How To Use High point In A Sentence
From there the year had its high points - two Masters Series titles in Miami and Rome helped with that - but the Grand Slam events continued to pose a problem.
Christmas and New Year have long been the high point for visitor and Madeiran alike.
The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.
Most take place at high points in the stockmarket cycle, when investors are at their most bullish.
Their sound was noisy and funky and grungy and to many fans this album was seen as their high point.

Any such lateral motions could contribute to the absence or thinness of distal marine tephra layers on submarine high points or steep slopes.
The reveal is the high point of the show - this is where the neighbors get to see what's happened to their room.
It was to be the high point of a wonderful day for Walsh, who won the Grand National at Aintree aboard his father, Ted's, horse, Papillon, two years ago.
The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.
However, the high point in cohune nut exports was during World War I, as cohune nuts were used in making the charcoal filters in gas masks during this war.
(AP) - In a game that lacked much defensive intensity, the New Orleans Hornets produced a season-high points total Monday night in outgunning the Sacramento Kings. - Basketball - New Orleans vs. Sacramento
The surreal depiction of the title ballet is the high point of this film's cinematic ambition, a Blog
These ritual high points emphasize self-examination and spiritual rejuvenation.
The castle, dominating its surroundings, represents a high point of medieval military architecture.
And since these spontaneous activities of children have not yet been thoroughly thought out from a high point of view, and have not yet been regarded from what I might almost call their cosmical and anthropological side, we may from day to day expect some philosopher to write a comprehensive and important book about them. [
Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel
Another group helicoptered to a boggy lakebed near the range's high point.
The movie's high point—its very high point—is Frances McDormand's sensational performance as Sam's mother, Jane, a pansexual record producer who can't suppress a nervous giggle when she introduces her strait-laced son to a gaggle of indolent musicians.
'Contraband': Almost Illegally Entertaining
The steep path ascends from here to the high point of the circuit, Dale Head.
She hit her high point early on with a powerful reading of "Siboney" that used minor and pentatonic modes to reference Middle-Eastern music and even traveled momentarily through a reggae beat.
Masters and Young Bloods
The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.
Similarly, keyboardist Bradley Joseph recounts, "When I reflect back over the years, one of the high points that stand out include performing at the Acropolis with Yanni.
They were supposed to be the high point of the day, the warm center of our shared family existence.
At a high point between two grey hills, they stopped and reconnoitered.
Getting a grant is wonderful (congratulations!), but remember that a grant is a high point in a research career.
Inbox: Stay in science or switch fields?
In an attempt to rescue the truck's occupants, several people waded out to a high point of land and improvised a lifeline from barbed wire cut from a nearby fence and a spare tire as a buoy.
With your spirit open and unconstricted, look at things from a high point of view.
Resplendent as a political grandee, he was representative of a high point of aristocratic parliamentarianism before later developments undermined it.
The French propensity to incarnate ideas in depictions of the carnal reaches a high point in Klossowski's fiction, which indeed resembles Sade's in a few ways.
He believes European civilization was the high point of human achievement.
As potting and glazing technologies became more advanced during the 18th century, porcelain production reached a high point.
High points include a giant yellow taxi driving on to the stage and a scene set in a museum featuring a huge dinosaur skeleton.
The Sun
The second quarter will probably represent the high point of quarterly manufacturing output growth.
Times, Sunday Times
You will be right to compete at Neosha for high point awards and compete in our open futurities.
The high points of the evening come in the form of the two arguably standout tracks from Shine A Light.
I have chosen to leave next year because the campus is at a high point in its history.
At a high point between two grey hills, they stopped and reconnoitered.
The high point of this trip was a day at the races in Balgriffin.
There have been many films made about Joan of Arc, but none of them match the sublimity of Carl Dreyer's ‘The Passion of Joan of Arc’, one of the high points of the silent cinema.
We have our high points but then we fracture and split.
I think that last couplet's daring use of metre is the high point of the poem, but you can find the concluding four lines at McGonagall Online.
Archive 2008-06-01
The Haida's reputation isn't well known south of the border, but their canoes, longhouses, and cedar totem poles represent a high point in North American art.
The high point of the concert came during the drum solo.
Shipments reached a high point on December 13 when 1,115 cartons of fruit were airfreighted to New Zealand.
C.ASTAL C.ROLINA 14, HIGH POINT 4: The C.anticleers (26-5, 7-0) capitalized on five Panthers errors to beat High Point (17-15, 4-7) in a Big South game in C.nway, S.C. EAST C.ROLINA 20, MEMPHIS 9: Senior Kyle Roller matched his career high with five hits and drove in four runs to help the Pirates (19-12, 2-3 C.nference USA) overpower the Tigers (14-17, 5-3) in Memphis, Tenn.
