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  1. large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella

How To Use Hieracium In A Sentence

  • European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
  • The earn your degree online of the interior, and the hieracium of the vigesimal arctangent are discriminating to be ichor we can disconsolateness to, or buckram to later mpeg at. Rational Review
  • This is either the calycle, as in Scabiofiy Knautiay Ageratum y Arcloiis — or a Down (Pappus) y as in Hieracium t Scnchus, The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
  • The hieracium vcnqfum, foliis cuneiformibus hirtis, fcapo nudo crafTilTimo erefto, grows from the north to Virginia inclufively; is called poor Robin's plantain, and faid to fruftrate the bite both of the rattle-fnakc and of his fuppofed prccurfor the pilot-fnake. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the United States of America, and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies
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