How To Use Hewn In A Sentence
Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.
Full well it _shewn_, he _thoughten_ coste no sinne.
The Rowley Poems
The rough-hewn boards of the boathouse were grey and weathered.
Like an old stone barn with hand-hewn beams, they were built to last, enduring monuments to craftsmanship and common sense.
The newly hewn steps were too narrow to tread in comfort.

_ It has been shewn by Dr. Priestley and Mr. Ingenhouz that the green matter at the bottom of cisterns, and the fresh leaves of plants immersed in water, give out considerable quantities of vital air in the sun-shine; that is, the perspirable matter of plants (which is water much divided in its egress from their minute pores) becomes decomposed by the sun's light, and converted into two kinds of air, the vital and inflammable airs.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
What followed sounded as if it had been hewn from granite by giants.
Times, Sunday Times
The English were looting the Spanish, transforming the cash gained by selling off their medieval patrimony, and the coal hewn from their provinces, into a truly extraordinary epoch in human culture.
I sat to read at a rough-hewn and sturdy old desk, as the aroma of meat cooking and fire filled the room.
It has its own yoga and massage room hewn from volcanic rock, while the more active can take part in cycling, surfing and photography classes.
Times, Sunday Times
And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times
Beyond is the cemetery -- long, winding galleries hewn out of the solid rock, with recesses on either hand, wherein, tier above tier, lie the revolutionists just as they were laid away by their comrades long years agone.
Chapter 19: Transformation
This flag-staff, though "tall as a mast" -- Mr Atherstone does not venture to go on to say with Milton, "hewn on Norwegian hills," or "of some tall ammiral," though the readers 'minds supply the deficiency -- this mast was, we are told, for "_two strong men_ a task;" but it must have been so for twenty.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
Real Tuscan villas possess a sort of laconic elegance from their relatively unornamented rustic style: the rough hewn here is more of the Home Depot ‘I forgot’ variety.
Still, I found it rough-hewn, lacking in nuance, plowing right through the music without a natural flow.
I wish to acquaint your love in Christ that the very zealous brethren who have been commissioned by your reverence to act for you in this good work have won praise for all the clergy by the amiability of their manners; for by their individual modesty and conciliatoriness they have shewn the sound condition of all.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Dr Stanley's grave is marked by a very impressive piece of rock which I understand was hewn from a site in Matebeland.
Many diced, drank, argued and talked throughout the tavern, mostly on rough-hewn tables and benches that were placed somewhat haphazardly on the sawdust covered floor.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Independence Day (Blog for Democracy)
We rode up the Sinai scarp by the pilgrim's granite-hewn road with its gradient of one in three and a half.
All that remained was rough-hewn altar made of stone.
Beds are set on platforms or suspended from ceilings, bathtubs are hewn from blocks of black granite or pale limestone, and the bare wood floorboards are wide, limed and lacquered.
Their outside walls are constructed of great, roughly hewn stones fitted together without mortar, and the interior space is divided into a series of connected apses.
Each statue was hewn out of hard volcanic material from quarries near the Rano Raraku volcano.
Though the next eruption will likely follow a similar path, thousands of homes, shacks of hand-hewn eucalyptus boards and sheet-metal roofs, have been built directly atop the old flow.
The Swedish meatballs are a charming rendition of the Minnesota classic: nicely rough-hewn balls stand sturdily in their tan gravy, guarding fresh-tasting mashed potatoes and enough lingonberries to make you feel fancy.
The authorities may well have objected to Rembrandt's characterization of the heroic ancestors of the Dutch as rough-hewn conspirators pledging a sword oath to their half-blind leader.
Nestled among shimmering aspens and cottonwoods on 3 secluded, wildflower-dappled acres, this hand-hewn log home serves up a feast for the eyes.
Not just a couple of bowls or a reclaimed teak table, but boats hewn from enormous logs are used as basins and baths.
Times, Sunday Times
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times
Mick Jagger and Dave Stewart provide a virile, rough hewn soundtrack that gives the film an aural authority it barely deserves.
This is not a weak imitation of traditional Southwest architecture, complete with fake vigas (protruding, rough-hewn beams).
They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
The Declaration of Independence
He who first hollowed the trunk of an oak for the purpose of crossing a river did not build galleys; nor did they who piled up unhewn stones, and laid pieces of wood across them, dream of the pyramids.