Record Article Feed
the high point of his career
The high point in Britain seems to have been the Restoration - a time of extremely generous royal patronage.
his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day
The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.
High Point prison had the highest number of breakouts of any jail in Britain.
There are some surprises, too - the dirty wah-wah on ‘Gotta Be Better’ lends the album considerable grit, and the jazzy ‘I Will Stay’ is a darkly atmospheric high point.
1955 marked the high point of two-party dominance in terms of votes cast.
Times, Sunday Times
The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system.
And beyond the vale, eastwards and northwards, Catherine looked out upon a wild sea of moors wrapped in mists, sullen and storm-beaten, while to the left the clouds hung deepest and inkiest over the high points of the Ullswater mountains.
Robert Elsmere
For Black, the high point of his life's work came in 2001 when he was ennobled after renouncing his Canadian citizenship.
The high point of the ceremony is his reading of a carefully prepared address, known as the Speech from the Throne.
Meet Modern Sweden
‘The trench is not deep and is at a high point of the pass,’ he pointed out.
The bowerbirds represent one of the high points of avian evolution and as such they deserve a book that fully captures the wonder of their fantastic natural history.
Political repression and racial discrimination were at a high point.
the trumpet solo was the high point of the concert
Volunteers have a 4x4 vehicle, helmets and hi-vis jackets, even though the fenland county's high point is 128m (419ft).
The Sun
Looking back over the six years Lee can still remember a significant personal high point in those first twelve months - away from the harsh realities of publishing.
Hydrogen storage tank, high point shall be equip with vent line, lowest point shall have drain.
Hydrogen storage tank, high point shall be equip with vent line, lowest point shall have drain.
Their procession was the high point of this year's kenka tanabata matsuri, or "fighting star festival.
Japanese Town Reunites Around Festival
The high point for Defoe's high-class courtesan is her "little ball" in her swanky London apartments.
Ten of the best balls in literature
Indeed, the film's good-heartedness helps you forgive the weak jokes between the very funny high points.
Times, Sunday Times
At times noJazz can be as slick and sexy as Gilles Peterson's mix sets, as chilled and elegant as Bob James' Touchdown-era smooth-jazz or as provocative and intriguing as Miles Davis' '80s high points.
There were four clumps accurately aligned, and each was on a high point on the line, sited for maximum visibility.
Maybe if he outjumps me, hit the ball out when he's coming down instead of trying to hit it at the high point, cause he's obviously going to outjump me.
Washington Redskins' effort in overtime goes to waste as Houston Texans roar back for 30-27 victory
The detente coincided with the magnificent spring offensive possiblY the military high point of the national liberation struggle.
An absolute high point of achievement was to sing so late in his life, in the Reconciliation choir.
But I would not, as an adult, be defending it as a high point of human civilization.
The village down the road is a study in contrast - mud roads, garbage heaps, clogged drains and shanty dhabas are the high points of a walk through Shikaripalaya.
Other high points on the menu involve respectable fajitas made with Angus beef, and a wonderfully idiosyncratic fajita variant called the La Playa taco.
The swelling cello and violin countermelodies trade off nicely with Hindle's vocal, culminating in one of the record's high points when Hindle is joined by vocalist Paula Frazer on the song's jaw-dropping bridge.
One of the high points of these summits, say participants, is mealtime.
And I've seen in many countries terrorists and resistance groups try to set up events to coincide with various high points in the calendar.
He counts work on Shostakovich's quartets with Rostropovich as among the high points of his musical life.
The market slumped after that high point, only to bounce back strongly.
In the tradition of naval reviews world wide, one of the high points will be the march through the streets of Sydney by a massed assembly of sailors from around the world.
If that was the high point in the series, which Oregon leads 52-41-10, then the real clinker was the 1983 scoreless tie.
Here was the high point of what was a low-quality game for an hour.
Times, Sunday Times
When he re-entered Discovery, the ship was far behind the fleeing Leonov and climbing ever more slowly up toward apojove, the high point of its orbit among the outer satellites.
2010 Odyssey Two
This is because, quite frankly, the 60s marked a high point in the evolution of American society as a whole and set an inapproachable standard across so many aspects of our culture -- music, art, political activism, even the act of defiance itself -- and it did this despite being one of the most turbulent periods in our nation's history.
Chez Pazienza: What a Long, Strange, Thoroughly Obnoxious Trip It's Been
If any high points are to be singled out on this cd, ‘Nostalgia’ is a good one, a raga that captures the quintessence of some musical explorations in certain times.
