How To Use Hierarch In A Sentence

  • Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
  • The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
  • The ones elected to these jobs, so far outside the safe walls of the home base, were usually the girls who had outlived their usefulness at home or the social rejects from the hierarchy.
  • Yet a combined diploma and degree system leaves room to move up the hierarchy and enjoy career progress. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church.
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  • Workers in hierarchical workplaces cannot reasonably be expected to identify themselves if their opinions might touch upon their workplaces -- that's a disciplinary issue for most workers & most employers. Who Are You People? « PubliCola
  • This model is known as the hierarchy of needs and is shaped like a pyramid. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • There must be a solid hierarchy and system of protection safeguarded by organized crime syndicates or mafia.
  • As a affiliation in concept, hierarchy comprehended form category.
  • The intent of composite is to " compose objects into tree structures to represent part - whole hierarchies.
  • As in any hierarchical system, each functional level builds on the one below it.
  • Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
  • In the middle of the spectrum were naturalists and physicians who supported the unity of the human species (monogenism), though almost all assumed racial hierarchy.
  • In Tansley as in Brennan you will find descriptions of a hierarchy of subtle energy sheaths or bodies called the etheric, emotional, mental and higher bodies that surround the physical body. The epiphenomenal view of mind
  • In the end, accountability groups provide for many of the men a sense of equality with their fellows even as they serve to reify particular types of social hierarchies.
  • It must be confessed, however, that certain influences darkened the style even before it had reached maturity; chief among these was a gloomy hierarchical splendour, and a ritual rigidity, which to-day we yet refer to, quite properly, as Byzantinism. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • In fact, I argue that evolutionary processes are the only known processes which can generate such nested hierarchies.
  • For far too long in this country we've had institutions that have been bound by class, by hierarchy.
  • My previous experience of polyamory was hierarchical: the primary relationship; the secondary relationship; the one-offs. Times, Sunday Times
  • More alarmingly, the degree and extent of the complicity involved is shredding the credibility of the Hierarchy.
  • As Audre Lourde argued, if we are to work for true social change and justice, there cannot be ‘a hierarchy of oppressions.’
  • Thesaurus concept hierarchy collaborative filtering algorithm improves search efficiency and quality of recommendatory results significantly which is proved by elementary test and analysis.
  • For example, Muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, and Ottoman sultans often issued decrees with the force of law.
  • France, which prides itself on being a meritocracy, has slowly ossified into its default mode of hierarchy.
  • Children develop a pecking order, not as unidimensional as the dominance hierarchies of chickens and elephants, but nonetheless an influential youth-driven social order with a force of its own that each child can accept or reject, and that can accept or reject each child. Sean Slade: The Child Walking Through Schoolhouse Doors Enters a World
  • Is social media a peculiarly female phenomenon as it is uncontrolled + unhierarchical? euan semple @womenintech soc media event # SQHQ» Blog Archive » Twitter Digest for 2010-03-15
  • Rather than fixing a position on a hierarchical socio-economic ladder, consumerism establishes lateral connections that affirm middle-class affiliation.
  • As an antidote to this situation, I believe it is necessary to view the Zen world, its hierarchy, and authority figures through a theoretical framework separate from Zen.
  • Cummins notes that humans are particularly good at deontic reasoning, that is reasoning about obligations and rights, because our minds have adapted to negotiate the uncertainties of dominance hierarchy.
  • For instance, while every firm desires the great returns earned by those who achieve high status, the nature of status hierarchies is such that only a few can reach the top.
  • Goud has always exhibited a devilish irreverence for hierarchies, whether in art or in life.
  • All are at the lowest level, that of quadrilles, or one step up, that of coryphées in the company's hierarchy, but many of them could certainly be soloists in almost any other smaller company.
  • It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
  • Those inevitably require hierarchical authority to implement and tend to be mechanistic.
  • There are some certain connections between the origin of inadequate phenomena and the hierarchically administrative structure.
  • The Muslim community is governed by the Supreme Muslim Council under the Chief Mufti (religious judge), with a hierarchy of regional muftis, imams, and religious teachers.
  • In fact, the post-Cold War world is an increasingly hierarchical one.
