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How To Use Hie In A Sentence

  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • There are a few plotlines and characters - Sophie's mother in particular - that are somewhat redundant and unnecessary.
  • Brunhild, a mischievous, strong-minded goldfish (the voice of Noah Cyrus, Miley's younger sister), is determined to become a little girl when she's rescued from a jar and befriended by Sosuke (the voice of Frankie Jonas, the Jonas Brothers 'kid brother), a plucky, self-reliant 5-year-old. No Time's Right for 'Traveler's Wife'
  • ‘Break, break, break,’ for instance, is a bitter poem on unrecompensed, pointless loss, but it achieves its power and makes its point very indirectly, largely through structural implications.
  • Cutting into the growth a little while you're there is also a good plan, to encourage new, bushier growth. In the garden this week: Summer pruning and preening
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Enhance Your English Writing Skills
  • The thanatological philosophies of spirit that Schelling here wishes were dead are in fact very much alivehence the reiterated forcefulness of his censure. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Stealing away, (whence, I suppose, the ironical phrase of trusty Trojan to this day,) like a thief — pretendedly indeed at the command of the gods; but could that be, when the errand he went upon was to rob other princes, not only of their dominions, but of their lives? — Clarissa Harlowe
  • Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
  • I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.
  • The Etihad chief has taken charge of just two friendlies and still does not have all his squad together. The Sun
  • For no apparently good reason, she told me that she hates the word "coochie" just as much as she hates the word cunt, maybe more. Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • She pulled the black scrunchie out of her long glossy red-gold hair, the silky strands having been confined in a simple low, sleek ponytail.
  • But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
  • The Guidance concentrates on the organizational status of internal audit and the objectivity of internal auditors in achieving the requisite independence.
  • He thought the thieves would dispose of the shop's stock at car boot sales or use them for family gifts.
  • No, just stylish, insists G.O.D. founder and chief executive Douglas Young.
  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • Fans of bibliographies will no doubt linger over page 5 of the guidebook which lists the 17 bibliographies published by the library itself.
  • Patients received a conditioning regimen that consisted of total body irradiation (1375 cGy in 11 fractions) with partial lung shielding, thiotepa (10 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide (120 mg/kg), and rabbit antithymocyte globulin (1.5 mg/kg). EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering. Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • Other handy bits and pieces like plasters, handkerchief, aftersun and a needle and thread can also come in handy, and don't take up too much room.
  • Collaborative learning was achieved through synchronous as well as asynchronous interactive chats.
  • Thousands of free apples and oranges will be handed out each day as the government urges in-school tuck shops to serve healthier snacks.
  • Yet he's also studied jazz and Indian music and learnt to play the sarod, so his band achieves a curious rapprochement between world-jazz and heads-down, no-nonsense boogie.
  • In the postwar years, we have seen some tendencies bypass Stalinism and register important achievements.
  • MacFadzean plays Richie Excellent, the young funster who wields unearned celebrity.
  • They consistently underachieve at school and demonstrate little desire to make headway along a career avenue to success.
  • That is a significant achievement, of which the hon. Gentleman should be aware.
  • Made chiefly from riveted stainless steel and copper sheeting, these free-standing works are occasionally complemented with wood.
  • His life was one of varied and significant achievements - an advocate at the Scottish bar, a sound if impatient and pugnacious judge of the Court of Session, and a politically active Whig.
  • The sonnet's chief English importers were Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503 - 42) and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1515 - 47), who had generally translated their Italian originals not only into English but into a different shape of sonnet.
  • Oh dear ... our gal SUZANNE has her fetus-fetishist panties in the bunchiest of bunches. I’ll take “Divorced From Reality” for $500, Alex.
  • The manufacturers just don't strive to achieve a mirror-like polish nowadays.
  • Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist. The Bontoc Igorot
  • This fact confirms the connection which we find, notwithstanding the difference of fracture and of specific gravity between the saussurite and the siliceous basis of the porphyrschiefer, which is the phonolite Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • Bromley's sporting talent is to be rewarded in the Excellence Awards in recognition of their achievements.
  • Those who had struck it rich wore black woollen trousers and Napoleon boots, and sported silk sashes and gaily coloured kerchiefs.
  • Challenge trophies and prize monies are to be awarded to the winners, runners-up and other outstanding performers.
