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[ UK /ha‍ɪ‍əɹˈɑːkɪkli/ ]
  1. in a hierarchical manner
    hierarchically organized

How To Use hierarchically In A Sentence

  • Ephemeral stream channels are organized hierarchically on the bajada slopes from the mountains to the valley bottoms.
  • The pectoral girdle and forelimb also reveal suites of hierarchically nested morphological novelties supporting the theropod origin of birds.
  • How then are these hierarchically structured linguistic abilities to be characterized?
  • First, all sites operated according to a charge priority system, where non-drug felons, drug felons, non-drug misdemeanants, and drug misdemeanants were prioritized hierarchically.
  • Instead, society was commonly regarded as a series of hierarchically ordered groups, all of whom were expected to fulfil particular roles in order to maintain social harmony.
  • Research on primates reveals that when resources are centrally located, the primate troupe will organize itself hierarchically, with an alpha male taking the leadership and the rest of the troupe deferent to that leadership.
  • The Catholic Church is hierarchically organized; the seal of confession has often been operative in cases of clerical as well as lay miscreancy, and is reinforced by professional clubbiness; and among those who commit themselves to lifelong celibacy, a certain amount of severe psychosexual immaturity is only to be expected. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Instead, society was commonly regarded as a series of hierarchically ordered groups, all of whom were expected to fulfil particular roles in order to maintain social harmony.
  • It tries to produce stereotypes, to define faces and to arrange them hierarchically in space, based on the ontological and utilitarian criteria of representation.
  • What cannot be seen is the hierarchically "zeroth" highest part, the root. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
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