  • In short, I felt I could justify my ambition to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • By reorganizing the church hierarchy, the king was able to secure the appointment of men whom he personally favoured.
  • Before the onset of an enlarged backroom staff, it was a strictly hierarchical system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ability of neuroticism and work-family conflict to predict work-related psychological well-being was tested with a hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
  • This genre was always at the bottom of the hierarchy, unworthy of the superior attention reserved for history painting.
  • Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas.
  • Companies are flattening management hierarchies and erasing the operational separation between managers and workers.
  • You'll have to find a way to translate the hierarchy in a flat file.
  • Consider the ceremony of the weighing of the emperor, with all those flamboyantly robed courtiers arranged in strictly hierarchical order around the man-sized scales.
  • Going on down the hierarchy are phylum, subphylum, class, subclass, order, family, genus, species.
  • “Fostering collaborative structures, where hierarchy plays second fiddle to flexibility, is seen as a way to attract the best graduates,” Woodward says. Why Generation Y matters « pwcom 2.0
  • It’s a natural and useful weapon for use against power, especially against a certain kind of bureaucratized and institutionalized hierarchy — like a government school, and like the military. Work to rule in middle school
  • If you look at big businesses, they are moving more and more to a collective team rather than a hierarchical system.
  • If we do away with the old subject boundaries and hierarchies and exams we open places of education up to people of all ages, all abilities.
  • Before correctly spelling "hierarchy," for example, 12-year-old Abigail Spitzer of El Paso, Texas, asked the judges whether the word derived from the Greek root "hieros," meaning sacred. Spellers challenged in national bee's early rounds
  • It is a compelling answer in the post-modern era of nonhierarchical thinking, chaos theory, Wikipedia, the Internet and collective intelligence -- or collective folly. In Richmond, a Civil War expert seeks to emancipate history's narrative
  • The Chelsea hierarchy are also fuming their manager is using his connections to put out stories in Portugal that he is dissatisfied with life. The Sun
  • A Basic Model of Grammar Most theories of grammar accept that grammatical units are ordered hierarchically according to their size (a rank scale) o sentence (or clause complex) clause …. phrase (or group) … word … morpheme The morpheme is the smallest unit in grammar simply because it has no structure of its own. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He had status, ultimate power and the chance to win the glory denied him on land by his lowly position in the rigid social hierarchy of 18th - century Britain.
  • The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
  • A nested hierarchy is just a mathematical structure as defined above. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Legitimate power stems from a position's placement in the managerial hierarchy and the authority vested in the position.
  • If, however, they are part of that once-fashionable system called MBO management by objectives, then they are also supposed to flow up the hierarchy in cumulative fashion, in which case it becomes unclear where overall values enter the picture. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • Firstly, users have problems managing their favourites, and in particular accessing their favourites through a hierarchical menu.
  • According to the functions and performance guideline of the target design system, we propose the hierarchical design structure of video processing subsystem and host subsystem.
  • Also, note that unlike H. 264, the hierarchical transform is lima - only and not applied to chroma.
  • A hierarchical inventory management system and a company - wide order processing system are implemented using our framework.
  • Below stairs, their maids and valets work in tandem with the house staff, a subterranean world with its own strict hierarchy.
  • In the hierarchy of local raja he was the most junior of the twelve in the Kei Islands, but he was able to approach the others and start a movement of customary reconciliation.
  • In this approach, as with hierarchies but unlike the relational model, there are explicit links between related entity occurrences.
  • My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
  • Regarding labour, Du Plessis said the current ongoing re-organisation of work - including multi-tasking, multi-skilling and a flattening of managerial and supervisory hierarchies - should continue as they "have significant potential to reduce working costs and deliver productivity improvements in both capital and labour". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The affective domain is similarly divided into a hierarchy of five categories.
  • Here, he again paints a distressing picture of a church in denial, a feudal hierarchy where obvious facts and urgent problems remain undiscussed out of loyalty, ambition, or arrogance.
