How To Use High-sounding In A Sentence
This high-sounding rhetoric is all well and good as theory, but it goes only so far in the real world, as other passing novelists point out.
That would effectively allow them to by-pass under the radar any direct controversy over the Catholic moral objections, kind of the way that the Soviets used all manner of high-sounding charges against Christians in the old days, when to everyone it was obvious their crime was their faith and nothing more.
Pres. Obama to rescind "conscience" regulation
Was my friend sent to Iraq for high-sounding words or to steal oil?
Gareth Harris: Why Politicians Love Religion's War on Science
The problem with uttering such high-sounding rubbish is that a thousand - no, a million - fools can always be found to believe it.
For beneath the high-sounding arguments lurks a far more sordid reality.

Hurwitz came onstage and spouted high-sounding phrases for 45 minutes.
Despite their high-sounding rhetoric, however, initial reforms were halting, and throughout the 1990s Ukraine endured severe stagnation.
Our leaders have at last realised that the voter expects more than high-sounding speeches and slogans.
Divested of their high-sounding platitudes, these programs were intended to train the nation's future leaders.
Sure, again and again, I betrayed my own high-sounding calls for social justice and economic fairness.
taken in by high-sounding talk
We just need to talk about the most subtle problem that how to choose between the money and the profit of the public and with some high-sounding reasons.
a staunch sea-boat in rough weather, for she could tumble about as much as she pleased without causing much damage to her timbers or risk of her stability; and this roominess, besides, allowed good accommodation aft for a large number of passengers, although in this instance I was the single solitary "landsman" aboard -- that is, if a young shaver of thirteen can be dignified with such a high-sounding title!
The White Squall A Story of the Sargasso Sea
This hall has heard enough high-sounding declarations to last us for some decades to come.
That this barefooted beachcomber should possess such high-sounding dignity was inconceivable.
Instead, his speech to the UN assembly was full of high-sounding generalities and evasions.
But what do these things mean for the pursuit of knowledge and the development of intellect - high-sounding phrases which were once seen as the primary purpose of higher education?
Apart from a few high-sounding and hollow phrases in the election manifesto, they have moved even further to the right.
Do not want to cause so-called family, in fact, irresponsible guys who high-sounding excuse!
Some definitions were more high-sounding than accurate.
Government broadcasting policy has always been surrounded by high-sounding rhetoric, but the need to ensure financial viability while filling the programming needs of a voracious medium has always been the basic driver of TV practice.
With the curtain about to go up on the WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún, there will be plenty of high-sounding statements calling for a successful outcome.
He has taken a noble and high-sounding Fijian name and dragged it in the dirt to suit his nefarious purposes.
Mankind to-day has had more than enough of high-sounding principles and beautiful declarations.
By this time the beliefs were given even more high-sounding names such as ideals, freedom, conscience, God, country, sacred path.
As the Garzon situation demonstrates (and I think EPosner has it right), Garzon was simply seeing what he could get away with vis-a-vis “universal jurisdiction” and so long as his targets matched the wish lists of various members of the academic international law community, they did everything they could to enable his politics with high-sounding pronouncements as to the QED “legality” of his course of action.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare: The Upbeat News About the Obama Administration
His historical theatre must first of all create an epic dimension, using every resource, not only drums, trumpets, banners, heraldry, and high-sounding words, but the imagination of the audience.
Too often, they were simply bantered around as high-sounding slogans.
Touch his silly vanity, which he exalts into high-sounding pride — call him a liar, and behold the red animal in him that makes a hand clutching that is quick like the tensing of a tiger's claw, or an eagle's talon, incarnate with desire to rip and tear.
The Somnambulists
The lack of adequate funding for the high-sounding aims proclaimed by the legislation has provoked opposition from the cash-strapped state governments that must implement the so-called reforms.
Sometimes nations discourage business entrepreneurship under the banner of high-sounding doctrines, but often they do so as a way of protecting existing businessmen and others of wealth.
Expediency often involves the abandonment of war's more high-sounding objectives.
Yesterday's high-sounding talk presented that causes many people to think that he already obtained team's trust, soon became the kopeck genuine teammate.
They make a rather high-sounding statement about principles underlying care and security, but in reality they want to achieve the same thing, to keep this problem under control, to keep the problem out of sight, out of mind.
a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution
These thinkers simply eructate, belching out high-sounding nonsense.