
How To Use Hesitation In A Sentence

  • I must give one instance; he throws doubts and sneers at my saying that the ovigerous frena of cirripedes have been converted into branchiae, because I have not found them to be branchiae; whereas he himself admits, before I wrote on cirripedes, without the least hesitation, that their organs are branchiae. Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
  • Then, all of a sudden rising from her chair, she went over to the jug of roses, which she had placed on the writing-table, bent over the flowers with a kind of perceptible hesitation. and as suddenly came back to her seat. Maurice Guest
  • Both the sexes move so closely that inhibitions and hesitations are a thing of the past now.
  • My grandfather's Purple Heart ," Frank replied with hardly a moment's hesitation. DEVIL'S CLAW
  • Patient Zero is a fast paced read, featuring Joe Ledger, a no-nonsense, no-hesitation fighter who is recruited for the Department of Military Science (DMS) to fight a new threat: a bio-terrorism agent that affects its victims in a way that makes them resemble zombies. Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » April
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  • Everyone bought what was put in the basket without even a second's hesitation.
  • He held himself with a regal bearing, and strode forth without hesitation.
  • I remember my hesitation in front of Anna's hotel door, and the old man barrelling down the corridor towards me. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Referee Clive Owen pointed to the spot without hesitation, to the dismay of the Lismore crowd.
  • The vicar of the parish, Banks, is excessively sentimental about the church and is constantly importuning Stannard with hesitations and objections.
  • Apart from slight hesitations and minor delays from the cinematographer (much to everyone's amusement) they left an indelible impression.
  • There was no uncertainty, no wavering, no hesitation, nor was there any mirth, any pleasure, any satisfaction.
  • after some hesitation he agreed
  • They should be ruled rather by accent than by mere beat, but in no case may there be a line or lines which cannot be read as decasyllabic without difficulty or hesitation.
  • As though in a trance they stood, staring at that white mask with its black eyes and frame of sable hair, paralyzed by hesitation.
  • Do you know," Thorpe began again, with a kind of diffident hesitation -- "do you happen to have formed an idea -- supposing that had been the case -- would she have accepted him? The Market-Place
  • A moment's hesitation allowed another kit to dash in to steal the prize.
  • When we consider the extreme cheapness of books in the United States, and the enormous price of them in this country, the facilities of reading them there, and the difficulty attending it here from the above cause, I have no hesitation in saying, that as a _reading nation_, the Diary in America, Series Two
  • France has instead put forward Valérie Donzelli's cancer drama Declaration of War; Germany has offered Wim Wenders's Pina; Israel has proposed Joseph Cedar's excellent Footnote opening the UK Jewish film festival next month; and Finland has had no hesitation in entering Aki Kaurismäki's Le Havre, even though it is shot in France, in French. Trailer trash
  • In 1861, after some hesitation, he was ordained deacon in the Anglican Church but never chose to advance to full priesthood.
  • As the landing gear was being retracted, he felt a slight hesitation and mild backfire with the left engine.
  • A Cordelier has no hesitation in applying the epithet of blasphemer to a Dominican who says that the Holy Virgin was born in original sin, notwithstanding that the Dominicans have a bull from the pope which permits them to teach the maculate conception in their convents, and that, besides this bull, they have in their forum the express declaration of St. Thomas Aquinas. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Another German "fashion", the way they go about things, could be described as curt, without hesitation, and always adequate. Colorado Headline News
  • There would be no deviation or hesitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a second of hesitation, possibly as Meghan was preparing for another punch, and then a creak and a thud.
  • Without hesitation, the savvy shopper races through the revolving door and picks up sundresses, swimsuits and sandals.
  • I answered that my hesitations stemmed not from a love of money but from an awareness of my inadequacies.
  • Abraham had a penchant for being critical and had no hesitation in publicly chastising his colleagues, regardless of their rank or position.
  • Gavin took the end of the rope and, with an impressive lack of hesitation, disappeared underwater.
  • To those, who are fond of relations of love and courtship, of the hopes and fears of the tender passion, of warm declarations, agitated hesitations, and timid acceptations, the volumes before us will afford a treat; for this regular routine of interesting detail, occurs about eight times, we believe, in the four thin duodecimos in question.
  • For it is clear they would do the same again, both in America and around the world, without compunction or hesitation.
  • Again, hesitation overwhelmed Adam but, out of mechanical instinct, he took the hand.
  • Without any hesitation, I entwine my legs with his and forcefully twist them, knocking him into the third guy there.