A Philosophical Dictionary
For when the drastic purges are taken by the mouth, they excite the lacteals of the intestines into retrograde motions, as appears from the chyle, which is found coagulated among the fæces, as was shewn above,
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Constructed with fire retardant cedar roof shingles and exterior walls made of rough-hewn lumber, it is the quintessential ski retreat.
He was a heartfelt romantic who delivered his message in a rough-hewn vernacular.
He is a character hewn from the lower echelons of the Football League.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a Greek open air theatre, the largest in Europe, hewn out of the rock and originally seating 15,000 people.
Pipe was laid, glass was sealed into the window slots, granite was hewn from a Vermont mountain and shipped all the way to its kitchen counters.
Misleading Indicator
In early times the walls were very much thicker, composed of hewn stone, making a kind of casing at each side, called ashlar, the interval being filled with rubble masonry cemented with lime and loam.
Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
Think a rough-hewn, Teutonic White Goddess, about a Romantic masterpiece rather than a Welsh riddle-poem, and you'll have the flavor of this weird knurl of taffy.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
Trees that towered over prairie rivers were transformed into pirogues (hand-hewn canoes for trappers and traders), stockades for early military forts, and vigas or ceiling beams for adobe homesteads.
He accomplishes miracles on this CD, producing a sound of rough-hewn beauty.
It is a "museum of the managed American countryside," preserving the roughhewn log cabin of the mountain pioneer, the summer home of a textile magnate, and traces of early industries such as logging railways and an old canal.
Proposal: A great deal on a New Deal
Please help us celebrate the grace of timber frames, the tactile shapeliness of hand-hewn logs, and the serene experience of soft beams of light filtering through the high ceiling of a gambrel loft.
The stone was instead hewn from the 400m-year-old sandstone rocks around Scone.
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times
This explains the somewhat rough hewn, fetchingly casual nature of his analyses of the game at certain key stages.
A Memorial is being created to Second World War resistance fighters who helped Allied servicemen escape from the Nazis into neutral Spain - hewn out of rock from the same mountains they had to cross to make their getaway.
Avebury had at one time within a great rampart and a fosse, which is still forty feet deep, a large circle of rough unhewn stones, and within this two circles each containing a smaller concentric circle.
Vanishing England
In such a work the library shewn requires what I may term generalised fittings.
The Care of Books
Benatar had a rough-hewn sexuality; John was coquettish and irksomely cute.
These are rough-hewn musicians, concerned less with their appearance than their art, for what else explains the many odd fashion choices and un-coiffed hair.
Her rough-hewn charisma brought in a steady flow of revenue to fund the organizations she created, which were run by members of her immediate family.
The floor was of the bare earth, covered in patches with loose plank of various descriptions, and littered over with billets of "lightwood," unwashed cooking utensils, two or three cheap stools, a pine settee -- made from the rough log and hewn smooth on the upper side -- a full-grown bloodhound, two younger canines, and nine half-clad juveniles of the flax-head species.
Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time
They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set.
His brown hair was tightly curled, his dark eyes snappishly alive in a face that was crudely hewn yet oddly attractive.
Among them are a Roman bridge and a rock-hewn theatre, with nine tiers of seats and an orchestra fifty-seven feet in diameter, also a nymphaeum, an aqueduct, a large prostyle temple with portico and colonnades, and a peripteral temple preceded by a double colonnade.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
I wish the exhibition had been arranged chronologically instead of by theme ( "Landscape Painting as a Science" or "The Rhythm of the Working Hand"): It would have been thrilling to follow the transition from gorgeous anecdotalist to roughhewn mystic.
Give a Painter His Due: Inness Deserves Top Honors
They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set.
No one pretends that for a moment, indeed the sharpness of enemy reprisals will certainly decrease as the Allied poundings itself is magnified, but the sting of the Stuka, the jeer of the Ju. 88, the drone of the Dormer, and the mischief of the Messerschmitt, have all been measured by the flying men of the United Nations, who have once again shewn themselves the salt of the earth.
The Plans Unfold
The 31-room lodge sits right on Lake Superior and is all Scandinavian, with hand-hewn beams, massive stone fireplaces, and guest rooms of high-gloss knotty pine.
Men who were before this age, who kept themselves in soothfastness, and spoke nothing idle, won from GOD what they prayed for: and that was shewn to a holy hermit
The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
All the vital-mines is beginning to sozzle in chewn and the hormonies to clingleclangle, fudgem, kates and eaps and naboc and erics and oinnos on kingclud and xoxxoxo and xooxox xxoxoxxoxxx till
Finnegans Wake
The Great Ocean Road was hewn from the cliffs and forests between 1919 and 1932 by returned soldiers from World War I.
