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[ US /ˈhaɪˌdaʊt/ ]
[ UK /hˈa‍ɪda‍ʊt/ ]
  1. a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws

How To Use hideout In A Sentence

  • The designers designed a terrific pirate galleon and a thrilling Lost Boys' hideout.
  • They learned where guerrilla hideouts were; where the best sites for ambushes or observation stations were; and how the seasons affected the roads.
  • Like the brush hideouts and tree houses of my youth, this will be a secure, cozy little cave with room for only one person and a couple of cats if they choose to come nosing around.
  • Verano was given 10 days to submit a counter-affidavit from the day the CHR-led task force went to Verano’s mountain hideout last week and presented to the cult leader the cases and accusations hurled against him. Charges readied vs Cebu cult leader
  • The islanders said they had survived Cyclone Zoe by fleeing to mountain hideouts along paths their ancestors had used for centuries during cyclones.
  • My son Greg is guarding me in a California hideout from the agents of a pharmaceutical company, etc. Saul Bellow's widow on his life and letters: 'His gift was to love and be loved'
  • He is understood to have moved since to a mountain hideout, where he is leading the guerrilla war. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hideout is clearly visible from the air.
  • Security forces recovered a huge quantity of arms and ammunitions from different hideouts raided during the last 24 hours.
  • Most of the men in the village had also sought protection from the guerrillas, whose hideouts were located in several hilly areas nearby.
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