a highboy instead,” the Doctor said.
Hunger Moon: Chapter Eleven
Sotheby's chest of drawers, or highboy, has spent the past 255 years with the New England heirs of Lt. Col.
A Colonial Chest Full of Surprises
On a highboy in the corner of the dining room rests a handsome, black-and-white portrait of Jean, then a stunner in her early 20s, and James, clad in his Army uniform.
Jean Stevens, Wyalusing Widow, Lived With Corpses Of Husband And Twin Sister, Say Police
At the same time, in nearby Philadelphia, dishonest cabinetmakers were making elaborately carved scrolled top highboys and chests-on-chests from plain flat top ones.
At the same time, in nearby Philadelphia, dishonest cabinetmakers were making elaborately carved scrolled top highboys and chests-on-chests from plain flat top ones.
Whatever the game, it all starts withfront; you've got to lookgood: the players wore gators and sharp sharkskin suits, or leather jackets and ban-lons, pimped highboy shirts with the wrap-around cufflinks, and thick-and-thin socks in all weather.
Stevie Wonder
Sotheby's A 1756 highboy by John Townsend, set for auction by Sotheby's.
A Colonial Chest Full of Surprises
Marge helped serve coffee and triple-layer cake from the old highboy, as the scent of roses drifted through the open windows.
For instance, the undersides of the bottom drawers of a highboy will be darker than those of the upper drawers.
She peeked inside the trunk first, but it was empty. Ditto the highboys. The wardrobe, though was half-full of what appeared to be very, very old winter coats.