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How To Use High In A Sentence

  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • Of all types of commercially based American music, jazz is the one that has most consistently fostered musical artistry on a high level.
  • The blame for this month's wet weather lies with the jet stream winds a few miles high. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lot of businesses are being hurt by the current high interest rates.
  • There will always be debate about who deserves honours, all of it highly subjective.
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  • For high-definition video, the umi needs an Internet connection that can send, or upload, data at 1.5 megabits per second, higher than that of typical DSL or cable services. Cisco Launches 'Umi' Telepresence Box To Turn TVs Into Videophones
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • So, while the average cup of decaf contains between 6 and 10 milligrams of caffeine per serving, the regulation allows for "decaf" coffee to contain much higher levels of the stimulant, at least 30 milligrams in some cases, according to Undefined
  • Bisbee is located about 90 minutes southeast of Tucson; take I-10 east to Benson, turning south on Highway 80.
  • We saw in the previous sections that packaged bacteriophage capsids are pressurized with pressures as high as 60 atm.
  • High bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the point of the tongue be placed between the teeth, and air from the mouth be forced between them, the Th sibilant is produced, as in thigh, and should have a proper character, as [TN: Looks like the Greek 'phi']. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.
  • He was an exceedingly capable and highly regarded individual. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some trademark pieces - elegant-legged tables and high-quality marquetry - mixed in with contemporary designer furniture, antique shop finds and some very in-your-face art.
  • It avoids a phony moral high ground or fake appeals to the sanctity of multilateralism. Globe and Mail
  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • The cost of repairing the fabric of the church was very high.
  • I can't commend the players highly enough. The Sun
  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Employers and business groups contend that a higher minimum wage would saddle them with higher labor costs.
  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar, high-fibre diet.
  • I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat". Question ;Microdyne
  • It would seem that efforts to train stalkers to high standards have been successful, and I would agree with that conclusion.
  • Acrylamide is produced during cooking, particularly high-temperature processes such as frying and roasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • At present, power is very high orders, to improve gross profit margins.
  • Heat will only leave the container by radiation, convection and conduction if the temperature of the container is higher than the surroundings.
  • Rocks block the highway in various places and mudflows cover what were once rose farms along the road's edge.
  • The shelf is so high it is well out of / beyond my reach.
  • His rapid rise through the ranks after an eye-catching performance in the April trials was a rare highlight in a troubled season.
  • Nulliparous women are reportedly at a higher risk of developing complications of pregnancy and delivery than multipara.
  • Some houses were reduced to neat rectangles of foot-high rubble.
  • It highlights key facets of presidential policies and priorities, difficulties and conflicts, while charting the developing nature of the office.
  • Karam also highlighted the authority's implementation of surface-to-surface communications applications and upgrading from Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) system to Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS). AME Info Latest News
  • High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
  • The development of innovative new technologies and highly specific, nonradioactive labels has changed all of that. The Scientist
  • From there the year had its high points - two Masters Series titles in Miami and Rome helped with that - but the Grand Slam events continued to pose a problem.
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • Qiao Gong Fang Gems is a professional supplier of high-quality jewelry gemstones in Wuzhou which famous known as "the capital of artificial gem in the world".
  • It was the highlight of my time there. The Sun
  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
  • We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
  • Jake changes overnight from drippy layabout to high roller.
  • Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • ‘I'm sure the retained men are not valued as highly but they work 12 hours and then are on call - if those bleepers go then they have to race to the station, perhaps to save someone's life,’ he said.
  • The highly textured surface of these poems does not, however, obscure the continuous emotional undercurrent.
  • If you're not just in love but willing to go through the highs and lows because of that love, then I want people to know they're not alone.
  • This makes is seem inevitable that the scanning device which supposedly generates higher-order experiences of our first-order visual experience would have to be almost as sophisticated and complex as the visual system itself.
  • Before one embarks on this high flying experience, the organisers supply a crash helmet, and a safety waist belt which is securely tied with a long and strong rope to the huge multi-coloured parasail.
  • Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
  • The first is that China will continue to sustain high growth rates in gross national product.
  • She also blames retention of green belt land for small houses and high prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term morbid obesity is used to describe people whose body mass index (BMI) -- a measure of weight in relation to height -- is 40 or higher. Top Stories
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • In the absence of a clear express intent to abrogate rights and obligations - rights of the highest importance to the individual - those rights remain in force.
  • They are accused of hatching a decade-long plot to keep wholesale oil prices artificially high. The Sun
  • Paul Temple pushes through a field of shoulder-high oilseed rape and twists one of the plants back to show me.
  • A higher intake was found to boost the chances of survival in 500,000 patients by up to 20 per cent. The Sun
  • It should prove highly convenient for many local people and indeed passers-by.
