How To Use Hevea In A Sentence

  • A variety of interesting trees occurs in the hill woodlands of the Upper Marmelos and Middle Tapajós Rivers including the dwarf rubber tree, Hevea camporum, the elegant palm, Euterpe longibracteata, the enormous Huberodendron ingens, and rare monotypic Brachynema ramiflorum. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • Schultes had been walking slowly, collecting the odd specimen of hevea and informally surveying the latex-bearing trees along the route. One River
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  • Sometimes it is morphine or the narcotic principle, that characterises the vegetable milk, as in some papaverous plants; sometimes it is caoutchouc, as in the hevea and the castilloa; sometimes albumen and caseum, as in the cow-tree. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • A tropical South American tree (Hevea brasiliensis) widely cultivated throughout the Tropics and yielding a milky juice that is a major source of commercial rubber.
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  • Enduring repeated scrapes with venomous snakes, violent death and horrific jungle-borne diseases, he emerged after weeks of toil with 70,000 hevea seeds, which he carefully dried and packed "between banana leaves to soak up excess oil," Mr. Jackson reports. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • Taking hevea seeds out of the country was not illegal, but Wickham did not want to risk losing valuable time being held up by red tape. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • They depend on it for their livelihood as they collect rubber latex from the Hevea brazilensis trees.
  • He dreamed of cultivating hevea trees outside the Amazon valley. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • The tallest trees that emerge from the canopy include Ceiba pentandra, Terminalia amazonica, Cedrelinga catenaeformis, Carapa guianensis, and Hevea guianensis var. lutea, a type of rubber tree. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • The method enabled the analysis of ionic currents of laticifer protoplasts of Hevea brasiliensis, root hair cells of Medicago sativa and guard cells of several species.
  • Finally in 1895, Henry Ridley, head of Singapore's botanical garden, persuaded two coffee growers to plant two acres (.8 ha) of Hevea trees.
  • The most powerful of the rubber men—Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Paul Litchfield of Goodyear—focused on species of hevea. One River
  • But the best rubber comes from -- from a plant, the hevea tree, which comes from -- which is native to Brazil. Noble Obsession: Charles Goodyear, Thomas Hancock, and the Race to Unlock the Greatest Industrial Secret of the Nineteenth Century
  • By chance the ship had arrived at the perfect time of year, and the silence of the forest at noon was broken everywhere by the sounds of exploding capsules of hevea fruits scattering seeds one hundred feet from the bases of the tall, silvery trees. One River
  • Therefore, the protective enzymes in Hevea brasiliensis seedlings function synergistically in defense of potassium stress in all the organs of young rubber seedlings.
  • Brazil Hevea original wild Amazon in South America, is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asia.

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