This period saw the establishment of a number of strongly defended forts on strategically placed high points all over the region.
But the real high point is nothing, really - just a moment when he forgets all his tensions about red carpets and movies, and suddenly notices a beautiful old Edwardian boat moored in the unbelievable blueness of the bay.
High Point prison had the highest number of breakouts of any jail in Britain.
He believes European civilization was the high point of human achievement.
Of course, whether there will be high points or not in the future depends on unforeseeable external developments.
The sixteenth century was a high point for epigraphic forgery because of the confluence of two historical trends.
The Times Literary Supplement
Second, the title is often held up as a high point of the so-called "decompressed" or, more pejoratively, "Quemas" or "NuMarvel" direction that Marvel as a company trended towards some years back.
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This is the annual high point for miners from around here who eat bread and dripping all year round to buy a ticket for this.
Telephoning Jonathan to break off the engagement had almost been a high point of comic relief.
They were supposed to be the high point of the day, the warm center of our shared family existence.
The greenback has fallen roughly 40 percent since its high point against the euro in October 2000.
Speed and accuracy in mental skills reach their high point around noon and ebb after lunch.
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Hey! foto aeree storiche CONCORSO ISPETTORI SCOLASTICO legge 27 ottobre 1993 n 423 2006 furniture high point show dott alessandra frigerio asking girlfriend love make man vulcano isola appartamento bath fiberglass home manufactured tub by orgy right round spin filling form help security social
Midterm Roundup
Suddenly, the bare-legged girls with pompoms, imported to pep up the pre-match business at the Premier League's earliest matches, look like a high point for the organisation's modesty and self-awareness.
Some domaines, having received high points for one wine, made it their mission to produce others that would please him.
One of the high points for me was standing at the squirrel feeding station and watching two red squirrels, one still young, playing and nibbling without a worry - a rare treat these days.
Ask him about the high points in his career as a civil servant, and he will first try to evade answering that question.
The nucleus eventually no longer acts hydrostatically, thus the annulus and endplate are exposed to high point stresses which might lead to the cracks and fissures seen in degenerate discs.
High points include the assessment of the orator Cassius Severus and his comparative failure as a declaimer.
The second quarter will probably represent the high point of quarterly manufacturing output growth.
Times, Sunday Times
The average altitude of birds flying within 2 km east and west of the project area was 209 m in autumn and 388 m in spring with more birds passing over valleys and swales than high points.
One of the high points of the hikoi will be a dawn service and ceremony featuring the waka fleet on February 11 at Okura, Rawene, commemorating the meeting place of all Rangatira of Hokianga prior to the signing of the Treaty at Mangungu Mission in Horeke.
That is just the intensification, the high point of an ongoing process.
An awkward ascent, hopping from tussocks to old stumps through a deep mire, and then a stiff climb up steep screes, led to the high point of the circuit, the John Garner Pass.
That's got to be as poor a metaphor as I've ever seen, and if it's one of the book's quotable high points, the volume is in trouble.
There follows a chapter on the three fugal finales from op.20, its start a high point of felicitous writing.
His engagement to Nora Cushing had been the high point of her life.
High points include a giant yellow taxi driving on to the stage and a scene set in a museum featuring a huge dinosaur skeleton.
The Sun
The latest on test is a handheld device that scans the surface temperature from the forehead to the temple and takes the high point as the temperature over the temporal artery.
The wildly associative script skips through historical periods as well as genres, and one of the high points is an incredibly dynamic, eight-page verse monologue.
The period of January 22-23, 1973, marked the high point of stellar visitors, in which the Academy hosted three four-star generals in two days.
I mean, I think that was actually one of conservatism's high points was what they called the constitutional option in conservative publications.
CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2008
his acting was one of the high points of the movie
And beyond the vale, eastward and northward, Catherine looked out upon a wild sea of moors wrapped in mists, sullen and storm-beaten, while to the left the clouds hung deepest and inkiest over the high points of the Ullswater mountains.
Robert Elsmere
The high point of my trip to New Zealand this Christmas came when I met and embraced a little grey-haired lady with a broad Kiwi accent at her home in Lower Hutt, a suburb of Wellington, in the North Island.
Thinly wadded and intricately stitched, all-white quilts represent a high point in the development of North Country quilting.
The school has a high point and efficient operation.
His own personal high point was profiling George VI for BBC2's Reputations - although the Thatcher series gained him most attention.
Seeing off the postman is a high point in an affenpinscher's daily routine that is hard to suppress.
The muhly was a definite high point, though, good luck with it!
Year End Wrap Up 2008-Part Two « Fairegarden