How To Use Heterodox In A Sentence
His heterodox beliefs raised doubts about his fitness for high office.
Christianity Today
Simply put, dominant institutions deploy orthodox strategies and subversive institutions rely on heterodox ones.
Newton still had to be cautious about expressing his heterodox religious ideas openly, but he did not, like Descartes, live in fear of sharing Galileo's fate.
Christological question, an attitude whose heterodoxy was shrouded perhaps even from their own eyes in the beginning, by the specious distinction between natural and adoptive sonship; and it was a worthy tribute to the range of his patristic scholarship when Felix, the chief intellectual defender of Adoptionism, after the disputation with Alcuin at Aachen, acknowledged the error of his position.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Had the program been more open to critical and heterodox interpretations, it might have generated more passion among the viewers.

Graham Greene's religious vision is neither heterodox, antinomian, nor driven by predestination.
How very few people are capable of what you call sincere heterodoxy, in morals or religion!
Born in Exile
For it is only when we discover the living link which bound them to the Apostolic Tradition of which they are witnesses, that we shall understand their writings and establish the heterodoxy of some passages, as for instance, the Origenistic apocatastasis in the writings of Gregory of Nyssa.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
There is no evidence in Casey's writings - consisting of his spiritual notebooks and his many letters - that he was in any way heterodox.
Dixwell's views on political economy are probably best described as heterodox.
The limitations of heterodoxy such as those I have described above go some way towards accounting for inertia and stasis.
Its autochthonic ethos is threatened by the paradox of a heterodox dogma of inclusion.
Firedoglake » Puddles Has Problems
Similarly, I have gotten email from people ‘warning’ me that I am dallying with heterodoxy because I don't see a big problem with Harry Potter books and I kinda liked the Matrix.
Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy. She is currently the Barton L.
However, after the Bolshevik revolution, state communism began to dominate the non-social democratic wings of the labour movement at the expense of more heterodox forms of socialism.
The mountains allowed small and often heterodox religious groups to survive, since the mountain inhabitants were relatively isolated and central governments had a difficult time getting hold of them.
Others come from more orthodox religious traditions, readily linking parapsychology with its heterodox metaphysical precursors.
How conscious or seriously pondered was the author's heterodoxy is less clear.
The Times Literary Supplement
The problem of heterodox priests ad-libbing in the liturgy is, I think, more of a matter of discipline, or lack thereof, which can and should be addressed by the bishops in seminary training and for older priests in presbyterial councils.
More from Cardinal Arinze on inculturation and liturgical "updating"
But people with heterodox beliefs were not always poor and persecuted.
Even when they appear to uphold religious traditions, in their hearts, heterodox rabbis, he claims, do not reverence the name of God they pretend to bless.
So that's why they're not highly regarded in Islam(Sentence dictionary), because they're kind of Heterodox .
Rhômaiôn proestôs Biktôr athroôs tês Asias pasês hama tais homorois ekklêsiais tas paroikias apotemnein hôsan heterodoxousas, tês koinês henôseôs peiratai, kai stêliteuei ge dia grammatôn, akoinônêtous pantas ardên tous ekeise anakêruttôn adelphous].
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
Segev’s attempt at heterodox showmanship is shallow.
Matthew Yglesias » 40 Years Later
This poses an uncomfortable dilemma for theologically liberal Christians like those of us you can still find in non-credal or heterodox denominations: Do we have a way to engage in ecumenical dialogue anymore, especially when our denominations are not set up to make truth claims or negotiate them with other denominations?
Philocrites: Anglicans turn UK Unitarians out of cathedral.
Mursell also is attentive to the significance of heterodox texts and figures; the Lollards reveal as much about the English character as Julian of Norwich does.
His overeagerness to prove a ‘scientific’ point has led him to extreme heterodoxy.
Note 11: For a larger view of many dualist heresies, see P. Alphandéry, Les idées morales chez les hétérodoxes latins au début du xiiie siècle, vol. 16, fasc. 1 of the series Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes: Sciences religieuses (Paris, 1903).