  • And, however accurate, such transcripts are never complete, neither indicating the tone in which answers were given, nor the speakers' hesitations, pauses or accompanying gestures.
  • But there was no sign of the hesitation in their play or lack of creativity in attack.
  • An orchestra wants to be told what to do without hesitation or conference and a conductor who involves the orchestra in decision making is perceived to be weak and indecisive.
  • Without hesitation Seal Team Bob bulled into the crowd, tossing dancers to both sides of him.
  • I have no hesitation whatsoever in preferring Mr Bradley's evidence on these matters to Mr Doshi's.
  • Petty Officer Waddell, without hesitation, leaped from the aircraft and, with intense enemy fire hitting all around him, raced back and forth carrying the wounded and dead to the aircraft. Heroes or Villains?
  • Ask her for an opinion, and she'll give it to you without any hesitation or attempts to vacillate.
  • If a particular outfit moves you, then you put your hands together without shame or hesitation.
  • However, as someone who is still studying, I have no hesitation in recommending this book.
  • At last, after a great many hesitations, Zouhra, who is the bravest of them all, ventured to go out with me, buried in the recesses of a brougham, and protected by a very thick kind of mantilla, which after all was hardly any less impenetrable than a _yashmak_. French and Oriental Love in a Harem
  • But perhaps her hesitation was also due in part to another compelling belief, reflected in the venerable tradition of oral storytelling, which assumes repetition to be vivifying.
  • She said she had no hesitation in leaving the race to try to reach him. Times, Sunday Times
  • CJ is given a choice between her job and Danny and she chooses her job without a second's hesitation.
  • In context of Madison's entire hesitation of enumerating any rights because we might gravitate only to those rights enumerated is precisely what has happened. Balkinization
  • A moment's hesitation allowed another kit to dash in to steal the prize.
  • With lots of practice these two easy drills can help you to overcome any hesitation to ski icy slopes.
  • ‘As you know, construction prices are going up and when we went out to tender and the prices came in there was some hesitation in awarding at the price that was quoted,’ he said.
  • Given that both constructions are tenable, I have not the least hesitation in preferring the latter.
  • The producer was Av Westin, who is a staunch male chauvinist, but there was absolutely no hesitation, no objection.
  • Cathryn stood out as someone with a real future in coaching, and we had no hesitation nominating her for the position.
  • The lad was already bare-foot, so without a second's hesitation, Darius leaped and fastened his arms about his knees, achieving the roaring splash of a cannonball.
  • For instance, intentionally misleading readers as to the identity of her sources: other journalists, meanwhile, have no hesitation in dubbing unnamed partisans activists “bipartisan experts”. Bye now « BuzzMachine
  • It comes as little surprise, then, that Ross has no hesitation in recommending that people join a club.
  • While this recognition with respect to hazard is contentious, there is no hesitation to provide intellectual property rights via patents to each new kind of nanoparticle to identify it as "new.
  • After some hesitation she wrote on Skip's note the "scatting" words, _ "Nothing doing" _ and sent it back by the dismal stage doorkeeper. We Can't Have Everything
  • Without hesitation he reached out enfolding his friend in a warm embrace, speaking soothingly.
  • Aristotle displays some hesitation in his discussion of desire and its relation to practical reason in the aetiology of animal action.
  • The voice on the phone from New York is tremulous, unfailingly polite, marked by hesitations and bursts of nervous laughter.
  • Even that mere hesitation in speech, know as stammering, he deems This Simian World
  • She is given a choice between her job and her boyfriend and she chooses her job without a second's hesitation.
  • Walking down the neighborhood's side streets in the middle of the day, prostitutes, drug dealers and dope fiends approach without hesitation.
  • She took it without hesitation and wandered off to serve the other customers.
  • When it was challenged, we had no hesitation in withdrawing it and offering our unreserved apologies which were graciously accepted.
  • Without hesitation, she climbs out and makes her way out into the outer trench right outside.
  • We have always been a contentious people without any hesitation to tear down our leaders.
  • This might be the reason for my hesitation: embarrassment, brought on by a becoming modesty.
  • He seemed suddenly struck with an awful thought, which caused a momentary pallescence in his rosy complexion; and after a brief hesitation, he turned his galloway, and told his companions he should give them good day. Maid Marian
  • Her affection was reciprocated without hesitation.