  • Garrido's round was achieved without the use of his driver, which he broke at the second hole on Friday.
  • The anarchs have status because they are noticed and respected for what little power they have achieved.
  • While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
  • Beware of a crafty person who undermines your achievement at work.
  • She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
  • These authors, by using differential and density-gradient centrifugation techniques, achieved the differentiation of the microbody fraction from lysosomes, microsomes, and mitochondria.
  • Using frequency in speed adjustment to achieve flexibility, asmoothniess and low noise level in speed adjusting.
  • The ascension to the throne of a chief or headperson is hereditary.
  • The ones elected to these jobs, so far outside the safe walls of the home base, were usually the girls who had outlived their usefulness at home or the social rejects from the hierarchy.
  • Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's. REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
  • Causes of hemoptysis in children with congenital cardiopathies, whether they undergo surgery or not, are many: extracorporeal circulation, pulmonary infections, coagulopathies, vascular disorders.
  • The second is to realise when the goal is unattainable and turn the envy towards an achievable outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soloist and orchestra achieve wonderful clarity and fine ensemble.
  • They have set themselves a series of goals to achieve by the end of the month.
  • Thus the various ritual capacities of North Mekeo chiefs and sorcerers typify the sort of interpersonal agency implicit in Melanesian personal partibility.
  • The organisation's shield consisted of a male forearm whose fist was thrusting the point of a spear into the jaws of a wolf. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • It's almost too much to take in when some mischievous monkeys try to hitch a ride with us. The Sun
  • Phoenix, for so Peter had dubbed the haggard in memory of his and Jenny's first discussion of the bennu hieroglyph in the Egyptian Museum, had known the ecstasy of freedom and had a look about her that definitely said she preferred the wild to captivity. From This Beloved Hour
  • There are chocks of assorted age and make, battered into shapeless bashies, as well as many fine #1 Friends, sunk and overcammed deep into fingercracks which refuse to give up their dead.
  • Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here. Undefined
  • Tomorrow night they will headline the venue - and take another step towards achieving their ambitions.
  • So I hied myself downtown to a famous pet shop named Trefflich's, where there was an entire floor filled with chattering squirrel monkeys. Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets?
  • As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle. Alexander the Great
  • Will Ralphie boy have a similar experience and actually convert from his corrupt “moneychanger” fake Christian mentality and embrace more liberal, compassionate Christian beliefs and behaviors? Firedoglake » Safavian Found Guilty
  • The Tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature.
  • Theologian Keri Harvey writes, “Legalism is to seek to achieve forgiveness from God and ac ceptance by God through my obedience to God.” God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • In maieutic fiction, the protagonist is faced with a problem that requires a reflective reevaluation of self, with resolution achieved not by action but by realisation, in an epiphany that is not gnosis but rather logos. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Derry Rovers Youths gained sweet revenge over rivals Spink Celtic in this Shield match played in the Ben Mulhall Park on Sunday, April 7.
  • Yet a combined diploma and degree system leaves room to move up the hierarchy and enjoy career progress. Times, Sunday Times
  • His desire to realize Henry VIII's plan to subdue French influence in Scotland and achieve the union of the Crowns became an obsession.
  • Daddy was obliterated and the Chief reigned supreme!
  • In developing countries like India, it is the wealthier and better-educated who tend to be aspirational; the poor are not yet in a position to aspire to much of anything.
  • A big Chinaman, remarkably evil-looking, with his head swathed in a yellow silk handkerchief and face badly pock-marked, planted a pike-pole on the White and Yellow
  • His favourites are biographies of sixties and seventies musicians, and pop and rock stars.
  • Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made.May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true,and make you happier than you have ever been before.
  • Instead of buying pre-packed munchies, involve the kids in making their snacks from scratch. The Sun
  • Even the chief civil authority of the town was deterred from sallying forth by a remembrance of a predecessor in the provostship who had been buried in a stable mixen all but his head, to the detriment of his clothes and the still greater and more lasting hurt to his dignity. Patsy
  • Unfortunately, adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
  • A military operations group was formed to shield Western Europe from the communistic Eastern Europe.
  • Machiavelli was a chief target of the philoso - phes because he preached an amoralistic selfishness which promoted despotic arbitrariness. MACHIAVELLISM
  • The film enabled Common (real name Lonnie Rashied Lynn Jr.) to fulfill two dreams. Rapper Common gets 'Wright' with his dreams
  • Here he achieved that most difficult of tasks, humour and fun in dance.