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
His Masonic erudition is about as great and as little as his proficiency in Kabbalah; he quotes Carlyle as "an authority," applies the term orthodox to French Freemasonry exclusively, whereas the developments of the Fraternity in France have always had a heterodox complexion, while his tripartite classification of the 33 degrees of that rite and of the
Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
The challengers include two congressmen and a heterodox former Republican senator who stirs strong emotions on both sides of the political fence.
Wright's views are heterodox, to say the least, and as we shall see, are sometimes not even internally consistent.
These heterodox opinions have, in some respects, dogged Evangelicalism ever since.
Although they sponsored a number of bishops whose beliefs were regarded as heterodox, they were not seen as threats to the Church of England as compared to that presented by the Catholic Stuarts.
Heterodoxy is important for scientific advance because new ideas and discoveries have to emerge initially as heterodox views, at variance with established understanding.
For this reason, the Jewish civilization has, over the long years, often been considered something "alien" or even " heterodox ", usually squeezed and assaulted by the host civilization.
He paid no price at the polls for his heterodox views.
It is also showed that these later views foreran themes that were to be emphasized decades later by heterodox economists, particularly the Post Keynesian ones.
To all appearance it was he who began the great literary struggle for the expulsion of heterodoxy (see his [Greek: syntagma kata pasôn tôn gegenêmenôn haireseôn]); but, judging from those writings of his that have been preserved to us, it seems very unlikely that he was already successful in finding a fixed standard for determining orthodox
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
He argues that this ignores the complex interaction between orthodox intellectual culture and heterodox expression.
He simplifies the narrative and is very cautious with the book's many religious heterodoxies.
The Times Literary Supplement
An extreme example of this would be Saudi Arabia where the government eschews the expression “law” for man-made instruments of government and where their validity is determined by the religious authorities (“the Uléma”) although most Muslims would regard the school of Islam adopted by the Saudi Uléma as heterodox.
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To neutralize the risk that these philosophical positions would lead to heterodox beliefs, a decree of the Fifth Lateran Council (Apostolici regiminis, 1513) had made the immortality of the soul a dogma of the Church and had commanded all university professors of philosophy, when lecturing on doctrines that deviated from it, to make every effort to teach the truth of the Christian religion and to refute any philosophical arguments that challenged it.
Pietro Pomponazzi
Hence without the existence of heterodoxy and orthodoxy, collective struggles diminish greatly in importance in traditional societies.
Rousseau had been living in Switzerland, but his heterodox religious views had made him enemies there, nor could he rely on being undisturbed in France.
Simply put, dominant institutions deploy orthodox strategies and subversive institutions rely on heterodox ones.
But, as in the case of the smoother and softer sex, we are convinced that the wand of fashion would presently convert their heterodox anti-barbal prejudices: so, in the case of harder-ware Sheffield, while we hope to live to see razors regarded as antiquarian rarities, (even as a watchman's rattle, or the many-caped coats of the semi-extinct class
The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
Firstly, the book offers a heterodox alternative to orthodox neo-classical thought whilst also describing very self-consciously the core of neo-classical thinking.
The "Acta Pauli" owing to this unfortunate association are suspected of heterodoxy by the more recent authors such as Philastrius (De haeres., 88) and Photius
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Whether you wish to call Orthodox Juaism a separate religion from heterodox Judaism, which denies many of Orthodox Judaism’s most basic beliefs, including the belief in Torah-mi-Sinai and the belief in the Oral Torah, is your affair for reasons of your own.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
He tells us, that he had now read over the two first Centuries of the Ciiurch; and founds that the Eusehian, or commonly called Arian, doc - trine was, for the main, the doctrine of those ages: and, as he thought it a point of duty to communi - cate what he had thus discovered, so Jiis heterodox notions upon the article of the Trinity were now pretty generally known.
Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century: Comprizing Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer ...
Her thinking also shows the impact of the teachings of the heterodox Christian theologian, Origen, who was much admired by her teacher, Henry More.
To his political confession of faith no objections appear to have been made, but the odor of his theological heterodoxy was too strong.
I'd hope that the magazine has remained true to its best liberal, humanist traditions while adhering to the sceptical, heterodox values that journalism in general should aspire to.
Orthodoxy, my lord, is _my doxy_, and heterodoxy is _another man's_ doxy.
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 6