How To Use Hiding In A Sentence

  • We've moved from imagining a little homunculus lurking in the sperm to one hiding in the genome.
  • Unless you've been hiding under an unfashionable rock for the past year, you'll have the word camel firmly rooted in your fashionista lexicon. Philippa Young: Camel: It Doesn't Matter if You're Black or White
  • A small miracle after the endless hiding.
  • The unpleasant truth is that hiding behind private ownership only hides the fall in value from people who choose not to look.
  • Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.
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  • No days off and telling the world his players were hopeless after another hiding. The Sun
  • They went into hiding in Katlijk, but where betrayed and fusilladed by the German oppressor.
  • Hiding out in or near steamy rivers and swamps in South America east of the Andes from Colombia to Paraguay and also on the island of Trinidad, these semiaquatic serpents are the largest snakes in the world.
  • Ironic, because this is genuinely naked food, stripped bare, revealing all, hiding nothing.
  • The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
  • Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others.
  • Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition. Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
  • Jagang didn't want her slipping out of their snare by hiding in crowds of people, or escaping by pretending to be a lowly washwoman. The Pillars of Creation
  • A dark green southwester curled down around his face, hiding it in darkness. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. The ObamaCare Writedowns
  • You need to kill any insect eggs or fungal spores hiding in the bark. The Sun
  • She lay tangled in her blanket, one arm hiding her face.
  • U.S. intelligence officials think that bin Laden and Zawahiri remain in hiding in Pakistan's rugged and semiautonomous tribal belt where the CIA continues to hunt them. Panetta outlines plan for bin Laden's detention if al-Qaeda leader is captured
  • My pulmonarias have been lovely this year, clumps of frosted leaves and pink and lilac flowers throughout the garden hiding the dying foliage of snowdrops and mingling with forget-me-nots.
  • The clatter of a pheasant call from the field beyond sends the stoat into hiding. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • I wore polo necks a lot of the time, slightly hiding them away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charles Gordon Frazer painted Cannibal Feast to provide an insight into the cannibal civilisations he feared were on the brink of extinction after witnessing the feast while hiding in long grass.
  • Football fans will perhaps be pleased to know that the word huddle, from a Germanic verb to do with “crowding together” could it come from a primeval idea of a group hiding from animals or people, or protecting someone or something from being found or seen by others? The English Is Coming!
  • We stand to get a hiding, but it ought to be exciting anyway.
  • Several blooded animals take this sleep, such as the pholidotes or tessellates, namely, the serpent, the lizard, the gecko, and the river. crocodile, all of which go into hiding for four months in the depth of winter, and during that time eat nothing. The History of Animals
  • The swing style of the jacket is perfect for hiding any lumps and bumps you might have. The Sun
  • How could a person in police uniform hiding their face expect to get respect? The Sun
  • This dog will scare easily and will most probably beat you to the hiding place if an intruder bursts into your home!
  • Someone who seems stand-offish could be hiding their attraction. The Sun
  • It is not known how he came to Europe to mastermind the attacks or if he remained in hiding. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's also just as much about sneaking, stealth, hiding, and disguising.
  • I love my children in ways that can never be put into words, but there is no hiding the fact that they are imperfect creatures, capable of the same pettiness, resentment, and mean-spiritedness that sets us adults to warring.
  • In Washington, Hoyos said that roughly 1,500 rebels are hiding out in Venezuela and he showed fellow diplomats numerous aerial photographs of what he identified as rebel camps on Venezuelan territory. Venezuela Severs Diplomatic Ties With Colombia
  • Despite the rivalry, he insists he is still good muckers with Amis, who he thinks receives an inexplicably hostile press, and Barnes, who he says has been in hiding finishing a novel.