  • The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
  • His brother Jeremiah played a stormer at corner back and his accurate deliveries to his forwards were one of the highlights of his play.
  • Agates were apparently highly valued by the ancient Egyptians for their lapidary use and were mounted into gold with other precious stones such as lapis and emeralds.
  • For more than two decades, the United States government has been attempting to develop a plan for the storage of high-level nuclear wastes.
  • By May of 1999, the foundation offered two scholarship programs and intensive SAT tutoring for high school juniors and seniors.
  • `All right, I'll tell you some of it, but first, let's get my things put away, before the high priestess comes looking for me. WEB OF DREAMS
  • The scrutiny is really high and people are so invested in it. The Sun
  • burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • VARIOUS LEATHER PICTURE, It's a high classic decoration , made by hand, use nature color and veins of leather to make design, it shows obvious stereoscopy like relief sculpture but softly .
  • Clach climbed five places into fifth spot after a wash out in the Highland League, with a 2-0 triumph over north rivals Fort William.
  • Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
  • In this high opinion of his own rank, he was greatly fortified by his ideas of the military profession, which, in his phrase, made a valiant cavalier a camarade to an emperor. A Legend of Montrose
  • Six biogeographical zones, ranging from subtropical forest to highland scrub, host an impressive 151 species of bird, 34 species of mammal, 228 species of butterfly and countless plants. Taiwan's Greatest Ascent
  • When your mama a biach, you gonna be a bicah - when you grow up hearing men tell your mama "Bring me my blunts, BIACH!" you won't have a very high opinion of women, ergo, yourself. Undefined
  • Her wrists were bound together with rope, and so were her ankles, her neck open to the air and the world, and her entire body was in a guillotine, the blade lingering high above.
  • I lived only two blocks from high school and grammar school, and there were baseball diamonds and football fields.
  • He sat like a king on a throne, his beaklike nose high in the air, introducing his wives. The Season of Risks
  • The earthquake highlighted the vulnerability of elevated highways.
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • It was 2001 when Joe was physically attacked by a passenger he believes was high on drugs.
  • Magazines need the revenue from this powerful, high-spending label. Times, Sunday Times
  • High-level synthesis is also called behavioral synthesis, the main task of which is to translate the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL (Register Transfer Level).
  • The diver dived into the pool from the high diving board.
  • Thompson claimed that his grandmother, who lived in Blyth, Northumberland, was a pagan high priestess, and that she had passed on her powers to him. Sex cult leader jailed for forcing girlfriend into sex with others
  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entry requirements are five passes in the Leaving Certificate including mathematics and English and one higher level grade C.
  • Jones and Armstrong maintain a consistently high standard.
  • Marya shook her head, her neatly bobbed dark hair brushing against high cheekbones.
  • (C and D) CG14217 is present at high levels in the pole plasm and is taken up by the pole cells.
  • The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
  • The key to the sealant is a family of unique mussel adhesive proteins containing a high concentration of dihydroxyphenylalanine, an amino acid. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • The high tide of adaptationism floated a motley navy, but it may now be on the ebb. Adaptationism
  • Those with a higher metabolism tend to exercise and let off steam more often. The Sun
  • He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.
  • It is snapping and whirring, emitting a high-pitched tome like the mewling of a cat. Death's Noisy Herald
  • A study by the OECD and Mexico's Federal Competition Commission (CFC) found that 31% of Mexican household spending went on products supplied in monopolistic or highly oligopolistic markets.
  • Dr. Kristina Durante of The University of Texas at Austin and colleagues found that young women felt more attractive when they had high levels of an estrogen known as estradiol, and they acted on those feelings.
  • Think of this as the obverse of 1970s-style stagflation, which brought us little or no growth, high inflation and high interest rates at the same time.
  • Is being apart from the room bottom certainly highly place establishment lamina cribrosa.
  • Amid it all stands Mitt Romney, not the high-flying investment lots of Republicans yearned to put their money on, but the unspectacular Treasury bill of Republican candidates, a man whose emphasis on jobs and the economy makes him a safe enough bet at a time like this. GOP 'Flight to Safety' Benefits Romney
  • Conventional boilers heat up a store of water using a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard and a header tank somewhere high - usually the loft.
  • Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
  • The distinction between ranking and classification is an important one, even if it is lost on many in higher education.
  • Lower scores are associated with less depressive symptomatology whereas higher scores are associated with more depressive symptomatology.
  • The listener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded, and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem.
  • There is a moral crime of the highest order being committed, and somebody is morally responsible.