  • In such a situation the motor consequences of the first idea are blocked; and I may remain for half an hour or more with the two ideas oscillating before me in a kind of deadlock, which is what we call the state of hesitation or deliberation. Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals
  • Like all lumbering communities Dryden did not present a very advanced or refined state of development in that period, and John Southworth, who was a keen and careful observer of men and things in those times in which he participated, used to say in after years that the Dryden farmer, who occasionally took out of his clearing in those days to the county seat of this or an adjoining county with his ox team a load of lumber, or perhaps a cargo of charcoal, or sometimes a few barrels of potash salts leached from the ashes gathered after the burning of his fallow, when he was interrogated by the tradesmen to who he sold his products as to where his home was, would admit with no little hesitation and embarrassment, that he lived "just in the edge of Dryden. Living in Dryden: Developing Dryden, circa 1825
  • There was a slight hesitation in Jamie's voice.
  • Without a moment's hesitation the money was handed to the vendor of Ribston pippins, and away she trudged in high glee at the result of her good luck. The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
  • There was a slight hesitation in Jamie's voice.
  • Nora patted the corner of her mouth slightly with a napkin as she watched him drain the glass of water without hesitation.
  • Without any hesitation for Chesterton, 'Pickwick Papers' is Dickens 'finest achievement, which is a pleasant enough problem if we happen to remember that he also wrote' David Copperfield. ' Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • If only I could have lived in that make-believe world where a mother displayed her affection for her daughter without hesitation.
  • The doorway with no door was always my favorite part of the rules: the sukkah is to be a place where anyone can hear and see what is happening inside and join in without any hesitation. 2009 October « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Wife's face lights up when she sees who I've got coiling in my arms, and she reaches out to take the bullsnake without hesitation. Grouse Diary Entry
  • The enjambment of ‘un/earthly’ comes across not so much as violent or macabre (as the word unearthly might suggest) but again as hesitation.
  • Extremely protective, the birds show little hesitation to dive-bomb those who approach too closely, including people.
  • When these three charges are taken up, there is some hesitation as to the next step: a bordure gules bezanty is used, then a bordure engrailed.
  • Man is always the main contradiction, often in hesitation and longing puzzled, sandwiched a one-way street, the secular, also cannot go back.
  • He was a do-er, not a worrier, one of those people whose instinct is for action without hesitation. HIGH STAND
  • Therefore, without more hesitation, I plunged into the middle way, holding a long ash staff before me, shodden at the end with iron. Lorna Doone
  • He rubs his eyes and slurs his words, and his sentences are peppered with ums and ahs and hesitations.
  • Once in Jedda some Turkish soldiers insulted him, and he without hesitation went in for the whole guard (four men) and licked them all. Three Months in the Soudan
  • Without hesitation, the master blocked the attack with the lid of the pot and sloshed the disciple with the hot soup.
  • I actually think Obama's hesitation to immediately "disown" his former pastor shows backbone and loyalty. Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
  • But as the flowers in this last plant are never strictly umbellate, and as I have met with specimens in which they are rather corymbose, I have no hesitation in referring Dampier's specimen, which many years ago I examined at Oxford, as well as Cunningham's, to Expedition into Central Australia
  • The circumstance of the Niger's flowing towards the east, and its collateral points, did not, however, excite my surprise; for although I had left Europe in great hesitation on this subject, and rather believed that it ran in the contrary direction, I had made such frequent inquiries during my progress concerning this river, and received from negroes of different nations such clear and decisive assurance that its general course was _towards the rising sun_, as scarce left any doubt on my mind; and more especially as I knew that Major Houghton had collected similar information in the same manner. MacMillan's Reading Books Book V
  • 'Euan' with a tripping lack of hesitation -- even with a certain natural tenderness -- The Hidden Children
  • Everyday speech is replete with idiosyncrasies, hesitations and truncated sentences, and pronunciation of a syllable varies not only from individual to individual but even from instance to instance.
  • If you've ever lost yourself in a book, a film or a piece of music, if you've ever travelled abroad on your own, you'll know about that moment of hesitation when you return to find your old life, seemingly unchanged, waiting to engulf you.
  • The lie came without hesitation, as if from another set of nerves and another, glibber mouth. Gorky Park
  • After a moment's hesitation, she nearly shrieked with excitement.
  • Did you just wake up and roll down there and do it, or were there many moments of hesitation or doubt?
  • If, for example, other people come back on to the council and there is an attempt to revert to the previous practices, I will have no hesitation but to move.