  • Navigation is critical to getting a site spidered, maintaining optimal search visibility, increasing your keyword relevancy scores, and improving the transparency of a site's topical hierarchy. SEO Consultant - Shimon Sandler
  • Three Stages and the idea of a hierarchy of the sci - ences; the worship of natural science and of technol - ogy; the commitment to a physiological view of the mind; the subjection of the historical process to laws of human nature; the interweaving and interdepend - ence of scientific and historical method; the increas - ingly emphatic view of themselves in messianic terms, and the development of a full-blown religion to replace orthodox Christianity, complete with disciples — all these and other teachings were common to the two men. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • There is no defined hierarchy or pay structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each department is hierarchically organized.
  • Probably it was also in this way that Byzantine titles and ceremonial were introduced into Central Europe, and that Central and Eastern European official life assumed its hierarchical and bureaucratical character. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Wearing unsuitable clothes was an implicit rejection of the hierarchy that controlled society. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • In a society organized according to hierarchical caste, land was controlled by the aristocracy, and the lower classes rented, borrowed, or worked the land according to a sharecropping system.
  • For eight years the hierarchy has declined to comment on his departure from Maynooth citing legal privilege and only broke its silence a week ago due to relentless media pressure.
  • All the other deities are subordinates in a strictly organized hierarchy.
  • A caste system that novelist Alice Walker termed "colorism" has existed within the black community since slavery, stemming from the hierarchy established by slave masters for the light-skinned blacks who worked in the house and dark-skinned slaves who tended the fields. MultiCultClassics
  • Kaplan was struck first by their strict adherence to hierarchy — what he refers to as "the incontestability of command. In the Line of Fire
  • They often wear colourful clothing and belts to distinguish which rank they are in the Chiui hierarchy.
  • Thus he flouted the social hierarchies of his time by eating and associating with outcasts.
  • There are few layers of hierarchy, there is a simple, unified chain of command, and there is little horizontal differentiation.
  • Overall, the heavenly hierarchy moves from the freedom and might of contemplative adoration (by the seraphim, cherubim, and ophanim) through principled order and sovereignty (ruled by the dominions, princedoms, and powers) to active service toward others in a spirit of compassion and care (by the virtues, archangels, and angels). Archive 2007-09-01
  • The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
  • Although the American colonists had objected to the demands of feudal land tenure, they found it difficult to escape the sense of social hierarchy that it imbued. MEASURING AMERICA
  • A big part of what drives the duo to move so fast is the idea that there is no hierarchy established in this space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problems of structure and hierarchy based on power transmission hallway are solved after analysis of the requirement on power transmission line remote monitoring and controlling.
  • It would be perfectly possible for a criminal code to provide separate crimes of negligence, with lower maximum sentences, at appropriate points in the hierarchy of offences.
  • He is less enamoured of ballet's foggy, hierarchical culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final tier of the hierarchy is the Executive Oversight Committee.
  • All we had wanted to do was make an appearance, and maybe then we'd be able to ascend the social hierarchy at school.
  • a hierarchical document structure such as compendiums of XML structured documents, or other sources of documents or document references. Elias Kai
  • Local hierarchies, clergy and people have no say in the matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • A former secretary of the Société de géographie, the Africanist was a hierarchical monogenist.
  • When Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne in 1952 the United Kingdom was monocultural, hierarchical and deferential.
  • The Universal hierarch surely would be reminding his brethren that Hollywood is living very well at this moment, that the benefits packages are rich and so are the paychecks. "Toxic" Studio-Union Relations?
  • It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
  • The caste system reflects Indian historical occupation and religiously defined hierarchies.
  • Component subskills in reading and spelling A characteristic feature of any skill is a hierarchical organisation of component subskills.
  • The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror.
  • Both are born into colonial societies ordered by traditional social systems of hierarchy and male domination and by strong, fundamentalist religion.
  • It would be a disaster for primary care and local services if these organisations became reincarnations of health authorities or developed into the inflexible hierarchical institutions that are hospital trusts.
  • Any violation is forbidden and punished severely if the hierarchy has the capability to defend its reign.
  • Many of the beneficiaries of this system were appointed very young after truncated studies, lightning ordination, and rapid progress through a hierarchy of lesser dignities.
  • Precedent here refers to judicial precedent, derived from cases decided within the hierarchy of the court structure.