  • Rosie decides that a maternity fashion show highlighting her latest collection would be the perfect shower event because that is in no way a conflict of interest, and we soon learn the real motivation behind this choice -- a model casting montage in which LT wears a sequined capelet the color of Grimace from McDonaldland and tells the models to "serve and deliver. Una LaMarche: Pregnant in Heels Ep. 5: Serve and Deliver
  • At twenty thousand meters, with the pods still traveling at a high velocity, parachutes billowed out from the same boxes that had contained the glider wings.
  • Price as tested is $44,600, including $8,525 in options Deep Sea Blue pearlescent paint, eight-speed Audi Tiptronic transmission, high-intensity discharge headlamps, power liftgate and onboard navigation with backup camera and an $875 destination charge. 2011 Audi Q5 2.0 T Quattro
  • In the premise of quality assurance, product diversification, style fashion, and make our products sell well at home and abroad, and won the trust of our customers and highly praised.
  • Thus, local oxygen partial pressure at the alveolar level is much higher than in other vital organs such as heart, liver, and brain.
  • It is due to the high overhead and the unhandiness of the previous fault-tolerance systems.
  • Quintus is aiming its product at the high-tech and software industry and hardware and software managers inside end-user organisations.
  • They depend on volunteers and have a high turnover following any criticism of their activities or decisions.
  • The event will highlight the wide range of academic, commercial and technical know-how available to firms.
  • Many of the remaining grasslands are located in areas with high natural amenities.
  • After several days of climbing, high on a huge, exposed face of Annapurna, a mountain almost double the height of Mont Blanc, a storm erupted and the two men decided to descend.
  • Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) would make a decision on whether to boost output to calm minister said on Tuesday he sees no push by OPEC members to raise oil output to counter a spike in prices to 18-month highs. - Business News
  • By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
  • Yet he occupies an important position in the history of 18th-century art and his reputation deserves to stand higher than it does.
  • Outside of what we term pit and dress circle is a partition, three or four feet high, dividing them from a promenade ten or fifteen feet wide. Shadow and Light An Autobiography with Reminiscences of the Last and Present Century
  • While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
  • Four guylines are attached half way up the pole sleeve to storm-lash the tent - great for very high winds.
  • To offset the perception that dairy foods are high in calories, low-fat cheeses have become state-of-the-art.
  • The acting was hammy, the jokes were forced, and the entire thing came across like a high school play - actors overdoing everything in cringe-worthy performances.
  • Elephant culls are highly controversial. Times, Sunday Times
  • However high you choose this super resolution, the day will come when it's not enough.
  • She points out that many high performers in Generation Y roughly speaking, people born between 1975 and 1995 job-hop in order to strengthen their resumes. NPR Topics: News
  • High vehicles must take an alternative route because of low clearance under the bridge.
  • The stage is set for high farce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patagonia has turned organic cotton and fleece made of recycled plastic into high-end outdoor wear.
  • In her twenties, she enjoyed the life of a highly paid executive at a dotcom company to the full. Times, Sunday Times
  • Learn about regular vs. high low strategies in stud poker in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • The percentages of aneuploid bone marrow leukocytes were higher than those of aneuploid sperm for the two upper THH dose groups and for the positive control group.
  • Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's. REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
  • To counter both this and the high levels of private label saturation, bakery and cereals manufacturers are attempting to differentiate their brands, especially in growth areas such as healthy and convenient bakery products. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • The group, composed of four brilliant and accomplished musicians playing the guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, piccolo and violin, will bring their highly original sound to the stage.
  • The skin of D. holocanthus is highly elastic because of microfolds in the epidermis and collagen fibers of the dermis.
  • Because I had never had a cold sore before, the virus clobbered me with a very high fever.
  • I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
  • Of course they spoke of their brew as if it were a medicinal cure-all when in reality they produced highly refined and greatly prized moonshine.
  • The artist takes as his viewpoint the vista from Gun Hill, high above the gentle Suffolk vale, looking down towards the Stour valley, Dedham church and the watermill where his father worked.
  • Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
  • At high speeds, something will happen called cavitation," he said. Bloomberg
  • Furthermore, the very frequency of legislative change caused a higher premium to be placed on the flexibility of any computer system.
  • There are high precipices that are backed by the papyrus and ambatch swamps that form the delta of the Kagera River.
  • Three other ports were incised higher in the stomach wall on the patient's right-hand side, just beneath the liver. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Yet Highland culture continues to flourish through the Gaelic language, piping, ceilidhs (informal gatherings with traditional music, dancing and poetry) and a full schedule of Highland games.
  • I crossed a railroad overpass and reached a bunch of shacks where two highways forked off, both for Denver.
  • All homes will have high ceilings and large windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • High above us, the great heptagon of the Winter sky: Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, and Castor (with Saturn nearby) - with Betelgeuse in the center and the Milky Way cascading through, just to the left of Orion.