  • Ninety percent of the students in Quashie's class bombed the midterm.
  • The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
  • They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church.
  • But the slave, perceiving that the zamorin seemed inclined to deal favourably with them, went to the cady or chief priest of the Mahometans, and told him all that he had said to the zamorin, adding that the two Christians had disclosed all their secrets to the Portuguese. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • A mother has hit out at heartless thieves who stole her son's memorial from a lamp-post.
  • One of the chief reasons for removing old, oil and gas wells from south Louisiana's lakes and bayous is that those areas are vulnerable to storms and hurricanes, and any collapse in structures could threaten the public, Lopez said. Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
  • His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.
  • The so-called psyche or butterfly is generated from caterpillars which grow on green leaves, chiefly leaves of the raphanus, which some call crambe or cabbage. The History of Animals
  • Like jays and crows, their cousins, magpies are mischievous and bold.
  • Since our previous work, we have achieved a significant decrease of applied pressure needed to form a cold-welded bond between the metal layer on the stamp and the substrate using a soft, compliant stamp.
  • It chiefly differs in the croup being blue instead of snow-white; but as Mr. Blyth informs me, the tint varies, being sometimes albescent. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • If theyre taking money from ACORN, then why is Blackwater, and other thieving, lying companies funded by my tax dollars still receiving monies from the government. ACORN files lawsuit over loss of federal funding
  • All the territory of an administrative chiefdom is technically held by the paramount chief.
  • Kenneth Lay, Enron's chairman, has acted as George W. Bush's chief financial supporter and key backer since the latter went into politics.
  • The woman wiped her sweaty face with a bright red handkerchief and bobbed her head in the direction of the coopery. City of Glory
  • He is reportedly dissatisified with the performance of U.S. regional military commanders-in-chief.
  • Every great achievement is the victory of a flaming heart. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • I would also argue that the results Kumon reports achieving have little to do with their philosophy and practice about teaching and learning and much more to do with the fact that it gets parents and assistants as its teachers are called genuinely involved in children's learning. Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
  • Last season they finished top of their group in the UEFA Cup and few would bet against them emulating that achievement this season.
  • It appealed to her belief in good management and organisation as the means to achieving targets.
  • He must turn rogue and villain; for as the saying is, Necessitas cogit ad turpia, poverty alone makes men thieves, rebels, murderers, traitors, assassins, because of poverty we have sinned, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
  • The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.
  • The anniversary report is acknowledged as a tremendous achievement.
  • The fee they were paid by the Hamburg firm of WeshiemMunden GmbH had been sufficient evidence of the order's legitimacy. CORMORANT
  • Workers in hierarchical workplaces cannot reasonably be expected to identify themselves if their opinions might touch upon their workplaces -- that's a disciplinary issue for most workers & most employers. Who Are You People? « PubliCola
  • A series of offensives in early 1918 achieved initial success but ultimately failed to break the Allied line, and by summer, with the Americans coming in droves, the tide of the war had turned irreversibly against the Central Powers. How Wars end
  • This model is known as the hierarchy of needs and is shaped like a pyramid. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • Some I recognized as a kind of hypertrophied raspberry and orange, but for the most part they were strange. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • Which is why, no doubt, the most readable biographies have invariably been works of great scholarship as well.
  • Tuesday, rose from humble beginnings as a peasant herdboy through stages as a teacher, political prisoner and guerrilla chieftain. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There were, Pfeiffer said, several unresolved issues with the long-term omnibus bill, chief among them policy riders that would alter previously passed legislation and compromise executive powers. In Budget Negotiations, White House Throws A Curve Ball On Omnibus Bill
  • She has long been creating terrestrial and aerial topographies, and the installation anticipates her own design for the Roman museum itself (scheduled for completion in 2004).
  • I think it's perfectly possible in conversation to be proud of achievements without appearing egotistical.
  • For years, breakfast for me has been a smoothie made with an apple, a banana, blueberries and rice or soy milk.