The next day the miraculous body was shewn to the multitude, though it is honestly stated by the chronicler that the whole of it, including the face, was covered with linen, the only flesh visible being through a chink left in the cerecloths at the neck.
Which when they are so great and arduous, that they seem even to call out for help from Heaven, and to exceed all possibility of redress but by the interposal of a miracle, why then miracles come in season, and shall be shewn, as being the rarities and reserves of
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
Accordingly it fell to my lot to assume the appearance of madness, which made greatly for my purpose, as they consider mad men to be holy, and they therefore allowed me to go much more at large than before, until such time as the hermits might determine whether I were _holy mad_, or raging mad, as shall be shewn hereafter.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
His bed of iron is shewn, which is in Rabbath of the children of Ammon, being nine cubits long, and four broad after the measure of the cubit of
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
In January 1504 half of the remaining crew mutinied and departed for Hispaniola, attempting to make the hundred-mile passage in canoes hewn from local timber.
In the centuries that followed, as Buddhism took root in the jungles of Southeast Asia, no lesser architectural wonders were carved from hewn sandstone and granite.
In hand-hewn boats, these brave seafarers paddled their way from distant shores, traversing thousands of kilometres of open sea.
She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self-command to Marianne.
What followed sounded as if it had been hewn from granite by giants.
Times, Sunday Times
Her husband is unemployed and tries to provide for his family by making special picture frames out of roughly hewn pieces of wood with their bark still attached.
To this day it remains filled with placid, crystal waters lapping at the craggy hewn cliffs.
The ceiling is low and the furniture is roughhewn.
Memory Wall
His rough-hewn marble sculptures combine a deep feeling for the inherent beauty of the material with a penchant for subtle allusion.
Someone knocked on the rough-hewn wooden door.
Approximately 80 percent of Afghan marble is exported as rough-hewn blocks and is often reimported, mostly from Pakistan, as higher-value polished marble products for Afghan reconstruction projects.
Matthew Yglesias » The Price of Soldiering
It is a small strongly built square of hewn stone, with a dome covering the solitary hypostyle to the South, and the usual minaret.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Here, placed on one corner of an antique Muslim prayer rug, is a nearly 4-foot-high welded iron tripod, topped by a small round platform complete with a rough-hewn railing.
He is teaching the rough-hewn and poor kids of London's East End, in a school that is considered a dead end for both students and teachers.
There, jutting from the racing waters, stood a dark, jagged stone, not too tall, its rugged jet surface like an unhewn obelisk.
If the mere scene had been shewn without them, I should have prefer'd the view of the evening sky on the water, to the Fairies lamps, their grassless groves, and their publick tables.
Letter 35
Part aristocrat and part rough-hewn soldier, Jackson represented a new kind of politics and a new conception of the presidency.
A rare shot of one of Ypsilanti's earliest pioneers, standing proudly - if somewhat awkwardly - next to his roughly hewn log cabin.
The descent to the shore through these 'bottoms' is in most cases very abrupt, too much so for a cartway, or even a bridle-path; but people can pass up and down without difficulty, by the help of a few rude steps hewn here and there out of the rock.
Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1
Everything from the worn bartop to the shadowy booths in the dim-lit corners of the room was hewn from some unknown dark lumber, no doubt tinted further by the residue of decades of cigarette smoke.
Her reluctant guide through the vast, unforgiving terrain of the Northern Territory is the Drover (Hugh Jackman), a rough-hewn cattleman as rugged as Sarah is refined.
She told her name, and was shewn, by a little shabby footboy, into a parlour.
For a stone unhewn has been set up for Neptune, and diverse other shapes far different from the shapes they conceived of their gods.
Sitting at their rough-hewn wooden table, I watch through the window as their father collects cedar firewood from a jumbled pile near the box-car.
rough-hewn stone
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times
It looked rather like someone had chopped off a tree bough and roughly hewn off all the twigs and leaves.
[Footnote: The term "blockhouse" was loosely used, and was even sometimes applied to an entire fort when constructed of hewn logs, and not of palisades.
A Half-Century of Conflict - Volume II
It is the place to get fishing permits and marriage licenses—and to pick up a quick education in historic joinery: The 18th-century gunstock posts and exposed framing of hewn white oak put sheetrock and two-by-fours to shame.
Town Hall Assembly
She looks so peaceful asleep that the sparkling sidewalk beneath her could be hewn from a cloud.