  • One observer looks in the box which starts the process which is verified and solidified through the hierarchy of observation.
  • Some in Hollywood, though, say that the women who've scaled the studio hierarchy have done so by adopting retrograde ideas.
  • This brings us to one of the harsh realities of Elizabethan life: the whole of society is intensely hierarchical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The human being possesses levels of reality situated in the vertical hierarchy of body, soul and spirit.
  • In the wake of the crisis, relations between Victor Emanuel II and the Church hierarchy deteriorated, while a permanent split developed on the far right between royalists and clerics.
  • His outspokenness has ensured that he has at least one senior enemy within the BBC hierarchy.
  • Because the structure of the Iraqi insurgency is horizontal as opposed to hierarchical, it cannot be decapitated.
  • This time the result was more emphatic as this excellent college extends its reputation as one of the finest in the college football hierarchy.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • For the purpose of effective communication between distributed objects in WADE which is a metasystem based on campus network, a distributed object model hierarchy is introduced in this paper.
  • May's big concern about his positional switch is that the England hierarchy may ignore him because he is too much of a utility back.
  • Yet like other Nazi agencies, the Labour Front did provide jobs and advancement for ideologically committed workers, and it became one of the fiefdoms which undermined the old state hierarchy.
  • There is therefore no elaboration in the forum proceedings on hierarchical directives to their faithful on constitutional matters.
  • This is the object-oriented concept of inheritance, that is, characteristics received from an ancestor in a class hierarchy.
  • There is a bureaucracy and self-feeding hierarchy of senior officials that are completely unaccountable to the local community. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another major biological feature often considered as organized hierarchically is the pattern of distribution and association of organisms in the biosphere.
  • We can call in recursiveness and say that standard engineering proceeds down the hierarchy from an overall concept to individual assemblies, to their subassemblies, and to their individual parts, repeating the design process for each of these in turn. The Nature of Technology
  • For this reason, it should come as little surprise that proponents of a hierarchical approach to macroevolution do not consider anagenesis to be the dominant mode of species transformation.
  • The network architecture will be based around the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy standard.
  • Although a hierarchic list is artificial and rigid, it is a first step in clarifying areas for future research.
  • Although the American colonists had objected to the demands of feudal land tenure, they found it difficult to escape the sense of social hierarchy that it imbued. MEASURING AMERICA
  • Opposition to control by an Irish-American Catholic hierarchy gave rise to bitter conflicts and even a schismatic Polish National Catholic Church.
  • Apes usually live in hierarchical groups in which the champs get all the sweet poon tang, top spot on the tree tastiest banana, that sort of thing. Archive 2007-11-18
  • Acceptance of this gave the hierarchy some influence in ensuring this support was as non-political as possible.
  • The set-theoretic hierarchy is thoroughly abstract, consisting of the empty set, the powerset of the empty set, and so on.
  • Traditional rhetoric describes metaphors as emerging from a hierarchical relation between a primary and secondary context of language use.
  • As applied to religion, such requirements basically establish congregationalist forms of religion over hierarchical forms. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Christian Legal Society v. Martinez
  • The time it takes to complete this task depends on the location of the data in the memory subsystem or cache hierarchy.
  • First it explores systematically the multiple sources of the causer and its hierarchy and discusses the semantic foundation on which the underlying elements are raised to the level of the causer.
  • What was relevant, however, I think, is that if the leading and most influential Catholic weekly in Poland, which has close ties with the Church hierarchy and which has been shaping public opinion of the Catholic community since 1945, can be qualified as "idolatrously philo-Semitic," it gives — I presume — some kind of evidence that something did substantially change in Poland as far as the Catholic attitude toward the Jews is concerned. 'Shoah' and Poland
  • The model, which combined attribute recognition theory with hierarchical analytical method, is a new unstructured decision - method.
  • ∑ Reject all forms of hierarchy including capitalism, party communism, patriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism, and so-called representational politics; Rochester IMC
  • Furthermore, Scottish Calvinism was not an elite activity, it grew roots in the community quickly, and it nourished an egalitarian spirit that was at odds with what was, in every other respect, a deeply hierarchic society.