  • Professor Stromm calls for help, hiding out in his vault with his priceless treasures, cowering from the crazy emo teen in the armored underpants. Penance: Relentless #2 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • But next day when the cobbler ventured to criticise the legs, the painter came forth from his hiding-place and recommended the cobbler to stick to the shoes -- advice which in the words of the Latin version of the story also has been adopted as a proverb, _Ne sutor ultra crepidam_ ( "Let not the shoemaker overstep his last"). Little Folks (November 1884) A Magazine for the Young
  • Sally went to her bedroom and pulled her piggy bank from its hiding place the closet.
  • It is not about pussyfooting in the dark nor is it about throwing stones while hiding the hand.
  • Please start hiding malware of viruses in dummy links on google to teach a lesson or something like that. Rupert Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp's websites out of Google, abolish fair use, tear heads off of adorable baby animals - Boing Boing
  • Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
  • He was able to dodge her long enough to make his way to the edge of the forest and darted into the trees, hiding behind one large enough to shield him from view.
  • Many farmers were conscripted into service, while others went into hiding, so food became scarce. Christianity Today
  • To the average western man, who has an aversion to what he considers unsportsmanlike conduct, merely the mention of the word sniper evokes an image of an evil little foreign man sneaking through the jungles of Okinawa picking off the good guys, or of a merciless Viet Cong hiding in a tree waiting for the opportunity to kill a 19-year-old GI from Des Moines or Wichita as he walks patrol at Nha Trang. ONE SHOT-ONE KILL
  • Anyone who works at a law firm will certainly agree that it's a very feudalistic place, and they let you know right away that you are a serf and there is no hiding it.
  • At the same time a national report to the Royal College of Psychiatrists highlighted the fact that British men were the most depressed in Europe, with many hiding their problems in drink, drugs and workaholism.
  • Tagline There's something evil hiding in the woods. The Sun
  • Quite honestly, there's no hiding to be done behind politics.
  • The stone passage was built on a fairly level bit of ground, close to some great loose rocks under which the feline depredator was probably hiding at the time.
  • German police called to a break-in at an apartment in the northern town of Itzstedt found the intruder still on the premises and hiding under a kitchen cabinet.
  • It is understood that the underground passages and beehive shaped chamber were constructed as hiding places or as places of storage or were used for both purposes.
  • Andrew Gregory breaking into the church and hiding jewels in a closet he very likely knew nothing about?
  • A rare albino alligator arrived at the Wild Animal Park yesterday and immediately went into hiding.
  • She was hiding in the bushes at the side of the lane.
  • I have felt as though I have had a good hiding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather was perfect and many species of birds were spotted, including Ireland's smallest bird, the goldcrest, which was lured out of hiding by the playing of a tape of its song.
  • Good hiding places include up a tree, under the stairs or inside a cupboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charm can be a dubious quality, hiding a multitude of sins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or tube-shaped, tomato-sauced cannelloni hiding soft ground veal in their centers. Tom Sietsema on Girasole: A good spot to stop in Virginia's hunt country for good Italian
  • Clouds have rolled on in, hiding the sun, and the insects slowly head for shelter under the leaves before the rain starts to fall and drenches them. Country diary: East Yorkshire
  • Last year, after the hiding from Cork, we got a bit of pride back the way the lads played against Galway in the Park, they went down fighting.
  • As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.
  • And that boy be cockered up much by Mister Dale; and the Papishers went and sat with him and his mother a whole hour t'other day; and that boy is as deep as a well; and I seed him lurking about the place, and hiding hisself under the tree the day the stocks was put up -- and that ere boy is Lenny Fairfield. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • During the weeks of terror that followed, two of the revolutionary leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, went into hiding in Berlin.
  • The Costs for crossrail dropped because of design changes, not massive hidings in the budget, building a station a lot closer to the ground will save massive amounts. Woolwich Crossrail overspend to be paid for by local business tax
  • ALGIERS: Security forces sealed off the medieval Casbah district of Algiers following two murders and reports that an armed group was hiding out in the area, reports said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Everyone has secrets, but hiding your love feelings too well could be holding back a relationship. The Sun
  • The software appeared to be a. sys component hiding behind a rootkit, which is software that is designed to hide the fact that a computer has been compromised, according to Trend Micro. P2pnet World Headlines – April 9, 2009
  • He was discovered hiding in a shed.