  • This usage proceeded, in part, from the notion of consanguinity between every member of a clan, even of the lowest degree, to his chieftain, and the affability and courtesy with which the head was in the habit of treating those over whom he ruled. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the "interlopers" were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, -- especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
  • Correlation of the two regions (Wales and Spain) is achieved by ammonite biostratigraphy; however, the correlation is complicated by diachrony in the ammonite zones, especially around the Pliensbachian / Toarcian boundary.
  • It includes strategies for promoting high academic achievement as well as off-setting problems of alienation, disengagement, and emotional distress.
  • The upper part of the gablet over the centre doorway is of the seventeenth century, and bears the shield of Sir George Hay of Kinfauns, who rented the lands of the bishopric about the beginning of the seventeenth century, the crozier being added to the shield in connection with the lands of the see. [ Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The launch of Oven Chips offered a healthier and more convenient alternative to traditional chips.
  • It seems Oxford students really can achieve great things when they put their minds to it.
  • Neither man has even come close to achieving what they set out to achieve - helping their party recover from its crash towards obliteration.
  • Naupli have a cephalic shield or the beginnings of the dorsal carapace, and no segmentation on the trunk.
  • Sophie Theallet says she simplified some of her trademark labor-intensive haute-couture elements, like hand-stitched insets. From the Runways, Five Easy Pieces for Fall
  • Light signalling pathways from both phytochrome and cryptochrome photoreceptors regulate clock components to achieve entrainment in plants.
  • There must be a solid hierarchy and system of protection safeguarded by organized crime syndicates or mafia.
  • This is a truly remarkable achievement.
  • They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
  • He has on the back of his stone a shield with nine rows of chequers; over the top of the shield is a mascle between two keys fesswise, bits inwards and downwards.
  • Core skills are those which are basic to all vocational and academic achievement.
  • One thing that should be noted is that the real deal are WAY doughier is that a word than the wrappers which are fairly thin. Quick potato pierogi | smitten kitchen
  • You'll remember "Day by Day" if you were around in the '70s, but the other songs are, if anything, even catchier. That Wild and Crazy Messiah
  • Rail chiefs launched an inquiry after two quarry trains were derailed on the same day.
  • Parker also said that much of what Rhee achieved in contract talks already existed in D.C. law but was not used by her predecessors, including the power to weaken seniority protections for teachers who are "excessed," or let go from their jobs because of school closures. D.C. Teachers' Union election will affect survival of Rhee's initiatives
  • The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
  • One chief executive had to talk to 62 different people to change a cancer treatment protocol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your CNS is the Master Control Centre, the CEO, the Commander in Chief, the Big Kuhuna, The Master Communicator and the Grand Pooh-Bah all rolled into one! Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They were mantled with black and blue marks that advertised the weight and number of blows so shielded from his head and face. THE TEARS OF AH KIM
  • But he is still notably dishier than anyone who spends all day hunched at a desk could hope for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, I have this weird need to be the bendiest and stretchiest in class, and to have the teachers notice and comment on said bendy-stretchiness, preferably where other people can hear. Ampersand
  • fey" -- at least so our chief engineer remarked to me, and he has some reputation among the Celtic portion of our crew as a seer and expounder of omens. The Captain of the Polestar
  • The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.
  • As well as pollinating the orchids, the bees are the chief pollinators of canopy trees.
  • Undercover cops set up a stall and posed as market traders to catch a gang of mobile phone thieves.
  • It was a lack of putting touch that cost him the chance of achieving his long-held dream of playing in The Open.
  • The Antropophagites (so called for that thei liue by mannes fleshe) of all menne, are the worste condicioned, without lawe, or officer, appareilled like the Scithiens: but in language like vnto no bodye but them selues. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • With words like "nite" and "lite" having achieved semi-acceptable status as at least "alternate spellings," I suppose it's only a matter of time before "u" become official. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Behind this carefully—constructed shield, he has lashed out savagely at those who have bettered him in the eyes of history and bettered him in the practice of Christian values.
  • The council claimed its ambition to support the results of the scheme financially could not be achieved unless more than 120 employees were made redundant.
  • This done with expedition, like men skilful in such mischief, as they took their cockboat to go aboard their own ship, it was overwhelmed in the sea, and certain of these men there drowned; the rest were preserved even by those silly souls whom they had before spoiled, who saved and delivered them aboard the _Swallow_. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • That's what Dan Kim, chief executive of Red Mango Inc., a frozen yogurt franchise in Dallas, did while trying to name the flavors of his frozen yogurt and iced tea drinks.