  • He had somewhat discomposed even the bishop of Winchester, but the hesitation was only a moment long and the impressive voice rose with authority, calling them peremptorily to prayer, and to the consideration of the grave matters for which they were gathered together. A River So Long
  • This, the squire confessed, with some little hesitation, was a pheasant pie, though a peacock pie was certainly the most authentical; but there had been such a mortality among the peacocks this season, that he could not prevail upon himself to have one killed. 33 33 The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • If any of the techniques don’t seem to be working I’ll have no hesitation in ditching them. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The same only different
  • Whence was this also, that when she had told me this vision, and I would fain bend it to mean, “That she rather should not despair of being one day what I was; ” she presently, without any hesitation, replies: “No; for it was not told me that, ‘where he, there thou also; ’ but ‘where thou, there he also’”? The Third Book
  • Normal speech is a muddle, a mix of sentence fragments and hesitations, repetitions and interruptions.
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • I have little hesitation in preferring the evidence of Mr Knowles and Professor Luckham on this issue.
  • Abraham had a penchant for being critical and had no hesitation in publicly chastising his colleagues, regardless of their rank or position.
  • Umalasi, the independent body that quality assures the exams, was able to declare the results a true reflection of the actual performance of pupils without any hesitation.
  • Without hesitation, I gladly tore it up into many pieces, enjoying each rip and tear of the material as I let the wind blow it away.
  • I asserted that rats were disinclined to move across broken glass under most conditions, but put broken glass between a rat and her babies and she would cross it without hesitation.
  • One instantly recognizes his modulated and finely tuned free verse line, with its meandering parentheses and doubled back hesitations.
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • At Prime Minister's questions, Mr Miliband was accompanied by a fearsome animal with short legs, powerful shoulders and a bulging neck, which we had no hesitation in identifying as a Rottweiler called - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • With some hesitation, but gamely enough, he clambered aboard the swaying ladder and hauled his spherical bulk into the air. ANTI-ICE
  • Not for a moment is there any hesitation or doubt, as these obstacles have been transcended.
  • Without hesitation, he brought the canteen to Joe's lips and trickled some water into his son's mouth.
  • They consummated their passion only after many hesitations and delays.
  • It was not that she showed any hesitation as to the issue, but rather that she seemed to wish not to miss any stage in the gradual reflowering of their intimacy. The Reef; a novel
  • He requested M. Bailly to show him the shield of Scipio, which is in the royal library; and M. Bailly asking him which he preferred, Scipio or Hannibal, the young Prince replied, without hesitation, that he preferred him who had defended his own country. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Wilkinson's piece is a consummate attempt to rise to the challenge of the embarrassment of the manifesto, with a hesitation and a promise for futurity in what he calls a ‘superversive manifesto’.
  • Our speech is not the defined sentences of novels, but the mad collection of hesitations and uncompleted thoughts which we voice.
  • Like all kickers, you have good days and bad days, and I have no hesitation in saying Saturday was obviously a good day, and I enjoyed it.
  • The cabbie walked back to his cab, which stood, engine still stuttering, like a big black hesitation.
  • I reached for my coat, a deep blue dyed with a plant called indigo, and, after a second's hesitation, also took a pair of wool-lined gloves.
  • A loss of nerve can manifest itself in hesitation, but just as often it can show itself in overeagerness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The denominationalist who used to have no hesitation in claiming a monopoly of the truth for his particular Church, now falters where he firmly stood. The Unity of Civilization
  • At my request, one young Chinese woman (reared for most of her life in the United States) wrote the apothegm with only a moment's hesitation.
  • I am indebted to Phillips Kuhl, president of Cambridge Healthtech Institute CHI, for supporting this project without hesitation, along with many other dedicated colleagues at CHI and Bio-IT World, especially Allison Proffitt, Mary Ann Brown, Mark Gabrenya, and Alan El Faye. The $1,000 Genome
  • Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. George Sand 
  • Without any of the missish hesitation or nervousness she'd expected would assail her. Hero Come Back
  • As we shall see in a moment, a similar hesitation can be discerned in Matthew and Luke.
  • Under its auspices, it may be possible to overcome the hesitations of the East, to create that new sense of partnership between the industrialised West and the unindustrialised East which could be of such inestimable benefit to both. The United Nations as a Force for Peace and Prosperity
  • After a moment's hesitation, she heaped straw over the man so no one else would see him.
  • There can be no flubs or hesitations as both men say many lines together, in exact unison, to an unrelenting rhythm.