  • The art of hiding requires excellent moveability, and none of what you have will qualify.
  • The only prize a churlish young whelp like you should get is a good hiding!
  • She grabbed the top of the blanket I was hiding under and ripped it away.
  • I found the adventurous sox, they were hiding inside the duvet cover.
  • To achieve control, all their harbourages must be found and treated with residual insecticide. Look for small, dark faecal spots or white dots - bedbug eggs - close to hiding places.
  • But of course a lot was being hidden, whoever was doing the hiding.
  • Flash your light around and see if anyone is hiding in here.
  • She scrambled to her feet and ran coltishly past him and over the bridge, hiding her face and calling gaily, "Come on! The Judge
  • What was hiding a bit of evidence compared to clubbing somebody to death with a black cab?
  • Her mind raced, her eyes moving over the possible hiding places.
  • Major islands in the group remain heavily fortified with most soldiers hiding in underground concrete bunkers that snake for miles underneath the surface.
  • After hiding in the hole for several days,the escaped prisoner gave himself up.
  • Unscrewing all of the knobs from the kitchen cabinets and hiding them all over the kitchen is not going to make me more willing to show you what is in the cupboard under the sink. Archive 2006-04-01
  • No more hiding behind complicated accounting fantasy language, no more obfuscating the reality of what misdeeds were going down in the name of business at her company, she wanted the real, plain, unvarnished truth recounted.
  • It pulls us into a life of silence and inactivity, lying and hiding our true fears.
  • Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others.
  • When Paulo is in the bathroom hiding the diamonds, you see the lights turn on, and hear Ben ask “who left the door open”? The Tail Section » Lost 3.15 Left Behind Promo In Divx
  • We spend most of the year hiding from the cold, we are not that comfortable in our bodies, we're reserved, polite, easily embarrassed and we just lack a kind of hungriness and fundamental drive that you need to do consistently well in sport, especially at today's level .... Wimbledon 2010 live blog: 23 June
  • As he went into hiding last night details of his chequered past emerged. The Sun
  • The Evening Press has tried to get answers but the main players are hiding behind a confidentiality clause.
  • He was told by villagers that approximately 10 minutes after the airman had landed, militiamen from the village found him hiding in a bamboo thicket and captured him. Busch, Jon T.
  • The birds were constantly on the move, their quiet and unobtrusive progress hiding very considerable speed.
  • The stitches above and below each eye were covered by sterilised adhesive strips, with gauze dressings hiding everything from view.
  • When dawn came, I saw that my hiding place was no good - I was as exposed as a newborn baby.
  • Many have taken to hiding their garden hoses or to watering plants after dark so that few questions are asked.
  • This lady he pronounced to be a "perfect savage," and added that "she was in the habit of cowhiding any of her slaves whenever she felt like it, which was quite often. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • The thrasher, or red thrush, sneaks and skulks like a culprit, hiding in the densest alders; the catbird is a coquette and a flirt, as well as a sort of female Paul Pry; and the chewink shows his inhospitality by espying your movements like a detective. Bird Stories from Burroughs Sketches of Bird Life Taken from the Works of John Burroughs
  • The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the forest.
  • Many of the paramilitaries are wearing civilian clothes and hiding amongst the population.
  • The clip-clop of Dr. Vraille's shoes drew closer and Parie pressed back against her hiding place.
  • All a rootkit is capable of doing is hiding something from the windows api. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Ha! Sony just earned points…these new ads are awesome.
  • Ever since the late Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or death sentence, against Rushdie for what some Muslims called the blasphemies in his fantasy-filled novel "The Satanic Verses," Rushdie has been in hiding under the protection of Britain's security police. The Stories Never Stop
  • It will be a case of reality-time on Saturday when the Redmen from Grafton travel to Lismore to take a likely hiding from the Greens.