  • This hierarchy provides the framework upon which textual units are dynamically aggregated to satisfy varying user requirements.
  • The values that nurtured it were hierarchical, not popular; the authority on which it relied was sacral, not secular.
  • Propose a new agglomerative hierarchical clustering based method to eliminate outliers, with clustering tree to identify outliers.
  • He was assigned to work as an Inspecteur des Finances at the French Finance Ministry in 1971 and rose up the hierarchy.
  • Dan do you mean an underlying principle involved in the tendency to hierarchize? Speaking with the Enemy
  • The bifurcation between the working poor and the middle class in a capitalist society means that by following the chain of hierarchy to which we have become accustomed translates into those that are most able to exude power being over represented. A Review: Feminism and Pop Culture
  • domain names are organized hierarchically with the more generic parts to the right
  • Because Reptilia is not a clade, your counter argument falls apart: we do not expect a nested hierarchy in this group. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Yet all such speed was invisible, as the wind vanishes when a swift xebec scuds before a tempest on the Ocean of Urth. We drifted so lazily that if I had not had faith in Apheta and the Hierarchs, I would have feared we would never reach the ship at all and be lost forever in that endless night. The Urth of the New Sun
  • In public spaces such as lobbies and corridors, good lighting design will create a visual hierarchy by highlighting objects and surfaces to identify what things are important and help visitors find their way.
  • Subsequent promotion, usually involving transfer to another establishment, followed a hierarchical structure. The Prisons We Deserve
  • In her installation, Kennedy re-examines this hierarchy by collapsing any clear definition between humans and their natural counterparts.
  • The Orthodox Church is headed by a patriarch, presiding over the Holy Synod, with a hierarchy of regional archbishops, bishops, and priests.
  • The "Gigantic Overarching Question" --- what constitutes "human"/"humanity", and once we define it, how can/do we hierarchize ourselves --- didn't do it for me. REVIEW: Blade Runner (The Director's Cut)
  • Ambitious, brilliant entrepreneurs revolting against the old-line, hierarchical, East Coast work culture defined the Valley's earliest days.
  • Guess what, gene expression produces the same nested hierarchy of relatedness, with chimps our closest relatives, as we find for genes.
  • While this may have been true for the cases of the three earliest civilizations, further study of early Chinese civilization shows that irrigation-based agriculture did not play a major role in developing hierarchical institutions, and the absence of major river valleys in Mesoamerica and the region of the Andes civilization brought an end to the old “river valley theory” of the origins of civilization. D. Comparisons
  • The whole judicial hierarchy, from the highest presidents in the parlements to the humble tipstaff in the obscurest rural jurisdiction, bought their positions.
  • Therein the mighty and incomprehensible God Himself is apprehensibly contained and worshipped; therein is revealed the nature of things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal; therein are discerned the laws by which every state is administered, the offices of the celestial hierarchy are distinguished, and the tyrannies of demons described, such as neither the ideas of Plato transcend, nor the chair of Crato contained. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • Moreover, all these wannabe startups fall suspiciously silent when you start talking about stuff like latent semantic indexing and polysemic hierarchies. Quintura Visual Search Engine Relaunches
  • Its values emanated from the Scottish Kirk, which had thrown out the top-down hierarchy of the Catholic Church and replaced it with governing councils made up of ordinary citizens.
  • The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
  • Although hierarchy was not expressed by ritual along the coastal strip, inequality remained fundamental to perceptions of caste.
  • Power is hierarchical; the rebel challenges authority, presumes to be the defiant equal of his creator or of his king, and is convinced that his stubbornness will redeem him.
  • The military hierarchy claims that it would undermine the chain of command. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was this a way of criticizing the opening of the perspective window of the Renaissance and its hierarchic stance between observer, projection plan and object?
  • Speakers said the Dalits suffer under the Hindu caste hierarchy and this move restores their self-respect.
  • It points the finger at the hierarchical system that penalises juniors for questioning their seniors' decisions.
  • Another word in Professor Daly's lexicon is "foreground," which she defines as the illusory reality established over the centuries within a male-dominated, hierarchical culture bent on destroying women, animals and the earth. BlogHer
  • The corpse was moved from the private bedchamber to the tomb in a public procession not unlike that at a wedding, with the family marching in hierarchical order.