  • If I were a real die-hard, there'd be no hesitation, I suppose; I don't love any popular icon that much.
  • MICHAELS VASTU TIP: Place a small statue of Ganesh, known as the remover of obstacles in Vedic cultures, on your nightstand to remind you that you are overcoming hesitation and fear of the future. Making Room for Mr. Right
  • I have no hesitation in endorsing the view that everyone in the policymaking process should guard against the selective use of science or other analytical evidence to justify pre-chosen policies.
  • MABERRY: Joe's reactions are based partly on my own views and teachings in martial arts, and on the kinds of reactions and reflexes I've seen in men I've met who work in SWAT and Special Ops. Immediate reaction without hesitation is a prized skill, and very often it's the dividing line between those who can hack it in Special Ops and those who can't. Interview with Jonathan Maberry, author of Patient Zero
  • I have no hesitation in voting a 100% NO when I was informed of his links with the whipless wonders.
  • Vinny Lingham asked me to do it a few weeks back, I said yebo gogo without hesitation.
  • I grabbed it without hesitation and pattered down the hall behind him.
  • "Oh, totally," she replies without hesitation.
  • Some of the papers had no hesitation in providing fictitious quotes. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • Despite the uniforms, even the knowledge of who these men are, they are gunned down without hesitation.
  • As an Eric Clapton fan, I recommend this double album without the slightest hesitation.
  • The Slovakian was overambitious on a number of occasions and might well have been accused of hesitation when an opportunity to settle the issue came his way in the second half.
  • By that electric spark within me, of which thou art the Twin Flame, I ask of thee to send me this one more poor human soul; let me change its unrestfulness into repose, its hesitation to certainty, its weakness to strength, its weary imprisonment to the light of liberty! A Romance of Two Worlds
  • Without hesitation and in a matter-of-fact tone, he said that management was confident that 30 to 40% of branches would comply. Good News For Chinese Banks, Bad News For Reforms
  • Time and again we see that fateful hesitation and the moment is gone, the penalty ungiven, the red card unshown. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were joined by Octave who had no hesitation in telling Andrée the number of strokes he had gone round in, the day before, at golf, then by Albertine, counting her diabolo as she walked along, like a nun telling her beads. Within a Budding Grove
  • The newly-elected students then took solemn oaths to take the school to new heights, fulfil their duties and perform their responsibility without any hesitation.
  • Chanelle replied quickly, a slight hint of hesitation in her voice.
  • What drives them to leave behind all the pleasures of a settled life and make the supreme sacrifice for the nation without even the slightest of hesitations?
  • The glance of cruel meaning which the tyranness, after having examined the lithe, twisted rod critically for an instant, cast upon the object of her malice, probably banished the last lingering hesitation from the breast of the latter, -- who turned away ostensibly to the performance of her accustomed duties, but in reality to settle the details of a crime unsurpassed in coolness and resolution by aught recorded of pirate or highwayman. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • There are several hearty laughs to be had, and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues.
  • The producer was Av Westin, who is a staunch male chauvinist, but there was absolutely no hesitation, no objection.
  • I trust that he will have no hesitation in confirming that he will make every attempt to keep his own expense claims on the taxpayer down to the necessary minimum.
  • The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without hesitation.
  • He added more and more, until he was juggling at least twenty stones without hesitation, perfectly.
  • The best twinsets are versatile enough to allow the wearer to separate them in an instant or conjoin them as designed without hesitation. The Style Checklist
  • What drives them to leave behind all the pleasures of a settled life and make the supreme sacrifice for the nation without even the slightest of hesitations?
  • For it is clear they would do the same again, both in America and around the world, without compunction or hesitation.
  • The captain was hoping for some luck with the toss, and after calling correctly he had no hesitation in reaching for his bowling boots.
  • It is not to be supposed that one could occupy one's self with the animals for so long without coming to some conclusion as to their systematic place, however subsidiary to observation such considerations must always be regarded, and it seems to me (although on such matters I can of course only speak with the greatest hesitation) that just as the more minute and careful observations made upon the old "Vermes" of Linnaeus necessitated the breaking up of that class into several very distinct classes, so more careful investigation requires the breaking up of Cuvier's "Radiata" (which succeeded the "Vermes" as a sort of zoological lumber-room) into several very distinct and well-defined new classes, of which the Acalephae, Hydrostatic Acalephae, actinoid and hydroid polypes, will form one. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • If there was a little hesitation and diffidence as the games began, it soon vanished without a trace, for even the kids who seemed shy, lost their self-consciousness and joined wholeheartedly in the activities.