Fetichism of the African, by the simplest and most shapeless objects, such as unhewn blocks of stone and by simple pillars or pieces of wood.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
Mr Raha, when he was called on to build it, designed a long double-ended whaler, with a wide beam, and a keel hewn from a single log.
Those fields didn't miraculously appear there - they were lovingly hewn from the obdurate landscape by men like Willie Corduff and his ancestors.
In fact, her fantastically sculpted features rather give her the look of something hewn from granite.
Times, Sunday Times
Any rough-hewn edges that may have beset a younger Daniel Johns have clearly been filed away, softening the blow.
The ancients, who by many are thought best to have understood human nature, did not think tears unmanful, or disgraceful to a man of true fortitude; as might be amply shewn, if needful.
A Vindication of Three of Our Blessed Saviour���s Miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus���s daughter, The Widow of Naim���s son, and Lazarus.
All the counsels of Mrs. Arlbery upon this subject occurred to her; and imagining she had hitherto erred from a simple facility, she rejoiced in the accident which had pointed her to a safer path, and shewn her that, in the present disordered state of the opinions of Edgar, the only way to a lasting accommodation was to alarm his security, by asserting her own independence.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
At first they came scatteringly, riding the foaming waves end-on, and sometimes colliding with the stone piers of the bridge with sufficient force to split the unhewn timbers from end to end, some being laid open as neatly as though done with axe and wedge.
Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp or, the Old Lumberman's Secret
But Paisley was hewn from an equally tough working class background, was just as canny, had the best transfer market record, and won the European Cup more times than the rest of them combined.
For it was demanded that that court would meet in their quarters, the room of hewn stone.
Christianity Today
An outcrop of bare rocks jutting out of the hill, hewn into different shapes by eons of wind and rain, appeared like a sculpture gallery of Henry Moore.
A mass of rags in the corner was the communal bed, and the only ornament a rough-hewn crucifix.
In fact, her fantastically sculpted features rather give her the look of something hewn from granite.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether this was the Octateuch of Moses it is neither certain nor much worth our inquiry; for Photius judgeth him a corrupt author: besides that it may be shewn by and by, that there was a twofold Octateuch besides that of Moses.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The statues were hewn out of solid rock.
It is the place to get fishing permits and marriage licenses—and to pick up a quick education in historic joinery: The 18th-century gunstock posts and exposed framing of hewn white oak put sheetrock and two-by-fours to shame.
Town Hall Assembly
Soaring plume prices coupled with a poverty-stricken, rough-hewn populace contributed to a true ‘tragedy of the commons.’
They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set.
Concepts, characters, subplots and themes are wildly thrown into the mix like drunken punches and then abandoned, never to be seen again: A whole city 'hewn from the giant trees of a great forest'!
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
That Iceland's team has been hewn from a nation of just 290,000 people is unlikely to encourage Vogts, who has proved already that overcoming the might of a small fishing community is no formality.
The slightly blurred images reveal her intentionally rough-hewn pentimenti and, ultimately, create a softened, classicized balance.
Constructed with fire retardant cedar roof shingles and exterior walls made of rough-hewn lumber, it is the quintessential ski retreat.
He is a character hewn from the lower echelons of the Football League.
Times, Sunday Times
Anthony returned just before sunrise, collapsing against the rough-hewn doorframe of the shack, scratches and bruises littering pale skin illuminated only by the faintest of pre-dawn light.
a path hewn through the underbrush
And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Another AppSlappy is up!
The road was now a stony, unsurfaced single track that had been hewn out of the sheer mountainside, hundreds of metres above the valley floor.
Then only, it has been shewn, is a state free when it is governed by its own will.
Archive 2009-05-01
Back then, perhaps, the trees grew more thickly in the altitudes, unhewn and unfired.
On the terrace is a swimming pool hewn out of rock.
Times, Sunday Times
At first glance the crevice seemed natural, but then his skilled eye noted that it was just too neat and had been carefully hewn by practiced, adept hands.
Directed by Thomas Kail ( "In the Heights") and based on a book by David Maraniss, an associate editor of The Washington Post, the 90-minute piece is a boilerplate character study that efficiently evokes a roughhewn football life in the mid-1960s, but fails to stir up much in the way of magnetizing drama.
Theater review: 'Time Stands Still' and 'Lombardi' on Broadway
She sat at a square, rough-hewn wooden table on which stood a glass of water, sparkling cold.