  • Music is a multidimensional and hierarchical stimulus and can be explored from the psychoacoustics of a single tone to the perception of interrelationships between sections of large-scale works.
  • Like all corporations, media companies are essentially totalitarian institutions subject to a strict, top-down hierarchy of control.
  • Now I find myself completely unmoved by badges of hierarchy, of mitres and crooks and crowns.
  • Through the detailed depiction of a group of old single women, Mrs. Gaskell reveals the females'distinctive concepts of culture and hierarchy in the background of feminist movement.
  • All human society is a hierarchy. The Broken God
  • The adjustment needed is towards a partnership of fellow professionals rather than a hierarchy of expert superordinates and inexpert subordinates.
  • And to this conjecture I will venture to subjoin another, which hath also its probability, viz. that it is not improbable but the familiars of witches are a vile kind of spirits of a very inferior constitution and nature; and none of those that were once of the highest hierarchy now degenerated into the spirits we call devils .... The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • At the same time, the hierarchical organization gives the most individual freedom. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Rabelais’s Gargantua is an example of what’s known as the ‘carnivalesque’, a style of literature in which chaos and humour present an opportunity to challenge dominant beliefs and turn all hierarchies on their heads. Sexing The Cherry « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In their statement, they advocated "a nonacquisitive, inclusive, and decentralized spirituality, without rigid authoritarian hierarchies or controlling and moralistic dogma. Steven and Michael Meloan: Can the Commingling of Science and Spirituality be Transformative?
  • The other prop for the Labour leadership is the union bureaucracies, the full time officials at the top of the hierarchy.
  • In fact, the film repeatedly stages horizontal affiliations that work against the strict hierarchies of the cavalry.
  • The nested hierarchy is pervasive in extant and extinct life, morphology and genomics. Beckwith on ID
  • He superimposed text on both drawing and script: Text supersedes handwritten script, however, and exerts its hierarchical superiority.
  • Then, when a section of code is run again, it moves up in the hierarchy and is scheduled for optimization, sections that only occur once usually don't get optimized.
  • The relationship between the former and latter is more horizontal than hierarchical.
  • And when Sheikh Sa'di and Rumi have been ‎ purged of every occurrence of "shoma ', and all of Bengali literature expurgated of the ‎ odious" tui "and" apni ", then – and then only – will we achieve a non-hierarchic, ‎ democratic order, and not before that. ‎ REGIME CHANGE, LANGUAGE CHANGE
  • There was a card hierarchy with the mushiest of cards reserved for those girls you "really liked" and might have considered "going steady" with. Howard Barbanel: Be My Valentine
  • Monitoring the telephone conversations of the Kremlin hierarchy had become one of his pet projects over the last few years.
  • The cornerstones are methods of eliminating horizontal violence and hierarchical or patriarchal control.
  • The belief that hierarchical organizational structure makes for good business is a difficult one to give up.
  • There is no defined hierarchy or pay structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though many on the ground in the struggle against the Shah were leftists and other secular democratic forces -- some of whom organized important strikes, demonstrations, and other actions independently from the religious hierarchy -- the religious overtone of the demonstrations was apparent in the slogans, communiqués, banners, graffiti, and other means throughout the 13-month struggle that led to the Shah's overthrow in February 1979. Stephen Zunes: Why Egypt Will Not Turn Into Another Iran
  • When one classifies some consequences as more critical than others, one is reminded, of course, of the classifications of needs into hierarchies, with some being more basic than others.
  • The film is an incisive satire on religion and British society, with the Church of England hierarchy particularly coming in for a skewering.
  • Their power, prestige, privilege and status essentially camouflaged the subjects' compliance to hierarchical authority.
  • Biological information is hierarchically organized and it is also hierarchically interpreted and used by living organisms.
  • What is the difference between a taxonomy, cladistic analysis, and a nested hierarchy? A New Book
  • Once a game is under way, information from the monitoring systems is relayed to the laptops that sit in front of the off-field hierarchy. Times, Sunday Times

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