  • If the leper is in hiding, he cannot be operated upon, the necrosis will continue to eat its way up the bone of the leg, and in a brief and horrible time that leper will die of gangrene or some other terrible complication. Chapter 7
  • An information hiding algorithm based on MPEG-4 texture coding was proposed.
  • So why would the army be hiding a man who has been masterminding the attacks? Times, Sunday Times
  • She gripped his hands, his shirt, burying her face in his chest, hiding and laughing at her own reaction.
  • Carmen's head whipped around searching for a remnant of comfort before partially hiding beneath the safety of the flowery, pink bedspread.
  • One of the blasts destroyed the glass doors close to where they were hiding, sending shards flying through the air. The Sun
  • She had even changed her accent, hiding her southern drawl with a British crispiness.
  • This problem is even more pronounced in epic fantasy were the barbarian hero can't swing a two-handed broadsword without hitting an ancient prophecy, a royal heir in hiding, orcs, elves or an epic quest to complete. SF Fanatic: I Am Not A Fan Of Fantasy, Here's Why
  • Do not leave keys within reach of the letter box or in a hiding place outside
  • I think hiding your hoard is worth a post of it's own at a later date. In silver, size does matter
  • He could see the torment hiding beneath the colonel’s calm exterior.
  • Some people were urging the newspapers to drop the word native from their headlines, others found it hard to know what the hiding of the painful truth would do. Cry, the Beloved Country
  • Give him the warren of streets with their hiding places and dolly birds willing to feed and shelter a man for a few quick feels.
  • I stuffed Eva's lace pillow inside, hiding the threads, the lace, and the bonelike bobbins that were swinging like tiny Poe pendulums. 'The Lace Reader'
  • He added that he had gone into hiding for fear of his life.
  • I told Dorothy I would get a hiding for being so late but Dorothy said she would talk to my parents.
  • The law should make it as illegal as hiding assets in bankruptcy. The Sun
  • Compared to Henson's little (girl) michief, the fella you are chiding is a mere novice. Bill Henson Nude Teen Controversy
  • Wednesday afternoon was fun, spent it wandering around with the delicious Tiki and the shameless Danny … there were propositions and comments about helmuts and hiding and and I think blocked the other comments he made due to brain breakage … October 15th, 2004
  • Scotland suffered a humiliating hiding in this international friendly at Hampden Park today.
  • \ "But reducing visual complexity to make things pleasing to the eye by hiding critical information, \" from knowledgeable stakeholders, will certainly increase composition and or \ "structural complexity\", and make it difficult for stakeholders to grasp full understanding. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • - meaning "information hiding" in the general sense, and not necessarily a particular programming mechanism such as polymorphism or some such thing.
  • It amused her to see Jason hiding his cockiness and his belief that she would say yes no matter what he did.
  • Most hoarders have favorite hiding places.
  • Hiding behind humour, he was intensely aware of his inability to produce works of political significance.
  • Unfortunately for his follower, even the shadows did a poor job of hiding him.
  • But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image. Retreat Into Silence
  • Often people begin to see what they want to preserve at the moment that their affair is about to come out of hiding. Esther Perel: An Affair To Remember: What Happens In Couples After Someone Cheats? Part Two
  • Ruth paused to draw breath , her voice barely hiding her excitement.
  • After finding a magical hiding place, she is abruptly dragged back to reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reached under him and cleared away a few large clumps of dirt, leaves, and twigs, and stones, which appeared ordinary but served as a good hiding place for the tunnel entrance.
  • Then as I got older I was soon hiding behind the sofa every time the daleks came on in Doctor Who.
  • We are offering an amnesty to those who are hiding people away illegally. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found a parrotfish hiding in a cave, debris from its diaphanous veil of mucus wafting back and forth with each slight swell.
  • And I prefer to go forth and meet my destiny, not skulk at home in hiding waiting for fate to overtake me. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Even though Newcastle were on the wrong end of a hiding against Leicester last weekend, May repaid Andrew's faith by setting up Newcastle's two tries.