  • These three removes put a gulf impassable between her utmost skill and the impassioned irresolution of that inscrutable Northern nature which is in nothing so masculine as its feminine reluctances and hesitations, or so little French as in those obscure emotions which the English poetry expressed with more than Gallic clearness, but which the French words always failed to convey. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • But there was no sign of the hesitation in their play or lack of creativity in attack.
  • It is a time of delay and hesitation and restarts.
  • There are several hearty laughs to be had, and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues.
  • My favorite Barney slap is no question when Barney is dressed as a robot and doing his one man show and he starts dancing … Marshall just gets up without hesitation and whacks him. First Look: 'How I Met Your Mother' Thanksgiving episode slaps |
  • She slugged the first drink down smoothly, then without any hesitation she grabbed the other drink and slugged it down too.
  • Jeames's was a very delicate hand; Miss Flouncy admired it very much, and of course he did not defile it by menial service: he had in a young man who called him sir, and did all the coarse work; and Jeames read the morning paper to the ladies; not spellingly and with hesitation, as many gentlemen do, but easily and elegantly, speaking off the longest words without a moment's difficulty. Burlesques
  • Ting showed no hesitation in wanting to fly, of course; nor did Stan and I, with only Pine going subaqua. THE MANANA MAN
  • I would go in the mornings and always find him busy with his studies, and with the inconsiderateness of youth, I felt no hesitation in disturbing him.
  • In the saucer were his friends, comrades, and a superior—he could destroy it, but not without hesitation. ROGUE SAUCER
  • I have never had to employ oak garboards, but I would do it without hesitation should the need arise.
  • Without an instant's hesitation he ran down the steps to the basement entrance in an areaway. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Niger's flowing towards the east did not excite my surprise, for although I had left Europe in great hesitation on this subject, I had received from the negroes clear assurances that its general course was _towards the rising sun_. A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
  • Our speech is not the defined sentences of Novels, but the mad collection of hesitations and uncompleted thoughts which we voice.
  • She pushed it open without hesitation and still clasping my arm, dragged me inside.
  • Even in a court of law the judge accepts my expert witness opinion without adulteration or hesitation, and you are not beyond the courts.
  • He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.
  • After some hesitation, one of them said, in a shy voice: "We're waitin 'for the barrer. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • `We'll head for the winze above their drift," Chance instructed without hesitation, knowing the value of appearing confident. PAINT THE WIND
  • ‘Down, boy,’ said Carl, and Moose obeyed without hesitation.
  • One doctor reaches for a ‘decent dose of warfarin and digoxin no hesitation at all’ to treat patients with atrial fibrillation because of the death of a grandfather.
  • Stalin was of course a secular utopian and materialist, and Applebaum seems to have found no evidence that he ever had any moral scruples or hesitations about the Gulag.
  • Your sardony bears the stain of the Old Republican mind: unfettered liberalism breeding questioning and hesitation when decisiveness is key. I Am Surrounded By Idiots
  • In the village of Dandoli where I saw the market gardens, the mayor admitted without hesitation that the women were the most assiduous in composting. Mali's women face an even tougher future
  • I heard the scarcely audible click of claws on the tiles: a step, then a hesitation.
  • The scene changes to Jana at a frontal view, and she steps forward in hesitation with her hand slightly raised, but she holds her position for a moment and slowly steps back.
  • Without much hesitation, Tama used his psychokinetic forces to lift up the unconscious Akons and throw them into the dark maw of the waiting transmitter The men disappeared in a lightning-like flash, probably to rematerialise almost instantly somewhere on the 5th planet of the system. Blue System
  • Failure to reply with a swift ‘Yes’, even a slight hesitation, was enough to blackball the hopeful candidate.
  • There was no hesitation or doubt for her, and therefore none for the audience.
  • She says that it is a daily occurrence to be invited to engage in cybersex, or to talk dirty, but she rejects these offers without hesitation.
  • She unbosomed to him without hesitation her cares and apprehensions. The Monk
  • But said she took the job after initial hesitation because such a body was long overdue, had a very wide remit and benefited from all-party support.
  • There was a fractional hesitation before he said yes.
  • Goodness knows how many times I've turned the key, waited for the plugs to warm up, started the engine and tootled off merrily without a moment's problem or hesitation.

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