How To Use High church In A Sentence

  • I used to have a boyfriend who was a High Church Episcopal seminarian. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • I used to have a boyfriend who was a High Church Episcopal seminarian. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • Other groups sought to promote High Church ritual within Anglicanism .
  • The former cloistral building of the ‘Augustiner-Eremiten’ with its Gothic cloister and its high church room creates an impressive atmosphere.
  • High Church principles, an abandoner of the High Canadian Tory ranks, or anything else the reader may fancy. Canada and the Canadians, Vol. 2
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  • After a leisurely tour of the cathedral and with cricks in the neck from looking up all the time (it's a very high church), we repaired to one of the bistros that line the stone pavement around the church, to have a bite of lunch.
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • The Bishop takes an old-fashioned high church view on divorced clergy.
  • He has three main sets of conclusions: that Elizabeth learned important lessons of statecraft from the bitter failures of her sister Mary's reign, that her attitude to religion was a sincere adherence to what evolved into High Church Anglicanism, and that her attitudes to both marriage and religion were perhaps crucially formed during her residence with her father's last wife and her second husband, Thomas Seymour. November Books 31 and 32) Two books about Elizabeth I
  • Alderman Constantine, a High Churchman, indignant at being passed over by a junior in the contest for the mayoralty, brought the matter before the Council Board, and produced an old by-law by which aldermen, according to their ancientry, were required to keep their mayoralty. The Journal to Stella
  • I swear to God, with my first comment I was going to make a pre-emptive joke about Hector soon arriving with his Crusades/Muslims taking over/abortions/High Church manias, but I decided to avoid rubbing the turd lamp hoping that particular odor would not appear. eric k Says: Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
  • The different pews found there reflect differing forms of worship down the centuries, from high church to non-conformist and back again.
  • A new sofa had been introduced, a horrid chintz affair, most unprelatical and almost irreligious; such a sofa as never yet stood in the study of any decent High Church clergyman of the Church of England. Barchester Towers
  • Indeed, in traditional High Church fashion, they were not ashamed to announce their belief in the divine-right nature of bishops.
  • He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.
  • It's more your cup of tea, as it were, with its High Church ways. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Moreover, some of the riots were incited by local High Church clergy and gentry.
  • Under Anne, High Churchmen became preoccupied with trying to eradicate the practice of occasional conformity.
  • He reminded Latimer of a high church priest he had known in England who had been unfrocked for embezzling the altar fund.
  • The mouths of the High Church pulpiteers were encouraged to open as loud as possible.
  • He continued: ‘Don't just overreact to what charismatics or Roman Catholics or high church Anglicans do.'
  • The High Church ceremonial and the enthusiastic commitment of generations of choristers and choirmen provide a continual source of inspiration and the future is viewed with great enthusiasm.
  • The converted bell chamber is huge, with high churchy windows.
  • And that was in the papal apartments Eduardo Martinez Somalo, the camerlengo, who was one of the key players in this transition period, the cardinal, was in -- the inside the papal apartments, along with several other high church officials and Dr. Renato, who's an (UNINTELLIGIBLE), the pope's physician for the last 26 years. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
  • Its success also contributed to bitter divisions between the high church or catholic grouping and the low church or evangelicals.
  • He withstood the intrusion upon the Honiton corporation by the high churchman Sir Thomas Putt.
  • The Bishop takes an old-fashioned high church view on divorced clergy.

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