  • The Marine's eyes blazed fiercely, her lips set in a grim line as her hair drifted, hiding the bandages on her face.
  • Hiding a live monkey underneath your blouse and claiming to be pregnant may sound like an amateur attempt at smuggling but American Gypsy Lawson, 29, used that exact method to sneak a drugged rhesus monkey into the US in 2008. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • This outcry is hiding behind 'healthcare' but it is racially motivated and part of the conservatives to make sure Obama does not succeed. GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
  • Like Solzhenitsyn said, if the people lay in wait under staircases with sticks and kitchen knives to waylay the Cheka when they came at night, rather than hiding in their own apartments, they could have made it too costly for the Soviets to imprison and murder so many millions. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Whither Private Property
  • Detectives leading the hunt for the killer believe he may be in hiding.
  • Replacement keeper Matt Sargeant was brought on and striker Joel Rogers sacrificed, but that did not stop Epsom from being on the wrong end of a real hiding.
  • Don't think you can get away with some nasty imitation by hiding the label in that bucket! ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Masquerading his message as a typical tale of lovers spurned and yearned, he fashioned a vitriolic denouncement of his countrymen, people whom he saw as being more capable of lying or hiding than fighting.
  • I peered over the rock which me and Sara were heroically hiding behind to get a good look at the fabled creatures.
  • We revealed cops were even hiding in tractors and horseboxes to catch drivers. The Sun
  • The enormous increase in surveillance has been justified by claims that terrorists are using cryptography, and in particular steganography: the art of hiding information.
  • Any of them could be hiding an explosive device. Times, Sunday Times
  • So listening to the warnings of his friends, he fled into hiding somewhere in the city of London, "a place of retirement and abscondence. English Literature for Boys and Girls
  • Baer promptly did so, hiding behind a cloud of legalese to justify his action.
  • He is definitely hiding something - but is it the foul stench of murder? The Sun
  • The great defender of traditional liturgy could also be its critic when he thought the fog of incense was merely hiding a vacancy at the altar.
  • Inside, the old town wiggles and winds in on itself, a labyrinth of narrow alleys and high walls, hiding dark courtyards.
  • ‘… No,’ Jeremy Orwell said, quickly hiding a piece of paper under his binder.
  • He is still hiding behind the Church as far as I am concerned because they allowed him time to pack up and leave.
  • Silvery fish with scales like pearls and translucent blue fins like moonlight swam through the clear, cold water, hiding underneath duckweed and water-flowers floating above the pond's surface.
  • She knew it was only hiding, burrowing into nooks and crannies in her mind. LOST SUMMER
  • It is not known how he came to Europe to mastermind the attacks or if he remained in hiding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Showering and dressing, still in a dream, we looked with horror out of the window and saw a thick blanket of fog hiding the street.
  • At Hannah's bidding, I fly downstairs barefoot and beg Mr. Hakim to get us one of his mini cabs When I return, I find her standing at the rickety wardrobe, holding my shoulder-bag which has evidently slipped from its hiding place in the rush but not, thank Heaven, my precious copy of J'Accuse! The mission song
  • Hiding in a red sponge I found a little blenny which modelled for me like a professional.
  • I could understand the hiding of certain military secrets.
  • It would be in the upper Rio Branco, in Northern Brazil, though, where Nick, hiding in a pit filming giant expansa terrapins, would see his first jaguar in the wild.
  • A great deal of undesireable legislation and executive decisionmaking is going to happen during this period, hiding in plain sight. Balkinization
  • It is likely that man would have taken advantage of bad weather during these hunts, hiding in dense fog or waiting in areas where animals gathered during a storm.
  • Since his descendants were in hiding, tracing a line of authority became problematical.