Around him ranged three others, all rough-hewn street-fighter types and native Dalreedhites.
(_Philippians_, pp. 171-178) has shewn with great fulness of proof that 'the household of Caesar' was a term embracing a vast number of persons, not only in Rome but in the provinces, all of whom were either actual or former slaves of the
Philippian Studies Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
She's an experienced politician with a rough-hewn style.
The two statues in Bamiyan, 175 and 120 feet tall, are hewn from the side of a mountain.
Sometimes the temple is of small dimensions, as that at Mahavelliopore on the Coromandel Coast which is hewn out of a detached rock; the ground-plan is a quadrangle, and it rises in several stories like a pyramid built in several terraces.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Hand-crafted boats used by Yami fishermen are hewn from 27 pieces of wood.
The working class, especially the immigrant generation, was rough-hewn.
The indulgence shewn by the Public to Evelina, which, unpatronized, unaided, and unowned, past through Four Editions in one Year, has encouraged its Author to risk this SECOND attempt.
It has its own yoga and massage room hewn from volcanic rock, while the more active can take part in cycling, surfing and photography classes.
Times, Sunday Times
The temple of Derr is entirely hewn out of the sand-stone rock, with its pronaos, sekos or cella, and adyton.
Travels in Nubia
For it was demanded that that court would meet in their quarters, the room of hewn stone.
Christianity Today
Spenser, with all his rusty, obsolete words, with all his rough-hewn clouterly verses; yet take him throughout, and we shall find in him a graceful and poetic majesty.
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
The road was now a stony, unsurfaced single track that had been hewn out of the sheer mountainside, hundreds of metres above the valley floor.
From her window she gazed upon the garden below, shewn faintly by the moon, rising over the tops of the palm-trees, and, at length, the calm beauty of the night increased a desire of indulging the mournful sweetness of bidding farewel to the beloved shades of her childhood, till she was tempted to descend.
The Mysteries of Udolpho
Up in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, balls, often roughly hewn and traditionally of applewood, are used to topple skittles that are club shaped.
She's an experienced politician with a rough-hewn style.
Rising vertically from the plains, some of these huge monoliths soar to a height of 400 metres, and the squat buildings on top of each appear to be hewn out of living rock.
Floating on the water was a large raft, made of smoothed logs, fastened together and topped with roughly hewn planks.
Yet it is exactly the rough-hewn side of politics that makes candidates worth watching.
It sat on a George Nakashima sidetable, a rough-hewn slab of walnut burnished to a sheen.
In recent years, the German sculptor has received international acclaim for his rough-hewn, carved-wood figures and animals.
The margin of the road on either side is strewn with fragments of hewn marble, travertine, and peperino.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Henri de la Fontaine Coq, picaresquely amused but looking pale as if he had been badly shaken by the crash, sat watching Dorje, leaning backward against a rough-hewn post that supported a roof beam.
Here it is shewn that ordinary paper would not be damaged by what the Defendants are doing, but only a particular kind of paper, and it is not shewn that there is heat such as to incommode the workpeople on the Plaintiff's premises.
In fact, her fantastically sculpted features rather give her the look of something hewn from granite.
Times, Sunday Times
Tarantia, many-spired capitol of the Hyborian kingdom of Aquilonia lay to the north, Messantia; rough-hewn capitol of Argos lay to the south.
Conan Fan Fiction!
Then came a waste of bog and boulders, and then a long, neat stone wall, well coped with unhewn stone, which announced the vicinity of Father M'Fadden's house, quite the best structure in the place after the chapel and the hotel.
Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (1 of 2) (1888)
Often the fallen boulders were piled so high on the rock-hewn ledges that it took hours to manhandle them out of the way.
They hurried then through endless passages, some smoothly walled and artificially lighted, others rough-hewn in the solid rock, dankly odorous and in Stygian darkness.
"Thia of the Drylands" by Harl Vincent, part 3
Down he went, into the depths of his palace and beyond, to chambers with walls that glowed with a faint pearlescence as though glazed by the hand of a master, chambers hewn from the bowels of the earth by his powers.
Conan The Victorious
I have never met with a man, either in England or America, who hath not confessed his opinion that a separation between the countries, would take place one time or other: And there is no instance, in which we have shewn less judgement, than in endeavouring to describe, what we call the ripeness or fitness of the Continent for independence.
Common Sense
Like its fellow vintage guru predecessors, the record swells with analog warmth, mediating each instrument through its raw, rough hewn reel-to-reel median.