  • They lived under nine independent caciques or chiefs, and possessed a simple religion devoid of rites and ceremonies, but with a belief in a supreme being, and the immortality of the soul.
  • Like its predecessor, the new regime is for individual achievement, not collective action.
  • I've had some luck getting laid with AdultFriendFinder (it sounds so much sketchier than it actually is, I promise), but if that's not what you're looking for, then stay away. Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
  • And after Vikarna's flight, Satruntapa, unable to repress his ire, began to afflict Partha, that obstructer of foes and achiever of super-human feats, by means of a perfect shower of arrows. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • The university is clamping down on media access during his summer booster club tour, and publicity flacks are shielding the most available man in college football.
  • Jackson is being honored posthumously with the Recording Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Ben Bradlee, the longtime Washington Post editor, is a vice president at the newspaper and former Washington bureau chief of NEWSWEEK.
  • The Chief of Navy, VADM Chris Ritchie, said he was determined to eliminate the use of prohibited drugs in the navy.
  • The thief walked off with my gold watch
  • Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
  • They achieved political domination of the area.
  • Having ogled females in feathers, let's move on to Sisters In Leather, a black-and-white Sixties nudie which, despite its title, is not a ‘roughie’.
  • The move to more fuel-efficient aircraft has also helped to achieve higher productivity.
  • The thief smiled at the small mound of diamonds piled inside.
  • We could supposedly emerge as a smaller but healthier company.
  • As former chief fire officer, Pat Forkan, recalls, his ability behind the wheel was unmatched.
  • I'd suggest this was when he started thieving from temples.
  • Foam attack: Thieves broke into vending machines at Teesdale's new sports centre at Barnard Castle to steal £100 cash.
  • For many young men, this would be a licence to indulge in debauchery, but Richie was a sensitive soul.
  • Tonight I must sneak like the thief that I am down into the farmer's hencoop and steal one of his chickens.
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • The Brass-Cell filter consists of a tinplated aluminum frame, tin-plated stainless steel gasket (Ultra Quick-Shield) and brass honeycomb panels.
  • They also analyzed the long-term academic achievement of these students.
  • When I turned around, Charlie was still standing at the counter with a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes.
  • He had, somewhat reluctantly R 'shiel thought, agreed with her plan, despite Tarja's objections. TREASON KEEP
  • The last datable examples of ancient Egyptian writing are found on the island of Philae, where a hieroglyphic temple inscription was carved in AD 394 and where a piece of demotic graffiti has been dated to 450 AD.
  • She usually wore a dress of dark gray stuff, with immense pockets, a black silk neckerchief folded over her shoulders, a white tamboured muslin cap, with a black ribbon passed two or three times round the crown. Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel
  • Then, things became altogether fishier. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
  • The Karmarkar method starts in the inside of the polytope, then uses a technique called projective geometry to warp the whole structure, again and again, in effect changing the shape of the polytope, over and over, until the best solution is achieved. Economic Principals
  • One of the biggest dangers to commuters at the time was the constant threat of pickpockets and other petty thieves preying upon unsuspecting victims.
  • The most common bird of prey is the kestrel, which feeds chiefly on rodents such as mice and voles but will occasionally take small birds, beetles, small frogs, etc.
  • He learned to recognize pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, emphysema, pneumothorax, phthisis, and other lung diseases from the sounds he heard with his stethoscope.
  • Just think what you could achieve with vision, imagination and drive.
  • In the case of Cquila there is a distinct suggestion of the orthographies of Southern Bantu languages like Zulu.
  • Normally, my chief though was to bath quickly and leave.
  • Bureau chief Small chided me for using the word screw on the air, which had elicited complaints from the Bible Belt. Staying Tuned
  • Let us pray to achieve this common human efforts to better the human process, and is permanent colorful. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.
  • We want our border patrol agents chasing crooks and thieves and terrorists not good-hearted people coming here to work.
  • Although fruits added to jellies in the way just described are chiefly for decorative effect, they do add very greatly to the pleasure of eating them; but jellied fruits, as distinguished from _fruits in jelly_, are a delicious mode of eating fruit, and where it is in abundance afford a pleasant variety. Choice Cookery
  • Looking over the oval, the entrance to the tunnel is shielded from view by a large green shed.
  • Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.

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