  • The launch vehicle employed comprised three stages, the first stage being the highly successful Redstone rocket.
  • Welcome the hopeless odds of meeting highly trained soldiers face-to-face. CONFESSIONAL
  • Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
  • (TGV = train à grande vitesse) = It's the high-speed train! French Word-A-Day:
  • Adjusting one foot he ollied as high as he could and tried to land on just one set of wheels.
  • One woman's broken thigh bone had been badly set, leaving her left leg at least three inches shorter than her right.
  • Bond No.9, the perfumer known for naming their scents after various New York neighborhoods, is about to get high...lined. Now You Can Smell Like The High Line!
  • High school students who do volunteer work are not atypical.
  • They're often highly prized works that people are loath to part with. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly, seeking high office, Liddy Dole was described as over-ambitious, chilly and nasty under the "syrupy" Southern accent. Caryl Rivers: Bad, Mad Michelle
  • But it is highly unlikely that Bertrand found the trip as boring as his song implies.
  • That, and his extraordinary capacity for self-sacrificing friendship, loyalty and sweet-natured nannying, have been his quadruple of acclaimed lifetime's high-lights.
  • I pose a question, one that bestirs itself to haunt me in a tuneful way each Christmas, and so I pass my quizzical spirit of Christmas past along to you … Did you “hang a shining star upon the highest bough” or merely “muddle through somehow” this Christmas season? Go ahead, hang a shining star upon the highest bough and... you know...
  • Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
  • The childfree are a diverse group of people, much like the reasons behind the choice not to procreate; however, childfree people tend to be less conventional, more highly educated, and professional. BlogHer - Comments
  • The polls were kept open an extra four hours because the turnout was so high. The Sun
  • Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) has the ability to survive in a highly acidic environment, which is what makes it such a nasty tooth-decayer: remember, it’s the acid bacteria produce as they consume carbohydrates that eats away at tooth enamel. Paging all you "Face on Mars" believers...
  • For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • The note in question is a Japanese 1,000 yen bill that was probably a prototype of a new high-tech banknote.
  • And then a high order of seamanship is required on our rounds. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • The coastal regions, those richest in marine life, were found to have the highest concentrations.
  • They may not agree that evangelizing the unchurched is a higher priority than worship and nurture. Navigating the Winds of Change
  • Stewart's pigeon house almost succumbed under a drift six feet high, and half the pigeons escaped where the weight of sand forced an opening in the galvo.
  • You are being asked for such a high sum because the new freeholder wants you to pay for the right to use a space. Times, Sunday Times
  • You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.” The Abbot
  • The space shuttle is coasting from a very high speed and high altitude when it flies hypersonically.
  • Obstacle distance measurement is one of the key techniques for the deicing robot on high voltage transmission line.
  • Air parcels at higher heights over the equator are accelerated down the gradient toward the pole by the force of gravity.
  • Quinn specialises in smaller, high street firms that, because of their reliance on risky areas such as conveyancing, are seen as the hardest to insure. Top stories from Times Online
  • No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
  • She has a reservoir of talent, which needs to be nurtured and taken to higher levels.
  • I wanted to know because she looked old enough to be in junior high but acted so much younger.
  • A petrol tank containing high-octane fuel is beside your seat.
  • The activity centres around the big top in Stockton High Street offering free all day entertainment with live broadcasts and personal appearances.
  • We highlight those likely to get a green bank boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don't care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!
  • Uncle Fliakim Sheril, furbished up in a new crisp black suit, and with his spindleshanks trimly incased in the smoothest of black silk stockings, looking for all the world just like an alert and spirited black cricket, outdid himself on this occasion in singing _counter_, in that high, weird voice that he must have learned from the wintry winds that usually piped around the corners of the old house. Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
  • It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.
  • The success of our initiative is testament to the high quality calibre of the producers in our region.
  • Their solution was to have Cumbria fire service just out of shot squirting hosepipes high in the air so it would fall the right way on Hopkins who was standing looking miserable up to his thighs in the lake.
  • Note: Fees for the standard exhibition booth include those for exhibition space, 2.5-meters-high wainscot, making of lintel, negotiation table, two chairs, 220V mains socket and two spotlights .
  • With higher tumor load and delayed administration after tumor implantation, dendritic cells were no longer effective.
  • There was a sense of disorganisation at times, as in the 20th minute when Gabriel Heinze pumped an innocuous-looking high ball towards the penalty area which Brown and Smalling both went to clear and then left to one another. Chris Smalling helps make a shaky case for Manchester United's defence
  • He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh.
  • We (the Western public) regard picnics as highly advantageous to health and beauty, promoting social sympathy and high-toned alimentiveness, advancing the interests of the community and the ultimate welfare of the nation. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870

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