I now leave you with a recipe for this dish, which through hard work and culinary ingenuity catapults a cut of gristled beef from its rough-hewn, lowly beginnings to delectable and iconic heights.
Archive 2007-03-01
Forrest entered a section of the Big House by way of a massive, hewn-timber, iron-studded door that let in at the foot of what seemed a donjon keep.
The Dutch will just have to make do with rough-hewn success.
Every evening, at dusk, a statuesque semi-naked Fijian played on a huge drum, hewn from the trunk of an enormous coconut palm, which was the announcement that dinner was served.
Archive 2009-01-01
For it was demanded that that court would meet in their quarters, the room of hewn stone.
Christianity Today
I am introduced to my shiny, gunmetal grey lobster, pincers waving from a rough-hewn wooden dish.
Best UK Restaurant 2010: The Kitchin, Edinburgh
We then descended 140 metres to the pit bottom and entered roadways hewn out of the rock more than 100 years ago.
It is hewn from local stone, has giant timber beams and large fireplaces, but has no turrets or moats.
After walking through river flats, they hiked up a steep slope strewn with rock rubble toward a structure hewn out of the side of the canyon.
The summit is piled with granite, and out of the rock was hewn 'a warden's or president's chair, seats for the jurors, and a high corner stone for the crier of the court, and a table, 'says Polwhele; and here the' hardy mountain council '-- twenty-four burgesses from each of the stannary towns -- assembled.
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
a house built of hewn logs
Tom Doyle b. 1928 fells cherry, oak and sassafras trees to make his carved, rough-hewn tripartite sculptures, some of which he casts in red and brown patinated bronze.
The Shape of Things
But still the Arno is a mountain stream, and liable to be tetchy and turbulent like all its kindred, and no doubt it often finds its borders of hewn stone not too far apart for its convenience.
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete
Thomas is as much to say as abisme or double, or trenched and hewn, he was an abisme profound in humility, as it appeared in the hair that he wore, and in washing of the feet of the poor people, double in prelation that was in word and in ensample, and hewn and trenched in his passion.
The Golden Legend, vol. 2
Thunder rolled viciously as the six men carried the rough-hewn casket containing the body of the kingdom's youngest princess.
Soderbergh uses three non-professionals, each with remarkable screen presence and roughhewn beauty, to enact an unlikely love triangle/sociological study.
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times
Or, to mix metaphors, the two hunks of bread of this literary sandwich are hewn from his Channel 4 Monarchy series, while the filling is the missing bit: the decidedly untelegenic dark ages.
Crown & Country by David Starkey - review
It shone like a mirrored lakelet of jet; on each side of it arose what at first glance seemed towering bulwarks of the same ebon obsidian; at second, revealed themselves as structures hewn and set in place by men; polished faces pierced by dozens of high, narrow windows.
The Moon Pool
His credulity is shewn by the belief he held, that the name of a place called Ainnit in Sky was the same as the _Anaitidis delubrum_ in Lydia.
Life of Johnson, Volume 2 1765-1776
Zeigler chose rough-hewn wood for the walls so its texture would show up through the paint.
Hewn, so stories avouch, in a mountain's kernel; an hero
Poems and Fragments
They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set.
The Basilica dates from the sixth century and contains forty eight pillars hewn from the while veined stone of the surrounding countryside.
The atmosphere inside the cavern was a disorienting mixture of wet stone, sour egg sulfur and air fresheners placed strategically around the rough-hewn furnishings.
The winds howled their dirge about the rough-hewn stone dwellings huddled under the grim fortress of the Sorcerers who kept watch over the once-great plains of Kal Maros.
No more than six paces square with a floor of hewn wood, to Buccari the hovel was a castle.
Genellan- Planetfall
That extraordinary complex of shrines, churches, chapels and hermitages, hewn from the rock at Lalibela, were designed as an African mirror to Jerusalem.
And thus having shewn, both what ought to be meant by praying by the Spirit, and what ought not, cannot be meant by it; let us now see whether a set form, or this extemporary way, be the greater hinderer and stinter of it: in order to which, I shall lay down these three assertions.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
In the Middle Ages flooring began to be used rough - hewn planks, shaped by broad ax and foot adz.
He proposed to set up there a national fertilising farm to be named OMPHALOS with an obelisk hewn and erected after the fashion of Egypt and to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the fecundation of any female of what grade of life soever who should there direct to him with the desire of fulfilling the functions of her natural.
Burley was hewn from flinty, industrial Ayrshire.