  • This is geocaching, a treasure hunt game played worldwide by either hiding an object called a geocache or by trying to find one. Tahoe Daily Tribune - Top Stories
  • Rick in OP, Levin's not "hiding in his office", he's doing the People's work, he was elected to do what he's doing. Fortune: How Carl Levin got Goldman Sachs's goat
  • There are no jobs hiding away in corners, and what jobs there are when you've got little experience and no qualifications are short term minimum wage jobs that may well see you off the dole for a few months before being dumped back. The Guardian World News
  • For example: the scene when Ben and Juliet come to spy on Jack in the hatch at the Pearl station and Paulo is hiding in the bathroom is absolutely mind-blowing. The Tail Section » Top Ten Greatest Episodes Countdown - #3 “Deus Ex Machina”
  • The beast is replaced with a thin, swift reptile that is capable taking sharp corners and hiding inside buildings.
  • Rebecca felt terribly guilty about hiding her relation to David, but she pinched her lips and said not a word.
  • The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
  • When she does this, the child immediately screams and I pull the laryngoscope, no longer needed, from its hiding place and drop it into the pocket of my scrub shirt. Between Expectations
  • Members of the government have also begun to blame the riots on Batyrov, who has been in hiding, as well as others they describe as Uzbek extremists. Both sides in Kyrgyzstan fault government for failing to prevent violence
  • I spun around quickly, hiding the piece of paper behind my back.
  • The act of hiding the food with outspread wings and tail while it eats is called “mantling.” Birdology
  • The octopus to the left was hiding under the shell it's carrying, other juveniles have been found in miter shells.
  • It got more complicated in that men escorting women stood away from the walls to protect the women from getting splashed with mud from passing carriages, but this left them open to being robbed by cutpurses hiding in side alleys.
  • The army sent reinforcements to search for the second and he was found unharmed hiding in a garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • My suspicion is that the java fern, which has nearly taken over the entire tank, may have been hiding bits of detrius -- food, waste, rotten eggs (from the multiple spawnings of the minnows), and any number of other ugliness. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • And even while they were at it, all the guests were waiting for the bridegroom to come out of hiding and put an end to his bachelorhood.
  • My “Democratic” congresswoman is hiding in the corner afraid to say anything on health care because she is a conservative on most issues; by contrast the neighboring district is led by a genuine progressive. Matthew Yglesias » Presidential Opinion Polarization on the Rise
  • There is, after all, no hiding place in pro-celebrity ice dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • But instead of leaving with a fistful of petty cash, he ends up in hospital after a hiding from Rob. The Sun
  • Some soldiers had saved their mounts by hiding them on farms; other horses had been sequestered in countries far and wide.
  • Once, unbeknownst to her, he scooted under her bed and from his hiding place witnessed one of her extraordinary consultations. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • In dread of the Roman soldiery, they returned to the hiding place behind barred doors.
  • For a while, they indulge themselves in the now-desolate consumer's paradise, but a menacing crew of bikers is about to turn their hiding place into the venue for a bloody confrontation with the undead. John Farr: Going Bump in the Night: More Prime Halloween Movie Fare
  • They could have been hiding photos and mementos of her somewhere, but I just wasn't born to be a snoop.
  • Bounding to the bathroom, he rooted through the cabinets, stuffing everything he found into pockets and hiding places in his sweaters and tunic.
  • Tagline There's something evil hiding in the woods. The Sun
  • After the trial, she had to go into hiding for several weeks.
  • Hours later, a farmer feeding cattle three miles south of the town had discovered two men hiding in his barn.
  • Well I finally made it to the other side of the pond - I got myself a flight to Newark and am now hiding out in New Jersey.
  • A slight movement of the curtains showed where she was hiding.
  • As David Corn observes, questioning the intent of major donors who wish to attack candidates while hiding in anonymity is hardly an enemies list. John Wellington Ennis: When Karl Rove Squeals, You're Doing Something Right
  • Ruth paused to draw breath , her voice barely hiding her excitement.
  • The officers said they had received information that the perpetrator may have been hiding out somewhere in and around the city.

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